Beispiel #1
def goMorphing():
    global soundMain, soundBase, RATE, N, nHop, fSmooth, fBalance, RECFILEPATH
    morphedPath4Web = ""

    #commUtill.logger.debug("now morphing")

    Sound = Sounds()

    # check sound file is set
    flg = checkSoundFileIsSet()
    if flg == False:

    # on heroku
    if commUtill.ON_HEROKU:
        commUtill.logger.debug("get morphed file path ON HEROKU")
        FILE_NAME_HEROKU = 'finalized'
        EXTENSION = '.wav'
        path = outputPath + FILE_NAME_HEROKU + str(
            nSelectedSoundBase) + EXTENSION
        morphedPath4Web = path.replace(application_path + "/html", '', 1)

    # other normally
        # windowing
        win1 = hanning(N)
        win2 = hanning(N)

        # morphing
        Morph = Morphing()
        morphedPath = Morph.stftMorph(soundBase, soundMain, RATE, win1, N,
                                      win2, N, N // nHop, fSmooth, fBalance)
        # get array data
        soundMorph = Sound.getSound(morphedPath)
        doneSound = soundMorph

        # effect
        #soundEffected = reverb.mainProc(doneSound, RATE, 5, 0.05)
        #doneSound = soundEffected

        # Filter
        doneSound = IIRFilter.filterProc(doneSound, RATE, "lowpass", "butter",

        # write sound file in env
        #commUtill.logger.debug("write: " + morphedPath)
        #sf.write(morphedPath, doneSound, RATE)
        commUtill.writeSoundFile(morphedPath, doneSound, RATE)

        # retun path for web
        path = morphedPath
        morphedPath4Web = path.replace(application_path + "/html", '', 1)

    return morphedPath4Web
def stft(x, fftsize=16, overlap=2):
    retVal = []
    if len(x) <= fftsize:
        w = scipy.hanning(len(x) + 1)[:-1]
        retVal = np.array([np.fft.rfft(w * x[0:len(x)])])
        hop = round(fftsize / overlap)
        w = scipy.hanning(fftsize + 1)[:-1]
        retVal = np.array([
            np.fft.rfft(w * x[i:i + fftsize])
            for i in range(0,
                           len(x) - fftsize, hop)

    return retVal
Beispiel #3
def test(filename=None):
    import random, os
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    from sys import argv
    #signal, params = read_signal(sound,WINSIZE)
    scenario = None
    if filename != None:
        scene = os.path.basename(filename)[0]
        filename = random.choice([
            x for x in os.listdir("tmp/") if os.path.splitext(x)[1] == ".flac"
        scene = filename[0]
        filename = "tmp/" + filename
    truths = vad.load_truths()
    signal, rate = speech.read_soundfile(filename)
    seconds = float(len(signal)) / rate
    winsize = librosa.time_to_samples(float(WINMS) / 1000, rate)[0]
    window = sp.hanning(winsize)
    ltsd = LTSD(winsize, window, 5)
    res, threshold, nstart, nend = ltsd.compute(signal)
    segments = ltsd.segments(res, threshold)
    #print(float(len(signal))/rate, librosa.core.frames_to_time(len(res), 8000, winsize/2))
    segments = librosa.core.frames_to_time(segments, rate, winsize / 2)
    fig = plt.figure()
    ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
    ax.plot(np.linspace(0, seconds, len(res)), res)
    ax.plot([0, seconds], [threshold, threshold])
    vad.plot_segments(truths[scene]['combined'], segments, ax)
    n1 = float(nstart) / rate
    n2 = float(nend) / rate
    ax.vlines([n1, n2], -20, 20)
def smoothDownSampleFeature(dataframe, windowLength, downSampleFactor):
    Temporal smoothing and downsampling of a feature sequence.
    Adapted from the smoothDownsampleFeature.m file of the Matlab Chroma Toolbox
    def downsample_to_proportion(rows, proportion=1):
        return list(islice(rows, 0, len(rows), int(1 / proportion)))

    if windowLength == 1 and downSampleFactor == 1:
        return dataframe

    statWindow = hanning(windowLength)
    statWindow = statWindow / statWindow.sum()
    statWindow = np.tile(statWindow, [1, 1])

    f_feature = dataframe.as_matrix()
    seg_num = f_feature.shape[0]
    stat_num = int(ceil(seg_num / downSampleFactor))
    f_feature_stat = upfirdn(f_feature, statWindow.transpose(), 1,
    cut = floor((windowLength - 1) / (2 * downSampleFactor))
    f_feature_stat = f_feature_stat[cut:stat_num + cut, :]

    timeIndex = downsample_to_proportion(dataframe.index, 1 / downSampleFactor)
    dfSmoothed = pd.DataFrame(f_feature_stat, index=timeIndex)

    return dfSmoothed
def vad_callback(data):
	global big_data; global WINSIZE; global vad_pub; global stream; global SAMPLE_RATE
	global counter; global background_noise; global FILTER
	signal = np.array(, dtype=np.int16)
	print "recieved = " + str(len(signal)) + " frames = " + str(float(len(signal))/SAMPLE_RATE) + " seconds"
	#signal = np.asarray(big_data)
	window = sp.hanning(WINSIZE)
	ltsd = LTSD(WINSIZE,window,5)
	res =  ltsd.compute(signal)
	start, end = fence(res, len(signal))
	final = np.array(signal[start:end],dtype=np.float32)
	print 'start = ' + str(start)
	print 'end   = ' + str(end)
	if end - start > SAMPLE_RATE/2:
		#there is speech activity in the sample
		#print signal
		print "FOUND ACTIVITY - " + str(max(final))
		if FILTER and len(background_noise) > 0: #if activity is grater than half a sec:
			#take the last bg_noise in the list for better filtering
			f = cocktail(signal, background_noise[len(background_noise)-1])
			vad_pub.publish(np.array(f[0], dtype=np.float32))
			vad_pub.publish(np.array(signal, dtype=np.float32))
		if FILTER:
			if len(background_noise) > 5:
				background_noise = []
Beispiel #6
Datei: Projekt: jlep/vad
def test(filename=None):
    import random, os
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    from sys import argv
    #signal, params = read_signal(sound,WINSIZE)
    if filename != None:
        scene = os.path.basename(filename)[0]
        filename = random.choice([x for x in os.listdir("tmp/") if os.path.splitext(x)[1] == ".flac"])
        scene = filename[0]
        filename = "tmp/"+filename
    truths = vad.load_truths()
    signal,rate = speech.read_soundfile(filename)
    seconds = float(len(signal))/rate
    winsize = librosa.time_to_samples(float(WINMS)/1000, rate)[0]
    window = sp.hanning(winsize)
    ltsd = LTSD(winsize,window,5)
    res, threshold,nstart,nend =  ltsd.compute(signal)
    segments = ltsd.segments(res, threshold)
    #print(float(len(signal))/rate, librosa.core.frames_to_time(len(res), 8000, winsize/2))
    segments = librosa.core.frames_to_time(segments, rate, winsize/2)
    fig = plt.figure()
    ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
    ax.plot(np.linspace(0,seconds, len(res)), res)
    ax.plot([0, seconds], [threshold, threshold])
    vad.plot_segments(truths[scene]['combined'], segments, ax)
    n1 = float(nstart)/rate
    n2 = float(nend)/rate
    ax.vlines([n1,n2], -20,20)
def stft(data, fs, framesize = 0.075, hopsize = 0.0625):

