def transfer_same_dist(test_list, train_list, com_comp, test_rem):
    if len(test_rem) == 0:
        return test_list, train_list, com_comp

    sizes = [len(line) for line in test_rem]
    mean_test_size = np_mean(sizes)
    sd = sqrt(np_var(sizes))
    if sd != 0:
        test_rem_dist = norm_dist(mean_test_size, sd)
        p_dist = [test_rem_dist.pdf(len(line)) for line in train_list]
        norm_ct = sum(p_dist)
        if norm_ct != 0:
            p_dist = [val / norm_ct for val in p_dist]
        train_rem = rand_choice(train_list,
        train_rem = [
            line for line in train_list if len(line) == mean_test_size
    test_list = test_list + train_rem
    for line in train_rem:
    return test_list, train_list
Beispiel #2
def central_limit(rvs, n, length):
    rv_mean = np.zeros(length)
    for i in range(n):
        rv = rvs(size=length)
        rv_mean = rv_mean + rv
    rv_mean = rv_mean / n
    gaussian_params =
    gaussian = norm_dist(gaussian_params[0], gaussian_params[1])
    return rv_mean, gaussian
Beispiel #3
def run_case(dummy, fuel, P_0, T_0, P_C, mfuel, T_a, mix):
    # Set the Cantera Solution with the thermo data from the xml file.
    # Get the molecular weight of the fuel and set the unit basis for
    # the Solution to molar basis.
    gas = ct.Solution('therm-data.xml')
    fuel_mw = gas.molecular_weights[gas.species_index(fuel)]
    gas.basis = 'molar'

    # Set the ambient temperature and distribution. Convert the ambient
    # temperature to °C to match the spec but use absolute temperature
    # for the distribution.
    sigma_Ta = max(2.2, (T_a - 273.15) * 0.0075) / 2
    Ta_dist = norm_dist(loc=T_a, scale=sigma_Ta)
    # Ta_dist = uniform(loc=T_a-sigma_Ta, scale=sigma_Ta*2)
    # Ta_dist = triang(loc=T_a-sigma_Ta, scale=sigma_Ta*2, c=0.5)

    # Set the tank volume and distribution.
    nom_tank_volume = 0.01660
    sigma_volume = 0.00001
    vol_dist = norm_dist(loc=nom_tank_volume, scale=sigma_volume)

    # Create the normal distributions for the initial temperature,
    # initial pressure, and compressed pressure. Convert the initial
    # temperature to °C to match the spec. Use the appropriate
    # distribution for the desired analysis (normal, uniform,
    # triangular).
    sigma_T0 = max(2.2, (T_0 - 273) * 0.0075) / 2
    T0_dist = norm_dist(loc=T_0, scale=sigma_T0)
    # T0_dist = uniform(loc=T_0-sigma_T0, scale=sigma_T0*2)
    # T0_dist = triang(loc=T_0-sigma_T0, scale=sigma_T0*2, c=0.5)

    sigma_P0 = 346.6 / 2
    P0_dist = norm_dist(loc=P_0, scale=sigma_P0)

    sigma_PC = 5000 / 2
    PC_dist = norm_dist(loc=P_C, scale=sigma_PC)

    # Set the nominal injected mass of the fuel. Compute the nominal
    # moles of fuel and corresponding nominal required number of moles
    # of the gases.
    nom_mass_fuel = mfuel
    nom_mole_fuel = nom_mass_fuel / fuel_mw
    nom_mole_o2 = nom_mole_fuel * mix[0]
    nom_mole_n2 = nom_mole_fuel * mix[1]
    nom_mole_ar = nom_mole_fuel * mix[2]

    # Create the normal distribution for the fuel mass.
    sigma_mass = 0.03 / 2
    fuel_mass_dist = norm_dist(loc=nom_mass_fuel, scale=sigma_mass)

    # Calculate the nominal pressure required for each gas to match the
    # desired molar proportions. Note that the gas constant from
    # Cantera is given in units of J/kmol-K, hence the factor of 1000.
    nom_o2_pres = nom_mole_o2 * ct.gas_constant * T_a / (1000 *
    nom_n2_pres = nom_mole_n2 * ct.gas_constant * T_a / (1000 *
    nom_ar_pres = nom_mole_ar * ct.gas_constant * T_a / (1000 *

