def sqcover(A,n): edge = sp.sqrt(A) # the length of an edge d = edge/n # the distance between two adjacent points r = d/2 # the "radius of " end = edge - r # end point base = sp.linspace(r, end, n) first_line = sp.transpose(sp.vstack((base, r*sp.ones(n)))) increment = sp.transpose(sp.vstack((sp.zeros(n), d*sp.ones(n)))) pts = first_line y_diff = increment for i in range(n-1): pts = sp.vstack((pts, first_line + y_diff)) y_diff = y_diff + increment # Color matter colors = [] for p in pts: cval = n*p[0] + p[1] # the x-coord has a higher weight cval = colormap.Spectral(cval/((n+1)*end)) # normalize by the max value that cval can take. colors.append(cval) colors = sp.array(colors) cover = (pts, r, colors) return cover
def PESvsaq(optstate,persist,**para): para = copy.deepcopy(para) if persist==None: persist = {'n':0,'d':len(para['ub'])} n = persist['n'] d = persist['d'] if n<para['nrandinit']: persist['n']+=1 return randomaq(optstate,persist,**para)'PESvsaq') #logger.debug(sp.vstack([e[0] for e in optstate.ev])) #raise x=sp.vstack(optstate.x) y=sp.vstack(optstate.y) s= sp.vstack([e['s'] for e in optstate.ev]) dx=[e['d'] for e in optstate.ev] pesobj = PES.PES(x,y,s,dx,para['lb'],para['ub'],para['kindex'],para['mprior'],para['sprior'],DH_SAMPLES=para['DH_SAMPLES'],DM_SAMPLES=para['DM_SAMPLES'], DM_SUPPORT=para['DM_SUPPORT'],DM_SLICELCBPARA=para['DM_SLICELCBPARA'],mode=para['SUPPORT_MODE'],noS=para['noS']) [xmin,ymin,ierror] = pesobj.search_acq(para['cfn'],para['logsl'],para['logsu'],volper=para['volper']) logger.debug([xmin,ymin,ierror]) para['ev']['s']=10**xmin[-1] xout = [i for i in xmin[:-1]] return xout,para['ev'],persist,{'HYPdraws':[k.hyp for k in pesobj.G.kf],'mindraws':pesobj.Z,'DIRECTmessage':ierror,'PESmin':ymin} return
def EIMAPaq(optstate,persist,ev=None, ub = None, lb=None, nrandinit=None, mprior=None,sprior=None,kindex = None,directmaxiter=None): para = copy.deepcopy(para) if persist==None: persist = {'n':0,'d':len(ub)} n = persist['n'] d = persist['d'] if n<nrandinit: persist['n']+=1 return randomaq(optstate,persist,ev=ev,lb=lb,ub=ub)'EIMAPaq') #logger.debug(sp.vstack([e[0] for e in optstate.ev])) #raise x=sp.vstack(optstate.x) y=sp.vstack(optstate.y) s= sp.vstack([e['s'] for e in optstate.ev]) dx=[e['d'] for e in optstate.ev] MAP = GPdc.searchMAPhyp(x,y,s,dx,mprior,sprior, kindex)'MAPHYP {}'.format(MAP)) G = GPdc.GPcore(x,y,s,dx,GPdc.kernel(kindex,d,MAP)) def directwrap(xq,y): xq.resize([1,d]) a = G.infer_lEI(xq,[ev['d']]) return (-a[0,0],0) [xmin,ymin,ierror] = DIRECT.solve(directwrap,lb,ub,user_data=[], algmethod=0, maxf = directmaxiter, logfilename='/dev/null') #logger.debug([xmin,ymin,ierror]) persist['n']+=1 return [i for i in xmin],ev,persist,{'MAPHYP':MAP,'logEImin':ymin,'DIRECTmessage':ierror}
def update(): global i if i == tvec.shape[0]-1: i = 0 else: i = i + 1 if show_left: poi_left_scatter.setData(pos=sp.expand_dims(poi_left_pos[i],0)) hand_left_scatter.setData(pos=sp.expand_dims(hand_left_pos[i],0)) string_left_line.setData(pos=sp.vstack((hand_left_pos[i],poi_left_pos[i]))) # arm_left.setData(pos=sp.vstack((hand_left_pos[i],[0,-1*shoulder_width/2,0]))) arm_left.setData(pos=sp.vstack((hand_left_pos[i],[0,0,offset]))) else: poi_left_scatter.hide() poi_left_line.hide() hand_left_scatter.hide() hand_left_line.hide() string_left_line.hide() arm_left.hide() if show_right: poi_right_scatter.setData(pos=sp.expand_dims(poi_right_pos[i],0)) hand_right_scatter.setData(pos=sp.expand_dims(hand_right_pos[i],0)) string_right_line.setData(pos=sp.vstack((hand_right_pos[i],poi_right_pos[i]))) # arm_right.setData(pos=sp.vstack((hand_right_pos[i],[0,shoulder_width/2,0]))) arm_right.setData(pos=sp.vstack((hand_right_pos[i],[0,0,offset]))) else: poi_right_scatter.hide() poi_right_line.hide() hand_right_scatter.hide() hand_right_line.hide() string_right_line.hide() arm_right.hide()
def Ei(self, Pp, i): """ Calculate E_i^P Parameters ------------- Pp : ndarray, shape (n, k) Conditional choice probabilities for provinces i : int, 1 to k Province Returns ----------- Ei : ndarray, shape (n, ) Values of :math:`E_i^P(l, a)` in part (b) Notes ---------- .. math:: E_i^P(l, s) = \sum_{a=0}^1 P_i[a | l, s] E_i^P(a, l, s) """ E = sp.vstack((self.Ei_ai(Pp, i, a) for a in (0, 1))).T W = sp.vstack((Pp[:, _pp(i, a)] for a in (0, 1))).T return (E * W).sum(1)
def calc_probability_matrix(trains_a, trains_b, metric, tau, z): """ Calculates the probability matrix that one spike train from stimulus X will be classified as spike train from stimulus Y. :param list trains_a: Spike trains of stimulus A. :param list trains_b: Spike trains of stimulus B. :param str metric: Metric to base the classification on. Has to be a key in :const:`metrics.metrics`. :param tau: Time scale parameter for the metric. :type tau: Quantity scalar. :param float z: Exponent parameter for the classifier. """ with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", "divide by zero") dist_mat = calc_single_metric(trains_a + trains_b, metric, tau) ** z dist_mat[sp.diag_indices_from(dist_mat)] = 0.0 assert len(trains_a) == len(trains_b) l = len(trains_a) classification_of_a = sp.argmin(sp.vstack(( sp.sum(dist_mat[:l, :l], axis=0) / (l - 1), sp.sum(dist_mat[l:, :l], axis=0) / l)) ** (1.0 / z), axis=0) classification_of_b = sp.argmin(sp.vstack(( sp.sum(dist_mat[:l, l:], axis=0) / l, sp.sum(dist_mat[l:, l:], axis=0) / (l - 1))) ** (1.0 / z), axis=0) confusion = sp.empty((2, 2)) confusion[0, 0] = sp.sum(classification_of_a == 0) confusion[1, 0] = sp.sum(classification_of_a == 1) confusion[0, 1] = sp.sum(classification_of_b == 0) confusion[1, 1] = sp.sum(classification_of_b == 1) return confusion / 2.0 / l
def _pair_overlap(waves1, waves2, mean1, mean2, cov1, cov2): """ Calculate FP/FN estimates for two gaussian clusters """ from sklearn import mixture means = sp.vstack([[mean1], [mean2]]) covars = sp.vstack([[cov1], [cov2]]) weights = sp.array([waves1.shape[1], waves2.shape[1]], dtype=float) weights /= weights.sum() # Create mixture of two Gaussians from the existing estimates mix = mixture.GMM(n_components=2, covariance_type="full", init_params="") mix.covars_ = covars mix.weights_ = weights mix.means_ = means posterior1 = mix.predict_proba(waves1.T)[:, 1] posterior2 = mix.predict_proba(waves2.T)[:, 0] return ( posterior1.mean(), posterior2.sum() / len(posterior1), posterior2.mean(), posterior1.sum() / len(posterior2), )
def gpmapasrecc(optstate, **para): if para["onlyafter"] > len(optstate.y) or not len(optstate.y) % para["everyn"] == 0: return [sp.NaN for i in para["lb"]], {"didnotrun": True}"gpmapas reccomender") d = len(para["lb"]) x = sp.hstack([sp.vstack(optstate.x), sp.vstack([e["xa"] for e in optstate.ev])]) y = sp.vstack(optstate.y) s = sp.vstack([e["s"] for e in optstate.ev]) dx = [e["d"] for e in optstate.ev] MAP = GPdc.searchMAPhyp(x, y, s, dx, para["mprior"], para["sprior"], para["kindex"])"MAPHYP {}".format(MAP)) G = GPdc.GPcore(x, y, s, dx, GPdc.kernel(para["kindex"], d + 1, MAP)) def directwrap(xq, y): xq.resize([1, d]) xe = sp.hstack([xq, sp.array([[0.0]])]) # print xe a = G.infer_m(xe, [[sp.NaN]]) return (a[0, 0], 0) [xmin, ymin, ierror] = DIRECT.solve( directwrap, para["lb"], para["ub"], user_data=[], algmethod=1, volper=para["volper"], logfilename="/dev/null" )"reccsearchresult: {}".format([xmin, ymin, ierror])) return [i for i in xmin], {"MAPHYP": MAP, "ymin": ymin}
def gettimes(ionocontlist): """ This static method will take a list of files, or a single string, and deterimine the time ordering and give the sort order for the files to be in. Inputs ionocontlist- A list of IonoContainer h5 files. Can also be a single string of a file name. Outputs sortlist - A numpy array of integers that will chronilogically order the files outtime - A Nt x 2 numpy array of all of the times. timebeg - A list of beginning times """ if isinstance(ionocontlist,string_types): ionocontlist=[ionocontlist] timelist=[] fileslist = [] for ifilenum,ifile in enumerate(ionocontlist): with tables.open_file(str(ifile)) as f: times = timelist.append(times) fileslist.append(ifilenum*sp.ones(len(times))) times_file =sp.array([i[:,0].min() for i in timelist]) sortlist = sp.argsort(times_file) timelist_s = [timelist[i] for i in sortlist] timebeg = times_file[sortlist] fileslist = sp.vstack([fileslist[i][0] for i in sortlist]).flatten().astype('int64') outime = sp.vstack(timelist_s) return (sortlist,outime,fileslist,timebeg,timelist_s)
def MNEfit(stim,resp,order): # in order for dlogloss to work, we need to know -<g(yt(n),xt)>data # == calculate the constrained averages over the data set Nsamples = sp.size(stim,0) Ndim = sp.size(stim,1) psp = sp.mean(sp.mean(resp)) #spike probability (first constraint) avg = (1.0*stim.T*resp)/(Nsamples*1.0) avgs = sp.vstack((psp,avg)) if(order > 1): avgsqrd = (stim.T*1.0)*(sp.array(sp.tile(resp,(1,Ndim)))*sp.array(stim))/(Nsamples*1.0) avgsqrd = sp.reshape(avgsqrd,(Ndim**2,1)) avgs = sp.vstack((avgs,avgsqrd)) #initialize params: pstart = sp.log(1/avgs[0,0] - 1) pstart = sp.hstack((pstart,(.001*(2*sp.random.rand(Ndim)-1)))) if(order > 1): temp = .0005*(2*sp.random.rand(Ndim,Ndim)-1) pstart = sp.hstack((pstart,sp.reshape(temp+temp.T,(1,Ndim**2))[0])) #redefine functions with fixed vals: def logLoss(p): return LLF.log_loss(p, stim, resp, order) def dlogLoss(p): return LLF.d_log_loss(p, stim, avgs, order) #run the function: #pfinal = opt.fmin_tnc(logLoss,pstart,fprime=dlogLoss) # conjugate-gradient: pfinal = opt.fmin_cg(logLoss,pstart,fprime=dlogLoss) #pfinal = opt.fmin(logLoss,pstart,fprime=dlogLoss) return pfinal
