Beispiel #1
def crpsClimoCSGD(shape, obs, mean, pop):
    # average CRPS for climatological CSGD as a function of shape (pop and mean fixed)
    crps = np.zeros(len(obs), dtype='float64')
    Fck = 1. - pop
    cstd = gamma.ppf(Fck, shape)
    fkp1q0 = gamma.pdf(cstd, shape + 1., scale=1.)
    scale = (mean - 0.254 * pop) / (
        shape * (pop + fkp1q0) - pop * cstd
    )  # assumes that precipitation amounts < 0.254 mm are considered zero
    shift = 0.254 - cstd * scale
    penalty = max(
        0.005 - shape * scale - shift,
        0.0)  # penalize shifts that would move most of the PDF below zero
    betaf = beta(0.5, shape + 0.5)
    FckP1 = gamma.cdf(cstd, shape + 1, scale=1)
    F2c2k = gamma.cdf(2 * cstd, 2 * shape, scale=1)
    indz = np.less(obs, 0.254)
    indp = np.greater_equal(obs, 0.254)
    ystd = (obs[indp] - shift) / scale
    Fyk = gamma.cdf(ystd, shape, scale=1)
    FykP1 = gamma.cdf(ystd, shape + 1, scale=1)
    crps[indz] = cstd*(2.*Fck-1.) - cstd*np.square(Fck) \
      + shape*(1.+2.*Fck*FckP1-np.square(Fck)-2*FckP1) \
      - (shape/float(math.pi))*betaf*(1.-F2c2k)
    crps[indp] = ystd*(2.*Fyk-1.) - cstd*np.square(Fck) \
      + shape*(1.+2.*Fck*FckP1-np.square(Fck)-2*FykP1) \
      - (shape/float(math.pi))*betaf*(1.-F2c2k)
    return scale * ma.mean(crps) + penalty
Beispiel #2
def gamma_correction(obs_data,
    obs_raindays, mod_raindays, sce_raindays = [
        x[x >= lower_limit] for x in [obs_data, mod_data, sce_data]
    obs_gamma, mod_gamma, sce_gamma = [ for x in [obs_raindays, mod_raindays, sce_raindays]

    obs_cdf = gamma.cdf(np.sort(obs_raindays), *obs_gamma)
    mod_cdf = gamma.cdf(np.sort(mod_raindays), *mod_gamma)
    sce_cdf = gamma.cdf(np.sort(sce_raindays), *sce_gamma)

    obs_cdf[obs_cdf > cdf_threshold] = cdf_threshold
    mod_cdf[mod_cdf > cdf_threshold] = cdf_threshold
    sce_cdf[sce_cdf > cdf_threshold] = cdf_threshold

    obs_cdf_intpol = np.interp(
        np.linspace(1, len(obs_raindays), len(sce_raindays)),
        np.linspace(1, len(obs_raindays), len(obs_raindays)), obs_cdf)

    mod_cdf_intpol = np.interp(
        np.linspace(1, len(mod_raindays), len(sce_raindays)),
        np.linspace(1, len(mod_raindays), len(mod_raindays)), mod_cdf)

    obs_inverse, mod_inverse, sce_inverse = [
        1. / (1. - x) for x in [obs_cdf_intpol, mod_cdf_intpol, sce_cdf]

    adapted_cdf = 1 - 1. / (obs_inverse * sce_inverse / mod_inverse)
    adapted_cdf[adapted_cdf < 0.] = 0.

    initial = gamma.ppf(np.sort(adapted_cdf), *obs_gamma) * gamma.ppf(
        sce_cdf, *sce_gamma) / gamma.ppf(sce_cdf, *mod_gamma)

    obs_frequency = 1. * obs_raindays.shape[0] / obs_data.shape[0]
    mod_frequency = 1. * mod_raindays.shape[0] / mod_data.shape[0]
    sce_frequency = 1. * sce_raindays.shape[0] / sce_data.shape[0]

    days_min = len(sce_raindays) * sce_frequency / mod_frequency

    expected_sce_raindays = int(min(days_min, len(sce_data)))

    sce_argsort = np.argsort(sce_data)
    correction = np.zeros(len(sce_data))

    if len(sce_raindays) > expected_sce_raindays:
        initial = np.interp(
            np.linspace(1, len(sce_raindays), expected_sce_raindays),
            np.linspace(1, len(sce_raindays), len(sce_raindays)), initial)
        initial = np.hstack(
            (np.zeros(expected_sce_raindays - len(sce_raindays)), initial))

    correction[sce_argsort[:expected_sce_raindays]] = initial
    #correction = pd.Series(correction, index=sce_data.index)
    return correction
    def test_multiple_levels(self) -> None:
        # X is a Gamma random variable, Y takes levels based on X,
        # and W is X with added Gaussian noise. Conditioning on noise increases MI.
        rng = np.random.default_rng(54)
        x = rng.gamma(shape=1.5, scale=1.0, size=2000)
        z = rng.normal(size=x.shape)
        w = x + z

        # The 1e-4 level would cause issues with the continuous-continuous algorithm
        # as it would be picked up in neighbor searches on the y=0 plane
        y = np.zeros(x.shape)
        y[x < 0.5] = 1e-4
        y[x > 2.0] = 4

        uncond = _estimate_semidiscrete_mi(w, y, k=1)
        cond = _estimate_conditional_semidiscrete_mi(w, y, z, k=1)

        # The expected MI is the discrete entropy of Y
        p_low = gamma_dist.cdf(0.5, a=1.5)
        p_high = 1 - gamma_dist.cdf(2.0, a=1.5)
        p_mid = 1 - p_low - p_high
        expected = -log(p_low) * p_low - log(p_mid) * p_mid - log(
            p_high) * p_high

        self.assertLess(uncond, cond - 0.6)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(cond, expected, delta=0.06)
def truncgammaprior_pdf(data, c, scale):
    epsilon = 1e-200
    term2 = (gamma.pdf(data, c, scale=scale, loc=0.0) /
             (gamma.cdf(1.0, c, scale=scale, loc=0.0) -
              gamma.cdf(0.0, c, scale=scale, loc=0.0))) * (data < 1.0)

    return term2 + epsilon
Beispiel #5
def parametrized(a, No):
    sigma = math.sqrt(No / 2)
    p = (9 / 16) * (1 - gamma.cdf(a**2, 1, 0, No)) + (7 / 16) * (
        1 - (gamma.cdf(a**2, 1, 0, No) / 2 + (1 / 2) *
             (1 - 2 * (0.5 - math.erf(a / (sigma) / math.sqrt(2)) / 2)))
    )  #cdf(x, a, loc=0, scale=1)
    return p
    def calc_r_bound(self, logk: float, b_shift: float, pABar: float):
        if logk >= 0.0:
            t = Gamma.ppf(1. - pABar, (self.input_dim + 1) / 2.0)
            print(t, '=>', math.exp(2. * logk) * t)
            pBBar = 1.0 - Gamma.cdf(
                math.exp(2. * logk) * t, (self.input_dim + 1) / 2.0)
            t = Gamma.ppf(pABar, (self.input_dim + 1) / 2.0)
            print(t, '=>', math.exp(2. * logk) * t)
            pBBar = Gamma.cdf(
                math.exp(2. * logk) * t, (self.input_dim + 1) / 2.0)

        # print(f'pABar = {pABar}, pBBar = {pBBar}')
        if pBBar > 0.5:
            margin = norm.ppf(pBBar)**2
            # print(f'margin = {margin}')
            if self.sigma_k > EPS:
                margin -= (logk / self.sigma_k)**2
                assert abs(logk) < EPS
            # print(f'margin - k = {margin}')
            if self.sigma_b > EPS:
                margin -= (math.exp(logk) * b_shift / self.sigma_b)**2
                assert abs(b_shift) < EPS
            # print(f'margin - b = {margin}')
            if margin > 0.0:
                    f'remain r = { self.sigma_b * math.exp(-logk) * math.sqrt(margin) }'
                return self.sigma_b * math.exp(-logk) * math.sqrt(margin)
        return 0.0
Beispiel #7
    def transProb(self, stateFrom, stateTo, inspItvl):
        if stateFrom > stateTo:
            return 0
        stepSize = self.failTsh / (self.nStates - 1)
        #step size for normal states
        degFrom = stateFrom * stepSize
        #degradation lower bound of the state
        degToU = (stateTo + 1) * stepSize
        #degradation upper bound of the state
        degToL = stateTo * stepSize
        #degradation lower bound of the state