    # Compute the pressures of each component as they are filled into
    # the mixing tank. The mean of the distribution of the pressure of
    # each subsequent gas is the sum of the sampled value of the
    # pressure of the previous gas plus the nominal value of the
    # current gas. Note that these are thus not partial pressures, but
    # the total pressure in the tank after filling each component.
    sigma_pressure = 346.6 / 2
    o2_dist = norm_dist(loc=nom_o2_pres, scale=sigma_pressure)
    o2_pres_rand = o2_dist.ppf(np.random.random_sample())
    n2_pressure = o2_pres_rand + nom_n2_pres
    n2_dist = norm_dist(loc=n2_pressure, scale=sigma_pressure)
    n2_pres_rand = n2_dist.ppf(np.random.random_sample())
    ar_pressure = n2_pres_rand + nom_ar_pres
    ar_dist = norm_dist(loc=ar_pressure, scale=sigma_pressure)
    ar_pres_rand = ar_dist.ppf(np.random.random_sample())

    # Sample random values of the ambient temperature, tank volume, and
    # fuel mass from their distributions.
    Ta_rand = Ta_dist.ppf(np.random.random_sample())
    tank_volume_rand = vol_dist.ppf(np.random.random_sample())
    mole_fuel_rand = fuel_mass_dist.ppf(np.random.random_sample()) / fuel_mw

    # Compute the number of moles of each gaseous component based on
    # the sampling from the various distributions. Note that the gas
    # constant from Cantera is given in units of J/kmol-K, hence the
    # factor of 1000.
    mole_o2_rand = o2_pres_rand * tank_volume_rand * 1000 / (ct.gas_constant *
    mole_n2_rand = (n2_pres_rand - o2_pres_rand) * tank_volume_rand * 1000 / (
        ct.gas_constant * Ta_rand)
    mole_ar_rand = (ar_pres_rand - n2_pres_rand) * tank_volume_rand * 1000 / (
        ct.gas_constant * Ta_rand)

    # Compute the mole fractions of each component and set the state of
    # the Cantera solution.
    total_moles = sum(
        [mole_fuel_rand, mole_o2_rand, mole_n2_rand, mole_ar_rand])
    mole_fractions = '{fuel_name}:{fuel_mole},o2:{o2},n2:{n2},ar:{ar}'.format(
        fuel_mole=mole_fuel_rand / total_moles,
        o2=mole_o2_rand / total_moles,
        n2=mole_n2_rand / total_moles,
        ar=mole_ar_rand / total_moles)
    gas.TPX = None, None, mole_fractions

    # Initialize the array of temperatures over which the C_p should be fit.
    # The range is [first input, second input) with increment set by the third
    # input. Loop through the temperatures and compute the non-dimensional
    # specific heats.
    temperatures = np.arange(300, 1105, 5)
    gas_cp = np.zeros(len(temperatures))
    for j, temp in enumerate(temperatures):
        gas.TP = temp, None
        gas_cp[j] = gas.cp / ct.gas_constant

    # Compute the linear fit to the specific heat.
    (gas_b, gas_a) = np.polyfit(temperatures, gas_cp, 1)

    # Sample the values for the initial temperature, initial pressure, and
    # compressed pressure.
    T0_rand = T0_dist.ppf(np.random.random_sample())
    P0_rand = P0_dist.ppf(np.random.random_sample())
    PC_rand = PC_dist.ppf(np.random.random_sample())

    # Compute the compressed temperature and return it.
    lam_rand = gas_b / gas_a * np.exp(
        gas_b * T0_rand / gas_a) * T0_rand * (PC_rand / P0_rand)**(1 / gas_a)
    TC_rand = np.real(gas_a * lambertw(lam_rand) / gas_b)
    return TC_rand
def run_case(dummy, fuel, P_0, T_0, P_C, mfuel, T_a, mix):
    # Set the Cantera Solution with the thermo data from the xml file.
    # Get the molecular weight of the fuel and set the unit basis for
    # the Solution to molar basis.
    gas = ct.Solution('therm-data.xml')
    fuel_mw = gas.molecular_weights[gas.species_index(fuel)]
    gas.basis = 'molar'

    # Set the ambient temperature and distribution. Convert the ambient
    # temperature to °C to match the spec but use absolute temperature
    # for the distribution.
    sigma_Ta = max(2.2, (T_a - 273.15)*0.0075)/2
    Ta_dist = norm_dist(loc=T_a, scale=sigma_Ta)
    # Ta_dist = uniform(loc=T_a-sigma_Ta, scale=sigma_Ta*2)
    # Ta_dist = triang(loc=T_a-sigma_Ta, scale=sigma_Ta*2, c=0.5)