def infer_diag(self,X_i,D_i): ns=X_i.shape[0] D = [0 if sp.isnan(x[0]) else int(sum([8**i for i in x])) for x in D_i] R=sp.vstack([sp.empty([2,ns])]*self.size) libGP.infer_diag(self.s,cint(self.size), ns,X_i.ctypes.data_as(ctpd),(cint*len(D))(*D),R.ctypes.data_as(ctpd)) m = sp.vstack([R[i*2,:] for i in xrange(self.size)]) V = sp.vstack([R[i*2+1,:] for i in xrange(self.size)]) return [m,V]
def my_bh_fdr(p_val_vec): index = scipy.argsort(p_val_vec) exp_err = scipy.vstack((float(len(p_val_vec))/scipy.arange(1,len(p_val_vec) + 1)*p_val_vec[index], scipy.tile(1, [1, len(p_val_vec)]))).min(axis = 0) exp_err = scipy.vstack((exp_err,exp_err[scipy.r_[0,scipy.arange(len(exp_err)-1)]])).max(axis=0) #scipy.r_[index[0], index[range(len(index)-1)] resort_index = scipy.argsort(index) return exp_err[resort_index]
def test_skip(): """Test if only keeping every n'th sample works.""" X = scipy.vstack((scipy.arange(25), scipy.arange(25))) X_ = skip(X, 2, 5) print X_ des = scipy.vstack((scipy.array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 20, 21, 22, 23 ,24]), scipy.array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 20, 21, 22, 23 ,24]))) assert (X_ == des).all(), 'wrong result'
def extract_spikes(train, signals, length, align_time): """ Extract spikes with waveforms from analog signals using a spike train. Spikes that are too close to the beginning or end of the shortest signal to be fully extracted are ignored. :type train: :class:`neo.core.SpikeTrain` :param train: The spike times. :param sequence signals: A sequence of :class:`neo.core.AnalogSignal` objects from which the spikes are extracted. The waveforms of the returned spikes are extracted from these signals in the same order they are given. :type length: Quantity scalar :param length: The length of the waveform to extract as time scalar. :type align_time: Quantity scalar :param align_time: The alignment time of the spike times as time scalar. This is the time delta from the start of the extracted waveform to the exact time of the spike. :returns: A list of :class:`neo.core.Spike` objects, one for each time point in ``train``. All returned spikes include their ``waveform`` property. :rtype: list """ if len(set(s.sampling_rate for s in signals)) > 1: raise ValueError( 'All signals for spike extraction need the same sampling rate') wave_unit = signals[0].units srate = signals[0].sampling_rate end = min(s.shape[0] for s in signals) aligned_train = train - align_time cut_samples = int((length * srate).simplified) st = sp.asarray((aligned_train * srate).simplified) # Find extraction epochs st_ok = (st >= 0) * (st < end - cut_samples) epochs = sp.vstack((st[st_ok], st[st_ok] + cut_samples)).T nspikes = epochs.shape[0] if not nspikes: return [] # Create data data = sp.vstack([sp.asarray(s.rescale(wave_unit)) for s in signals]) nc = len(signals) spikes = [] for s in xrange(nspikes): waveform = sp.zeros((cut_samples, nc)) for c in xrange(nc): waveform[:, c] = \ data[c, epochs[s, 0]:epochs[s, 1]] spikes.append(neo.Spike(train[st_ok][s], waveform=waveform * wave_unit)) return spikes
def stripe2(): Y1 = sp.vstack((sp.ones((50,1)), sp.zeros((50,1)))) Y2 = sp.vstack((sp.zeros((50,1)), sp.ones((50,1)))) Y = sp.hstack([Y1, Y2]) X1 = sp.random.multivariate_normal([-2,2], [[1,.8],[.8,1]],size=50) X2 = sp.random.multivariate_normal([2,-1], [[1,.8],[.8,1]], size=50) X = sp.hstack((sp.ones((100,1)),sp.vstack([X1,X2]))) return Y, X
def load_single_player_data(use_existing=False, num_train=0): aa=np.load('/Users/amit/Desktop/Dropbox/Markov/IMSPL.npy') bb=np.load('/Users/amit/Desktop/Dropbox/Markov/IMSBGD.npy') aa=standardize_data(aa) bb=standardize_data(bb) #ii=np.int32(np.floor(np.random.rand(100)*bb.shape[0])) # py.figure(1) # for j,i in enumerate(ii): # py.subplot(10,10,j+1) # py.imshow(bb[i,:,:,:]) # py.axis('off') # py.axis('equal') # if (num_train==0): num=aa.shape[0] else: num=np.minimum(aa.shape[0],num_train) if (not use_existing): ii=range(num) np.random.shuffle(ii)'ii.npy',ii) aa=aa[ii,] else: if (os.path.isfile('ii.npy')): ii=np.load('ii.npy') aa=aa[ii,] train_num=np.int32(num/2) val_num=np.int32(num/4) test_num=np.int32(num/4) head=aa[:,0:25,:,:] body=aa[:,20:45,:,:] legs=aa[:,35:60,:,:] bgd=bb[:,20:45,:,:] val_start=train_num val_end=val_num+val_start test_start=val_end test_end=test_num+test_start X_train=scipy.vstack((head[0:train_num,],body[0:train_num,],legs[0:train_num],bgd[0:train_num,])) X_val=scipy.vstack((head[val_start:val_end,],body[val_start:val_end,], legs[val_start:val_end,],bgd[val_start:val_end,])) X_test=scipy.vstack((head[test_start:test_end,], body[test_start:test_end,], legs[test_start:test_end,], bgd[test_start:test_end,])) X_train=X_train.transpose((0,3,1,2)) #/256. X_val=X_val.transpose((0,3,1,2)) #/256. X_test=X_test.transpose((0,3,1,2)) #/256. y_train=np.repeat(range(4),train_num) y_val=np.repeat(range(4),val_num) y_test=np.repeat(range(4),test_num) return (np.float32(X_train),np.uint8(y_train),np.float32(X_val),np.uint8(y_val),np.float32(X_test),np.uint8(y_test))
def broyden(func, x1, x2, tol=1e-5, maxiter=50): """Calculate the zero of a multi-dimensional function using Broyden's method""" def isscalar(x): if isinstance(x, sp.ndarray): if x.size == 1: return x.flatten()[0] else: return x else: return x def update_Jacobian(preJac, ch_x, ch_F): """Update Jacobian from preX to newX preX and newX are assumed to be array objects of the same shape""" frac = (ch_F-(**2) Jac =,ch_x.T) return Jac #truncate list to two tiems and sort x1 = sp.vstack(x1.flatten()) x2 = sp.vstack(x2.flatten()) fx1 = func(x1) fx2 = func(x2) #check our original points for zeros if abs(fx1) < tol: return x1 elif abs(fx2) < tol: return x2 #Calculate initial Jacobian matrix jac = Jacobian(func)(x1) mi = maxiter while abs(fx2) > tol and mi > 0: fx1 = func(x1) fx2 = func(x2) ch_x=x2-x1 ch_F=fx2-fx1 jac = update_Jacobian(jac, ch_x, ch_F) y = la.lstsq(jac, sp.array([-fx2]))[0] xnew = y+x2 x1 = x2 x2 = xnew mi -= 1 if mi==0: raise StopIteration("Did not converge in {} iterations".format(maxiter)) else: return x2, maxiter-mi
def TCA(X_S, X_T, m=40, mu=0.1, kernel_para=1, p=2, random_sample_T=0.01): X_S = sp.mat(X_S) X_T = sp.mat(X_T) n_S = X_S.shape[0] n_T = X_T.shape[0] if random_sample_T != 1: print str(int(n_T * random_sample_T)) + " samples taken from the task domain" index_sample = sp.random.choice([i for i in range(n_T)], size=int(n_T * random_sample_T)) X_T = X_T[index_sample, :] n_T = X_T.shape[0] n = n_S + n_T if m > (n): print ("m is larger then n_S+n_T, so it has been changed") m = n L = sp.zeros(shape=(n, n)) L_SS = sp.ones(shape=(n_S, n_S)) / (n_S ** 2) L_TT = sp.ones(shape=(n_T, n_T)) / (n_T ** 2) L_ST = -sp.ones(shape=(n_S, n_T)) / (n_S * n_T) L_TS = -sp.ones(shape=(n_T, n_S)) / (n_S * n_T) L[0:n_S, 0:n_S] = L_SS L[n_S : n_S + n_T, n_S : n_S + n_T] = L_TT L[n_S : n_S + n_T, 0:n_S] = L_TS L[0:n_S, n_S : n_S + n_T] = L_ST R = pdist(sp.vstack([X_S, X_T]), metric="euclidean", p=p, w=None, V=None, VI=None) K = Gaussian(R, kernel_para, p) Id = sp.zeros(shape=(n, n)) H = sp.zeros(shape=(n, n)) sp.fill_diagonal(Id, 1) sp.fill_diagonal(H, 1) H -= 1.0 / n Id = sp.mat(Id) H = sp.mat(H) K = sp.mat(K) L = sp.mat(L) matrix = sp.linalg.inv(K * L * K + mu * Id) * sp.mat(K * H * K) eigen_values = sp.linalg.eig(matrix) eigen_val = eigen_values[0][0:m] eigen_vect = eigen_values[1][:, 0:m] return (eigen_val, eigen_vect, K, sp.vstack([X_S, X_T]))
def radius( self, frame ): ''' Bubble radius at one frame. Method: 1. Load the snapshot at frame 2. Load x, y, z coordinates 3. Calculate density grid mesh at grid points 4. Filter the shell grids with density between low * max density and high * max density 5. Calculate the average radius ''' start = time.clock() self.set_frame( frame ) # Load x, y, z coordinates data = pd.DataFrame( list(self.universe.coord), columns=['x','y','z']) x = data[ 'x' ].values y = data[ 'y' ].values z = data[ 'z' ].values # Density grid xyz = scipy.vstack( [ x, y, z ] ) kde = scipy.stats.gaussian_kde( xyz ) xmin, ymin, zmin = x.min(), y.min(), z.min() xmax, ymax, zmax = x.max(), y.max(), z.max() NI = complex( imag=self.density_grid_length) xi, yi, zi = scipy.mgrid[ xmin:xmax:NI, ymin:ymax:NI, zmin:zmax:NI ] coords = scipy.vstack([item.ravel() for item in [xi, yi, zi]]) density = kde(coords).reshape(xi.shape) # Filter density grid density_max = density.max() density_low = self.density_low * density_max density_high = self.density_high * density_max xyzs = [] N = self.density_grid_length for idx, idy, idz in product( xrange(N), xrange(N), xrange(N) ): if density_low < density[ idx, idy, idz ] <= density_high: xyzs.append( [ xi[ idx, idy, idz ], yi[ idx, idy, idz ], zi[ idx, idy, idz ] ] ) xyzs = np.array( xyzs ) # Average radius center = xyzs.mean( axis=0 ) rs = [] for xyz_ele in xyzs: rs.append( np.linalg.norm( center - xyz_ele ) ) duration = time.clock() - start print( "Radius for frame {} calculated in {:.2f} seconds".format( frame, duration ) ) return center, scipy.mean( rs )