    # data = a numpy array containing the signal to be processed
    # fs = a scalar which is the sampling frequency of the data

    objType = type(data).__name__.strip()
    if objType <> "ndarray":
        raise Exception('data argument is no instance of numpy.array')

    size = len(data)
    if (size < 1):
        raise Exception('data array is empty')  

    frameSamp = int(framesize * fs)
    hopSamp = int(hopsize * fs)
    window = scipy.hanning(frameSamp)

    threshold = numpy.mean(numpy.absolute(data))*0.20
    X = numpy.array([numpy.absolute(scipy.fft(window * data[i : (i + frameSamp)])) for i in xrange(0, len(data) - frameSamp, hopSamp) if numpy.mean(numpy.absolute(data[i : (i + frameSamp)])) > threshold])

    # Deleting the second half of each row
    # Fourier Transform gives Hermite-symmetric result for real-valued input
    X = numpy.array([X[i][: numpy.ceil((X.shape[1] + 1.0) / 2)] for i in xrange(0, X.shape[0])])
    return X
Beispiel #8
def stft(data, fftsize=1024, overlap=4):
    w = scipy.hanning(fftsize + 1)[:-1]
    return np.array([
        np.fft.rfft(w * data[i:i + fftsize])
        for i in range(0,
                       len(data) - fftsize, fftsize / overlap)
Beispiel #9
def stft(x, fftsize, overlap):
    '''Computes the Short Time Fourier Transform with sensible defaults : Hanning window, window length is a power of 2 
    hop = fftsize // overlap
    w = scipy.hanning(fftsize+1)[:-1]      # better reconstruction with this trick +1)[:-1]  
    return numpy.array([numpy.fft.rfft(w*x[i:i+fftsize]) for i in range(0, len(x)-fftsize, hop)])
Beispiel #10
def stft(data, fs, framesize=0.075, hopsize=0.0625):

    # data = a numpy array containing the signal to be processed
    # fs = a scalar which is the sampling frequency of the data

    objType = type(data).__name__.strip()

    if objType <> "ndarray":
        raise Exception('data argument is no instance of numpy.array')

    size = len(data)
    if (size < 1):
        raise Exception('data array is empty')

    frameSamp = int(framesize * fs)
    hopSamp = int(hopsize * fs)
    window = scipy.hanning(frameSamp)

    threshold = numpy.mean(numpy.absolute(data)) * 0.20

    X = numpy.array([
        numpy.absolute(scipy.fft(window * data[i:(i + frameSamp)]))
        for i in xrange(0,
                        len(data) - frameSamp, hopSamp)
        if numpy.mean(numpy.absolute(data[i:(i + frameSamp)])) > threshold

    # Deleting the second half of each row
    # Fourier Transform gives Hermite-symmetric result for real-valued input
    X = numpy.array([
        X[i][:numpy.ceil((X.shape[1] + 1.0) / 2)]
        for i in xrange(0, X.shape[0])

    return X
Beispiel #11
    def testMainSingle(self, verbose=VERBOSE.PLOT):
        import time

        # setup
        V = VERBOSE(verbose)
        TF = 21
        NC = 2
        spike_proto_sc = sp.cos(sp.linspace(-sp.pi, 3 * sp.pi, TF))
        spike_proto_sc *= sp.hanning(TF)
        scale = sp.linspace(0, 2, TF)
        xi1 = sp.vstack(
            (spike_proto_sc * 5 * scale, spike_proto_sc * 4 * scale)).T
        xi2 = sp.vstack((spike_proto_sc * .5 * scale[::-1],
                         spike_proto_sc * 9 * scale[::-1])).T
        templates = sp.asarray([xi1, xi2])
        LEN = 2000
        noise = sp.randn(LEN, NC)
        ce = TimeSeriesCovE(tf_max=TF, nc=NC)
        FB = BOTMNode(templates=templates, ce=ce, verbose=V, ovlp_taus=None)
        signal = sp.zeros_like(noise)
        NPOS = 4
        POS = [(int(i * LEN / (NPOS + 1)), 100) for i in xrange(1, NPOS + 1)]
        POS.append((100, 2))
        POS.append((150, 2))
        for pos, tau in POS:
            signal[pos:pos + TF] += xi1
            signal[pos + tau:pos + tau + TF] += xi2
        x = sp.ascontiguousarray(signal + noise, dtype=sp.float32)

        # test against
        if V.has_print:
            print '### constructed spike times ###'
        test_u0 = sorted([t_tpl[0] for t_tpl in POS])
        test_u1 = sorted([t_tpl[0] + t_tpl[1] for t_tpl in POS])
        test_rval = {
            0: sp.array(test_u0) + TF / 2,
            1: sp.array(test_u1) + TF / 2
        if V.has_print:
            print test_rval

        # sort
        tic_o = time.clock()
        toc_o = time.clock()
        if V.has_print:
            print '### sorting spike times ###'
            print FB.rval

        if V.has_plot:

        if V.has_print:
            print '###'
            print 'duration:', toc_o - tic_o

        for k in FB.rval:
            assert_array_almost_equal(FB.rval[k], test_rval[k], decimal=0)
Beispiel #12
def stft(x, width):
    """Short time fourier transform of a real sequence.