        if stateTo >= self.nStates - 1:
            deltaDeg = self.failTsh - degFrom
            prob = 1 - gamma.cdf(
                deltaDeg, self.gammaAlpha * inspItvl, scale=self.gammaBeta)
            deltaDeg1 = degToU - degFrom
            prob1 = gamma.cdf(deltaDeg1,
                              self.gammaAlpha * inspItvl,
            deltaDeg2 = degToL - degFrom
            prob2 = gamma.cdf(deltaDeg2,
                              self.gammaAlpha * inspItvl,
            prob = prob1 - prob2
        return prob
Beispiel #8
def crps_berngamma(y, p, shape, scale):
    #rate = 1/scale
    q = shape * scale
    p1 = gamma.cdf(y, shape, scale=scale)
    p2 = gamma.cdf(y, shape + 1, scale=scale)
    return (2 * p * y * p1 - p * q * 2 * p2 + y * (1 - 2 * p) + p * p * q -
            p * p * q * (1 / math.pi) * sc.beta(shape + 0.5, 0.5))
Beispiel #9
def proposal(dmin, No):
    R = dmin / 2
    sigma = math.sqrt(No / 2)
    p = (1012 / 1024) * (1 - gamma.cdf(R**2, 1, 0, No)) + (12 / 1024) * (
        1 - (gamma.cdf(R**2, 1, 0, No) / 2 + (1 / 2) *
             (1 - 2 * (0.5 - math.erf(dmin / (2 * sigma) / math.sqrt(2)) / 2)))
    )  #cdf(x, a, loc=0, scale=1)
    return p
Beispiel #10
def upper_bound(dmin, No):
    R = dmin / 2
    sigma = math.sqrt(No / 2)
    p = (9 / 16) * (1 - gamma.cdf(R**2, 1, 0, No)) + (7 / 16) * (
        1 - (gamma.cdf(R**2, 1, 0, No) / 2 + (1 / 2) *
             (1 - 2 * (0.5 - math.erf(dmin / (2 * sigma) / math.sqrt(2)) / 2)))
    )  #cdf(x, a, loc=0, scale=1)
    return p
def sum_pools_and_contacts(function, person, all_pools, contact_rates, infectious_period_length,
    transmission_probability, mean_transmission_probability, overdispersion, estimated_mean=None):

    result = 0

    person_id = person["id"]
    age = person["age"]

    # Initialize gamma distribution if necessary
    if overdispersion is not None:
        shape = overdispersion
        scale = mean_transmission_probability / shape
        pdf_tp = gamma.pdf(transmission_probability, shape, scale=scale)
        cdf1 = gamma.cdf(1, shape, scale=scale)
        cdf0 = gamma.cdf(0, shape, scale=scale)

    # Iterate over contact pools this person belongs to
    for pool_type, pools in all_pools.items():
        pool_id = person[pool_type + "_id"]
        if pool_id > 0:
            pool_members = pools[pool_id]
            pool_size = len(pool_members)
            # Iterate over all members in this contact pool
            for member in pool_members:
                member_id = member[0]
                member_age = member[1]
                if member_id != person_id: # Check that this is not the same person
                    # This is for aggregated contacts by age (participants -> contacts -> contact -> age = all)
                    contact_rate1 = contact_rates[pool_type][age]
                    contact_rate2 = contact_rates[pool_type][member_age]
                    contact_probability1 = contact_rate1 / (pool_size - 1)
                    contact_probability2 = contact_rate2 / (pool_size - 1)
                    contact_probability = min(contact_probability1, contact_probability2)
                    # Households are assumed to be fully connected in Stride
                    if pool_type == "household":
                        contact_probability = 0.999
                    if contact_probability >= 1:
                        contact_probability = 0.999

                    # Function to sum over
                    if overdispersion is None:
                        if function == "mean":
                            result += (1 - (1 - (mean_transmission_probability * contact_probability))**infectious_period_length)
                        elif function == "variance":
                            result += ((1 - (mean_transmission_probability * contact_probability))**infectious_period_length) * (1 - (1 - mean_transmission_probability * contact_probability)**infectious_period_length)
                        if function == "mean":
                            result += (1 - ((1 - (transmission_probability * contact_probability))**infectious_period_length) * (pdf_tp / (cdf1 - cdf0)))
                        elif function == "ev": # E[Var(Y | X)]
                            result += ((1 - (transmission_probability * contact_probability))**infectious_period_length) * (1 - (1 - transmission_probability * contact_probability)**infectious_period_length) * (pdf_tp / (cdf1 - cdf0))
                        elif function == "ve": # Var(E[Y | X])
                            result += (1 - (1 - transmission_probability * contact_probability)**infectious_period_length)

    # If we are calculating the variance of the expected value Var(E[Y | X])
    if function == "ve":
        result = ((result - estimated_mean)**2) * (pdf_tp / (cdf1 - cdf0))

    return (person_id, result)
Beispiel #12
 def DiscreteShiftedGammaSIDistr(self, k):
     a = (self.MeanSI - 1) * (self.MeanSI - 1) / (self.sdSI * self.sdSI)
     b = self.sdSI * self.sdSI / (self.MeanSI - 1)
     if k >= 2:
         return k * gamma.cdf(k, a, scale=b) + (k - 2) * gamma.cdf(k - 2, a, scale=b) - 2 * (k - 1) * gamma.cdf(k - 1, a, scale=b) + a * b * (2 * gamma.cdf(k - 1, a + 1, scale=b) - gamma.cdf(k - 2, a + 1, scale=b) - gamma.cdf(k, a + 1, scale=b))
     elif k == 1:
         return k * gamma.cdf(k, a, scale=b) - a * b * gamma.cdf(k, a + 1, scale=b)
     elif k == 0:
         return 0
Beispiel #13
def lower_bound(dmin, No):
    #just the same with upper bound but change the radius and plugin the circumradius
    R = 1.1547  #circum radius
    sigma = math.sqrt(No / 2)
    p = (9 / 16) * (1 - gamma.cdf(R**2, 1, 0, No)) + (7 / 16) * (
        1 - (gamma.cdf(R**2, 1, 0, No) / 2 + (1 / 2) *
             (1 - 2 * (0.5 - math.erf(R / (sigma) / math.sqrt(2)) / 2)))
    )  #cdf(x, a, loc=0, scale=1)
    return p
Beispiel #14
def truncgammaprior_pdf(data, prior, c, scale):
    epsilon = 1e-200
    term1 = prior * (data == 1.0)
    term2 = (1 - prior) * (gamma.pdf(data, c, scale=scale, loc=0.0) /
                           (gamma.cdf(1.0, c, scale=scale, loc=0.0) -
                            gamma.cdf(0.0, c, scale=scale, loc=0.0))) * (data <

    return term1 + term2 + epsilon
def simHawkesOneDay(
    mu: float,
    alpha: float,
    beta: float,
    R0: np.ndarray,
    nrTrainingDays: int,
    day: int,
    cases: np.ndarray,
    config: EMConfig,
    threshold: int = 1e-5,
) -> np.ndarray:
    assert (cases.shape[0] >= nrTrainingDays
            ), "The number of cases does not match the number of training days"
    timestamps = nrTrainingDays + day - np.array(range(nrTrainingDays + day))
    if config.incubationDistribution == "weibull":
        intensity = weibull_min.cdf(timestamps + 0.5, c=2.453,
                                    scale=6.258) - weibull_min.cdf(
                                        timestamps - 0.5, c=2.453, scale=6.258)
        intensity[len(intensity) - 1] += weibull_min.cdf(0.5,
    elif config.incubationDistribution == "gamma":
        intensity = gamma.cdf(timestamps + 0.5, a=5.807,
                              scale=0.948) - gamma.cdf(
                                  timestamps - 0.5, a=5.807, scale=0.948)
        intensity[len(intensity) - 1] += gamma.cdf(0.5, a=5.807, scale=0.948)
    elif config.incubationDistribution == "lognormal":
        sigma = 0.5
        mu = 1.63
        intensity = lognorm.cdf(
            timestamps + 0.5, s=sigma, scale=np.exp(mu)) - lognorm.cdf(
                timestamps - 0.5, s=sigma, scale=np.exp(mu))
        intensity[len(intensity) - 1] += lognorm.cdf(0.5,
    elif config.incubationDistribution == "normal":
        intensity = norm.cdf(timestamps + 0.5, scale=alpha,
                             loc=beta) - norm.cdf(
                                 timestamps - 0.5, scale=alpha, loc=beta)
        intensity[len(intensity) - 1] += norm.cdf(0.5, scale=alpha, loc=beta)
        raise NotImplementedError
    intensity = intensity[intensity > threshold].reshape(-1, 1)
    kernelRange = list(
        range(nrTrainingDays + day - intensity.shape[0], nrTrainingDays + day))
    intensityDay = intensity * np.array(
        R0[kernelRange].T * cases[kernelRange]).reshape(-1, 1)
    intensityDay = np.round(np.sum(intensityDay) + mu)
    # TODO: why here poisson distribution instead of just taking expectation? misschien voor confidence interval
    nrTriggeredCases = np.random.poisson(intensityDay)
    nrTriggeredCases = min(nrTriggeredCases, swissPopulation)
    return nrTriggeredCases
Beispiel #16
def discretized(N = 21):
    """Discretizes the continuous Gamma distribution. Slots of size 1.
        N (int): Max number. By default 21.
        (pandas.DataFrame): Dataframe of x and Px over time.
    probs = []
    for i in range(N):
        P = gamma.cdf(i+1, *continuous()['gamma']) - gamma.cdf(i, *continuous()['gamma'])
    distribution = pd.DataFrame({'x': range(N), 'Px': probs})
    return distribution
Beispiel #17
  def run_all_honest_count(self,thresh):
    In this scenario, everyone is honest and we just mine. 
    We count traffic the amount of traffic generated, and 
    therefore output CSV is different than other methods
    global RANDOMNUM, fd
    public_vals = []
    total_hash_cnt = 0 
    kt_count = 0 #amount of traffic below k*t bound
    smallestk_count = 0  # amount of traffic when proof is among smallest seen (and below k*t)
    both_count =0
    gamma_count = 0 
    max_gamma = 0
    miners = [HONEST]
    mining_power = [1]
    prop_delay = self.theta/600*10
    while (True):
      val= random.getrandbits(self.bits)
      if val<= self.k*

