def compute_quantile_difference(maxpowers, theo_sample, interval=0.99):

    all_intervals = [0.5-interval/2.0, 0.5+interval/2.0]

    cl_diff = []

    for m,t in zip(maxpowers, theo_sample):
        qmaxp = quantiles(m, all_intervals)
        qtheo = quantiles(t, all_intervals)


    return cl_diff
Beispiel #2
def stretchlim(im, bottom=0.01, top=None, mask=None):
    """Stretch the image so new image range corresponds to given quantiles.

    im : array, shape (M, N, [...,] P)
        The input image.
    bottom : float, optional
        The lower quantile.
    top : float, optional
        The upper quantile. If not provided, it is set to 1 - `bottom`.
    mask : array of bool, shape (M, N, [...,] P), optional
        Only consider intensity values where `mask` is ``True``.

    out : np.ndarray of float
        The stretched image.
    if mask is None:
        mask = np.ones(im.shape, dtype=bool)
    if top is None:
        top = 1. - bottom
    im = im.astype(float)
    q0, q1 = quantiles(im[mask], [bottom, top])
    out = (im - q0) / (q1 - q0)
    out[out < 0] = 0
    out[out > 1] = 1
    return out
Beispiel #3
def stretchlim(im, bottom=0.01, top=None, mask=None):
    """Stretch the image so new image range corresponds to given quantiles.

    im : array, shape (M, N, [...,] P)
        The input image.
    bottom : float, optional
        The lower quantile.
    top : float, optional
        The upper quantile. If not provided, it is set to 1 - `bottom`.
    mask : array of bool, shape (M, N, [...,] P), optional
        Only consider intensity values where `mask` is ``True``.

    out : np.ndarray of float
        The stretched image.
    if mask is None:
        mask = np.ones(im.shape, dtype=bool)
    if top is None:
        top = 1. - bottom
    im = im.astype(float)
    q0, q1 = quantiles(im[mask], [bottom, top])
    out = (im - q0) / (q1 - q0)
    out[out < 0] = 0
    out[out > 1] = 1
    return out
def five_summary(data):
	minimum = np.min(data)
	maximum = np.max(data)
	quants = quantiles(data, [0.25, 0.5, 0.75])
	## make ordered dictionary and store values
	d = OrderedDict()
	d["minimum"] = minimum
	d["25% quantile"] = quants[0]
	d["median"] = quants[1]
	d["75% quantile"] = quants[2]
	d["maximum"] = maximum
	return d
Beispiel #5
    def _quantiles(self, mcall):

        ### empty lists for quantiles
        ci0, ci1 = [], []

        ### loop over the parameters ###
        for i,k in enumerate(self.topt):

            print("I am on parameter: " + str(i))

            ### pick parameter out of array
            tpar = np.array([t[i] for t in mcall])
            ### reshape back into array of niter*nchain dimensions
            tpar = np.reshape(tpar, (self.nchain, len(tpar)/self.nchain))

            ### compute mean of variance of each chain
            intv = map(lambda y: quantiles(y, prob=[0.1, 0.9]), tpar)

            ### quantiles will return a list with two elements for each
            ### chain: the 0.1 and 0.9 quantiles
            ### need to pick out these for each chain
            c0 = np.array([x[0] for x in intv])
            c1 = np.array([x[1] for x in intv])

            ### now compute the scale
            scale = np.mean(c1-c0)/2.0

            ### compute means of each chain
            mt = map(lambda y: np.mean(y), tpar)
            ### mean of means of all chains
            offset = np.mean(mt)

            ### rescale quantiles (WHY??)
            ci0.append((c0 - offset)/scale)
            ci1.append((c1 - offset)/scale)

        return ci0, ci1
Beispiel #6
def stretchlim(im, bottom=0.001, top=None, mask=None, in_place=False):
    """Stretch the image so new image range corresponds to given quantiles.

    im : array, shape (M, N, [...,] P)
        The input image.
    bottom : float, optional
        The lower quantile.
    top : float, optional
        The upper quantile. If not provided, it is set to 1 - `bottom`.
    mask : array of bool, shape (M, N, [...,] P), optional
        Only consider intensity values where `mask` is ``True``.
    in_place : bool, optional
        If True, modify the input image in-place (only possible if
        it is a float image).

    out : np.ndarray of float
        The stretched image.
    if in_place and np.issubdtype(im.dtype, np.float):
        out = im
        out = np.empty(im.shape, np.float32)
        out[:] = im
    if mask is None:
        mask = np.ones(im.shape, dtype=bool)
    if top is None:
        top = 1 - bottom
    q0, q1 = quantiles(im[mask], [bottom, top])
    out -= q0
    out /= q1 - q0
    out = np.clip(out, 0, 1, out=out)
    return out
Beispiel #7
    def mcmc_infer(self, namestr='test', printobj = None):

        #if printobj:
        #    print = printobj
        #    from __builtin__ import print as print

        ### covariance of the parameters from simulations
        covsim = np.cov(self.mcall)

        print("Covariance matrix (after simulations): \n")

        ### calculate for each parameter its (posterior) mean and equal tail
        ### 90% (credible) interval from the MCMC

        self.mean = map(lambda y: np.mean(y), self.mcall)
        self.std = map(lambda y: np.std(y), self.mcall) = map(lambda y: quantiles(y, prob=[0.05, 0.95]), self.mcall)

        ### print to screen
        print("-- Posterior Summary of Parameters: \n")
        print("parameter \t mean \t\t sd \t\t 5% \t\t 95% \n")
        for i in range(len(self.topt)):
            print("theta[" + str(i) + "] \t " + str(self.mean[i]) + "\t" + str(self.std[i]) + "\t" + str([i][0]) + "\t" + str([i][1]) + "\n" )

        ### produce matrix scatter plots

        N = len(self.topt) ### number of parameters
        print("N: " + str(N))
        n, bins, patches = [], [], []

        if self.plot:
            fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15,15))
            plt.subplots_adjust(top=0.925, bottom=0.025, left=0.025, right=0.975, wspace=0.2, hspace=0.2)
            for i in range(N):
                for j in range(N):
                    xmin, xmax = self.mcall[j][:1000].min(), self.mcall[j][:1000].max()
                    ymin, ymax = self.mcall[i][:1000].min(), self.mcall[i][:1000].max()
                    ax = fig.add_subplot(N,N,i*N+j+1)
                    ax.ticklabel_format(style="sci", scilimits=(-2,2))

                    if i == j:
                        ntemp, binstemp, patchestemp = ax.hist(self.mcall[i][:1000], 30, normed=True, histtype='stepfilled')
                        ax.axis([ymin, ymax, 0, max(ntemp)*1.2])


                        ax.axis([xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax])

                        ### make a scatter plot first
                        ax.scatter(self.mcall[j][:1000], self.mcall[i][:1000], s=7)
                        ### then add contours
                        xmin, xmax = self.mcall[j][:1000].min(), self.mcall[j][:1000].max()
                        ymin, ymax = self.mcall[i][:1000].min(), self.mcall[i][:1000].max()

                        ### Perform Kernel density estimate on data
                            X,Y = np.mgrid[xmin:xmax:100j, ymin:ymax:100j]
                            positions = np.vstack([X.ravel(), Y.ravel()])
                            values = np.vstack([self.mcall[j][:1000], self.mcall[i][:1000]])
                            kernel = scipy.stats.gaussian_kde(values)
                            Z = np.reshape(kernel(positions).T, X.shape)

                        except ValueError:
                            print("Not making contours.")

            plt.savefig(namestr + "_scatter.png", format='png')