    This method performs a discrete short time Fourier transform. It
    uses a sliding window to perform discrete Fourier transforms on the
    data in the Window. The results are returned in an array.

    This method uses a Hanning window on the data in the window before
    calculating the Fourier transform.

    The sliding windows are overlapping by ``width / 2``.

    x : ndarray
    width: int
        the width of the sliding window in samples

    fourier : 2d complex array
        the dimensions are time, frequency; the frequencies are evenly
        binned from 0 to f_nyquist

    See Also
    spectrum, spectrogram, scipy.hanning, scipy.fftpack.rfft

    window = sp.hanning(width)
    fourier = np.array([sp.fftpack.rfft(x[i:i+width] * window) for i in range(0, len(x)-width, width//2)])
    fourier *= (2 / width)
    return fourier
Beispiel #13
def analyze_whole_waveform(waveform):
    niquist_freq = framerate / 2
    precision = niquist_freq / window_size

    Want precision to be within 5% of target pitches or "5 cent".
    (+-600Hz @ 12KHz to +-10Hz @ 220Hz)

    window_size = framerate / 2 / precision

    Gives window sizes in the range of:
    - 400 Frames at 8K Frames/sec
    - 2205 Frames at 44.1K Frames/sec
    desired_precision = 10  # Hz
    window_size = int(waveform.framerate / 2 / desired_precision)
    hanning_window = hanning(window_size)
    spectrum = OrderedDict()
    for start_frame in range(0, len(waveform.frames),
                             int((len(hanning_window) / 2) - 1)):
        window = zeros(len(hanning_window))
        # Do I need to add a first frame case to start with half a window to
        # match the half window at the end of stream?
        for frame in range(len(window)):
            if start_frame + frame < len(waveform.frames):
                window[frame] = (hanning_window[frame] *
                                 waveform.frames[start_frame + frame])
                window[frame] = 0
        spectrum[start_frame] = analyze_window(Waveform(window))
    return spectrum
Beispiel #14
    def fft(self, window="hanning", nfft=None):
        from numpy.fft.fftpack import fft as npfft
        from numpy.fft import fftfreq as npfftfreq
        from scipy import hamming, hanning

        sig = self.get_data()
        n = sig.shape[0]

        if window == "hamming":
            win = hamming(n)
        elif window == "hanning":
            win = hanning(n)
        elif window == "square":
            win = 1
            raise StandardError("Windows is not %s" % (window,))

        #: FFT, 折り返しこみ
        if nfft is None:
            nfft = n

        spec = npfft(sig * win, n=nfft)

        #: Freq, 折り返しこみ
        freq = npfftfreq(nfft, d=1. / self.get_fs())

        # : 折り返しを削除して返却
        se = round(nfft / 2)
        spectrum = SpectrumData(data=spec[:se], xdata=freq[:se],

        return spectrum
Beispiel #15
def concentate_samples_with_windowing(wav_arrs, hop_size):
    Concentates a number of samples with a wav array, blending their ends
    together slightly.

    :param wav_arrs: The array of samples to be concentated
    :param hop_size: The amount of blend between the samples
    :return: A concentated wav array, numpy array
    length = reduce(lambda acc, x: acc + len(x), wav_arrs)
    lengthened_samples = [
                   len(arr) + 2 * hop_size) for arr in wav_arrs
    out_wav = zeros(length)
    curr_length = 0
    for sample in enumerate(lengthened_samples) and curr_length <= length:
        sample_length = len(sample[1]) - 2 * hop_size
        window = hanning(len(sample[1]))
        windowed_sample = window * sample[1]
        if sample[0]:
            out_wav[0: sample_length] += \
                    windowed_sample[0 + hop_size, sample_length + hop_size]
            out_wav[curr_length: curr_length + sample_length] += \
                windowed_sample[0 + hop_size, sample_length + hop_size]
    return out_wav
Beispiel #16
def test_hanning():
    """ Compare scipy and Matlab hanning window.
        Matlab returns a N+2 size window without first and last samples"""
    hanning = scipy.hanning(N_FRAME + 2)[1:-1]
    hanning_m = eng.hanning(float(N_FRAME))
    hanning_m = np.array(hanning_m._data)
    assert_allclose(hanning, hanning_m, atol=ATOL)
Beispiel #17
def stft(x, chunk_size, hop, w=None):
    Takes the short time fourier transform of x.

      x: samples to window and transform.
      chunk_size: size of analysis window.
      hop: hop distance between analysis windows
      w: windowing function to apply. Must be of length chunk_size

      STFT of x (X(t, omega)) hop size apart with windows of size chunk_size.

      ValueError if window w is not of size chunk_size

    if not w:
        w = sp.hanning(chunk_size)
        if len(w) != chunk_size:
            raise ValueError("window w is not of the correct length {0}.".format(chunk_size))
    X = sp.array([sp.fft(w*x[i:i+chunk_size])
                     for i in range(0, len(x)-chunk_size, hop)])/np.sqrt(((chunk_size/hop)/2))
    return X
Beispiel #18
def Window1(WindowSize=10, WindowType='hanning'):
    Window function
    WindowSize   ... WindowSize
    WindowType   ... Window Type
                     * 'Hanning'   : Hanning Window
                     * 'Hanning2'  : Hanning Window (pi delayed)
                     * 'Rectangle' : Tectangular window
    window       ... Window
    if WindowType is 'hanning':
        t = np.array(range(0, WindowSize), dtype=np.float64)
        window = 0.5 - 0.5 * np.cos(2 * np.pi * t / WindowSize)
    elif WindowType is 'hanning2':
        t = np.array(range(0, WindowSize), dtype=np.float64)
        window = 0.5 - 0.5 * np.cos(2 * np.pi * t / WindowSize + np.pi)
    elif WindowType is 'hamming':
        t = np.array(range(0, WindowSize), dtype=np.float64)
        window = 0.54 - 0.46 * np.cos(2 * np.pi * t / WindowSize)
    elif WindowType is 'rectangle':
        window = sp.ones(WindowSize)
        print(WindowType + " is not supported window type.")
        print("hanning window is used.")
        window = sp.hanning(WindowSize)
    return window
def stft(x, fs, framesz, hop):
    framesamp = int(framesz*fs)
    hopsamp = int(hop*fs)
    w = scipy.hanning(framesamp)
    X = scipy.array([scipy.fft(w*x[i:i+framesamp])
                     for i in range(0, len(x)-framesamp, hopsamp)])
    return X
Beispiel #20
def analyze_whole_waveform(waveform):
    niquist_freq = framerate / 2
    precision = niquist_freq / window_size