def store(old, new): old=old.reshape((1,len(old))) lold=old.shape[1] lnew=new.shape[1] if (lold==lnew): X=sc.vstack((old,new)) elif (lold>lnew): new =sc.hstack(([0]*(lold-lnew),new)) X=X=sc.vstack((old,new)) elif (lnew>lold): old =sc.hstack((old,[0]*(lnew-lold))) X=X=sc.vstack((old,new)) return(X)
def load(filename, network=None): r""" Loads data onto the given network from an appropriately formatted 'mat' file (i.e. MatLAB output). Parameters ---------- filename : string (optional) The name of the file containing the data to import. The formatting of this file is outlined below. network : OpenPNM Network Object The Network object onto which the data should be loaded. If no Network is supplied than one will be created and returned. Returns ------- If no Network object is supplied then one will be created and returned. """ net = {} import as _spio data = _spio.loadmat(filename) # Deal with pore coords and throat conns specially if 'throat_conns' in data.keys(): net.update({'throat.conns': _sp.vstack(data['throat_conns'])}) Nt = _sp.shape(net['throat.conns'])[0] net.update({'throat.all': _sp.ones((Nt,), dtype=bool)}) del data['throat_conns'] else: logger.warning('\'throat_conns\' not found') if 'pore_coords' in data.keys(): net.update({'pore.coords': _sp.vstack(data['pore_coords'])}) Np = _sp.shape(net['pore.coords'])[0] net.update({'pore.all': _sp.ones((Np,), dtype=bool)}) del data['pore_coords'] else: logger.warning('\'pore_coords\' not found') # Now parse through all the other items items = [i for i in data.keys() if '__' not in i] for item in items: element = item.split('_')[0] prop = item.split('_', maxsplit=1)[1] net[element+'.'+prop] = _sp.squeeze(data[item].T) if network is None: network = OpenPNM.Network.GenericNetwork() network = _update_network(network=network, net=net) return network
def optimize(f, left, right, tol=1e-3, n=200, **kwargs): x_obs = sp.array([[(left + right)/2.]]) y_obs = f(x_obs) x_test = sp.linspace(left, right, n)[:, None] lcb = sp.array([[-sp.inf]]) while lcb.min() - y_obs.min() < -tol: lcb = lower_confidence_bound(x_test, x_obs, y_obs, **kwargs) print lcb.min() - y_obs.min() x_new = x_test[sp.argmin(lcb)] x_obs = sp.vstack([x_obs, [x_new]]) y_obs = sp.vstack([y_obs, f(x_new)]) return x_obs, y_obs.flatten()
def intersect(self, conset2): """Determine intersection between current constraint set and another""" def remredcons(A, b, verts): """Reduce a constraint set by removing unnecessary constraints.""" eps = 10e-9 #1 Co-planar constraints; # Remove as not to affect 3rd check Ab = c_[A, b] Abnorms = ones((Ab.shape[0], 1)) for i in range(Ab.shape[0]): Abnorms[i] = linalg.norm(Ab[i, :]) Abn = Ab/Abnorms Abkeep = ones((0, Ab.shape[1])) Abtest = ones((0, Ab.shape[1])) for r1 in range(Abn.shape[0]): noocc = ones((1, 0)) for r2 in range(Abn.shape[0]): #print abs(Abn[r1, :] - Abn[r2, :]) if numpy.all(abs(Abn[r1, :] - Abn[r2, :]) < eps): noocc = c_[noocc, r2] if noocc.size == 1: Abtest = vstack([Abtest, Ab[r1, :]]) else: Abkeep = vstack([Abkeep, Ab[r1, :]]) if Abkeep.shape[0] > 1: Abkeep = uniqm(Abkeep, eps) #2 Vert subset satisfying; no action needed (redundancy uncertain) #3 All vert satisfying constraints; A, b = splitAb(array(Abtest).ravel(), verts.shape[1]) keepA = ones((0, A.shape[1])) keepb = ones((0, 1)) bt = tile(b, (1, verts.shape[0])) k = mat(A)*mat(verts.T) - bt kk = sum(k > eps, axis=1) for i in range(len(kk)): if kk[i] != 0: keepA = vstack([keepA, A[i, :]]) keepb = vstack([keepb, b[i, :]]) outAb = vstack([c_[keepA, keepb], Abkeep]) return splitAb(outAb.ravel(), verts.shape[1]) #Combine constraints and vertices combA = vstack((self.A, conset2.A)) combb = vstack((self.b, conset2.b)) combv = vstack((self.vert, conset2.vert)) #Remove redundant constraints ncombA, ncombb = remredcons(combA, combb, combv) #Calc and return intersection intcombvert = con2vert(combA, combb)[0] return intcombvert
def stripe3(): zero = sp.zeros((33,1)) ones = sp.ones((33,1)) Y1 = sp.vstack([ones, zero, zero]) Y2 = sp.vstack([zero, ones, zero]) Y3 = sp.vstack([zero, zero, ones]) Y = sp.hstack((Y1, Y2, Y3)) X1 = sp.random.multivariate_normal([-2,2], [[1,.8],[.8,1]], size=33) X2 = sp.random.multivariate_normal([2,-2], [[1,.8],[.8,1]], size=33) X3 = sp.random.multivariate_normal([0,0], [[1,.8],[.8,1]], size=33) X = sp.hstack((sp.vstack((ones,ones,ones)),sp.vstack((X1,X2,X3)))) return Y, X
def save_network_tocsv(self,path='',filename='network'): r''' ''' if path=='': path = os.path.abspath('')+'\\LocalFiles\\' Xp = self.get_pore_indices() Xt = self.get_throat_indices() for p in self._pore_data.keys(): if sp.shape(sp.shape(self.get_pore_data(prop=p)))==(1,): Xp = sp.vstack((Xp,self.get_pore_data(prop=p))) sp.savetxt(path+'\\'+filename+'_pores_'+p+'.csv',self.get_pore_data(prop=p)) for t in self._throat_data.keys(): if sp.shape(sp.shape(self.get_throat_data(prop=t)))==(1,): Xt = sp.vstack((Xt,self.get_throat_data(prop=t))) sp.savetxt(path+'\\'+filename+'_throats_'+t+'.csv',self.get_throat_data(prop=t))
def diffmat(dims,order = 'C'): """ This function will return a tuple of difference matricies for data from an Nd array that has been rasterized. The order parameter determines whether the array was rasterized in a C style (python) of FORTRAN style (MATLAB). Inputs: dims- A list of the size of the x,y,z.. dimensions. order- Specifies the vectorization of the matrix Outputs: dx,dy,dy... - The finite difference operators for a vectorized array. If these are to be stacked together as one big operator then sp.sparse.vstack should be used. """ # flip the dimensions around dims=[int(i) for i in dims] xdim = dims[0] ydim = dims[1] dims[0]=ydim dims[1]=xdim if order.lower() == 'c': dims = dims[::-1] outD = [] for idimn, idim in enumerate(dims): if idim==0: outD.append(sp.array([])) continue e = sp.ones(idim) dthing = sp.vstack((-e,e)) D = sp.sparse.spdiags(dthing,[0,1],idim-1,idim).toarray() D = sp.vstack((D,D[-1])) if idim>0: E = sp.sparse.eye([:idimn])) D = sp.sparse.kron(D,E) if idimn<len(dims)-1: E = sp.sparse.eye([idimn+1:])) D = sp.sparse.kron(E,D) outD.append(sp.sparse.csc_matrix(D)) if order.lower() == 'c': outD=outD[::-1] Dy=outD[0] Dx = outD[1] outD[0]=Dx outD[1]=Dy return tuple(outD)
def _test_scz_(): # Load Schizophrenia data singleton_snps = genotypes.simulate_k_tons(n=500, m=1000) doubleton_snps = genotypes.simulate_k_tons(k=2, n=500, m=1000) common_snps = genotypes.simulate_common_genotypes(500, 1000) snps = sp.vstack([common_snps, singleton_snps, doubleton_snps]) test_snps = sp.vstack([singleton_snps, doubleton_snps]) print snps phen_list = phenotypes.simulate_traits(snps, hdf5_file_prefix='/home/bv25/tmp/test', num_traits=30, p=1.0) singletons_thres = [] doubletons_thres = [] common_thres = [] for i, y in enumerate(phen_list): K = kinship.calc_ibd_kinship(snps) K = kinship.scale_k(K) lmm = lm.LinearMixedModel(y) lmm.add_random_effect(K) r1 = lmm.get_REML() print 'pseudo_heritability:', r1['pseudo_heritability'] ex_res = lm.emmax(snps, y, K) plt.figure() plt.hist(y, 50) plt.savefig('/home/bv25/tmp/test_%d_phen.png' % i) plt.clf() agr.plot_simple_qqplots_pvals('/home/bv25/tmp/test_%d' % i, [ex_res['ps'][:1000], ex_res['ps'][1000:2000], ex_res['ps'][2000:]], result_labels=['Common SNPs', 'Singletons', 'Doubletons'], line_colors=['b', 'r', 'y'], num_dots=200, max_neg_log_val=3) # Now permutations.. res = lm.emmax_perm_test(singleton_snps, y, K, num_perm=1000) print 1.0 / (20 * 1000.0), res['threshold_05'] singletons_thres.append(res['threshold_05'][0]) res = lm.emmax_perm_test(doubleton_snps, y, K, num_perm=1000) print 1.0 / (20 * 1000.0), res['threshold_05'] doubletons_thres.append(res['threshold_05'][0]) res = lm.emmax_perm_test(common_snps, y, K, num_perm=1000) print 1.0 / (20 * 1000.0), res['threshold_05'] common_thres.append(res['threshold_05'][0]) print sp.mean(singletons_thres), sp.std(singletons_thres) print sp.mean(doubletons_thres), sp.std(doubletons_thres) print sp.mean(common_thres), sp.std(common_thres)
def plotstate2D(self,llimit,ulimit,allK=False): assert self.dim==2 size=60 Esum=sp.zeros([size,size]) Msum=sp.zeros([size,size]) for i,kf in enumerate(self.KFs): KyR = spl.cho_factor(self.buildKsym(kf,self.X)) xaxis=sp.linspace(llimit[0],ulimit[0],size) yaxis=sp.linspace(llimit[1],ulimit[1],size) E=[] m=[] C=[] for y in yaxis: for x in xaxis: (Et,mt,Ct)=self.evalEI(self.X,self.Y,KyR,kf,[1],sp.matrix([x,y])) E.append(Et[0,0]) m.append(mt) C.append(Ct) Egrid=sp.vstack(np.split(np.array(E),size)) mgrid=sp.vstack(np.split(np.array(m),size)) Cgrid=sp.vstack(np.split(np.array(C),size)) Esum=Esum+Egrid*sp.exp(self.llks[i]) Msum=Msum+mgrid*sp.exp(self.llks[i]) if allK: plt.figure(figsize=(20,5)) plt.subplot(131) try: plt.contour(xaxis,yaxis,mgrid,50) except ValueError: pass plt.subplot(132) plt.contour(xaxis,yaxis,Cgrid,50) plt.subplot(133) plt.contour(xaxis,yaxis,Egrid,50) plt.figure(figsize=(20,5)) plt.subplot(131) try: plt.contour(xaxis,yaxis,Msum,50) except ValueError: pass plt.subplot(133) plt.contour(xaxis,yaxis,Esum,50) return