      mempool= [x for x in public_vals if ((total_hash_cnt-x[TIME])>=prop_delay) ]
      los = min([x[PROOF] for x in public_vals]+[2**self.bits])
      val_record = [val,0,los,total_hash_cnt]
      if len(mempool)>=self.k:
        largest = heapq.nsmallest(self.k,mempool)[-1]
        if val < largest[PROOF]:
          smallestk_count +=1
          if val <= self.k*
        smallestk_count +=1
        if val <= self.k*
      gamma_val = gamma.cdf(val,a=self.k,scale=(2**self.bits)/self.theta)
      if gamma_val<=thresh:
      public_block= self.check_for_block(public_vals,0)
      if public_block is not None: #we found a block
        max_gamma = gamma.cdf(public_block[-1][PROOF],a=self.k,scale=(2**self.bits)/self.theta)
        fd.write("%d, %f, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %f\n" % (self.k, thresh, total_hash_cnt, kt_count, smallestk_count, both_count, gamma_count, max_gamma))
Beispiel #18
def precomputeKernelPDF(alpha: float, beta: float, nrTrainingDays: int,
                        config: EMConfig) -> np.ndarray:
    kernelPDF = np.zeros((nrTrainingDays, nrTrainingDays))
    if config.incubationDistribution == "weibull":
        for i in range(nrTrainingDays):
            for j in range(i):
                if i - j == 1:
                    kernelPDF[i, j] = weibull_min.cdf(
                        i - j + 0.5, c=alpha, scale=beta) - weibull_min.cdf(
                            i - j - 1, c=alpha, scale=beta)
                    kernelPDF[i, j] = weibull_min.cdf(
                        i - j + 0.5, c=alpha, scale=beta) - weibull_min.cdf(
                            i - j - 0.5, c=alpha, scale=beta)
    elif config.incubationDistribution == "gamma":
        for i in range(nrTrainingDays):
            for j in range(i):
                if i - j == 1:
                    kernelPDF[i, j] = gamma.cdf(
                        i - j + 0.5, a=alpha, scale=beta) - gamma.cdf(
                            i - j - 1, a=alpha, scale=beta)
                    kernelPDF[i, j] = gamma.cdf(
                        i - j + 0.5, a=alpha, scale=beta) - gamma.cdf(
                            i - j - 0.5, a=alpha, scale=beta)
    elif config.incubationDistribution == "lognormal":
        for i in range(nrTrainingDays):
            for j in range(i):
                if i - j == 1:
                    kernelPDF[i, j] = lognorm.cdf(
                        i - j + 0.5, s=alpha, scale=beta) - lognorm.cdf(
                            i - j - 1, s=alpha, scale=beta)
                    kernelPDF[i, j] = lognorm.cdf(
                        i - j + 0.5, s=alpha, scale=beta) - lognorm.cdf(
                            i - j - 0.5, s=alpha, scale=beta)
    elif config.incubationDistribution == "normal":
        for i in range(nrTrainingDays):
            for j in range(i):
                if i - j == 1:
                    kernelPDF[i, j] = norm.cdf(
                        i - j + 0.5, scale=alpha, loc=beta) - norm.cdf(
                            i - j - 1, scale=alpha, loc=beta)
                    kernelPDF[i, j] = norm.cdf(
                        i - j + 0.5, scale=alpha, loc=beta) - norm.cdf(
                            i - j - 0.5, scale=alpha, loc=beta)
        raise NotImplementedError
    return kernelPDF
def Gamma_CDF_func(x, k, theta):
    k = shape parameter (sometimes called a)
    l = location parameter
    theta = scale parameter (related to the rate b=1/theta)
    return gamma.cdf(x, k, loc=1., scale=theta)
Beispiel #20
    def sample_training_points(self, thetas_per_batch, samples_per_theta):

        # sample thetas
        thetas = np.random.random(
            thetas_per_batch) * 2 * self.theta_max - self.theta_max
        thetas[thetas < 0] = np.exp(thetas[thetas < 0])

        # loop over theta samples
        z = []
        u = []
        theta = []
        for i in range(len(thetas)):

            # sample z
            z.append(np.random.gamma(shape=thetas[i], size=samples_per_theta))

            # compute target u
            u.append(gamma.cdf(x=z[-1], a=thetas[i]))

            # up-sample theta
            theta.append(thetas[i] * np.ones(samples_per_theta))

        # convert to arrays
        z = np.concatenate(z)
        u = np.concatenate(u)
        theta = np.concatenate(theta)

        return z, u, theta
def probability_of_ruin(return_mean, return_stddev, life_expectancy,
    Milevsky and Robinson's Stochastic Present Value from "A sustainable
    spending rate without simulation" (2005)

    In "A Gentle Introduction to the Calculus of Retirement Income" Milevsky
    calls this the "risk quotient"

    real_return: the real return of the portfolio (e.g. .07)
    std_dev: the volatility of the portfolio (e.g. .20)
    life_expectancy: the median remaining lifespan. i.e. what 50% of the population
        will live to. (e.g. 23)
    mortality_rate: the rate of dying every year (e.g. .0247)

    >>> probability_of_ruin(.07, .20, 28.1, .05)
    >>> probability_of_ruin(.0520, .1182, 22.30, .04)
    >>> probability_of_ruin(.0470, .1382, 22.30, .04)
    >>> probability_of_ruin(.049, .10, 22.30, .04)
    mortality_rate = math.log(2) / life_expectancy
    alpha = ((2 * return_mean) + (4 * mortality_rate))
    alpha /= (return_stddev * return_stddev) + mortality_rate
    alpha -= 1

    beta = (return_stddev * return_stddev) + mortality_rate
    beta /= 2

    return gamma.cdf(withdrawal_pct, alpha, scale=beta)
Beispiel #22
def extractInfoFromFile(fnameF,noise,dim,candFlag = False):
    from scipy.stats import lognorm,gamma
    df = np.asarray(pd.read_csv(fnameF))

    maxI = len(df[:,1])-1

    cand = np.mean(df[-5:-1,3:-1],0)
    fit = df[-1,1]
    sense = df[-1,-1]

    if noise > 0:
        for line in range(10, len(df[:,1])):
            fit = 0.8*fit + 0.2*df[line,1]
            sense = 0.8*sense + 0.2*df[line,-1]
            cand = 0.9*cand + 0.1*df[line,3:-1]
            #print df[line,3:-1]

    if candFlag: return cand

    fit *= -1
    th = 100

    if dim == 100: d = cand/np.sum(cand)
        x = np.linspace(0.01, 10000., num=100) # values for x-axis
        d = np.zeros(100)
        w = 0
        for jj in range(0,len(cand)-1,3):
            d += cand[jj]*gamma.cdf(x, cand[jj+1], loc=0, scale=cand[jj+2]) # probability distribution
            w += cand[jj]
        d = np.diff(np.concatenate([[0],d]))
        d = d/w

    return [d,cand],sense,fit
Beispiel #23
def truncated_gamma_logpdf(
        a, scale, eta, ts_above_eta, N_above_eta):
    """Calculates the -log(likelihood) of a sample of random numbers
    generated from a gamma pdf truncated from below at x=eta.