    Want precision to be within 5% of target pitches or "5 cent".
    (+-600Hz @ 12KHz to +-10Hz @ 220Hz)

    window_size = framerate / 2 / precision

    Gives window sizes in the range of:
    - 400 Frames at 8K Frames/sec
    - 2205 Frames at 44.1K Frames/sec
    desired_precision = 10  # Hz
    window_size = int(waveform.framerate / 2 / desired_precision)
    hanning_window = hanning(window_size)
    spectrum = OrderedDict()
    for start_frame in range(0, len(waveform.frames),
                             int((len(hanning_window) / 2) - 1)):
        window = zeros(len(hanning_window))
        # Do I need to add a first frame case to start with half a window to
        # match the half window at the end of stream?
        for frame in range(len(window)):
            if start_frame + frame < len(waveform.frames):
                window[frame] = (hanning_window[frame] *
                                 waveform.frames[start_frame + frame])
                window[frame] = 0
        spectrum[start_frame] = analyze_window(Waveform(window))
    return spectrum
Beispiel #21
    def __init__(self, hp):
        super(WaveEncoder, self).__init__()
        ## frond-end part
        self.epsilon = 1e-8
        # Like preemphasis filter
        self.preemp = nn.Conv1d(in_channels=1, out_channels=1, kernel_size=2, stride=1, padding=0, bias=False)
        # init
        tmp = torch.zeros((1,1,2)).to(DEVICE)[:,:,0] = -0.97[:,:,1] = 1 = torch.tensor(tmp)

        # if 16kHz
        self.comp = nn.Conv1d(in_channels=1, out_channels=80, kernel_size=400, stride=1, padding=0, bias=False)

        # B x 400 (0.01s = 10ms)
        tmp = np.zeros((40, 1, 400))
        tmp[:, :] = scipy.hanning(400 + 1)[:-1]
        tmp = tmp * tmp

        K = torch.tensor(tmp, dtype=torch.float).to(DEVICE)

        self.lowpass_weight = K

        self.instancenorm = nn.InstanceNorm1d(40)

        # encoder part
        if hp.frame_stacking:
            input_size = hp.lmfb_dim * hp.frame_stacking
            input_size = hp.lmfb_dim

        self.bi_lstm = nn.LSTM(input_size=input_size, hidden_size=hp.num_hidden_nodes, num_layers=hp.num_encoder_layer, \
                batch_first=True, dropout=hp.encoder_dropout, bidirectional=True)
Beispiel #22
    def fft(self, window="hanning", nfft=None):
        from numpy.fft.fftpack import fft as npfft
        from numpy.fft import fftfreq as npfftfreq
        from scipy import hamming, hanning

        sig = self.get_data()
        n = sig.shape[0]

        if window == "hamming":
            win = hamming(n)
        elif window == "hanning":
            win = hanning(n)
        elif window == "square":
            win = 1
            raise StandardError("Windows is not %s" % (window, ))

        #: FFT, 折り返しこみ
        if nfft is None:
            nfft = n

        spec = npfft(sig * win, n=nfft)

        #: Freq, 折り返しこみ
        freq = npfftfreq(nfft, d=1. / self.get_fs())

        # : 折り返しを削除して返却
        se = round(nfft / 2)
        spectrum = SpectrumData(data=spec[:se],

        return spectrum
Beispiel #23
def stft(x, chunk_size, overlap=1):
    import scipy
    hop = chunk_size / overlap
    w = scipy.hanning(chunk_size + 1)[:-1]
    cnt = 0
    return np.array([np.fft.rfft(w * x[i:i + chunk_size])
                     for i in range(0, len(x) - chunk_size, hop)])
Beispiel #24
def stft(x, fs, framesz, hop):
    framesamp = int(framesz*fs) # with a frame size of 50 milliseconds
    hopsamp = int(hop*fs) # and hop size of 25 milliseconds.
    w = scipy.hanning(framesamp)
    X = scipy.array([scipy.fft(w*x[i:i+framesamp]) 
                     for i in range(0, len(x)-framesamp, hopsamp)])
    return X
Beispiel #25
def stft(x, fftsize=1024, overlap=4):
    """fftsize is in samples

    hop = fftsize / overlap
    w = scipy.hanning(fftsize + 1)[:-1]  # better reconstruction with this trick +1)[:-1]
    return np.array([np.fft.rfft(w * x[i:i + fftsize]) for i in range(0, len(x) - fftsize, hop)])
Beispiel #26
def stft(x, fs, framesz, hop):
    framesamp = int(framesz*fs)
    hopsamp = int(hop*fs)
    w = scipy.hanning(framesamp)
    X = scipy.array([scipy.fft(w*x[i:i+framesamp])
                     for i in range(0, len(x)-framesamp, hopsamp)])
    return X
Beispiel #27
def istft(X, chunk_size, hop, w=None):
    Naively inverts the short time fourier transform using an overlap and add
    method. The overlap is defined by hop

      X: STFT windows to invert, overlap and add. 
      chunk_size: size of analysis window.
      hop: hop distance between analysis windows
      w: windowing function to apply. Must be of length chunk_size

      ISTFT of X using an overlap and add method. Windowing used to smooth.