    # Set the tank volume and distribution.
    nom_tank_volume = 0.01660
    sigma_volume = 0.00001
    vol_dist = norm_dist(loc=nom_tank_volume, scale=sigma_volume)

    # Create the normal distributions for the initial temperature,
    # initial pressure, and compressed pressure. Convert the initial
    # temperature to °C to match the spec. Use the appropriate
    # distribution for the desired analysis (normal, uniform,
    # triangular).
    sigma_T0 = max(2.2, (T_0 - 273)*0.0075)/2
    T0_dist = norm_dist(loc=T_0, scale=sigma_T0)
    # T0_dist = uniform(loc=T_0-sigma_T0, scale=sigma_T0*2)
    # T0_dist = triang(loc=T_0-sigma_T0, scale=sigma_T0*2, c=0.5)

    sigma_P0 = 346.6/2
    P0_dist = norm_dist(loc=P_0, scale=sigma_P0)

    sigma_PC = 5000/2
    PC_dist = norm_dist(loc=P_C, scale=sigma_PC)

    # Set the nominal injected mass of the fuel. Compute the nominal
    # moles of fuel and corresponding nominal required number of moles
    # of the gases.
    nom_mass_fuel = mfuel
    nom_mole_fuel = nom_mass_fuel/fuel_mw
    nom_mole_o2 = nom_mole_fuel*mix[0]
    nom_mole_n2 = nom_mole_fuel*mix[1]
    nom_mole_ar = nom_mole_fuel*mix[2]

    # Create the normal distribution for the fuel mass.
    sigma_mass = 0.03/2
    fuel_mass_dist = norm_dist(loc=nom_mass_fuel, scale=sigma_mass)

    # Calculate the nominal pressure required for each gas to match the
    # desired molar proportions. Note that the gas constant from
    # Cantera is given in units of J/kmol-K, hence the factor of 1000.
    nom_o2_pres = nom_mole_o2*ct.gas_constant*T_a/(1000*nom_tank_volume)
    nom_n2_pres = nom_mole_n2*ct.gas_constant*T_a/(1000*nom_tank_volume)
    nom_ar_pres = nom_mole_ar*ct.gas_constant*T_a/(1000*nom_tank_volume)

    # Compute the pressures of each component as they are filled into
    # the mixing tank. The mean of the distribution of the pressure of
    # each subsequent gas is the sum of the sampled value of the
    # pressure of the previous gas plus the nominal value of the
    # current gas. Note that these are thus not partial pressures, but
    # the total pressure in the tank after filling each component.
    sigma_pressure = 346.6/2
    o2_dist = norm_dist(loc=nom_o2_pres, scale=sigma_pressure)
    o2_pres_rand = o2_dist.ppf(np.random.random_sample())
    n2_pressure = o2_pres_rand + nom_n2_pres
    n2_dist = norm_dist(loc=n2_pressure, scale=sigma_pressure)
    n2_pres_rand = n2_dist.ppf(np.random.random_sample())
    ar_pressure = n2_pres_rand + nom_ar_pres
    ar_dist = norm_dist(loc=ar_pressure, scale=sigma_pressure)
    ar_pres_rand = ar_dist.ppf(np.random.random_sample())

    # Sample random values of the ambient temperature, tank volume, and
    # fuel mass from their distributions.
    Ta_rand = Ta_dist.ppf(np.random.random_sample())
    tank_volume_rand = vol_dist.ppf(np.random.random_sample())
    mole_fuel_rand = fuel_mass_dist.ppf(np.random.random_sample())/fuel_mw

    # Compute the number of moles of each gaseous component based on
    # the sampling from the various distributions. Note that the gas
    # constant from Cantera is given in units of J/kmol-K, hence the
    # factor of 1000.
    mole_o2_rand = o2_pres_rand*tank_volume_rand*1000/(ct.gas_constant*Ta_rand)
    mole_n2_rand = (n2_pres_rand - o2_pres_rand)*tank_volume_rand*1000/(ct.gas_constant*Ta_rand)
    mole_ar_rand = (ar_pres_rand - n2_pres_rand)*tank_volume_rand*1000/(ct.gas_constant*Ta_rand)