def invert_epochs(epochs, end=None): """inverts epochs inverted The first epoch will be mapped to [0, start] and the last will be mapped to [end of last epoch, :end:]. Epochs that accidentally become negative or zero-length will be omitted. :type epochs: ndarray :param epochs: epoch set to invert :type end: int :param end: If not None, it i taken for the end of the last epoch, else max(index-dtype) is taken instead. Default=None :returns: ndarray - inverted epoch set """ # checks if end is None: end = sp.iinfo(INDEX_DTYPE).max else: end = INDEX_DTYPE.type(end) # flip them rval = sp.vstack((sp.concatenate(([0], epochs[:, 1])), sp.concatenate((epochs[:, 0], [end])))).T return (rval[rval[:, 1] - rval[:, 0] > 0]).astype(INDEX_DTYPE)
def _read_iop_from_file(self, file_name): """ Generic IOP reader that interpolates the iop to the common wavelengths defined in the constructor returns: interpolated iop """'Reading :: ' + file_name + ' :: and interpolating to ' + str(self.wavelengths)) if os.path.isfile(file_name): iop_reader = csv.reader(open(file_name), delimiter=',', quotechar='"') wave = scipy.float32( iop = scipy.zeros_like(wave) for row in iop_reader: iop = scipy.vstack((iop, row)) iop = scipy.float32(iop[1:, :]) # drop the first row of zeros else: lg.exception('Problem reading file :: ' + file_name) raise IOError try: int_iop = scipy.zeros((iop.shape[0], self.wavelengths.shape[1])) for i_iter in range(0, iop.shape[0]): # r = scipy.interp(self.wavelengths[0, :], wave, iop[i_iter, :]) int_iop[i_iter, :] = scipy.interp(self.wavelengths, wave, iop[i_iter, :]) return int_iop except IOError: lg.exception('Error interpolating IOP to common wavelength') return -1
batch_kalman = [] deltaT = sp.mean(t[1:] - t[0:-1]) state0 = sp.array([0, 0]).T P0 = sp.identity(2) * 0.1 F0 = sp.array([[1, deltaT],\ [0, 1]]) H0 = sp.identity(2) Q0 = sp.diagflat([0.005, 0.0001]) R0 = sp.diagflat([0.25, 0.001]) for i in range(BATCH_SIZE): data = Data1D(sp.squeeze(batch_x[i, :, 0]), sp.squeeze(batch_x[i, :, 1]), []) filter1b = LinearKalmanFilter1D(F0, H0, P0, Q0, R0, state0) kalman_data = filter1b.process_data(data) batch_kalman.append(sp.vstack([kalman_data.x[1:], kalman_data.vx[1:]]).T) xk_batch = sp.stack(batch_kalman) print(xk_batch.shape) #%% Plot the fit plt.figure(figsize=(14, 16)) for batch_idx in range(BATCH_SIZE): out_x = sp.squeeze(out[batch_idx, :, 0]) out_vx = sp.squeeze(out[batch_idx, :, 1]) noisy_x = batch_x[batch_idx, :, 0] noisy_vx = batch_x[batch_idx, :, 1] true_x = batch_y[batch_idx, :, 0] true_vx = batch_y[batch_idx, :, 1] plt.subplot(20 + (BATCH_SIZE) * 100 + batch_idx * 2 + 1) if batch_idx == 0: plt.title('Location x')
def _generate_throats(self): r""" Generate the throats connections """'Define connections between pores') pts = self['pore.coords'] Np = len(pts) # Generate 6 dummy domains to pad onto each face of real domain This # prevents surface pores from making long range connections to each other x, y, z = self['pore.coords'].T if x.max() > self._Lx: Lx = x.max() * 1.05 else: Lx = self._Lx if y.max() > self._Ly: Ly = y.max() * 1.05 else: Ly = self._Ly if z.max() > self._Lz: Lz = z.max() * 1.05 else: Lz = self._Lz # Reflect in X = Lx and 0 Pxp = pts.copy() Pxp[:, 0] = 2 * Lx - Pxp[:, 0] Pxm = pts.copy() Pxm[:, 0] = Pxm[:, 0] * (-1) # Reflect in Y = Ly and 0 Pyp = pts.copy() Pyp[:, 1] = 2 * Ly - Pxp[:, 1] Pym = pts.copy() Pym[:, 1] = Pxm[:, 1] * (-1) # Reflect in Z = Lz and 0 Pzp = pts.copy() Pzp[:, 2] = 2 * Lz - Pxp[:, 2] Pzm = pts.copy() Pzm[:, 2] = Pxm[:, 2] * (-1) # Add dummy domains to real domain # Order important for boundary logic pts = np.vstack((pts, Pxp, Pxm, Pyp, Pym, Pzp, Pzm)) # Perform tessellation logger.debug('Beginning tessellation') Tri = sptl.Delaunay(pts) logger.debug('Converting tessellation to adjacency matrix') adjmat = sprs.lil_matrix((Np, Np), dtype=int) for i in sp.arange(0, sp.shape(Tri.simplices)[0]): # Keep only simplices that are fully in real domain # this used to be vectorize, but it stopped working...change in scipy? for j in Tri.simplices[i]: if j < Np: adjmat[j, Tri.simplices[i][Tri.simplices[i] < Np]] = 1 # Remove duplicate (lower triangle) and self connections (diagonal) # and convert to coo adjmat = sprs.triu(adjmat, k=1, format="coo") logger.debug('Conversion to adjacency matrix complete') self['throat.conns'] = sp.vstack((adjmat.row, adjmat.col)).T self['pore.all'] = np.ones(len(self['pore.coords']), dtype=bool) self['throat.all'] = np.ones(len(self['throat.conns']), dtype=bool) # Do Voronoi diagram - creating voronoi polyhedra around each pore and save # vertex information self._vor = Voronoi(pts) all_vert_index = sp.ndarray(Np, dtype=object) for i, polygon in enumerate(self._vor.point_region[0:Np]): if -1 not in self._vor.regions[polygon]: all_vert_index[i] = \ dict(zip(self._vor.regions[polygon], self._vor.vertices[self._vor.regions[polygon]])) # Add throat vertices by looking up vor.ridge_dict throat_verts = sp.ndarray(len(self['throat.conns']), dtype=object) for i, (p1, p2) in enumerate(self['throat.conns']): try: throat_verts[i] = \ dict(zip(self._vor.ridge_dict[(p1, p2)], self._vor.vertices[self._vor.ridge_dict[(p1, p2)]])) except KeyError: try: throat_verts[i] = \ dict(zip(self._vor.ridge_dict[(p2, p1)], self._vor.vertices[self._vor.ridge_dict[(p2, p1)]])) except KeyError: logger.error( 'Throat Pair Not Found in Voronoi Ridge Dictionary') self['pore.vert_index'] = all_vert_index self['throat.vert_index'] = throat_verts logger.debug(sys._getframe().f_code.co_name + ': End of method')
import networkx from itertools import chain import scipy.stats as stats import pandas as pd import numpy as np import mendelian_mutation alt_scores = comorbidity_genetics.comorbidity_scores('mendelian_disease_alterations_nogermline.pkl','comorb_focal', set(cens_germline)) cg_score = (1 - stats.binom.cdf((coex_mat > rho_cut).sum(axis = 0) - 1, len(msel), (coexpression_c.loc[notm, csel] > rho_cut).sum(axis = 0)/float(len(notm)))) sc = pd.DataFrame(np.array(cg_score),index = coex_mat.columns,columns=['p']) v = sc.sort(['p']) v = pd.DataFrame(scipy.vstack(((gene_scores < .05*float(nrand)).sum(axis=0),gscore_vs_background,gene_scores.min(axis=0), background_probability)),columns = rand_score[alt]['cancers']) 1 - stats.binom.cdf((gene_scores < .05*float(nrand)).sum(axis=0),gene_scores.shape[0], background_probability), gs = pd.DataFrame(gene_scores, columns = rand_score[alt]['cancers'], index = mend_gn) background_probability)), gscore_vs_background = [0]*len(rand_score[alt]['cancers']) for (c_i, c) in enumerate(rand_score[alt]['cancers']): background_genes = background_set - alterations[alt][c][1] p = (background[alt].loc[background_genes, c] < .05).sum()/float(len(background_genes)) background_probability[c_i] =p net_scores = mendelian_mutation.open_network_scores() alt_enrichments = mendelian_mutation.open_alteration_enrichments() xx = zip(*tuple([stats.ranksums(coexpression_c.loc[notm, csel_g], coex_mat.loc[:,csel_g]) for csel_g in csel]))
def weighted_pmi_lrec_items(matrix_train, embeded_matrix=np.empty((0)), iteration=4, lam=80, rank=200, alpha=100, gpu=True, seed=1, root=1, **unused): """ Function used to achieve generalized projected lrec w/o item-attribute embedding :param matrix_train: user-item matrix with shape m*n :param embeded_matrix: item-attribute matrix with length n (each row represents one item) :param iteration: number of SVD iterations :param lam: parameter of penalty :param rank: the latent dimension/number of items :param alpha: weights of the U-I ratings :param gpu: whether use gpu power :return: prediction in sparse matrix """ progress = WorkSplitter() matrix_input = matrix_train if embeded_matrix.shape[0] > 0: matrix_input = vstack((matrix_input, embeded_matrix.T)) progress.subsection("Create PMI matrix") pmi_matrix = get_pmi_matrix(matrix_input, root) progress.subsection("Randomized SVD") start_time = time.time() P, sigma, Qt = randomized_svd(pmi_matrix, n_components=rank, n_iter=iteration, random_state=seed) print("Elapsed: {0}".format(inhour(time.time() - start_time))) start_time = time.time() if gpu: import cupy as cp progress.subsection("Create Cacheable Matrices") # RQ = # sqrt sigma injection RQ = * np.sqrt(sigma))).toarray() # Exact matrix_B = cp.array(RQ) matrix_BT = matrix_B.T matrix_A = + cp.array((lam * sparse.identity(rank, dtype=np.float32)).toarray()) # Approx # matrix_A = cp.array(sparse.diags(sigma * sigma + lam).todense()) # matrix_B = cp.array(P*sigma) # matrix_BT = cp.array(matrix_B.T) print("Elapsed: {0}".format(inhour(time.time() - start_time))) progress.subsection("Item-wised Optimization") start_time = time.time() # For loop m, n = matrix_train.shape Y = [] alpha = cp.array(alpha, dtype=cp.float32) for i in tqdm(xrange(n)): vector_r = matrix_train[:, i] vector_y = per_item_gpu(vector_r, matrix_A, matrix_B, matrix_BT, alpha) y_i_gpu = cp.asnumpy(vector_y) y_i_cpu = np.copy(y_i_gpu) Y.append(y_i_cpu) Y = scipy.vstack(Y) print("Elapsed: {0}".format(inhour(time.time() - start_time))) else: progress.subsection("Create Cacheable Matrices") RQ = # Exact matrix_B = RQ matrix_BT = RQ.T matrix_A = + (lam * sparse.identity(rank, dtype=np.float32)).toarray() # Approx # matrix_B = P * sigma # matrix_BT = matrix_B.T # matrix_A = sparse.diags(sigma * sigma - lam).todense() print("Elapsed: {0}".format(inhour(time.time() - start_time))) progress.subsection("Item-wised Optimization") start_time = time.time() # For loop m, n = matrix_train.shape Y = [] for i in tqdm(xrange(n)): vector_r = matrix_train[:, i] vector_y = per_item_cpu(vector_r, matrix_A, matrix_B, matrix_BT, alpha) y_i_cpu = vector_y Y.append(y_i_cpu) Y = scipy.vstack(Y) print("Elapsed: {0}".format(inhour(time.time() - start_time))) return RQ, Y.T, None