      ValueError if window w is not of size chunk_size

    if not w:
        w = sp.hanning(chunk_size)
        if len(w) != chunk_size:
            raise ValueError("window w is not of the correct length {0}.".format(chunk_size))

    x = sp.zeros(len(X) * (hop))
    i_p = 0
    for n, i in enumerate(range(0, len(x)-chunk_size, hop)):
        x[i:i+chunk_size] += w*sp.real(sp.ifft(X[n]))
    return x
def stft(x, fs, framesz = .05, hop = .025):
    framesamp = int(framesz*fs)
    hopsamp = int(hop*fs)
    w = scipy.hanning(framesamp)
    X = scipy.array([np.fft.rfft(w*x[i:i+framesamp]) 
                     for i in range(0, len(x)-framesamp, hopsamp)])
    return np.real(X)
Beispiel #29
def mmse_stsa(infile, outfile, noise_sum):
    signal, params = read_signal(infile, WINSIZE)
    nf = len(signal)/(WINSIZE/2) - 1

    G = sp.ones(WINSIZE)
    prevGamma = G
    alpha = 0.98
    window = sp.hanning(WINSIZE)
    lambdaD = noise_sum / 5.0
    percentage = 0
    for no in xrange(nf):
        p = int(math.floor(1. * no / nf * 100))
        if (p > percentage):
            percentage = p
            print "{}%".format(p),

        y = get_frame(signal, WINSIZE, no)
        Y = sp.fft(y*window)
        Yr = sp.absolute(Y)
        Yp = sp.angle(Y)
        gamma = Yr**2/lambdaD
        xi = alpha * G**2 * prevGamma + (1-alpha)*sp.maximum(gamma-1, 0)
        prevGamma = gamma
        nu = gamma * xi / (1+xi)
        G = (gamma15 * sp.sqrt(nu) / gamma ) * sp.exp(-nu/2) * ((1+nu)*spc.i0(nu/2)+nu*spc.i1(nu/2))
        idx = sp.isnan(G) + sp.isinf(G)
        G[idx] = xi[idx] / (xi[idx] + 1)
        Yr = G * Yr
        Y = Yr * sp.exp(Yp*1j)
        y_o = sp.real(sp.ifft(Y))
        add_signal(sig_out, y_o, WINSIZE, no)
    write_signal(outfile, params, sig_out)
def stft(x, chunk_size, hop, w=None):
    Takes the short time fourier transform of x.

      x: samples to window and transform.
      chunk_size: size of analysis window.
      hop: hop distance between analysis windows
      w: windowing function to apply. Must be of length chunk_size

      STFT of x (X(t, omega)) hop size apart with windows of size chunk_size.

      ValueError if window w is not of size chunk_size
    if not w:
        w = sp.hanning(chunk_size)
        if len(w) != chunk_size:
            raise ValueError(
                "window w is not of the correct length {0}.".format(
    X = sp.array([
        sp.fft(w * x[i:i + chunk_size])
        for i in range(0,
                       len(x) - chunk_size, hop)
    ]) / np.sqrt(((float(chunk_size) / float(hop)) / 2.0))
    return X
Beispiel #31
def stft(x, fftsize=64, overlap_pct=.5):   
    hop = int(fftsize * (1 - overlap_pct))
    w = scipy.hanning(fftsize + 1)[:-1]    
    raw = np.array([np.fft.rfft(w * x[i:i + fftsize]) for i in range(0, len(x) - fftsize, hop)])
    return raw[:, :(fftsize // 2)]

    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def istft(X, chunk_size, hop, w=None):
    Naively inverts the short time fourier transform using an overlap and add
    method. The overlap is defined by hop

      X: STFT windows to invert, overlap and add. 
      chunk_size: size of analysis window.
      hop: hop distance between analysis windows
      w: windowing function to apply. Must be of length chunk_size

      ISTFT of X using an overlap and add method. Windowing used to smooth.

      ValueError if window w is not of size chunk_size

    if not w:
        w = sp.hanning(chunk_size)
        if len(w) != chunk_size:
            raise ValueError(
                "window w is not of the correct length {0}.".format(

    x = sp.zeros(len(X) * (hop))
    i_p = 0
    for n, i in enumerate(range(0, len(x) - chunk_size, hop)):
        x[i:i + chunk_size] += w * sp.real(sp.ifft(X[n]))
    return x
Beispiel #33
def stft(x, fftsize, overlap, beta):
    if beta == 0:
        hop = fftsize / overlap
        w = sc.blackman(
            fftsize + 1)[:-1]  # better reconstruction with this trick +1)[:-1]
        X = np.array([
            np.fft.rfft(w * x[i:i + fftsize])
            for i in range(0,
                           len(x) - fftsize, hop)
        y = np.linspace(0, bins[-1], np.shape(X)[1])
        x = np.linspace(0, tid[-1], np.shape(X)[0])
        return X, x, y
    if beta != 0:
        hop = fftsize / overlap
        w = sc.hanning(
            fftsize + 1)[:-1]  # better reconstruction with this trick +1)[:-1]
        X = np.array([
            np.fft.rfft(w * x[i:i + fftsize])
            for i in range(0,
                           len(x) - fftsize, hop)
        y = np.linspace(0, bins[-1], np.shape(X)[1])
        x = np.linspace(0, tid[-1], np.shape(X)[0])
        return X, x, y
Beispiel #34
def timescale(data, scaling=1):
    """Scales the playback_duration of input_filename, while keeping pitch constant."""
    length = len(data)

    phi = scipy.zeros(N)
    out = scipy.zeros(N, dtype=complex)
    sigout = scipy.zeros(length / scaling + N)

    amplitude = max(data)
    window = scipy.hanning(N)

    for index in scipy.arange(0, length - (N + H), H * scaling):
        spec1 = scipy.fft(window * data[index:index + N])
        spec2 = scipy.fft(window * data[index + H:index + N + H])

        phi += scipy.angle(spec2 / spec1)
        phi %= 2 * scipy.pi

        out.real, out.imag = scipy.cos(phi), scipy.sin(phi)

        out_index = int(index / scaling)
        sigout[out_index:out_index +
               N] += (window * scipy.ifft(scipy.absolute(spec2) * out)).real

    sigout *= amplitude / max(sigout)
    return scipy.array(sigout, dtype='int16')
Beispiel #35
def tfplots(data, Fs = 44100, color = 'b', fract=3):

	octbin = 100.
	FFTSIZE = 2**18

	logfact = 2**(1./octbin)
	LOGN = np.floor(np.log(Fs/2)/np.log(logfact))
	# logarithmic scale from 1 Hz to Fs/2
	logscale = np.power(logfact, np.r_[:LOGN]) 

	# creating a half hanning window
	WL = data.size
	hann = sp.hanning(WL*2)
	endwin = hann[WL:2*WL]
	tf = fft(data*endwin, FFTSIZE)

	magn = np.abs(tf[:FFTSIZE/2])
	compamp = tf[:FFTSIZE/2]