    # Compute the mole fractions of each component and set the state of
    # the Cantera solution.
    total_moles = sum([mole_fuel_rand, mole_o2_rand, mole_n2_rand, mole_ar_rand])
    mole_fractions = '{fuel_name}:{fuel_mole},o2:{o2},n2:{n2},ar:{ar}'.format(
        fuel_name=fuel, fuel_mole=mole_fuel_rand/total_moles, o2=mole_o2_rand/total_moles,
        n2=mole_n2_rand/total_moles, ar=mole_ar_rand/total_moles)
    gas.TPX = None, None, mole_fractions

    # Initialize the array of temperatures over which the C_p should be fit.
    # The range is [first input, second input) with increment set by the third
    # input. Loop through the temperatures and compute the non-dimensional
    # specific heats.
    temperatures = np.arange(300, 1105, 5)
    gas_cp = np.zeros(len(temperatures))
    for j, temp in enumerate(temperatures):
        gas.TP = temp, None
        gas_cp[j] = gas.cp/ct.gas_constant

    # Compute the linear fit to the specific heat.
    (gas_b, gas_a) = np.polyfit(temperatures, gas_cp, 1)

    # Sample the values for the initial temperature, initial pressure, and
    # compressed pressure.
    T0_rand = T0_dist.ppf(np.random.random_sample())
    P0_rand = P0_dist.ppf(np.random.random_sample())
    PC_rand = PC_dist.ppf(np.random.random_sample())

    # Compute the compressed temperature and return it.
    lam_rand = gas_b/gas_a * np.exp(gas_b*T0_rand/gas_a) * T0_rand * (PC_rand/P0_rand)**(1/gas_a)
    TC_rand = np.real(gas_a * lambertw(lam_rand)/gas_b)
    return TC_rand
Beispiel #5
        ), y_trainall)

        # the final prediction for this fold
        forecast = ngb.pred_dist(X_test, max_iter=best_itr)
        forecast_val = ngb.pred_dist(X_val, max_iter=best_itr)

        # set the appropriate scale if using a homoskedastic Normal
        if args.distn == "NormalFixedVar":
            scale = (forecast.var *
                     ((forecast_val.loc - y_val.flatten())**2).mean()**0.5)
            forecast = norm_dist(loc=forecast.loc, scale=scale)

        ngb_rmse += [np.sqrt(mean_squared_error(forecast.mean(), y_test))]
        ngb_nll += [-forecast.logpdf(y_test.flatten()).mean()]

        print("[%d/%d] BestIter=%d RMSE: Val=%.4f Test=%.4f NLL: Test=%.4f" % (
            itr + 1,
            np.sqrt(val_rmse[best_itr - 1]),
            np.sqrt(mean_squared_error(forecast.mean(), y_test)),

        "== RMSE GBM=%.4f +/- %.4f, NGB=%.4f +/- %.4f, NLL NGB=%.4f +/ %.4f" %
def run_case(dummy, fuel, P_0, T_0, P_C, mix):
    # Set the Cantera Solution with the thermo data from the xml file.
    # Set the unit basis for the Solution to molar basis.
    gas = ct.Solution('therm-data.xml')
    gas.basis = 'molar'

    # Create the normal distributions for the initial temperature,
    # initial pressure, and compressed pressure. Convert the initial
    # temperature to °C to match the spec. Use the appropriate
    # distribution for the desired analysis (normal, uniform,
    # triangular).
    sigma_T0 = max(2.2, (T_0 - 273)*0.0075)/2
    T0_dist = norm_dist(loc=T_0, scale=sigma_T0)
    # T0_dist = triang(loc=T_0-sigma_T0, scale=2*sigma_T0, c=0.5)
    # T0_dist = uniform(loc=T_0-sigma_T0, scale=2*sigma_T0)

    sigma_P0 = 346.6/2
    P0_dist = norm_dist(loc=P_0, scale=sigma_P0)

    sigma_PC = 5000/2
    PC_dist = norm_dist(loc=P_C, scale=sigma_PC)

