Beispiel #1
def get_obs_quant_counts(df, quantiles=([.10, .30, .50, .70, .90])):
    if type(df) == pd.Series:
        rt = df.copy()
        rt = df.rt.copy()
    inter_quantiles = [quantiles[0] - 0] + [quantiles[i] - quantiles[i - 1] for i in range(1, len(quantiles))] + [1.00 - quantiles[-1]]
    obs_quant = mq(rt, prob=quantiles)
    observed = np.ceil((inter_quantiles) * len(rt) * .94).astype(int)
    return observed, obs_quant
Beispiel #2
def get_exp_counts(simdf, obs_quant, n_obs, quantiles=([.10, .30, .50, .70, .90])):
    if type(simdf) == pd.Series:
        simrt = simdf.copy()
        simrt = simdf.rt.copy()
    exp_quant = mq(simrt, prob=quantiles)
    oq = obs_quant
    expected = np.ceil(np.diff([0] + [pscore(simrt, oq_rt) * .01 for oq_rt in oq] + [1]) * n_obs)
    return expected, exp_quant
Beispiel #3
 def rangl_data(self, data):
     """ called by __make_dataframes__ to generate
     observed data arrays
     gac = data.query('ttype=="go"').acc.mean()
     grt = data.query('response==1 & acc==1').rt.values
     ert = data.query('response==1 & acc==0').rt.values
     gq = mq(grt, prob=self.model.quantiles)
     eq = mq(ert, prob=self.model.quantiles)
     data_vector = [gac, gq, eq]
     if 'ssd' in
         stopdf = data.query('ttype=="stop"')
         if self.model.ssd_method=='all':
         elif self.model.ssd_method=='central':
             sacc = np.array([stopdf.mean()['acc']])
         data_vector.insert(1, sacc)
     return np.hstack(data_vector)
Beispiel #4
def get_observed_vector(rt, quantiles=array([10, 30, 50, 70, 90])):
    """ takes array of rt values and returns binned counts (trials
    that fall between each set of quantiles in quantiles). also returns
    the total number of observations (len(rt)) and the RT values at those
    quantiles (rtquant)
    inter_quantiles = array([quantiles[0] - 0] + [quantiles[i] - quantiles[i - 1] for i in range(1, len(quantiles))] + [100 - quantiles[-1]])
    rtquant = mq(rt, prob=quantiles * .01)
    ocounts = np.ceil((inter_quantiles) * .01 * len(rt)).astype(int)
    n_obs = np.sum(ocounts)
    return [ocounts, rtquant, n_obs]
Beispiel #5
def loglikelihood(N, mug, mub, mu= 0.5, niter=1000):
    arr = []
    for j in xrange(niter):
        l = [0.0]
        ran = randn(N) + array([mu] * N)
#        print ran
        for i in xrange(1,N):
            l.append(max(0, l[-1] + (mub-mug) *(ran[i] - 0.5* (mug+mub))))
    from scipy.stats.mstats import mquantiles as mq
    print [i/abs(mug-mub) for i in mq(arr, [0.25,0.5,0.75,0.95, 0.975, 0.99])]
Beispiel #6
def loglikelihood(N, mug, mub, mu= 0.5, niter=1000):
    arr = []
    for j in xrange(niter):
        l = [0.0]
        ran = randn(N) + array([mu] * N)
#        print ran
        for i in xrange(1,N):
            l.append(max(0, l[-1] + (mub-mug) *(ran[i] - 0.5* (mug+mub))))
    from scipy.stats.mstats import mquantiles as mq
    print [i/abs(mug-mub) for i in mq(arr, [0.25,0.5,0.75,0.95, 0.975, 0.99])]
    return array(arr)
Beispiel #7
 def __init_analyze_functions__(self):
     """ initiates the analysis function used in
     optimization routine to produce the yhat vector
     prob = self.quantiles
     go_axis, ss_axis = 2, 3
     self.go_resp = lambda trace, upper: np.argmax((trace.T >= upper).T, axis=go_axis) * self.dt
     self.ss_resp_up = lambda trace, upper: np.argmax((trace.T >= upper).T, axis=ss_axis) * self.dt
     self.ss_resp_lo = lambda trace, x: np.argmax((trace.T <= 0).T, axis=ss_axis) * self.dt
     self.go_RT = lambda ontime, rbool: ontime[:, na] + (rbool*np.where(rbool==0., np.nan, 1))
     self.ss_RT = lambda ontime, rbool: ontime[:, :, na] + (rbool*np.where(rbool==0., np.nan, 1))
     self.RTQ = lambda zpd: map((lambda x: mq(x[0][x[0] < x[1]], prob)), zpd)
     if 'irace' in self.kind:
         self.ss_resp = self.ss_resp_up
         self.ss_resp = self.ss_resp_lo
Beispiel #8
 def __init_analyze_functions__(self):
     """ initiates the analysis function used in
     optimization routine to produce the yhat vector
     prob = self.quantiles
     go_axis, ss_axis = 2, 3
     self.go_resp = lambda trace, upper: np.argmax((trace.T >= upper).T, axis=go_axis) * self.dt
     self.ss_resp_up = lambda trace, upper: np.argmax((trace.T >= upper).T, axis=ss_axis) * self.dt
     self.ss_resp_lo = lambda trace, x: np.argmax((trace.T <= 0.).T, axis=ss_axis) * self.dt
     self.go_RT = lambda ontime, gCross: ontime[:, na] + (gCross * np.where(gCross==0., np.nan, 1.))
     self.ss_RT = lambda ontime, ssCross: ontime[:, :, na] + (ssCross * np.where(ssCross==0., np.nan, 1.))
     # self.RTQ = lambda zpd: map((lambda x: mq(x[0][x[0] < x[1]], prob)), zpd)
     self.RTQ = lambda zpd: [mq(rt[rt < deadline], prob) for rt, deadline in zpd]
     self.chunk = lambda x, nl: [array(x[i:i+nl]) for i in range(0, len(x), nl)]
     if 'irace' in self.kind:
         self.ss_resp = self.ss_resp_up
         self.ss_resp = self.ss_resp_lo
Beispiel #9
#!/usr/local/bin/env python
from __future__ import division
from copy import deepcopy
import numpy as np
from numpy import array
from numpy.random import sample as rs
from numpy import hstack as hs
from numpy import newaxis as na
from scipy.stats.mstats import mquantiles as mq