	# creating 100th octave resolution log. spaced data from the lin. spaced FFT data
	logmagn = np.empty(LOGN)
	fstep = Fs/np.float64(FFTSIZE)
	for k in range(logscale.size):
		start = np.round(logscale[k]/np.sqrt(logfact)/fstep)
		start = np.maximum(start,1)
		start = np.minimum(start, FFTSIZE/2)
		stop = np.round(logscale[k]*np.sqrt(logfact)/fstep)
		stop = np.maximum(stop,1)
		stop = np.minimum(stop, FFTSIZE/2)
		# averaging the power
		logmagn[k] = np.sqrt(np.mean(np.power(magn[start-1:stop],2))) 

	# creating hanning window
	# fractional octave smoothing
	HL = 2 * np.round(octbin/fract)
	hh = sp.hanning(HL)
	L = logmagn.size
	logmagn[L-1:L+HL] = 0

	# Smoothing the log. spaced data by convonvling with the hanning window
	tmp = fftfilt(hh, np.power(logmagn,2))
	smoothmagn = np.sqrt(tmp[HL/2:HL/2+L]/hh.sum(axis=0))

	# plotting
	plt.semilogx(logscale, 20*np.log10(smoothmagn), color)
Beispiel #36
def tfplots(data, Fs=44100, color='b', fract=3):

    octbin = 100.
    FFTSIZE = 2**18

    logfact = 2**(1. / octbin)
    LOGN = np.floor(np.log(Fs / 2) / np.log(logfact))
    # logarithmic scale from 1 Hz to Fs/2
    logscale = np.power(logfact, np.r_[:LOGN])

    # creating a half hanning window
    WL = data.size
    hann = sp.hanning(WL * 2)
    endwin = hann[WL:2 * WL]
    tf = fft(data * endwin, FFTSIZE)

    magn = np.abs(tf[:FFTSIZE / 2])
    compamp = tf[:FFTSIZE / 2]

    # creating 100th octave resolution log. spaced data from the lin. spaced FFT data
    logmagn = np.empty(LOGN)
    fstep = Fs / np.float64(FFTSIZE)

    for k in range(logscale.size):
        start = np.round(logscale[k] / np.sqrt(logfact) / fstep)
        start = np.maximum(start, 1)
        start = np.minimum(start, FFTSIZE / 2)
        stop = np.round(logscale[k] * np.sqrt(logfact) / fstep)
        stop = np.maximum(stop, 1)
        stop = np.minimum(stop, FFTSIZE / 2)
        # averaging the power
        logmagn[k] = np.sqrt(np.mean(np.power(magn[start - 1:stop], 2)))

    # creating hanning window
    # fractional octave smoothing
    HL = 2 * np.round(octbin / fract)
    hh = sp.hanning(HL)

    L = logmagn.size
    logmagn[L - 1:L + HL] = 0

    # Smoothing the log. spaced data by convonvling with the hanning window
    tmp = fftfilt(hh, np.power(logmagn, 2))
    smoothmagn = np.sqrt(tmp[HL / 2:HL / 2 + L] / hh.sum(axis=0))

    # plotting
    plt.semilogx(logscale, 20 * np.log10(smoothmagn), color)
Beispiel #37
 def stft(x):
     h = sp.hanning(chunk)
     X = np.array([
         np.fft.fft(h * x[i:i + chunk])
         for i in range(0,
                        len(x) - chunk, hop_in)
     return X
Beispiel #38
def istft(X, fs, T, hop):
    x = scipy.zeros(int(T * fs))
    framesamp = X.shape[1]
    hopsamp = int(hop * fs)
    w = scipy.hanning(framesamp)
    for n, i in enumerate(range(0, len(x) - framesamp, hopsamp)):
        x[i:i + framesamp] += scipy.real(scipy.ifft(X[n]))
    return x
Beispiel #39
def stft(x, fftsize=1024, overlap=4):
    hop = fftsize / overlap
    w = scipy.hanning(fftsize + 1)[:-1]
    return np.array([
        np.fft.rfft(w * x[i:i + fftsize])
        for i in range(0,
                       len(x) - fftsize, hop)
Beispiel #40
def stft(x, fftsize=1024, overlap=4):
    hop = fftsize / overlap
    w = scipy.hanning(fftsize+1)[:-1]      # better reconstruction with this trick +1)[:-1]
    l = []
    for i in range(0, len(x)-fftsize, hop):
        v = np.fft.rfft(w*x[i:i+fftsize])
    return np.array(l)
Beispiel #41
def test_hanning():
    """ Compare scipy and Matlab hanning window.

        Matlab returns a N+2 size window without first and last samples.
        A custom Octave function has been written to mimic this
    hanning = scipy.hanning(N_FRAME+2)[1:-1]
    hanning_m = np.squeeze(octave.feval('octave/ml_hanning.m', N_FRAME))
    assert_allclose(hanning, hanning_m, atol=ATOL)
def signal_fft(signal, N):  #FFTするsignal長と窓長Nは同じサンプル数に固定する
    win = hanning(N)  # 窓関数
    spectrum = fft(signal * win)  # フーリエ変換
    spectrum_abs = np.abs(spectrum)  # 振幅を元に信号に揃える
    half_spectrum = spectrum_abs[:int(N / 2)]
    half_spectrum[0] = half_spectrum[0] / 2  # 直流成分(今回は扱わないけど)は2倍不要
    half_spectrum_dBV = 20 * np.log10(half_spectrum)

    return spectrum, half_spectrum_dBV
Beispiel #43
def stft(x, fftsize=1024, overlap=4):
    hop = fftsize / overlap
    w = scipy.hanning(fftsize +
                      1)[:-1]  # better reconstruction with this trick +1)[:-1]
    l = []
    for i in range(0, len(x) - fftsize, hop):
        v = np.fft.rfft(w * x[i:i + fftsize])
        l.append(np.abs(v)**2 / np.max(np.abs(v)**2))
    return np.array(l)
Beispiel #44
def stft(x, framesamp):
    hopsamp = framesamp / 2
    w = scipy.hanning(framesamp)
    X = np.array([
        scipy.fft(w * x[i:i + framesamp])
        for i in range(0,
                       len(x) - framesamp, hopsamp)
    return X
Beispiel #45
def ramps(data, fs, duration=10, shape='raisedcosine', set='onoff'):
    '''Applies ramps to the onsets and/or offsets of a signal
        sig : array
            The input signal.
        fs : scalar
            The sampling frequency.
        duration : scalar
            The duration of each ramp, in ms [default = 10].
        shape : string
            Specifies the shape of the ramp. Possibilities include:
              'raisedcosine' [default]
        set : string
            Specifies where to apply ramps:
              'on' : apply to onset of signal only
              'off' : apply to offest only
              'onoff' : apply to both
        y : array
            The ramped signal.
    dur =*(np.float32(fs)/1000.)))