def score_2_dof(self, X, snp_dim="col", debug=False): """ Parameters ---------- X : (`N`, `1`) ndarray genotype vector (TODO: X should be small) Returns ------- pvalue : float P value """ import scipy as sp import scipy.linalg as la import scipy.stats as st # 1. calculate Qs and pvs Q_rho = sp.zeros(len(self.rho_list)) Py = P(, self.y) for i in range(len(self.rho_list)): rho = self.rho_list[i] LT = sp.vstack((rho ** 0.5 * self.vec_ones, (1 - rho) ** 0.5 * self.Env.T)) LTxoPy =, X * Py) Q_rho[i] = 0.5 *, LTxoPy) # Calculating pvs is split into 2 steps # If we only consider one value of rho i.e. equivalent to SKAT and used for interaction test if len(self.rho_list) == 1: rho = self.rho_list[0] L = sp.hstack((rho ** 0.5 * self.vec_ones.T, (1 - rho) ** 0.5 * self.Env)) xoL = X * L PxoL = P(, xoL) LToxPxoL = 0.5 *, PxoL) try: pval = davies_pvalue(Q_rho[0], LToxPxoL) except AssertionError: eighQ, UQ = la.eigh(LToxPxoL) pval = mod_liu_corrected(Q_rho[0], eighQ) # Script ends here for interaction test return pval # or if we consider multiple values of rho i.e. equivalent to SKAT-O and used for association test else: pliumod = sp.zeros((len(self.rho_list), 4)) for i in range(len(self.rho_list)): rho = self.rho_list[i] L = sp.hstack( (rho ** 0.5 * self.vec_ones.T, (1 - rho) ** 0.5 * self.Env) ) xoL = X * L PxoL = P(, xoL) LToxPxoL = 0.5 *, PxoL) eighQ, UQ = la.eigh(LToxPxoL) pliumod[i,] = mod_liu_corrected(Q_rho[i], eighQ) T = pliumod[:, 0].min() # if optimal_rho == 0.999: # optimal_rho = 1 # 2. Calculate qmin qmin = sp.zeros(len(self.rho_list)) percentile = 1 - T for i in range(len(self.rho_list)): q = st.chi2.ppf(percentile, pliumod[i, 3]) # Recalculate p-value for each Q rho of seeing values at least as extreme as q again using the modified matching moments method qmin[i] = (q - pliumod[i, 3]) / (2 * pliumod[i, 3]) ** 0.5 * pliumod[ i, 2 ] + pliumod[i, 1] # 3. Calculate quantites that occur in null distribution Px1 = P(, X) m = 0.5 *, Px1) xoE = X * self.Env PxoE = P(, xoE) ETxPxE = 0.5 *, PxoE) ETxPx1 =, Px1) ETxPx11xPxE = 0.25 / m *, ETxPx1.T) ZTIminusMZ = ETxPxE - ETxPx11xPxE eigh, vecs = la.eigh(ZTIminusMZ) eta =, ZTIminusMZ) vareta = 4 * sp.trace(eta) OneZTZE = 0.5 *, PxoE) tau_top =, OneZTZE.T) tau_rho = sp.zeros(len(self.rho_list)) for i in range(len(self.rho_list)): tau_rho[i] = self.rho_list[i] * m + (1 - self.rho_list[i]) / m * tau_top MuQ = sp.sum(eigh) VarQ = sp.sum(eigh ** 2) * 2 + vareta KerQ = sp.sum(eigh ** 4) / (sp.sum(eigh ** 2) ** 2) * 12 Df = 12 / KerQ # 4. Integration # from time import time # start = time() pvalue = optimal_davies_pvalue( qmin, MuQ, VarQ, KerQ, eigh, vareta, Df, tau_rho, self.rho_list, T ) # print("Elapsed: {} seconds".format(time() - start)) # Final correction to make sure that the p-value returned is sensible multi = 3 if len(self.rho_list) < 3: multi = 2 idx = sp.where(pliumod[:, 0] > 0)[0] pval = pliumod[:, 0].min() * multi if pvalue <= 0 or len(idx) < len(self.rho_list): pvalue = pval if pvalue == 0: if len(idx) > 0: pvalue = pliumod[:, 0][idx].min() if debug: info = { "Qs": Q_rho, "pvs_liu": pliumod, "qmin": qmin, "MuQ": MuQ, "VarQ": VarQ, "KerQ": KerQ, "lambd": eigh, "VarXi": vareta, "Df": Df, "tau": tau_rho, } return pvalue, info else: return pvalue
def labelconsistentksvd(self, Y, Dinit, labels, Q_train, Tinit, Winit=None): """ Label consistent KSVD1 algorithm and Discriminative LC-KSVD2 implementation Args: Y : training features Dinit : initialized dictionary labels : labels matrix for training feature (numberred from 1 to nb of classes) Q_train : optimal code matrix for training feature Tinit : initialized transform matrix Winit : initialized classifier parameters (None for LC-KSVD1) Returns: D : learned dictionary X : sparsed codes T : learned transform matrix W : learned classifier parameters """ # H_train = sp.zeros((int(labels.max()), Y.shape[1]), dtype=float) # print(H_train.shape) # for c in range(int(labels.max())): # H_train[c, labels == (c+1)] = 1. H_train = labels # ksvd process runKsvd = ApproximateKSVD(Dinit.shape[1], max_iter=self.iterations, tol=self.tol, transform_n_nonzero_coefs=self.sparsitythres) if Winit is None:, self.sqrt_alpha * Q_train)), Dinit=normcols( sp.vstack((Dinit, self.sqrt_alpha * Tinit)))) else: (Y, self.sqrt_alpha * Q_train, self.sqrt_beta * H_train)), Dinit=normcols( sp.vstack((Dinit, self.sqrt_alpha * Tinit, self.sqrt_beta * Winit)))) # get back the desired D, T and W (if sqrt_beta is not None) i_end_D = Dinit.shape[0] i_start_T = i_end_D i_end_T = i_end_D + Tinit.shape[0] D = runKsvd.components_[:i_end_D, :] T = runKsvd.components_[i_start_T:i_end_T, :] if Winit is not None: i_start_W = i_end_T i_end_W = i_end_T + Winit.shape[0] W = runKsvd.components_[i_start_W:i_end_W, :] # normalization l2norms = splin.norm(D, axis=0)[sp.newaxis, :] + self.tol D /= l2norms T /= l2norms T /= self.sqrt_alpha X = runKsvd.gamma_ if Winit is None: # Learning linear classifier parameters xxt = W = splin.pinv(xxt + sp.eye(*(xxt).shape)).dot(X).dot(H_train.T) W = W.T else: W /= l2norms W /= self.sqrt_beta return D, X, T, W
def test1(): zs = np.linspace(0.01, 1, 21) r = np.array([[0, 0, zz] for zz in zs]) thetas = np.linspace(0, np.pi * 0.25, 10) print "thetas: ", thetas k_dir = np.vstack([np.sin(thetas), np.zeros_like(thetas), np.cos(thetas)]) k_dir = k_dir.transpose() wavelength = 10 k0 = np.pi * 2 / wavelength a1 = np.array([1, 0, 0]) a2 = np.array([0, 1, 0]) class gratinglobes(object): def check(self): dx = np.sqrt(np.sum(a1 * a1, axis=-1)) dy = np.sqrt(np.sum(a2 * a2, axis=-1)) threshold_d = wavelength / (1 + np.sin(thetas)) temp = np.array([dx < threshold_d, dy < threshold_d]) return np.sum(temp, axis=0) == temp.shape[0] checker = gratinglobes().check() print "grating lobe condition: ", checker result_direct = PGF_Direct(k0, a1, a2, 100, 100).pgf(k_dir, r) result_poisson = PGF_Poisson(k0, a1, a2, 1, 1).pgf(k_dir, r) result_ewald = PGF_EWALD(k0, a1, a2, 20, 20).pgf(k_dir, r) import matplotlib.pylab as plt plt.figure() class Method(object): def __init__(self, result, marker, line): self.result = result self.marker = marker self.line = line def angle(self, it): plt.plot(zs,\ np.angle(self.result)[it]/np.pi*180,\ self.line,\ label='angle %d %s'%(it,self.marker)) def absolute(self, it): plt.plot(zs,\ np.absolute(self.result)[it],\ self.line,\ label='abs %d %s'%(it,self.marker)) map(Method(result_poisson, 'pois', "s").angle, xrange(k_dir.shape[0])) map(Method(result_direct, 'dir', "-").angle, xrange(k_dir.shape[0])) map(Method(result_ewald, 'ewald', "+").angle, xrange(k_dir.shape[0])) plt.ylabel("angle (degree)") plt.xlabel("zs") #plt.legend() plt.figure() map(Method(result_poisson, 'pois', "s").absolute, xrange(k_dir.shape[0])) map(Method(result_direct, 'dir', "-").absolute, xrange(k_dir.shape[0])) map(Method(result_ewald, 'ewald', "+").absolute, xrange(k_dir.shape[0])) plt.xlabel("zs") plt.ylabel("log10(abs) ") #plt.legend() plt.figure() #map(Method((result_direct-result_poisson)/result_direct,'dir_pois',"-s").absolute,xrange(k_dir.shape[0])) map( Method((result_direct - result_ewald) / result_direct, 'dir_ewald', "-d").absolute, xrange(k_dir.shape[0])) #map(Method((result_poisson-result_ewald)/result_ewald,'pois_ewald',"-o").absolute,xrange(k_dir.shape[0])) plt.xlabel("zs") plt.ylabel("log10(abs) ") #plt.legend()
i = i + 1 u1 = (Wbig < 0) * -Wbig + Wbig u1 = sp.sqrt(u1) u1 = (Wbig < 0) * -10**10 + u1 x, y = discretenorm(k, 4 * sp.sqrt(.25), .25) for j in range(k): u[:, :, j] = x[j] * u1 b = .9 states = sp.zeros((1, 100, 7)) policy = sp.zeros((1, 100, 7)) i = 0 d = 1 while d > 10**-9: E = states[i, :, :] * y V = sp.vstack(E.sum(1)) * b Value1 = V.copy() for x in range(100 - 1): Value1 = sp.concatenate((Value1, V), 1) Value = sp.zeros((100, 100, 7)) for x in range(7): Value[:, :, x] = Value1.T total = u + Value temp = total.max(1) temp.resize(1, 100, 7) temp1 = total.argmax(1) temp1.resize(1, 100, 7) states = sp.concatenate((states, temp), 0) policy = sp.concatenate((policy, temp1), 0) i = i + 1 d = la.norm(states[i - 1, :, :] - states[i, :, :])