    sigma_pressure = 346.6/2
    # For the experiments studied here, if there was no argon added,
    # the nitrogen was added first. Otherwise, the order was o2, n2,
    # ar, fuel. Compute the pressures of each component as they are
    # filled into the mixing tank.
    if mix['ar'] > 0:
        nom_o2_pres = mix['o2']*ct.one_atm/760
        nom_n2_pres = (mix['n2'] - mix['o2'])*ct.one_atm/760
        nom_ar_pres = (mix['ar'] - mix['n2'])*ct.one_atm/760
        nom_fuel_pres = (mix['fuel'] - mix['ar'])*ct.one_atm/760
        o2_dist = norm_dist(loc=nom_o2_pres, scale=sigma_pressure)
        o2_pres_rand = o2_dist.ppf(np.random.random_sample())
        n2_pressure = o2_pres_rand + nom_n2_pres
        n2_dist = norm_dist(loc=n2_pressure, scale=sigma_pressure)
        n2_pres_rand = n2_dist.ppf(np.random.random_sample())
        ar_pressure = n2_pres_rand + nom_ar_pres
        ar_dist = norm_dist(loc=ar_pressure, scale=sigma_pressure)
        ar_pres_rand = ar_dist.ppf(np.random.random_sample())
        fuel_pressure = ar_pres_rand + nom_fuel_pres
        fuel_dist = norm_dist(loc=fuel_pressure, scale=sigma_pressure)
        fuel_pres_rand = fuel_dist.ppf(np.random.random_sample())
        o2_par_pres = o2_pres_rand
        n2_par_pres = n2_pres_rand - o2_pres_rand
        ar_par_pres = ar_pres_rand - n2_pres_rand
        fuel_par_pres = fuel_pres_rand - ar_pres_rand
        nom_n2_pres = mix['n2']*ct.one_atm/760
        nom_o2_pres = (mix['o2'] - mix['n2'])*ct.one_atm/760
        nom_fuel_pres = (mix['fuel'] - mix['o2'])*ct.one_atm/760
        nom_ar_pres = 0
        n2_dist = norm_dist(loc=nom_n2_pres, scale=sigma_pressure)
        n2_pres_rand = n2_dist.ppf(np.random.random_sample())
        o2_pressure = n2_pres_rand + nom_o2_pres
        o2_dist = norm_dist(loc=o2_pressure, scale=sigma_pressure)
        o2_pres_rand = o2_dist.ppf(np.random.random_sample())
        fuel_pressure = o2_pres_rand + nom_fuel_pres
        fuel_dist = norm_dist(loc=fuel_pressure, scale=sigma_pressure)
        fuel_pres_rand = fuel_dist.ppf(np.random.random_sample())
        n2_par_pres = n2_pres_rand
        o2_par_pres = o2_pres_rand - n2_pres_rand
        fuel_par_pres = fuel_pres_rand - o2_pres_rand
        ar_par_pres = 0

    # Compute the mole fractions of each component and set the state of
    # the Cantera solution.
    total_pres = sum([o2_par_pres, n2_par_pres, ar_par_pres, fuel_par_pres])
    mole_fractions = '{fuel_name}:{fuel_mole},o2:{o2},n2:{n2},ar:{ar}'.format(
        fuel_name=fuel, fuel_mole=fuel_par_pres/total_pres,
        o2=o2_par_pres/total_pres, n2=n2_par_pres/total_pres,
    gas.TPX = None, None, mole_fractions

    # Initialize the array of temperatures over which the C_p should be
    # fit. The range is [first input, second input) with increment set
    # by the third input. Loop through the temperatures and compute the
    # non-dimensional specific heats.
    temperatures = np.arange(300, 1105, 5)
    gas_cp = np.zeros(len(temperatures))
    for j, temp in enumerate(temperatures):
        gas.TP = temp, None
        gas_cp[j] = gas.cp/ct.gas_constant

    # Compute the linear fit to the specific heat.
    (gas_b, gas_a) = np.polyfit(temperatures, gas_cp, 1)

    # Sample the values for the initial temperature, initial pressure, and
    # compressed pressure.
    T0_rand = T0_dist.ppf(np.random.random_sample())
    P0_rand = P0_dist.ppf(np.random.random_sample())
    PC_rand = PC_dist.ppf(np.random.random_sample())

    # Compute the compressed temperature and return it.
    lam_rand = gas_b/gas_a * np.exp(gas_b*T0_rand/gas_a) * T0_rand * (PC_rand/P0_rand)**(1/gas_a)
    TC_rand = np.real(gas_a * lambertw(lam_rand)/gas_b)
    return TC_rand