    if shape is 'raisedcosine':
        rf = np.power((((np.cos(np.pi+2*np.pi*np.arange(0,wspace-1)/(wspace-1)))*.5)+.5),2)
    elif shape is 'hanning':
        rf = hanning(wspace)
    elif shape is 'hamming':
        rf = hamming(wspace)
    elif shape is 'linear':
        r = np.linspace(0, 1, dur)
        rf = np.concatenate((r, r[::-1]))
        raise Exception("shape not recognized")
    f_ramp = np.ones(data.shape[0])
    if set in ['on', 'onoff']:
        f_ramp[0:dur] = rf[0:dur]
    if set in ['off', 'onoff']:
        durp1 = dur-1
        f_ramp[-(durp1):] = rf[-(durp1):]

#    if len(data.shape) == 2:
#        f_ramp_1d = rf.copy()
#        for c in range(data.shape[1]-1):
#            f_ramp = np.column_stack((f_ramp, f_ramp_1d))

    return (data.T * f_ramp).T
def stft(x, fftsize=1024, overlap=4):
    hop = int(fftsize / overlap)
    w = scipy.hanning(fftsize +
                      1)[:-1]  # better reconstruction with this trick +1)[:-1]
    return np.array([
        np.fft.rfft(w * x[i:i + fftsize])
        for i in range(0,
                       len(x) - fftsize + 1, hop)
def stft(x, fs, hop, width):
	Compute the Short Time Fourier Transform of 'x', with sample rate 'fs' (Hz), window width 'width' (samples), and hop length 'hop' (samples)
	Ideally, width is even (this works better with the FFT)
	window = sp.hanning(width)
	out = sp.array([ao.fft(window*x[i:i+width]) for i in range(0, len(x)-width, hop)])
	times = np.arange(width/float(2*fs), len(x)/float(fs)-width/float(2*fs), hop/float(fs))
	freqs = fs*sp.array([i/float(width) for i in range(0, width/2+1)])
	return {'stft' : out, 'times' : times, 'frequencies' : freqs}
def reduce_noise(signal, noisy_signal, winsize=2**10, window=sp.hanning(2**10)):
    """ Reduce noise """
    method = SpectralSubtraction(winsize, window)

    out = sp.zeros(len(signal), sp.float32)
    power = sig.welch(noisy_signal, window=window, return_onesided=False, scaling='spectrum')[1] * window.sum()**2
    nf = len(signal)/(winsize/2) - 1
    for no in xrange(nf):
        s = get_frame(signal, winsize, no)
        add_signal(out, method.compute_by_noise_pow(s, power), winsize, no)
    return out
Beispiel #49
def istft(X, overlap=1):   
    hop = fftsize / overlap
    w = scipy.hanning(fftsize+1)[:-1]
    x = scipy.zeros(X.shape[0]*hop)
    wsum = scipy.zeros(X.shape[0]*hop) 
    for n,i in enumerate(range(0, len(x)-fftsize, hop)): 
        x[i:i+fftsize] += scipy.real(np.fft.irfft(X[n])) * w   # overlap-add
        wsum[i:i+fftsize] += w ** 2.
    pos = wsum != 0
    x[pos] /= wsum[pos]
    return x
def stft(x, fs, framesz, hop):
    #print("STFT got", x, fs, framesz, hop)
    framesamp = int(framesz*fs)
    hopsamp = int(hop*fs)
    w = scipy.hanning(framesamp)
    def do_fft(w,x,i,framesamp):
        #print("Running FFT for ", i, framesamp)
        return fft(w*x[i:i+framesamp])
    X = scipy.array([do_fft(w,x,i,framesamp) 
                     for i in range(0, len(x)-framesamp, hopsamp)])
    #print("X SHAPE IS", len(X), len(X[0]))
    return X
Beispiel #51
def stft(x,framesz):
    """ Get the stft of a signal x
    x : array_like
        The signal
    framesz : int
        The window/fft length in samples
    hop = int(float(framesz)/2)
    x = numpy.append(numpy.zeros(framesz), x) # Pad so we can reconstruct the whole signal
    x = numpy.append(x, numpy.zeros(framesz))
    w = scipy.hanning(framesz)
    X = scipy.array([scipy.fft(w*x[i:i+framesz]) 
                     for i in range(hop, len(x)-(framesz), hop)])
    return X
Beispiel #52
def calc_noise(filepath):
    signal, params = read_signal(filepath, WINSIZE)
    nf = len(signal)/(WINSIZE/2) - 1
    window = sp.hanning(WINSIZE)
    for no in xrange(nf):
        y = get_frame(signal, WINSIZE, no)
        Y = sp.fft(y*window)
        Yr = sp.absolute(Y)
        Yp = sp.angle(Y)
        if ( no < 20 ):
            noise_sum = noise_sum + Yr**2
    return noise_sum
Beispiel #53
def stft(samples, samplerate, framesz=0.050, hop=0.025):

        framesz: frame  size
        hop: hop size
    framesamp = int(framesz * samplerate)
    hopsamp = int(hop * samplerate)
    w = scipy.hanning(framesamp)
    X = scipy.array([scipy.fft(w * samples[i:i + framesamp])
                     for i in range(0, len(samples) - framesamp, hopsamp)])

    transposed = np.transpose(X)  # time on xaxes
    return transposed
def test():
    # wavfile = "../wav/aiueo.wav"
    wavfile = "./golf_D.wav"
    # data, fs, enc = wavread(wavfile)
    data, fs = wavread(wavfile)

    ### STFT										
    fftLen = 1024
    win = hanning(fftLen)
    step = fftLen / 8
    spectrogram = abs(stft(data, win, step)[:, : fftLen / 2 + 1]).T