def parcellate_region(roilist, sub, nClusters, scan, scan_type, savepng=0, session=1, algo=0, type_cor=0): p_dir = '/big_disk/ajoshi/HCP100-fMRI-NLM/HCP100-fMRI-NLM' r_factor = 3 ref_dir = os.path.join(p_dir, 'reference') ref = '100307' fn1 = ref + '.reduce' + str(r_factor) + '.LR_mask.mat' fname1 = os.path.join(ref_dir, fn1) msk = dfs_left_sm = readdfs( os.path.join('/home/ajoshi/for_gaurav', '100307.BCI2reduce3.very_smooth.' + scan_type + '.dfs')) dfs_left = readdfs( os.path.join('/home/ajoshi/for_gaurav', '100307.BCI2reduce3.very_smooth.' + scan_type + '.dfs')) data = os.path.join( p_dir, sub, sub + '.rfMRI_REST' + str(session) + scan + '.reduce3.ftdata.NLM_11N_hvar_25.mat')) LR_flag = msk['LR_flag'] # 0= right hemisphere && 1== left hemisphere if scan_type == 'right': LR_flag = np.squeeze(LR_flag) == 0 else: LR_flag = np.squeeze(LR_flag) == 1 data = data['ftdata_NLM'] temp = data[LR_flag, :] m = np.mean(temp, 1) temp = temp - m[:, None] s = np.std(temp, 1) + 1e-16 temp = temp / s[:, None] msk_small_region = np.in1d(dfs_left.labels, roilist) # (dfs_left.labels == 46) | (dfs_left.labels == 28) \ # | (dfs_left.labels == 29) # % motor d = temp[msk_small_region, :] rho = np.corrcoef(d) rho[~np.isfinite(rho)] = 0 # rho=np.abs(rho) d_corr = temp[~msk_small_region, :] rho_1 = np.corrcoef(d, d_corr) rho_1 = rho_1[range(d.shape[0]), d.shape[0]:] rho_1[~np.isfinite(rho_1)] = 0 if type_cor == 1: f_rho = np.arctanh(rho_1) f_rho[~np.isfinite(f_rho)] = 0 B = np.corrcoef(f_rho) B[~np.isfinite(B)] = 0 # B = np.abs(B) # SC = DBSCAN() if algo == 0: SC = SpectralClustering(n_clusters=nClusters, affinity='precomputed') # SC=SpectralClustering(n_clusters=nClusters,gamma=0.025) if type_cor == 0 and rho.size > 0: # affinity_matrix = affinity_mat(rho) affinity_matrix = np.arcsin(rho) labels = SC.fit_predict(np.abs(affinity_matrix)) if type_cor == 1 and rho.size > 0: labels = SC.fit_predict(affinity_mat(B)) # elif algo == 1: g = nx.Graph() g.add_edges_from(dfs_left.faces[:, (0, 1)]) g.add_edges_from(dfs_left.faces[:, (1, 2)]) g.add_edges_from(dfs_left.faces[:, (2, 0)]) Adj = nx.adjacency_matrix(g) AdjS = Adj[(msk_small_region), :] AdjS = AdjS[:, (msk_small_region)] AdjS = AdjS.todense() np.fill_diagonal(AdjS, 1) SC = AgglomerativeClustering(n_clusters=nClusters, connectivity=AdjS) labels = SC.fit_predict(rho) elif algo == 2: GM = GMM(n_components=nClusters, covariance_type='full', n_iter=100) labels = GM.predict(rho) elif algo == 3: neighbour_correlation(rho, dfs_left_sm.faces, dfs_left_sm.vertices, msk_small_region) if savepng > 0: r = dfs_left_sm r.labels = np.zeros([r.vertices.shape[0]]) r.labels[msk_small_region] = labels + 1 cent = separate(labels, r, r.vertices, nClusters) manual_order = np.array([0 for x in range(nClusters)]) save = np.array([0 for x in range(nClusters)]) for i in range(0, nClusters): if nClusters > 1: choose_vector = np.argmax(cent.transpose(), axis=1) save[i] = cent[choose_vector[1]][1] correspondence_point = find_location_smallmask( r.vertices, cent[choose_vector[1]], msk_small_region) cent[choose_vector[1]][1] = -np.Inf manual_order[i] = choose_vector[1] if i == 0: # change correlation_within_precuneus_vector = sp.array( rho[correspondence_point]) correlation_with_rest_vector = sp.array( rho_1[correspondence_point]) else: correlation_within_precuneus_vector = sp.vstack([ correlation_within_precuneus_vector, [rho[correspondence_point]] ]) correlation_with_rest_vector = sp.vstack([ correlation_with_rest_vector, [rho_1[correspondence_point]] ]) else: choose_vector = 0 correspondence_point = find_location_smallmask( r.vertices, cent, msk_small_region) manual_order[i] = choose_vector if i == 0: # change correlation_within_precuneus_vector = sp.array( rho[correspondence_point]) correlation_with_rest_vector = sp.array( rho_1[correspondence_point]) manual_order = change_order(manual_order, nClusters) r.labels = change_labels(r.labels, manual_order, nClusters) new_cent = separate(r.labels, r, temp, nClusters) if nClusters > 1: for i in range(0, nClusters): cent[manual_order[i]][1] = save[i] return (r, correlation_within_precuneus_vector, correlation_with_rest_vector, msk_small_region, new_cent)
@author: 56977 """ import scipy as sp import matplotlib.pyplot as plt data = sp.loadtxt("datos2_corrida0.txt") N = data[:, 0] dts = data[:, 1] mem = data[:, 2] for i in range(1, 10): data = sp.loadtxt(f"datos2_corrida{i}.txt") dts = sp.vstack((dts, data[:, 1])) absisas = [10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000, 2000, 5000, 10000, 20000] TPO = [0.1e-3, 1e-3, 1e-2, 0.1, 1., 10., 60., 60 * 10] TPO_label = [ "0.1 ms", "1 ms", "10 ms", "0.1 s", "1 s", "10 s", "1 min", "10 min" ] RAM = [10**3, 10**4, 10**5, 10**6, 10**7, 10**8, 10**9, 10**10, 10**11] RAM_label = [ "1 KB", "10 KB", "100 KB", "1 MB", "10 MB", "100 MB", "1 GB", "10 GB", "" ] plt.figure()
temp=np.ones((cMshape[1],cMshape[2],cMshape[3]+1)) for i in range(cMshape[1]): print 'Shape check:',np.shape(temp[i,:,:2]),np.shape(contractionMatrix[0][i]) temp[i,:,:2]=(contractionMatrix[0][i])-256 print 'zPos:',contourInformation[i][0] temp[i,:,2]=temp[i,:,2]*np.float(contourInformation[i][0]) #temp[i,:,2]=temp[i,:,2]*-np.float(contourInformation[i][0])#-375 #Read in any fixed points fixedContour1=np.loadtxt(workingDir+'FixedContours/InletFixedContour1') fixedContour2=np.loadtxt(workingDir+'FixedContours/InletFixedContour2') fixedContour3=np.loadtxt(workingDir+'FixedContours/FixedContour1') fixedContour4=np.loadtxt(workingDir+'FixedContours/OutletFixedContour1') fixedContour5=np.loadtxt(workingDir+'FixedContours/OutletFixedContour2') fixedContours=scipy.vstack([fixedContour1,fixedContour2,fixedContour3,fixedContour4,fixedContour5]) print 'countour shape:',np.shape(temp.reshape((cMshape[1]*cMshape[2],cMshape[3]+1))) #print 'fixedcontour shape',fixedContour.shape source_points_fitting = temp.reshape((cMshape[1]*cMshape[2],cMshape[3]+1)) #With fixed contours #source_points_fitting = scipy.vstack([temp.reshape((cMshape[1]*cMshape[2],cMshape[3]+1)),fixedContours]) ######################################################################################################### #Loop through time points for timePoint in range(11,12):#range(20,cMshape[0]): print 'fitting time: ',timePoint temp=np.ones((cMshape[1],cMshape[2],cMshape[3]+1))
def vl_phow(im, verbose=True, fast=True, sizes=[4, 6, 8, 10], step=2, color='rgb', floatdescriptors=False, magnif=6, windowsize=1.5, contrastthreshold=0.005): opts = Options(verbose, fast, sizes, step, color, floatdescriptors, magnif, windowsize, contrastthreshold) dsiftOpts = DSiftOptions(opts) # make sure image is float, otherwise segfault im = array(im, 'float32') # Extract the features imageSize = shape(im) if im.ndim == 3: if imageSize[2] < 3: #if imageSize[2] != 3: # "IndexError: tuple index out of range" if both if's are checked at the same time raise ValueError("Image data in unknown format/shape") if opts.color == 'gray': numChannels = 1 if (im.ndim == 2): im = vl_rgb2gray(im) else: numChannels = 3 if (im.ndim == 2): im = dstack([im, im, im]) if opts.color == 'rgb': pass elif opts.color == 'opponent': # from # Note that the mean differs from the standard definition of opponent # space and is the regular intesity (for compatibility with # the contrast thresholding). # Note also that the mean is added pack to the other two # components with a small multipliers for monochromatic # regions. mu = 0.3 * im[:, :, 0] + 0.59 * im[:, :, 1] + 0.11 * im[:, :, 2] alpha = 0.01 im = dstack([ mu, (im[:, :, 0] - im[:, :, 1]) / sqrt(2) + alpha * mu, (im[:, :, 0] + im[:, :, 1] - 2 * im[:, :, 2]) / sqrt(6) + alpha * mu ]) else: raise ValueError('Color option ' + str(opts.color) + ' not recognized') if opts.verbose: print('{0}: color space: {1}'.format('vl_phow', opts.color)) print('{0}: image size: {1} x {2}'.format('vl_phow', imageSize[0], imageSize[1])) print('{0}: sizes: [{1}]'.format('vl_phow', opts.sizes)) frames_all = [] descrs_all = [] for size_of_spatial_bins in opts.sizes: # from # Recall from VL_DSIFT() that the first descriptor for scale SIZE has # center located at XC = XMIN + 3/2 SIZE (the Y coordinate is # similar). It is convenient to align the descriptors at different # scales so that they have the same geometric centers. For the # maximum size we pick XMIN = 1 and we get centers starting from # XC = 1 + 3/2 MAX(OPTS.SIZES). For any other scale we pick XMIN so # that XMIN + 3/2 SIZE = 1 + 3/2 MAX(OPTS.SIZES). # In pracrice, the offset must be integer ('bounds'), so the # alignment works properly only if all OPTS.SZES are even or odd. off = floor(3.0 / 2 * (max(opts.sizes) - size_of_spatial_bins)) + 1 # smooth the image to the appropriate scale based on the size # of the SIFT bins sigma = size_of_spatial_bins / float(opts.magnif) ims = vl_imsmooth(im, sigma) # extract dense SIFT features from all channels frames = [] descrs = [] for k in range(numChannels): size_of_spatial_bins = int(size_of_spatial_bins) # vl_dsift does not accept numpy.int64 or similar f_temp, d_temp = vl_dsift(data=ims[:, :, k], step=dsiftOpts.step, size=size_of_spatial_bins,, verbose=dsiftOpts.verbose, norm=dsiftOpts.norm, bounds=[off, off, maxint, maxint]) frames.append(f_temp) descrs.append(d_temp) frames = array(frames) descrs = array(descrs) d_new_shape = [descrs.shape[0] * descrs.shape[1], descrs.shape[2]] descrs = descrs.reshape(d_new_shape) # remove low contrast descriptors # note that for color descriptors the V component is # thresholded if (opts.color == 'gray') | (opts.color == 'opponent'): contrast = frames[0][2, :] elif opts.color == 'rgb': contrast = mean( [frames[0][2, :], frames[1][2, :], frames[2][2, :]], 0) else: raise ValueError('Color option ' + str(opts.color) + ' not recognized') descrs[:, contrast < opts.contrastthreshold] = 0 # save only x,y, and the scale frames_temp = array(frames[0][0:3, :]) padding = array(size_of_spatial_bins * ones(frames[0][0].shape)) frames_all.append(vstack([frames_temp, padding])) descrs_all.append(array(descrs)) frames_all = hstack(frames_all) descrs_all = hstack(descrs_all) return frames_all, descrs_all