resp_up = lambda trace, a: np.argmax((trace.T >= a).T, axis=2) * dt
ss_resp_up = lambda trace, a: np.argmax((trace.T >= a).T, axis=3) * dt
resp_lo = lambda trace: np.argmax((trace.T <= 0).T, axis=3) * dt
RT = lambda ontime, rbool: ontime[:, na] + (rbool * np.where(rbool == 0, np.nan, 1))
RTQ = lambda zpd: map((lambda x: mq(x[0][x[0] < x[1]], prob)), zpd)

def vectorize_params(p, pc_map, ncond=1):
    pvc = ['a', 'tr', 'vd', 'vi', 'xb']
    for pkey in pvc:
        p[pkey] = p[pkey] * np.ones(ncond)
    for pkey, pkc in pc_map.items():
        if ncond == 1:
            p[pkey] = np.asarray([p[pkey]])
        elif pkc[0] not in p.keys():
            p[pkey] = p[pkey] * np.ones(len(pkc))
            p[pkey] = array([p[pc] for pc in pkc])
    return p
Beispiel #10
def nonparametric_summary(*,
                          series: pd.Series,
                          alphap: float = 1 / 3,
                          betap: float = 1 / 3,
                          decimals: int = 3) -> pd.Series:
    Calculate empirical quantiles for a series.

    series : pd.Series
        The input series.
    alphap : float = 1/3
        Plotting positions.
    betap : float = 1/3
        Plotting positions.
    decimals : int = 3
        The number of decimal places for rounding.

        scipy.stats.mstats.mquantiles plotting positions:
        R method 1, SAS method 3:
            not yet implemented in scipy.stats.mstats.mquantiles
        R method 2, SAS method 5:
            not yet implemented in scipy.stats.mstats.mquantiles
        R method 3, SAS method 2:
            not yet implemented in scipy.stats.mstats.mquantiles
        R method 4, SAS method 1:
            alphap=0, betap=1
        R method 5:
            alphap=0.5, betap=0.5
        R method 6, SAS method 4, Minitab, SPSS:
            alphap=0, betap=0
        R method 7, Splus 3.1:
            alphap=1, betap=1
        R method 8:
            alphap=0.33, betap=0.33; is the recommended, default method
        R method 9:
            alphap=0.375, betap=0.375
        Cunnane's method:
            alphap=0.4, betap=0.4
        APL method;
            alphap=0.35, betap=0.35

    pd.Series containing:
        lower outer fence : float
        lower inner fence : float
        lower quartile : float
        median : float
        upper quartile : float
        upper inner fence : float
        upper outer fence : float
        interquartile range : float
        inner outliers : List[float]
        outer outliers : List[float]
        minimum value : float
        maximum value : float
        count : int

    Example 1
    >>> import datasense as ds
    >>> series = ds.random_data()
    >>> series = ds.nonparametric_summary(series=series)
    >>> print(series)

    Example 2
    >>> series = ds.nonparametric_summary(
    >>>     series=series,
    >>>     alphap=0,
    >>>     betap=0
    >>> )
    >>> print(series)
    xm =, mask=np.isnan(series))
    q25 = mq(xm, prob=(0.25), alphap=alphap, betap=betap)
    q50 = mq(xm, prob=(0.50), alphap=alphap, betap=betap)
    q75 = mq(xm, prob=(0.75), alphap=alphap, betap=betap)
    iqr = q75 - q25
    lof = (q25 - iqr * 3)
    lif = (q25 - iqr * 1.5)
    uif = (q75 + iqr * 1.5)
    uof = (q75 + iqr * 3)
    return pd.Series({
        "lower outer fence":
        round(lof[0], decimals),
        "lower inner fence":
        round(lif[0], decimals),
        "lower quartile":
        round(q25[0], decimals),
        round(q50[0], decimals),
        "upper quartile":
        round(q75[0], decimals),
        "upper inner fence":
        round(uif[0], decimals),
        "upper outer fence":
        round(uof[0], decimals),
        "interquartile range":
        round(iqr[0], decimals),
        "inner outliers":
        [round(x, decimals) for x in series if x < lif or x > uif],
        "outer outliers":
        [round(x, decimals) for x in series if x < lof or x > uof],
        "minimum value":
        round(series.min(), 3),
        "maximum value":
        round(series.max(), 3),