    a : float
        Shape parameter.
    scale : float
        Scale parameter.
    eta : float
        Test-statistic value at which the gamma function is truncated
        from below.
    ts_above_eta : (n_trials,)-shaped 1D ndarray
        The ndarray holding the test-statistic values falling in
        the truncated gamma pdf.
    N_above_eta : int
        Number of test-statistic values falling in the truncated
        gamma pdf.
    -logl : float
    c0 = 1. - gamma.cdf(eta, a=a, scale=scale)
    c0 = 1./c0
    logl = N_above_eta*np.log(c0) + np.sum(gamma.logpdf(ts_above_eta,
                                                        a=a, scale=scale))
    return -logl
 def get_batch_probability(self, lengths, query_nodes, labeled_nodes):
     assert len(lengths) == len(query_nodes) == len(labeled_nodes)
     assert len(lengths) > 0
     lengths = np.array(lengths, dtype=np.uint32)
     zero_i = (lengths == 0)
     nonzero_i = np.invert(zero_i)
     distributions = self._distributions
     params = (
         distributions[query_node, labeled_node]
         for query_node, labeled_node in zip(query_nodes, labeled_nodes))
     shape_scale_zero = list(zip(*params))
     shapes = np.array(shape_scale_zero[0], dtype=np.float64)
     scales = np.array(shape_scale_zero[1], dtype=np.float64)
     zero_prob = np.array(shape_scale_zero[2], dtype=np.float64)
     del shape_scale_zero
     ret = np.empty_like(lengths, dtype=np.float64)
     # ret[zero_i] = 1 - zero_prob[zero_i]
     ret[zero_i] = zero_prob[zero_i]
     # ret[zero_i] = 1.0
     gamma_probs = gamma.cdf(lengths[nonzero_i],
     greater_i = gamma_probs > 0.5
     gamma_probs[greater_i] = 1 - gamma_probs[greater_i]
     gamma_probs = gamma_probs * 2 * (1 - zero_prob[nonzero_i])
     ret[nonzero_i] = gamma_probs
     ret[ret <= 0.0] = ZERO_REPLACE
     # ret[ret > 1.0] = 1.0
     return ret
Beispiel #25
def fit_gamma_param(df, xmin, mes, year_test='None', option=0):
    cdf_limite = .9999999
    if mes - 1 <= 0:
        cnd = [12, 1, 2]
    elif mes + 1 >= 13:
        cnd = [11, 12, 1]
        cnd = [mes - 1, mes, mes + 1]
    if year_test == 'None':
        datos = df.loc[df['month'].isin(cnd), 'precip'].values
        id_fm = np.logical_and(df.Fecha >= '01/01/'+str(year_test),
                               df.Fecha <= '12/31/'+str(year_test))
        # generate index to work in cnd and out of year considered.
        im_tot = np.logical_and(df['month'].isin(cnd), np.logical_not(id_fm))
        # extract data to generate the distribution of historical data.
        #print(np.unique(pd.DatetimeIndex(df.loc[im_tot, 'Fecha']).year.to_numpy()))
        #print(np.unique(pd.DatetimeIndex(df.loc[im_tot, 'Fecha']).month.to_numpy()))
        datos = df.loc[im_tot, 'precip'].values
    # Days with precipitacion
    in_dato = np.array([e > xmin if ~np.isnan(e) else False
                        for e in datos], dtype=bool)
    precdias = datos[in_dato]
    # Fit a Gamma distribution over days with precipitation
    param_gamma =, floc=0)
    gamma_cdf = gamma.cdf(np.sort(precdias), *param_gamma)
    gamma_cdf[gamma_cdf > cdf_limite] = cdf_limite
    if option == 0:
        return param_gamma
        return param_gamma, precdias, gamma_cdf
Beispiel #26
def kernel_based_indepence(x, y, eigv_samples=1000, approximate=True):
    n_samples, _ = x.shape
    kx = kernel_matrix(x)
    ky = kernel_matrix(y)

    if approximate:
        # kx = pairwise_kernels(x, metric='rbf', gamma=np.median(pdist(x)))
        # ky = pairwise_kernels(y, metric='rbf', gamma=np.median(pdist(y)))
        # h = np.identity(n_samples) - np.full((n_samples, n_samples), 1 / n_samples)
        # cx = h @ kx @ h
        # cy = h @ ky @ h
        mean_appr = np.trace(kx) * np.trace(ky) / n_samples
        var_appr = 2 * (n_samples - 4) * (n_samples - 5) * np.linalg.norm(
            kx) * np.linalg.norm(ky) / (n_samples**4)
        k_appr = mean_appr * mean_appr / var_appr
        theta_appr = var_appr / mean_appr
        Sta = np.trace(kx @ ky)
        return gamma.cdf(Sta, a=k_appr, scale=theta_appr)

    eig_x = np.linalg.eigvalsh(kx)
    eig_y = np.linalg.eigvalsh(ky)

    z = np.random.chisquare(1, (n_samples * n_samples, eigv_samples))
    eigs = np.outer(eig_x, eig_y).flatten()
    t_samples =, z) / (n_samples * n_samples)

    actual = 1 / n_samples * np.trace(kx @ ky)
    t, p_value = ttest_1samp(t_samples, actual)
    print(t, np.mean(t_samples), actual)
    if t < 0:
        p_value = 1 - p_value / 2
        p_value = p_value / 2

    return p_value
    def _get_u_grid(self, recalculate=False):
        # Create Grid of numerical values for moment_update
        # Grid is based on Gamma(alpha=df/2, beta=df/2)
        if not hasattr(self, "_u_grid") or recalculate:
            # Define _u_grid
            q = (np.arange(0, self.breaks) + 0.5) / (self.breaks *
                                                     1.0) * 0.98 + 0.01
            q = np.concatenate((
                np.logspace(-5, -2, 5),
                1.0 - np.logspace(-5, -2, 5)[::-1],
            alpha = self.parameter.df / 2.0
            beta = self.parameter.df / 2.0
            self._u_grid = gamma.ppf(q=q, a=alpha, scale=1.0 / beta)

            # Define _u_weights
            mid_points = (self._u_grid[1:] + self._u_grid[:-1]) / 2.0
            cdf = np.concatenate((
                gamma.cdf(x=mid_points, a=alpha, scale=1.0 / beta),
            self._u_weights = cdf[1:] - cdf[:-1]

        return self._u_grid, self._u_weights
 def _cdf(self, value: float):
     Defines the  cumulative gamma distribution function
     :param value: x-value
     :return: Function value at point x
     return gamma.cdf(value, a=self._alpha, scale=self._beta)
def pgamma(q,shape,rate=1):
    Calculates the cumulative of the Gamma-distribution
    from scipy.stats import gamma
    return result
Beispiel #30
 def p_value(self):
     if not self._p_value:
         a = self.alpha()
         b = self.beta()
         res = gamma.cdf(self.n * self.empirical_test(), a, scale=b)
         self._p_value = res
     return self._p_value
Beispiel #31
    def cdf(self,dat):

        Evaluates the cumulative distribution function on the data points in dat. 

        :param dat: Data points for which the c.d.f. will be computed.
        :type dat: natter.DataModule.Data
        :returns:  A numpy array containing the probabilities.
        :rtype:    numpy.array
        return gamma.cdf(squeeze(dat.X)**self.param['p'],self.param['u'],scale=self.param['s'])
def run(pars):

    verbose   = pars.get('verbose', False)
    options   = pars.get('options', None)
    data      = pars.get('data')

    eval_crit = pars.get('eval_crit', 0.)
    eval_pow  = pars.get('eval_pow', 1.)

    th_shape  = pars.get('th_shape', 2.)
    th_scale  = pars.get('th_scale', 1.)

    t_batch = np.round(pars.get('target_batch', 5)) # target total sample size
    s_batch = pars.get('s_batch', 1.)

    p_guess   = pars.get('p_guess', 0.)

    # first evalute the trajectory
    samples = [0.]
    for trial, obs in enumerate(data['sampledata']):

        # evaluate the outcome
        samples.append(valuation([obs, data['outcomes'][trial]], eval_crit, eval_pow))
    pref = np.cumsum(samples)

    # on each trial, the probability of crossing the boundary is 
    # determined by the distribution over separation sizes
    p_stop = gamma.cdf(np.abs(pref), th_shape, scale=th_scale)
    p_stop[0] = 0.
    # probability of switching is based on streak count
    count_streak = count_streaks(data['sampledata'])
    p_stay = 1. / (1. + np.exp((np.array(count_streak) + 1 - t_batch) * s_batch))

    p_samp = 1 - p_stop
    d = np.array(data['sampledata'])
    p_sample_A = p_samp[1:] * (p_stay[1:] * (d==0) + (1 - p_stay[1:]) * (d==1))
    p_sample_A = np.concatenate(([.5], p_sample_A))

    p_sample_B = p_samp[1:] * (p_stay[1:] * (d==1) + (1 - p_stay[1:]) * (d==0))
    p_sample_B = np.concatenate(([.5], p_sample_B))

    # at end of sampling, give choice probabilities

    return {'pref': pref,
            'p_stop': p_stop,
            'p_sample_A': p_sample_A,
            'p_sample_B': p_sample_B}
Beispiel #33
 def chi2(self,cmb,egfs,use=None,nparams=0):
     Return a tuple of (chi2, dof, pte, nsig).
     cmb/egfs: The cmb and egfs result.
     use: Which spectra and lranges to include in the chi2.
     nparams: Number to subtract from the d.o.f. for calculating the PTE. 
     if use is None: use=self.use
     use = {k:(lambda x: x if x is not None else self.use[k])(use.get(k)) for k in use}
     cl_model = self.get_cl_model(cmb, egfs).binned(self.signal.binning)
     cl_model_matrix = cl_model.get_as_matrix(lrange=use).spec
     signal_matrix = self.process_signal(self.signal).get_as_matrix(lrange=use)
     dcl = cl_model_matrix - signal_matrix.spec
     chi2 = dot(dcl,dot(inv(signal_matrix.cov),dcl))
     k = cl_model_matrix.size - nparams
     pte = gamma.cdf(k/2.,chi2/2.)
     nsig = sqrt(2.)*erfinv(1-pte)
     return (chi2,k,pte,nsig)
Beispiel #34
def calcSPI(duration, model, cid):
    """Calculate Standardized Precipitation Index for specified month
    *duration*. Need a climatology of precipitation stored in the database
    used in a VIC *model* simulation."""
    nt = (date(model.endyear, model.endmonth, model.endday) -
          date(model.startyear + model.skipyear, model.startmonth, model.startday)).days + 1
    # tablename = "precip."+model.precip
    if duration < 1:
            "WARNING! Cannot calculate SPI with {0} months duration.".format(duration))
        spi = np.zeros(nt)
        p = np.loadtxt("{0}/forcings/data_{1:.{3}f}_{2:.{3}f}".format(model.model_path,
                                                                      model.gid[cid][0], model.gid[cid][1], model.grid_decimal))[:, 0]
        p = pandas.Series(p, [date(model.startyear, model.startmonth,
                                   model.startday) + timedelta(t) for t in range(len(p))])
        p[duration:] = pandas.rolling_mean(p.resample(
            'M', how='mean'), duration).values[duration:]
        p[:duration] = 0.0
        g1, g2, g3 =
        cdf = gamma.cdf(p, g1, g2, g3)
        spi = norm.ppf(cdf)
    return spi
def pearscdf(X, mu, sigma, skew, kurt, method, k, output):