def globallocalregret(optstate, persist, **para): #doublenormdist #norprior if persist == None: persist = defaultdict(list) persist['raiseS'] = False persist['R'] = sp.eye(len(para['lb'])) if optstate.n < para['onlyafter']: return 0, persist, dict() if persist['flip']: return 1, persist, dict()'globallocalregretchooser with {} inflated diagonal'.format( persist['raiseS'])) if para['rotate']:'rotate\n{}'.format(persist['R'])) d = len(para['lb']) lb = para['lb'] ub = para['ub'] #build a GP with slice-samples hypers x = sp.vstack(optstate.x).dot(persist['R'].T) y = sp.vstack(optstate.y) s = sp.vstack([e['s'] + 10**optstate.condition for e in optstate.ev]) dx = [e['d'] for e in optstate.ev]'building GP') G = PES.makeG(x, y, s, dx, para['kindex'], para['mprior'], para['sprior'], para['nhyp'], prior=para['priorshape']) xminr, ymin, ierror = gpbo.core.optutils.twopartopt( lambda x: G.infer_m_post(persist['R'].dot(x.flatten()).reshape( [1, d]), [[sp.NaN]])[0, 0], para['lb'], para['ub'], para['dpara'], para['lpara']) xmin = persist['R'].dot(xminr.flatten()).reshape([1, d]) #:mxmin,vxmin = [j[0,0] for j in G.infer_diag_post(optstate.x[0],[[sp.NaN]])]'post min at {}(true) {}(rotated) is {}'.format( xminr, xmin, ymin)) dropdims = [] for i in range(d): if xminr[i] > 0.995 * (ub[i] - lb[i]) + lb[i] or xminr[i] < lb[i] + ( 1. - 0.995) * (ub[i] - lb[i]): dropdims.append(i) if not sp.allclose(sp.eye(d), persist['R']): print('edge isn\'t working with nonzero rotation')'post min in on edge in axes {}'.format(dropdims)) #get hessian/grad posterior #local probmin elipse at post min GH = gpbo.core.optutils.gpGH(G, xmin) Gr, cG, H, Hvec, varHvec, M, varM = GH #est the local regret Mdraws = gpbo.core.GPdc.draw(M[0, :], varM, 200) lrest = 0. for i in xrange(200): sM = Mdraws[i, :] sG = sM[:d] sH = gpbo.core.optutils.Hvec2H(sM[d:], d) sR = 0.5 *, sG)) lrest += max(0., sR) lrest /= 200.'localregretest {}'.format(lrest)) m = sp.diag(H) v = sp.diag(gpbo.core.optutils.Hvec2H(sp.diagonal(varHvec), d)) logger.debug('H,stH\n{}\n{}'.format( H, sp.sqrt(gpbo.core.optutils.Hvec2H(sp.diagonal(varHvec), d)))) logger.debug('axisprobs {}'.format( 1. - sp.stats.norm.cdf(sp.zeros(d), loc=m, scale=sp.sqrt(v)))) #step out to check +ve defininteness'checking for +ve definite ball') from gpbo.core import debugoutput pc = gpbo.core.optutils.probgppve(G, sp.array(xmin), tol=para['pvetol'], dropdims=dropdims)'prob pvedef at xmin {}'.format(pc)) _ = prob(G, sp.array(xmin), tol=para['pvetol'], dropdims=dropdims) if para['rotate']: #U,S,V = sp.linalg.svd(H) eva, eve = sp.linalg.eigh(H) V = eve.T persist['R'] =['R']) mask = sp.ones(d) for i in dropdims: mask[i] = 0. def PDcondition(x): P = gpbo.core.optutils.probgppve(G, sp.array(x) * mask + sp.array(xmin), tol=para['pvetol'], dropdims=dropdims) C = P > 1 - para['pvetol'] #print(C,P,sp.array(x)*mask) return C #todo assuming unit radius search region for Rinit=1 rmax = gpbo.core.optutils.ballradsearch(d, 1., PDcondition, ndirs=para['nlineS'], lineSh=para['lineSh']) if gpbo.core.debugoutput['adaptive']: import matplotlib matplotlib.rcParams['text.usetex'] = False fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=3, ncols=4, figsize=(85, 85)) xmin = xmin.flatten() # plot the current GP if d == 2: #gpbo.core.optutils.gpplot(ax[0,0],ax[0,1],G,para['lb'],para['ub'],ns=60) ax[0, 0].set_title('GP post mean') ax[0, 1].set_title('GP post var') ax[0, 0].plot(xmin[0], xmin[1], 'ro') #plot some draws from H for i in xrange(4): Gm, Gv, Hd = gpbo.core.drawconditionH(*GH) try: sp.linalg.cholesky(Hd) gpbo.core.optutils.plotprobstatellipse(Gv, Hd, xmin, ax[1, 1], logr=True) except sp.linalg.LinAlgError: pass if rmax > 0: ax[1, 1].plot([sp.log10(rmax)] * 2, [0., 2 * sp.pi], 'purple') else: logger.debug('plotting some draws...') #draw support points xvmaxr, vmax, ierror = gpbo.core.optutils.twopartopt( lambda x: -G.infer_diag_post(persist['R'].dot(x.flatten( )), [[sp.NaN]])[1][0, 0], para['lb'], para['ub'], para['dpara'], para['lpara']) xvmax = persist['R'].dot(xvmaxr.flatten()) mvmax, vvmax = [ j[0, 0] for j in G.infer_diag_post(xvmax, [[sp.NaN]]) ] W = sp.vstack([ ESutils.draw_support(G, lb, ub, para['support'] / 2, ESutils.SUPPORT_LAPAPROT, para=20, rotation=persist['R']), ESutils.draw_support(G, lb, ub, para['support'] / 2, ESutils.SUPPORT_VARREJ, para=vvmax, rotation=persist['R']) ]) nd = 1500 #draw mins and value of g at xmin as pair R, Y, A = ESutils.draw_min_xypairgrad(G, W, nd, xmin) #plot support if d == 2: gpbo.core.optutils.plotaslogrtheta(W[:, 0], W[:, 1], xmin[0], xmin[1], ax[1, 1], 'b.') ax[0, 2].plot(W[:, 0], W[:, 1], 'b.') #plot mindraws gpbo.core.optutils.plotaslogrtheta(R[:, 0], R[:, 1], xmin[0], xmin[1], ax[1, 1], 'r.') ax[0, 2].plot(R[:, 0], R[:, 1], 'r.') ax[1, 3].text(0, 0, 'prob +ve at min {}\nR+ve {}'.format(pc, rmax)) if rmax == 0: if gpbo.core.debugoutput['adaptive']: try: fname = 'lotsofplots' + time.strftime( '%d_%m_%y_%H:%M:%S') + '.png' print('saving as {}'.format(fname)) fig.savefig(os.path.join(gpbo.core.debugoutput['path'], fname)) except BaseException as e: logger.error(str(e)) fig.clf() plt.close(fig) del (fig)'no +ve def region, choosereturns 0') return 0, persist, { 'reuseH': [k.hyp for k in G.kf], 'ppveatx': pc, 'rpve': rmax, 'R': persist['R'] } xvmaxr, vmax, ierror = gpbo.core.optutils.twopartopt( lambda x: -G.infer_diag_post(persist['R'].dot(x.flatten()), [[sp.NaN]]) [1][0, 0], para['lb'], para['ub'], para['dpara'], para['lpara']) xvmax = persist['R'].dot(xvmaxr.flatten()) mvmax, vvmax = [j[0, 0] for j in G.infer_diag_post(xvmax, [[sp.NaN]])]'post var max {} at {} with mean {}'.format( vvmax, xvmax, mvmax)) #draw support points W = sp.vstack([ ESutils.draw_support(G, lb, ub, para['support'] / 2, ESutils.SUPPORT_LAPAPROT, para=20, weighted=para['weighted'], rotation=persist['R']), ESutils.draw_support(G, lb, ub, para['support'] / 2, ESutils.SUPPORT_VARREJ, para=vvmax, rotation=persist['R']) ]) Q, maxRin = drawpartitionmin2(G, W, xmin, rmax, para['draws'])'+ve region radius {} max sample radius {}'.format( rmax, maxRin)) #pcurves from Q def data2cdf(X): n = X.size C = sp.linspace(1. / n, 1, n) XC = sorted(X) return XC, C Yin, Cin = data2cdf(Q[:, 1]) normin = Yat, Cat = data2cdf(Q[:, 3]) normat = Yout, Cout = data2cdf(Q[:, 2]) #normal dist with var same as max in gp model and passing through estimated prob of min sample ydrawmin = Yout[0] cdfymin = Cout[0] mu = ydrawmin - sp.sqrt(vvmax * 2) * sp.special.erfinv(2 * cdfymin - 1.)'upper norm at y {} c {} has mu {},var {}'.format( ymin, cdfymin, mu, vvmax))'lower norm at x {} has mu {},var {}'.format( xvmax, mvmax, vvmax)) #interpolator for cdf def splicecdf(y): if y < Yout[0]: return sp.stats.norm.cdf(y, loc=mu, scale=sp.sqrt(vvmax)) elif y >= Yout[-1]: return 1. - 1e-20 else: i = 0 while Yout[i] < y: i += 1 return Cout[i] return m, std = normin logger.debug( 'inner approx m{} std{}\noutsample stats min{} max{} mean{}'.format( m, std, sp.array(Yout).min(), sp.array(Yout).max(), sp.mean(Yout))) racc = 0. n = len(Cout) #regret from samples after the min for i in xrange(1, n): racc += gpbo.core.GPdc.EI(-Yout[i], -m, std)[0, 0] / float(n) tmp = racc #regret from the tail bound I, err = spi.quad( lambda y: gpbo.core.GPdc.EI(-y, -m, std)[0, 0] * sp.stats.norm.pdf( y, mu, sp.sqrt(vvmax)), -sp.inf, Yout[0]) racc += I'outer regret {} (due to samples: {} due to tail: {}'.format( racc, tmp, racc - tmp)) #regret lower bound #rlow,err = spi.quad(lambda y:gpbo.core.GPdc.EI(-y,-m,v)[0,0]*sp.stats.norm.pdf(y,mvmax,sp.sqrt(vvmax)),-sp.inf,mvmax) #regret from samples rsam = 0. for i in xrange(Q.shape[0]): rsam += max(0., Q[i, 1] - Q[i, 2]) rsam /= Q.shape[0] #local regret from incumbent from samples rloc = 0. for i in xrange(Q.shape[0]): rloc += max(0., Q[i, 3] - Q[i, 1]) rloc /= Q.shape[0] persist['localsampleregret'].append(rloc) #set switch to local if condition achieved if racc < para['regretswitch']: rval = 1 persist['flip'] = True optstate.startlocal = xmin elif maxRin < 0.9 * rmax: rval = 2 else: rval = 0 persist['flip'] = False if gpbo.core.debugoutput['adaptive']: if d == 2: gpbo.core.optutils.plotaslogrtheta(W[:, 0], W[:, 1], xmin[0], xmin[1], ax[1, 1], 'b.') ax[0, 2].plot(W[:, 0], W[:, 1], 'b.') #plot mindraws R, Y, A = ESutils.draw_min_xypairgrad(G, W, 1500, xmin) gpbo.core.optutils.plotaslogrtheta(R[:, 