    ### 表示										
    fig = pl.figure()
Beispiel #55
def spectre(audio, win=512, poverlap=.75):
    overlap = np.floor(win * poverlap)
    nfft = win
    l = len(audio)
    w = scipy.hanning(win+2)[1:-1]
    position = 0
    count = 0
    spec = np.zeros((nfft, np.floor((l - win) / (win-overlap) + 1)))
    phase = np.zeros_like(spec)
    while position + win - 1 <= l:
        y = audio[position:position+win] * w
        tmp_fft = np.fft.fft(y, nfft)
        spec[:, count] = np.abs(tmp_fft)
        phase[:, count] = np.angle(tmp_fft)
        position += win - overlap
        count += 1
    spec = spec[: np.ceil((nfft + 1) / 2), :]
    return spec, phase
Beispiel #56
def stft(x, fftsize=1024, overlap=4, ban=0):
    Short Time Fourier Transform

    :param x: Signal
    :param fftsize: Window length
    :param overlap: Overlaping between consecutive frequencies
    :param ban: numer of Frequencies to null
    hop = int(fftsize / overlap)
    w = scipy.hanning(fftsize + 1)[:-1]  # better reconstruction with this trick +1)[:-1]
    l = []
    for i in range(0, len(x) - fftsize, hop):
        v = np.fft.rfft(w * x[i:i + fftsize])
        for j in range(ban):
            v[j] = 0
        l.append(np.abs(v) ** 2 / np.max(np.abs(v) ** 2))
    return np.array(l)
def plot_spectrogram(waveform, sampling_rate, window_name, filename):

    window_duration = 40.0 * 1.0e-3  # 窓関数の長さ、単位は秒
    window_shift = 5.0 * 1.0e-3  # 窓関数をスライドさせる長さ、単位は秒
    window_size = int(window_duration * sampling_rate)  # 窓関数のサンプル数
    window_overlap = int((window_duration - window_shift) * sampling_rate)  # 隣接する窓関数の重なり

    # 窓関数本体
    if window_name == "hanning":
        window = scipy.hanning(window_size)  # ハニング窓
    elif window_name == "hamming":
        window = scipy.hamming(window_size)  # ハミング窓
    elif window_name == "gaussian":
        window = scipy.gaussian(window_size)  # ガウス窓??
    elif window_name == "blackman":
        window = scipy.blackman(window_size)  # ブラックマン窓
    elif window_name == "trianglar":
        window = scipy.triang(window_size)  # 三角窓??
    elif window_name == "rectanglar":
        window = scipy.rectang(window_size)  # 矩形窓??
        print "The window function name is wrong."

    sp, freqs, times, ax = plt.specgram(

    plt.title("Spectrogram [" + window_name + "] (" + filename + ")")
    plt.xlim([0, times[-1]])
    plt.ylim([0, 5000])
    plt.savefig("graph/spectrogram/" + filename.split("/")
                [1].split(".")[0] + "_" + window_name + ".png")
Beispiel #58
Datei: Projekt: jlep/vad
def vad(soundfile, noisefile=None):
    signal,rate = speech.read_soundfile(soundfile)
    if noisefile != None:
        noise,nrate = speech.read_soundfile(noisefile)
        print("found noisefile: "+noisefile)
        noise = None
    seconds = float(len(signal))/rate
    winsize = librosa.time_to_samples(float(WINMS)/1000, rate)[0]
    window = sp.hanning(winsize)
    ltsd = LTSD(winsize,window,5, init_noise=noise)
    res, threshold,nstart,nend =  ltsd.compute(signal)
    segments,  = ltsd.segments(res, threshold)
    #print(float(len(signal))/rate, librosa.core.frames_to_time(len(res), 8000, winsize/2))
    segments = librosa.core.samples_to_time(segments, rate).tolist()
    indexes = []
    for s in segments:
        indexes += s
    return indexes
Beispiel #59
def inv_spectre(spec, phase, poverlap=.75):
    win = (spec.shape[0] - 1) * 2
    nfft = win
    overlap = np.floor(win * poverlap)
    a = spec[::-1]
    spec = np.concatenate((spec, a[1:-1, :]))
    n = 0
    w = scipy.hanning(win+2)[1:-1]
    signal = np.zeros_like(spec)
    while n < spec.shape[1]:
        signal[:, n] = np.real(np.fft.ifft(np.exp(1j*phase[:, n]) * (spec[:, n]), nfft)) * w
        n += 1

    f_signal = np.zeros((spec.shape[1]-1)*(win-overlap) + win)
    normalization = np.zeros_like(f_signal)
    step = win - overlap
    for k in range(spec.shape[1]):
        f_signal[k * step: win + k * step] = f_signal[k * step: win + k * step] + signal[:, k]
        normalization[k * step: win + k * step] = normalization[k * step: win + k * step] + w
    signal = f_signal / (overlap / win * normalization)
    return signal
Beispiel #60
def tfplot(data, Fs = 44100, color = 'b', octbin = 100, avg = 'comp'):


	logfact = 2**(1./octbin)
	LOGN = np.floor(np.log(Fs/2)/np.log(logfact))
	# logarithmic scale from 1 Hz to Fs/2
	logscale = np.power(logfact, np.r_[:LOGN]) 

	# creating a half hanning window
	WL = data.size
	hann = sp.hanning(WL*2)
	endwin = hann[WL:2*WL]
	tf = fft(data*endwin, FFTSIZE)
	compamp = tf[:FFTSIZE/2]

	logmagn = np.empty(LOGN)
	fstep = Fs/np.float64(FFTSIZE)
	for k in range(logscale.size):

		#finding the start and end positions of the logaritmic bin
		start = np.round(logscale[k]/np.sqrt(logfact)/fstep)
		start = np.maximum(start, 1);
		start = np.minimum(start, FFTSIZE/2)
		stop = np.round(logscale[k]*np.sqrt(logfact)/fstep)-1
		stop = np.maximum(stop, start)
		stop = np.maximum(stop, 1)
		stop = np.minimum(stop, FFTSIZE/2)

		#averaging the complex transfer function
		if avg is 'comp':
			logmagn[k] = np.abs(np.mean(compamp[start-1:stop]))
		elif avg is 'abs':
			logmagn[k] = np.mean(np.abs(compamp[start-1:stop]))
		elif avg is 'power':
			logmagn[k] = np.sqrt(np.mean(np.abs(np.power(compamp[start-1:stop],2))))

	# plotting
	plt.semilogx(logscale, 20*np.log10(logmagn), color)