# pearspdf
#   [p,type,coefs] = pearspdf(X,mu,sigma,skew,kurt)
#   Returns the probability distribution denisty of the pearsons distribution
#   with mean `mu`, standard deviation `sigma`, skewness `skew` and
#   kurtosis `kurt`, evaluated at the values in X.
#   Some combinations of moments are not valid for any random variable, and in
#   particular, the kurtosis must be greater than the square of the skewness
#   plus 1.  The kurtosis of the normal distribution is defined to be 3.
#   The seven distribution types in the Pearson system correspond to the
#   following distributions:
#      Type 0: Normal distribution
#      Type 1: Four-parameter beta
#      Type 2: Symmetric four-parameter beta
#      Type 3: Three-parameter gamma
#      Type 4: Not related to any standard distribution.  Density proportional
#              to (1+((x-a)/b)^2)^(-c) * exp(-d*arctan((x-a)/b)).
#      Type 5: Inverse gamma location-scale
#      Type 6: F location-scale
#      Type 7: Student's t location-scale
#   Examples
#   See also
#       pearspdf pearsrnd mean std skewness kurtosis

#   References:
#      [1] Johnson, N.L., S. Kotz, and N. Balakrishnan (1994) Continuous
#          Univariate Distributions, Volume 1,  Wiley-Interscience.
#      [2] Devroye, L. (1986) Non-Uniform Random Variate Generation,
#          Springer-Verlag.

    otpt = len(output)
#    outClass = superiorfloat(mu, sigma, skew, kurt)

    if X[1] == inf:
        cdist = 1
        limstate = X[0]
    elif X[0] == -inf:
        cdist = 2
        limstate = X[1]
        cdist = 3
        limstate = X

    if sigma == 0:
        print "Warning: The standard deviation of output distribution",k,"is zero. No distribution or correlation can be calculated for it."
        if mu>=X[0] and mu<=X[1]:   #mean is in the limits
            return 1, None, inf, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None
        else:                       #mean is outside the limits
            return 0, None, inf, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None

    X = (X - mu) / sigma    # Z-score

    if method == 'MCS':
        beta1 = 0
        beta2 = 3
        beta3 = sigma ** 2
        beta1 = skew ** 2
        beta2 = kurt
        beta3 = sigma ** 2

    # Return NaN for illegal parameter values.
    if (sigma < 0) or (beta2 <= beta1 + 1):
        p = zeros(otpt)+nan
        #p = zeros(sizeout)+nan
        dtype = NaN
        coefs = zeros((1,3))+nan
        print 'Illegal parameter values passed to pearscdf! (sigma:',sigma,'  beta1:',beta1,'  beta2:', beta2,')'

    #% Classify the distribution and find the roots of c0 + c1*x + c2*x^2
    c0 = (4 * beta2 - 3 * beta1)# ./ (10*beta2 - 12*beta1 - 18);
    c1 = skew * (beta2 + 3)# ./ (10*beta2 - 12*beta1 - 18);
    c2 = (2 * beta2 - 3 * beta1 - 6)# ./ (10*beta2 - 12*beta1 - 18);

    if c1 == 0:    # symmetric dist'ns
        if beta2 == 3:
            dtype = 0
            a1 = 0
            a2 = 0
            if beta2 < 3:
                dtype = 2
            elif beta2 > 3:
                dtype = 7
            a1 = -sqrt(abs(c0 / c2))
            a2 = -a1        # symmetric roots
    elif c2 == 0:    # kurt = 3 + 1.5*skew^2
        dtype = 3
        a1 = -c0 / c1    # single root
        a2 = a1
        kappa = c1 ** 2 / (4 * c0 * c2)
        if kappa < 0:
            dtype = 1
        elif kappa < 1 - finfo(float64).eps:
            dtype = 4
        elif kappa <= 1 + finfo(float64).eps:
            dtype = 5
            dtype = 6
        # Solve the quadratic for general roots a1 and a2 and sort by their real parts
        csq=c1 ** 2 - 4 * c0 * c2
        if c1 ** 2 - 4 * c0 * c2 < 0:
            tmp = -(c1 + sign(c1) * cmath.sqrt(c1 ** 2 - 4 * c0 * c2)) / 2
            tmp = -(c1 + sign(c1) * sqrt(c1 ** 2 - 4 * c0 * c2)) / 2
        a1 = tmp / c2
        a2 = c0 / tmp
        if (real(a1) > real(a2)):
            tmp = a1;
            a1 = a2;
            a2 = tmp;

    denom = (10 * beta2 - 12 * beta1 - 18)

    if abs(denom) > sqrt(finfo(double).tiny):
        c0 = c0 / denom
        c1 = c1 / denom
        c2 = c2 / denom
        coefs = [c0, c1, c2]
        dtype = 1    # this should have happened already anyway
        # beta2 = 1.8 + 1.2*beta1, and c0, c1, and c2 -> Inf.  But a1 and a2 are
        # still finite.
        coefs = zeroes((1,3))+inf

    if method == 'MCS':
        dtype = 8

    #% Generate standard (zero mean, unit variance) values
    if dtype == 0:
        # normal: standard support (-Inf,Inf)
        #     m1 = zeros(outClass);
        #     m2 = ones(outClass);
        m1 = 0
        m2 = 1
        p = norm.cdf(X[1], m1, m2) - norm.cdf(X[0], m1, m2)
        lo= norm.ppf( 3.39767E-06, mu,sigma ); 
        hi= norm.ppf( 0.999996602, mu,sigma );
        Inv1 = norm.ppf(p, 0, 1)
        #     Inv1=norm.ppf( normcdf(X[0],m1,m2), 0,1 );
        #Inv2 = norm.ppf(normcdf(X[1], m1, m2), 0, 1)

    elif dtype == 1:
        # four-parameter beta: standard support (a1,a2)
        if abs(denom) > sqrt(finfo(double).tiny):
            m1 = (c1 + a1) / (c2 * (a2 - a1))
            m2 = -(c1 + a2) / (c2 * (a2 - a1))
            # c1 and c2 -> Inf, but c1/c2 has finite limit
            m1 = c1 / (c2 * (a2 - a1))
            m2 = -c1 / (c2 * (a2 - a1))
        #     r = a1 + (a2 - a1) .* betarnd(m1+1,m2+1,sizeOut);
        X = (X - a1) / (a2 - a1)    # Transform to 0-1 interval
        #     lambda = -(a2-a1)*(m1+1)./(m1+m1+2)-a1;
        #     X = (X - lambda - a1)./(a2-a1);

        if alph < 1.001 and beta < 1.001:


        if mode < 0.1: 
            if alph > beta:
                alph = max(2.0,alph)
                beta = (alph-1)/0.9 - alph + 2
            elif beta > alph:
                beta = max(2.0,beta)
                alph = (0.1*(beta -2) +1)/(1 - 0.1)
        elif mode > 0.9:
            if alph > beta:
                alph = max(2.0,alph)
                beta =(alph-1)/0.9 - alph + 2
            elif beta > alph:
                beta = max(2.0,beta);
                alph = (0.1*(beta -2) +1)/(1 - 0.1)

        p = stats.beta.cdf(X[1], alph, beta) - stats.beta.cdf(X[0], alph, beta)
        Inv1 = norm.ppf(p, 0, 1)
        #         Inv1=norm.ppf( beta.cdf(X[0],m1+1,m2+1), 0,1 );
        #Inv2 = norm.ppf(beta.cdf(X[1], m1 + 1, m2 + 1), 0, 1)

        #     X = X*(a2-a1) + a1;         % Undo interval tranformation
        #     r = r + (0 - a1 - (a2-a1).*(m1+1)./(m1+m2+2));
    elif dtype == 2:
        # symmetric four-parameter beta: standard support (-a1,a1)
        m = (c1 + a1) / (c2 * 2 * abs(a1))
        m1 = m
        m2 = m
        X = (X - a1) / (2 * abs(a1))
        #     r = a1 + 2*abs(a1) .* betapdf(X,m+1,m+1);

        if alph < 1.01: 

        p = stats.beta.cdf(X[1], alph, beta) - stats.beta.cdf(X[0], alph, beta)
        Inv1 = norm.ppf(p, 0, 1)
        #         Inv1=norm.ppf( beta.cdf(X[0],m+1,m+1), 0,1 );
        #Inv2 = norm.ppf(beta.cdf(X[1], m + 1, m + 1), 0, 1)

        #     X = a1 + 2*abs(a1).*X;
    elif dtype == 3:
        # three-parameter gamma: standard support (a1,Inf) or (-Inf,a1)
        m = (c0 / c1 - c1) / c1
        m1 = m
        m2 = m
        X = (X - a1) / c1
        #     r = c1 .* gampdf(X,m+1,1,sizeOut) + a1;

        p = gamma.cdf(X[1], m + 1, 1) - gamma.cdf(X[0], m + 1, 1)
        lo=(gamma.ppf( 3.39767E-06, m+1, scale=1 )*c1+a1)*sigma+mu; 
        hi=(gamma.ppf( 0.999996602, m+1, scale=1 )*c1+a1)*sigma+mu;
        Inv1 = norm.ppf(p, 0, 1)
        #         Inv1=norm.ppf( gamcdf(X[0],m+1,1), 0,1 );
        #Inv2 = norm.ppf(gamcdf(X[1], m + 1, 1), 0, 1)

        #     X = c1 .* X + a1;
    elif dtype == 4:
        # Pearson IV is not a transformation of a standard distribution: density
        # proportional to (1+((x-lambda)/a)^2)^(-m) * exp(-nu*arctan((x-lambda)/a)),
        # standard support (-Inf,Inf)
        X = X * sigma + mu
        r = 6 * (beta2 - beta1 - 1) / (2 * beta2 - 3 * beta1 - 6)
        m = 1 + r / 2
        nu = -r * (r - 2) * skew / sqrt(16 * (r - 1) - beta1 * (r - 2) ** 2)
        a = sqrt(beta3 * (16 * (r - 1) - beta1 * (r - 2) ** 2)) / 4
        _lambda = mu - ((r - 2) * skew * sigma) / 4    # gives zero mean
        m1 = m
        m2 = nu
        #     X = (X - lambda)./a;
        if cdist == 1:
            p = 1 - pearson4cdf(X[0], m, nu, a, _lambda, mu, sigma)
        elif cdist == 2:
            p = pearson4cdf(X[1], m, nu, a, _lambda, mu, sigma)
        elif cdist == 3:
            p = pearson4cdf(X[1], m, nu, a, _lambda, mu, sigma) - pearson4cdf(X[0], m, nu, a, _lambda, mu, sigma)
        lo=norm.ppf( 3.39767E-06, mu,sigma );   
        hi=norm.ppf( 0.999996602, mu,sigma );
        Inv1 = norm.ppf(p, 0, 1)
        #         Inv1=norm.ppf( pearson4cdf(X[0],m,nu,a,lambda,mu,sigma), 0,1 );
        #Inv2 = norm.ppf(pearson4cdf(X[1], m, nu, a, _lambda, mu, sigma), 0, 1)

        #     C = X.*a + lambda;
        #     C = diff(C);
        #     C= C(1);
        #     p = p./(sum(p)*C);
    elif dtype == 5:
        # inverse gamma location-scale: standard support (-C1,Inf) or
        # (-Inf,-C1)
        C1 = c1 / (2 * c2)
        #     r = -((c1 - C1) ./ c2) ./ gampdf(X,1./c2 - 1,1) - C1;
        X = -((c1 - C1) / c2) / (X + C1)
        m1 = c2
        m2 = 0
        p = gamma.cdf(X[1], 1. / c2 - 1, scale=1) - gamma.cdf(X[0], 1. / c2 - 1, scale=1)
        lo=(-((c1-C1)/c2)/gamma.ppf( 3.39767E-06, 1/c2 - 1, scale=1 )-C1)*sigma+mu; 
        hi=(-((c1-C1)/c2)/gamma.ppf( 0.999996602, 1/c2 - 1, scale=1 )-C1)*sigma+mu; 
        Inv1 = norm.ppf(p, 0, 1)
        #         Inv1=norm.ppf( gamcdf(X[0],1./c2 - 1,1), 0,1 );
        #Inv2 = norm.ppf(gamcdf(X[1], 1. / c2 - 1, 1), 0, 1)

        #     X = -((c1-C1)./c2)./X-C1;
    elif dtype == 6:
        # F location-scale: standard support (a2,Inf) or (-Inf,a1)
        m1 = (a1 + c1) / (c2 * (a2 - a1))
        m2 = -(a2 + c1) / (c2 * (a2 - a1))
        # a1 and a2 have the same sign, and they've been sorted so a1 < a2
        if a2 < 0:
            nu1 = 2 * (m2 + 1)
            nu2 = -2 * (m1 + m2 + 1)
            X = (X - a2) / (a2 - a1) * (nu2 / nu1)
            #         r = a2 + (a2 - a1) .* (nu1./nu2) .* fpdf(X,nu1,nu2);

            p = fcdf(X[1], nu1, nu2) - fcdf(X[0], nu1, nu2)
            lo=(f.ppf( 3.39767E-06, nu1,nu2)+a2)*sigma+mu
            hi=(f.ppf( 0.999996602, nu1,nu2)+a2)*sigma+mu
            Inv1 = norm.ppf(p, 0, 1)
            #             Inv1=norm.ppf( fcdf(X[0],nu1,nu2), 0,1 );
            #Inv2 = norm.ppf(fcdf(X[1], nu1, nu2), 0, 1)

            #         X = a2 + (a2-a1).*(nu1./nu2).*X
        else:        # 0 < a1
            nu1 = 2 * (m1 + 1)
            nu2 = -2 * (m1 + m2 + 1)
            X = (X - a1) / (a1 - a2) * (nu2 / nu1)
            #         r = a1 + (a1 - a2) .* (nu1./nu2) .* fpdf(X,nu1,nu2);

            p = -fcdf(X[1], nu1, nu2) + fcdf(X[0], nu1, nu2)
            hi=(-f.ppf( 3.39767E-06, nu1,nu2)+a1)*sigma+mu;
            lo=(-f.ppf( 0.999996602, nu1,nu2)+a1)*sigma+mu; 
            Inv1 = norm.ppf(p, 0, 1)
            #             Inv1=norm.ppf( fcdf(X[0],nu1,nu2), 0,1 );
            #Inv2 = norm.ppf(fcdf(X[1], nu1, nu2), 0, 1)

            #         X = a1 + (a1-a2).*(nu1./nu2).*X;
    elif dtype == 7:
        # t location-scale: standard support (-Inf,Inf)

        nu = 1. / c2 - 1
        X = X / sqrt(c0 / (1 - c2))
        m1 = nu
        m2 = 0
        p = t.cdf(X[1], nu) - t.cdf(X[0], nu)
        lo=t.ppf( 3.39767E-06, nu )*sqrt(c0/(1-c2))*sigma+mu
        hi=t.ppf( 0.999996602, nu )*sqrt(c0/(1-c2))*sigma+mu
        Inv1 = norm.ppf(p, 0, 1)
        #         Inv1=norm.ppf( tcdf(X[0],nu), 0,1 );
        #Inv2 = norm.ppf(tcdf(X[1], nu), 0, 1)

        #     p = sqrt(c0./(1-c2)).*tpdf(X,nu);
        #     X = sqrt(c0./(1-c2)).*X;
        print "ERROR: Unknown data type!"
#    elif dtype == 8:
        #Monte Carlo Simulation Histogram
#        out = kurt
#        p = skew
#        m1 = 0
#        m2 = 0

    # scale and shift
    # X = X.*sigma + mu; % Undo z-score

    if dtype != 1 and dtype != 2:
        sigma_s=sigma ** 2/(hi-lo) ** 2;
        alph = ((1-mu_s)/sigma_s -1/mu_s)*mu_s ** 2;
        beta = alph*(1/mu_s - 1);

    if alph >70 or beta>70:

    return p, dtype, Inv1, m1, m2, a1, a2, alph, beta, lo, hi
Beispiel #36
 def gamma_cdf(x, a, loc, b):
     if a == 0 or b == 0:
         cdf = np.ones(x.shape)
         cdf = gamma.cdf(x, a, loc, b)
     return cdf
Beispiel #37
 def get_ys(self, xs):
     background = self._get_param("Background")
     slope = self._get_param("Slope")
     power = self._get_param("Power")
     ys = background + (1.0 - background) * gamma.cdf(xs * slope, power)
     return ys
Beispiel #38
def mb_cdf(x, kT, alpha=1.5):
    return gamma.cdf(x, alpha, scale=kT)
Beispiel #39

# Find real Maximum
a=gamma.pdf(x,shape, scale=scale)
p = x*(1 - gamma.cdf(x, a=shape, scale=scale));


x = actions.reshape(-1,1);
y = rewardsW.reshape(-1,1);
kernel = GPy.kern.RBF(input_dim=1, variance=1, lengthscale=0.01);
gp = GPy.models.GPRegression(x,y,kernel);
gp.optimize_restarts(num_restarts=8, verbose=False)

fig = gp.plot()
def spicalc(data):
    import numpy as np
    from scipy.stats import gamma

    # remove any NaNs (i.e. missing numbers) from data so only real numbers exist
    tmp = data[~np.isnan(data)]

    # if there are less than 10 real datum with which to fit the distribution,
    # then return an array of NaN, otherwise, do the calculations

    spireturn = np.zeros(len(data)) + np.nan

    if len(tmp) > 10:

        # compute the shape and scale parameters using more than one non-zero data point
        # otherwise computation of the log will fail
        tmpnonz = tmp[np.where(tmp > 0.0)]
        if len(tmpnonz) > 1:
            A = np.log(np.mean(tmpnonz)) - (np.sum(np.log(tmpnonz)) / len(tmpnonz))
            shp = (1.0 / (4 * A)) * (1 + ((1 + ((4 * A) / 3)) ** 0.5))
            scl = np.mean(tmpnonz) / shp
            gam = gamma.cdf(tmpnonz, shp, scale=scl)
            # if there are no or one non-zero number, then the probability of non-zero numbers
            # is set as 0 or 1/len(tmp) (depending on len(tmpnonz))
            gam = len(tmpnonz) / len(tmp)

        # fit the gamma distribution, G(x), already calculated as gam if there is more than
        # one non-zero number in the time series
        # if there are zero values, the cdf becomes H(x) = q + (1-q)G(x) where q is the
        # probability of a zero value in the time series
        numzero = len(tmp[np.where(tmp == 0.0)])
        if numzero > 0:
            q = numzero / len(tmp)
            gam = q + (1 - q) * gam
            gcdf = np.zeros(len(tmp))
            i = np.where(tmp > 0.0)
            j = np.where(tmp == 0.0)
            gcdf[i] = gam
            gcdf[j] = q
            gcdf = gam

        # define the constants for the approximation
        c0 = 2.515517
        c1 = 0.802853
        c2 = 0.010328
        d1 = 1.432788
        d2 = 0.189269
        d3 = 0.001308

        # compute the SPI values when the gamma cdf is non-uniform
        if len(gcdf[np.where(gcdf == 1.0)]) == 0:
            t = np.where(gcdf <= 0.5, (np.log(1 / (gcdf ** 2))) ** 0.5, (np.log(1 / ((1.0 - gcdf) ** 2)) ** 0.5))
            ztmp = t - ((c0 + c1 * t + c2 * (t ** 2)) / (1 + d1 * t + d2 * (t ** 2) + d3 * (t ** 3)))
            s = np.where(gcdf <= 0.5, -1 * ztmp, ztmp)

        # if the grid cell is always dry (i.e. precip of zero, then SPI returns 0s as dry
        # is always "normal"
            s = np.zeros(len(gcdf))

        spireturn[~np.isnan(data)] = s

    return spireturn
Beispiel #41

# Code
from common.get_data import getData

import numpy as np
from math import log as ln
from scipy.stats import gamma # Gamma distribution
from scipy.special import psi # Digamma function

from scipy.optimize import fsolve

x = None
f = lambda u, alpha, beta: gamma.pdf(u, alpha, scale = 1 / beta)
f_X = lambda u: f(u, alpha, beta)
cdf = lambda u, alpha, beta: gamma.cdf(u, alpha, scale = 1 / beta)

k_underline = range(k)
n_underline = range(n)

import warnings

from common.tests import *
from common.BIC import BIC

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

cursor = getData(tableName, startDateTime, n, precision)

for row in cursor:
    def compile(alphabet, words, nonwords):
        print('  Generating all possible transitions...')
        from itertools import product
        all = []
        for state_size in range(args.max_state_size + 1):
            all += product(product(alphabet, repeat = state_size), [*alphabet, None])

        def of(string):
            for i in range(len(string)):
                yield string[max(0, i - args.max_state_size):i], string[i]
            yield string[max(0, len(string) - args.max_state_size):], None

        from collections import Counter
        counts = Counter()
        for word in tqdm(words, '  Counting transitions', leave = True):
            for state, symbol in of(word):
                counts[state, symbol] += 1
        state_counts = Counter()
        for state, symbol in tqdm(counts, '  Counting states', leave = True):
            state_counts[state] += counts[state, symbol]

        import numpy as np
        logprobs = np.empty(len(all))
        for i, (state, symbol) in enumerate(tqdm(all, '  Computing conditional transition probabilities', leave = True)):
                logprobs[i] = np.log(state_counts[state] / counts[state, symbol])
            except ZeroDivisionError:
                logprobs[i] = np.inf

        print('  Fitting flattening distribution...')
        from scipy.stats import gamma
        params =[logprobs != np.inf])

        print('  Flattening...')
        logprobs = gamma.cdf(logprobs, *params)
        lower_bound = np.min(logprobs)
        upper_bound = np.max(logprobs[logprobs != 1])
        new_logprobs = np.empty(len(logprobs), int)
        for i, logprob in enumerate(tqdm(logprobs, '  Discretizing', leave = True)):
            if logprob == 1:
                new_logprobs[i] = 2 ** args.transition_bits - 1
                new_logprobs[i] = round((logprob - lower_bound) * ((2 ** args.transition_bits - 2) / (upper_bound - lower_bound)))
        logprobs = new_logprobs

        data = bytearray()

        bit_buffer = 0
        bit_buffer_size = 0
        for logprob in tqdm(logprobs, '  Packing', leave = True):
            bit_buffer = bit_buffer << args.transition_bits | int(logprob)
            bit_buffer_size += args.transition_bits
            if bit_buffer_size % 8 == 0:
                data += bit_buffer.to_bytes(bit_buffer_size // 8, 'big')
                bit_buffer = 0
                bit_buffer_size = 0
        while bit_buffer_size % 8 != 0:
            bit_buffer = bit_buffer << args.transition_bits
            bit_buffer_size += args.transition_bits
        data += bit_buffer.to_bytes(bit_buffer_size // 8, 'big')

        old_logprobs = np.empty(len(logprobs))
        for i, logprob in enumerate(tqdm(logprobs, '  Undiscretizing...', leave = True)):
            if logprob == 2 ** args.transition_bits - 1:
                old_logprobs[i] = 1
                old_logprobs[i] = lower_bound + logprob * ((upper_bound - lower_bound) / (2 ** args.transition_bits - 2))
        print('  Unflattening...')
        old_logprobs = gamma.ppf(old_logprobs, *params)
        old_logprobs = dict(zip(all, old_logprobs))

        def params_of(strings):
            strings_logprobs = np.empty(len(strings))
            for i, string in enumerate(strings):
                strings_logprobs[i] = sum(old_logprobs[state, symbol] for state, symbol in of(string))
            strings_params =[strings_logprobs != np.inf])
            _, bins, _ = plt.hist(strings_logprobs[strings_logprobs != np.inf], 500, histtype = 'step', normed = True)
            plt.plot(bins, gamma.pdf(bins, *strings_params))
            return strings_params

        print('  Fitting words distribution...')
        words_params = params_of(words)

        print('  Fitting nonwords distribution...')
        nonwords_params = params_of(nonwords)

        def minify(code):
            if args.minify:
                import subprocess
                p =[str(Path(__file__).parent / 'node_modules/uglify-js/bin/uglifyjs'),
                    '--mangle', 'sort,toplevel',
                ], input = code.encode(),
                   stdout = subprocess.PIPE,
                   stderr = subprocess.PIPE)
                if p.returncode != 0:
                    import sys
                code = p.stdout.decode()
            return code

        print('  Generating JS code...')
        code = minify(r'''
            exports.init = function(buffer) {
                exports.test = (new Function('buffer', buffer.utf8Slice(''' + str(len(data)) + r''')))(buffer);
        data += minify(r'''
            var abs = Math.abs;
            var min = Math.min;
            var max = Math.max;

            var alphabet = [
                ''' + r'''
                '''.join('"' + symbol + '",' for symbol in alphabet) + r'''

            var of; (function() {
                function fold(string) {
                    string = Array.from(string);
                    for (var i = alphabet.length - 1; alphabet[i].length > 1; --i) {
                        for (var j = 0; j <= string.length - alphabet[i].length; ++j) {
                            if (string.slice(j, j + alphabet[i].length).join('') == alphabet[i]) {
                                string.splice(j, alphabet[i].length, alphabet[i]);
                    return string;

                of = function(string) {
                    string = fold(string);
                    var ofString = [];
                    for (var i = 0; i < string.length; ++i) {
                        ofString.push([string.slice(max(0, i - ''' + str(args.max_state_size) + r'''), i), string[i]]);
                    ofString.push([string.slice(max(0, string.length - ''' + str(args.max_state_size) + r''')), null]);
                    return ofString;

            var all; (function() {
                function product(xs, ys) {
                    var result = [];
                    for (var i = 0; i < xs.length; ++i) {
                        for (var j = 0; j < ys.length; ++j) {
                            result.push([xs[i], ys[j]]);
                    return result;

                function power(a, k) {
                    if (k == 0) {
                        return [[]];    
                    var result = [];
                    for (var i = 0; i < a.length; ++i) {
                        var b = power(a, k - 1);
                        for (var j = 0; j < b.length; ++j) {
                    return result;

                all = [];
                for (var stateSize = 0; stateSize <= ''' + str(args.max_state_size) + r'''; ++stateSize) {
                    all = all.concat(product(power(alphabet, stateSize), alphabet.concat([null])));

            var gammaPdf, gammaPpf; (function() {
                var pow = Math.pow;
                var exp = Math.exp;
                var log = Math.log;
                var sqrt = Math.sqrt;

                var cof = [

                function ln(x) {
                    var j = 0;
                    var ser = 1.000000000190015;
                    var xx, y, tmp;

                    tmp = (y = xx = x) + 5.5;
                    tmp -= (xx + 0.5) * log(tmp);
                    for (; j < 6; j++)
                        ser += cof[j] / ++y;
                    return log(2.5066282746310005 * ser / xx) - tmp;

                gammaPdf = function(x, a) {
                    if (x < 0)
                        return 0;
                    if (x === 0 && a === 1)
                        return 1;
                    return exp((a - 1) * log(x) - x - ln(a));

                function lowReg(a, x) {
                    var aln = ln(a);
                    var ap = a;
                    var sum = 1 / a;
                    var del = sum;
                    var b = x + 1 - a;
                    var c = 1 / 1.0e-30;
                    var d = 1 / b;
                    var h = d;
                    var i = 1;
                    var ITMAX = -~(log((a >= 1) ? a : 1 / a) * 8.5 + a * 0.4 + 17);
                    var an, endval;

                    if (x < 0 || a <= 0) {
                        return NaN;
                    } else if (x < a + 1) {
                        for (; i <= ITMAX; i++) {
                            sum += del *= x / ++ap;
                        return sum * exp(-x + a * log(x) - aln);

                    for (; i <= ITMAX; i++) {
                        an = -i * (i - a);
                        b += 2;
                        d = an * d + b;
                        c = b + an / c;
                        d = 1 / d;
                        h *= d * c;

                    return 1 - h * exp(-x + a * log(x) - aln);

                gammaPpf = function(p, a) {
                    var j = 0;
                    var a1 = a - 1;
                    var EPS = 1e-8;
                    var gln = ln(a);
                    var x, err, t, u, pp, lna1, afac;

                    if (p > 1)
                        return NaN;
                    if (p == 1)
                        return Infinity;
                    if (p < 0)
                        return NaN;
                    if (p == 0)
                        return 0;
                    if (a > 1) {
                        lna1 = log(a1);
                        afac = exp(a1 * (lna1 - 1) - gln);
                        pp = (p < 0.5) ? p : 1 - p;
                        t = sqrt(-2 * log(pp));
                        x = (2.30753 + t * 0.27061) / (1 + t * (0.99229 + t * 0.04481)) - t;
                        if (p < 0.5)
                            x = -x;
                        x = max(1e-3, a * pow(1 - 1 / (9 * a) - x / (3 * sqrt(a)), 3));
                    } else {
                        t = 1 - a * (0.253 + a * 0.12);
                        if (p < t)
                            x = pow(p / t, 1 / a);
                            x = 1 - log(1 - (p - t) / (1 - t));

                    for(; j < 12; j++) {
                        if (x <= 0)
                            return 0;
                        err = lowReg(a, x) - p;
                        if (a > 1)
                            t = afac * exp(-(x - a1) + a1 * (log(x) - lna1));
                            t = exp(-x + a1 * log(x) - gln);
                        u = err / t;
                        x -= (t = u / (1 - 0.5 * min(1, u * ((a - 1) / x - 1))));
                        if (x <= 0)
                            x = 0.5 * (x + t);
                        if (abs(t) < EPS * x)

                    return x; 

            var logprobs = {};
            var bitBuffer = 0, bitBufferSize = 0;
            var bufferOffset = 0;
            for (var i = 0; i < all.length; ++i) {
                while (bitBufferSize < ''' + str(args.transition_bits) + r''') {
                    bitBuffer = bitBuffer << 8 | buffer.readUInt8(bufferOffset++); bitBufferSize += 8;

                var logprob = bitBuffer >> (bitBufferSize - ''' + str(args.transition_bits) + r''') & ''' + hex(2 ** args.transition_bits - 1) + r'''; bitBufferSize -= ''' + str(args.transition_bits) + r''';

                if (logprob == ''' + str(2 ** args.transition_bits - 1) + r''') {
                    logprob = 1;
                } else {
                    logprob = ''' + str(lower_bound) + r''' + logprob * ''' + str((upper_bound - lower_bound) / (2 ** args.transition_bits - 2)) + r''';
                logprob = ''' + str(params[1]) + r''' + gammaPpf(logprob, ''' + str(params[0]) + r''') * ''' + str(params[2]) + r''';
                logprobs[all[i]] = logprob;

            return function(string) {
                var stringLogprob = 0;
                var ofString = of(string);
                for (var i = 0; i < ofString.length; ++i) {
                    stringLogprob += logprobs[ofString[i]];    
                if (stringLogprob == Infinity) {
                    return false;    
                var wordsDensity = gammaPdf((stringLogprob - ''' + str(words_params[1]) + r''') / ''' + str(words_params[2]) + r''', ''' + str(words_params[0]) + r''') / ''' + str(words_params[2]) + r''';
                var nonwordsDensity = gammaPdf((stringLogprob - ''' + str(nonwords_params[1]) + r''') / ''' + str(nonwords_params[2]) + r''', ''' + str(nonwords_params[0]) + r''') / ''' + str(nonwords_params[2]) + r''';
                if (wordsDensity > nonwordsDensity) {
                    return true;
                if (wordsDensity < nonwordsDensity) {
                    return false;
                return Math.random() >= 0.5;

        data, is_gzipped = bytes(data), False

        if args.gzip:
            import gzip
            print('  Gzipping...')
            gzipped_data = gzip.compress(data)
            if len(gzipped_data) < len(data):
                data, is_gzipped = gzipped_data, True

        return code, data, is_gzipped
Beispiel #43
n = 200 # Size of window

precision = 3

# imageIndex = 0
binWidth = 50

# Code
from common.get_data import getData

import numpy as np
from scipy.stats import gamma # Gamma distribution

cdf = lambda u, p, alpha, beta: sum(p[i] * gamma.cdf(u, alpha[i], scale = 1 / beta[i]) for i in range(len(p)))

import warnings

import matplotlib as mpl
	'pgf.texsystem': 'xelatex',
	'pgf.preamble': [r'\usepackage{unicode-math}'],
	'text.usetex': True,
	'text.latex.unicode': True,
	'': 'PT Serif',
	'font.size': 14,
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    def target(self, vector,seed):
        x = np.linspace(0.01, 10000., num=100) # values for x-axis
        d = np.zeros(100)

        w = 0
        for jj in range(0,len(vector)-1,3):
            d += vector[jj]*gamma.cdf(x, vector[jj+1], loc=0, scale=vector[jj+2]) # probability distribution
            w += vector[jj]

        d = np.diff(np.concatenate([[0],d]))
        sense = np.round(vector[-1])
        timePointAll = d/w

        timePoint = np.copy(timePointAll)

        currEnv = 1
        sumT = 0
        prevchange = 0

        for i,change in enumerate(self.trajectory):
            if currEnv == 0:
                env = self.env[currEnv] + self.noise[i]
                temp = np.copy(timePointAll)
                env =  self.env[currEnv] - self.noise[i]
                a,b = self.gamma1Env[:,env]
                temp = np.diff(np.concatenate([[0],gamma.cdf(x, a, loc=0, scale=b)]))# probability distribution

            if sense == 1:
                opt = self.arrayCost[1][:,env]
                opt = self.arrayCost[0][:,env]

            inter = change-prevchange
            #print "1",i,currEnv,env,inter,change

            prevchange = change
            if sense == 0 or self.sud == 0:
                growth = np.sum(timePoint[opt>-1]*2**opt[opt>-1])
                if growth == 0: return 1.
                sumT +=  1.*inter*np.log2(growth)

                t2 = temp
                #First see who grows
                growth = np.sum(timePoint[opt>-1]*2**opt[opt>-1])
                if growth == 0: return 1.

                #Now switch. Fast changes
                sumT += 1.*np.log2(growth)
                sumT += 1.*(inter-1)*np.log2(np.sum(t2[opt>-1]*2**opt[opt>-1]))
                #print 1.*np.log(growth),1.*(inter-1)*np.log(np.sum(t2 + t2 * opt))

            currEnv = self.trajectoryX[change]
            #print "2",i,currEnv,env,inter,change

        fitness = sumT/self.trajectory[-1]#np.exp(sumT/self.trajectory[-1])-1.
        #print fitness

        if 0:
            penalty = 0.1*np.sum(np.abs(np.diff(timePointAll))>0.01) #0.1 for each sudden change in concentration
            fitness =  fitness-penalty
            fitness =  fitness

        if np.isnan(fitness): return 2.
        else: return -fitness
Beispiel #45
from scipy.stats import gamma
Beispiel #46
	X = [12,15,8,13.5,25]

	Lambda = np.arange(0.01,1,0.01)

	prior_alpha = 1
	prior_beta = 20
	prior = Gamma(Lambda, prior_alpha, prior_beta)

	likelihood = Exponential(Lambda, X)

	posterior_alpha = prior_alpha + len(X)
	posterior_beta = prior_beta + np.sum(X)
	posterior = Gamma(Lambda, posterior_alpha, posterior_beta)

	PPTLT = GammaDist.cdf(1.0/10.0, posterior_alpha,scale=1.0/posterior_beta)
	if PLOT:
		f, axarr = plt.subplots(3, sharex=True)
		axarr[2].plot(Lambda, posterior)

	Lambda = np.arange(0.01,1,0.01)