0], R[:, 1], xmin[0], xmin[1], ax[1, 1], 'r.') ax[0, 2].plot(R[:, 0], R[:, 1], 'r.') ax[2, 2].plot(Q[:, 1], Q[:, 2], 'r.') ax[2, 2].set_xlabel('inR') ax[2, 2].set_ylabel('outR') ax[2, 2].plot([ymin], [ymin], 'go') ax[2, 1].plot(Q[:, 1], Q[:, 3], 'r.') ax[2, 1].set_xlabel('inR') ax[2, 1].set_ylabel('atArg') ax[2, 1].plot([ymin], [ymin], 'go') def pltcdf(Y, C, ax, col): return ax.plot(sp.hstack([[i, i] for i in Y])[1:-1], sp.hstack([[i - C[0], i] for i in C])[1:-1], color=col, label='Sampled CDF') pltcdf(Yin, Cin, ax[2, 0], 'b') rin = sp.linspace(Yin[0], Yin[-1], 150) ax[2, 0].plot(rin, map(lambda x: sp.stats.norm.cdf(x, *normin), rin), 'k') pltcdf(Yat, Cat, ax[2, 0], 'g') rat = sp.linspace(Yat[0], Yat[-1], 150) ax[2, 0].plot(rat, map(lambda x: sp.stats.norm.cdf(x, *normat), rat), 'k') ax[2, 0].set_yscale('logit') pltcdf(Yout, Cout, ax[1, 0], 'r') ax[1, 0].set_yscale('logit') rl = min(Yout) ru = max(Yout) sup = sp.linspace(rl - 0.25 * (ru - rl), 0.5 * (rl + ru), 50) ax[1, 0].plot(sup, sp.stats.norm.cdf(sup, loc=mu, scale=sp.sqrt(vvmax)), 'b--', label='Approximate Tail Upper Bound') ax[1, 0].plot(sup, sp.stats.norm.cdf(sup, loc=mvmax, scale=sp.sqrt(vvmax)), 'g--', label='Lower Bound') ax[1, 0].axvline(ymin) if True: f2, a2 = plt.subplots(figsize=[8, 5]) pltcdf(Yout, Cout, a2, 'r') a2.set_yscale('logit') a2.plot(sup, sp.stats.norm.cdf(sup, loc=mu, scale=sp.sqrt(vvmax)), color='b', linestyle='--', label='Approx Tail Upper Bound') a2.plot(sup, sp.stats.norm.cdf(sup, loc=mvmax, scale=sp.sqrt(vvmax)), color='b', linestyle='-.', label='Lower Bound') a2.axvline(ymin, label='Posterior Mean Minimum', color='k', linestyle=':') a2.set_ylabel('CDF') a2.set_xlabel('y') from matplotlib.ticker import NullFormatter a2.yaxis.set_minor_formatter(NullFormatter()) a2.spines['left']._adjust_location() a2.legend() f2.savefig(os.path.join(debugoutput['path'], 'ends.png')) plt.close(f2) import pickle pickle.dump([sup, mu, vvmax, mvmax, ymin, Yout, Cout], open('results/bounddata.p', 'w')) mxo = Yout[-1] mno = Yout[0] ro = sp.linspace(min(mno - 0.05 * (mxo - mno), ymin), mxo + 0.05 * (mxo - mno), 200) ax[1, 2].text(0, 0.34, 'regretg sample {}'.format(rsam)) ax[1, 2].text(0, 0.24, 'regretg tailest {}'.format(racc)) #ax[1,2].text(0,0.18, 'regretg binormest {}'.format(rbin)) #ax[1,2].text(0,0.08, 'regretg lowerb {} '.format(rlow)) ax[1, 2].text(0, 0.5, 'maxRin {} / {}'.format(maxRin, rmax)) ax[1, 2].text(0, 0.6, 'mode {}'.format(rval)) ax[1, 2].text(0, 0.74, 'localr sample {}'.format(rloc)) ax[1, 2].text(0, 0.8, 'localr Taylor est {} '.format(lrest)) persist['Rexists'].append(optstate.n) persist['sampleregret'].append(rsam) persist['expectedregret'].append(racc) #persist['expectedRbinorm'].append(rbin) persist['localrsam'].append(rloc) #persist['regretlower'].append(rlow) persist['localrest'].append(lrest) ax[0, 3].plot(persist['Rexists'], persist['localrest'], 'k') #ax[0,3].plot(persist['Rexists'],persist['expectedRbinorm'],'purple') ax[0, 3].plot(persist['Rexists'], persist['sampleregret'], 'b') ax[0, 3].plot(persist['Rexists'], persist['expectedregret'], 'g') ax[0, 3].plot(persist['Rexists'], persist['localrsam'], 'r') #ax[0,3].plot(persist['Rexists'],persist['regretlower'],'purple') ax[0, 3].set_yscale('log') #ax[2,3].plot(K[:,0],K[:,1],'b.') try: fname = 'lotsofplots' + time.strftime('%d_%m_%y_%H:%M:%S') + '.png' print('saving as {}'.format(fname)) fig.savefig(os.path.join(gpbo.core.debugoutput['path'], fname)) except BaseException as e: logger.error(str(e)) fig.clf() plt.close(fig) del (fig) #if a cheat objective as available see how we would do on starting a local opt now if 'cheatf' in para.keys(): try: C = sp.linalg.cholesky(H) except:'not +ve definite at posterior min') C = sp.linalg.cholesky(sp.eye(H.shape[0])) print('C {} \nxmin {}\nC.T.xmin{}'.format(C, xmin, def fn2(x): print( x, para['cheatf'](sp.linalg.solve(C.T, x), **{ 's': 0., 'd': [sp.NaN] })[0]) return para['cheatf'](sp.linalg.solve(C.T, x), **{ 's': 0., 'd': [sp.NaN] })[0] R = minimize(fn2,, method='Nelder-Mead') logger.warn('cheat testopt result with precondition {}:\n{}'.format( H, R)) return rval, persist, { 'start': xminr.flatten(), 'H': H, 'reuseH': [k.hyp for k in G.kf], 'offsetEI': m, 'ppveatx': pc, 'rpve': rmax, 'log10GRest': sp.log10(racc) }
def merge(s1,s2): s=[] s=sp.array(s1) s=sp.vstack([s,s2]) return s
def power_law(physics, phase, A1='', A2='', A3='', x='', return_rate=True, **kwargs): r""" For the following source term: .. math:: r = A_{1} x^{A_{2}} + A_{3} If return_rate is True, it returns the value of source term for the provided x in each pore. If return_rate is False, it calculates the slope and intercept for the following linear form : .. math:: r = S_{1} x + S_{2} Parameters ---------- A1 -> A3 : string The property name of the coefficients in the source term model x : string or float/int or array/list The property name or numerical value or array for the main quantity Notes ----- """ if x is '': X = _sp.ones(physics.Np) * _sp.nan else: if type(x) == str: x = 'pore.' + x.split('.')[-1] try: X = physics[x] except KeyError: raise Exception( + ' does not have the pore property :' + x + '!') else: X = _sp.array(x) length_X = _sp.size(X) if length_X != physics.Np: if length_X == 1: X = X * _sp.ones(physics.Np) elif length_X >= phase.Np: X = X[physics.map_pores()] else: raise Exception('Wrong size for the numerical array of x!') a = {} source_params = [A1, A2, A3] for ind in _sp.arange(_sp.size(source_params)): A = source_params[ind] if A is '': a[str(ind + 1)] = 0 else: if type(A) == str: A = 'pore.' + A.split('.')[-1] try: a[str(ind + 1)] = physics[A] except KeyError: raise Exception( + '/' + + ' does not have the pore property :' + A + '!') else: raise Exception('source_term parameters can only be string ' 'type!') if return_rate: return (a['1'] * X**a['2'] + a['3']) else: S1 = a['1'] * a['2'] * X**(a['2'] - 1) S2 = a['1'] * X**a['2'] * (1 - a['2']) + a['3'] return (_sp.vstack((S1, S2)).T)
def _parse_decode_genotypes_(decode_file, sids, pns, ocg): ih5f = h5py.File(decode_file, 'r') #Determine individual filter pns1 = ih5f['PNs'][...] assert len(sp.unique(pns1)) == len(pns1), 'WTF?' pn_sort_indices = sp.argsort(pns1) pn_overlap_filter = sp.in1d(pns1, pns) pn_sort_indices = pn_sort_indices[pn_overlap_filter] assert sp.all( pns == pns1[pn_sort_indices]), 'Re-ordering of individuals failed?' ocg.create_dataset('indivs', data=pns) #Determine marker filter mns1 = ih5f['Marker-names'][...] assert len(sp.unique(mns1)) == len(mns1), 'WTF?' mn_filter = sp.in1d(sids, mns1) mns = sids[mn_filter] indices = range(len(mns1)) mn_indices_dict = dict( (key, value) for (key, value) in it.izip(mns1, indices)) mn_indices = [] for mn in mns: mn_indices.append(mn_indices_dict[mn]) # mn_indices = sp.array(mn_indices) mn_indices = sp.array(mn_indices) assert sp.all(mns == mns1[mn_indices]), 'Re-ordering failed?' #Pull off position from marker name positions = sp.array([int(mn.split(':')[1]) for mn in mns]) #Sort by position order = sp.argsort(positions) positions = positions[order] mn_indices = mn_indices[order] mns = mns[order] #Get nucleotide alleles = ih5f["Alleles"][...] a = sp.arange(len(alleles)) even_map = a % 2 == 0 odd_map = a % 2 == 1 nts = (sp.vstack([alleles[even_map], alleles[odd_map]])).T nts = nts[mn_indices] n_snps = len(mns) n_indivs = len(pns) print 'Parsing SNPs (%d x %d matrix)' % (n_snps, n_indivs) snps = ocg.create_dataset('raw_snps_ref', shape=(n_snps, n_indivs), dtype='single', compression='lzf') freqs = sp.zeros(len(mn_indices)) snp_means = sp.zeros(len(mn_indices)) for i, m_i in enumerate(mn_indices): if i % 1000 == 0: print "Reached %d'th SNP" % i probs = ih5f["Probabilities2"][m_i, pn_sort_indices] pat_snp = sp.array(map(lambda x: x[0], probs), 'float32') mat_snp = sp.array(map(lambda x: x[1], probs), 'float32') snp = pat_snp + mat_snp ok_filter = (pat_snp >= 0) * (mat_snp >= 0) if not sp.all(ok_filter): #impute missing mean_gt = sp.mean(snp[ok_filter]) snp[~ok_filter] = mean_gt snps[i] = snp freq = mean_gt / 2.0 snp_means[i] = mean_gt freqs[i] = freq #Calculate stds snp_stds = sp.sqrt(2 * freqs * (1 - freqs)) #sp.std(raw_snps, 1) ocg.create_dataset('snp_stds_ref', data=snp_stds) ocg.create_dataset('snp_means_ref', data=snp_means) ocg.create_dataset('freqs_ref', data=freqs) ocg.create_dataset('positions', data=positions) ocg.create_dataset('nts', data=nts) ocg.create_dataset('sids', data=mns) return {'ss_filter': mn_filter, 'ss_order': order}
#import scipy as np # In[] if __name__ == '__main__': ''' test1() ''' ''' test2() ''' thetas = np.linspace(0, np.pi * 0.3, 7) print "thetas: ", thetas rho = np.array([[0.1, 0.12, 0], [0, 0, 0]]) print "rho:", rho k_dir = np.vstack([np.sin(thetas), np.zeros_like(thetas), np.cos(thetas)]) k_dir = k_dir.transpose() wavelength = 10 k0 = np.pi * 2 / wavelength a1 = np.array([1, 0, 0]) a2 = np.array([0, 1, 0]) class Gratinglobes(object): def check(self): dx = np.sqrt(np.sum(a1 * a1, axis=-1)) dy = np.sqrt(np.sum(a2 * a2, axis=-1)) threshold_d = wavelength / (1 + np.sin(thetas)) temp = np.array([dx < threshold_d, dy < threshold_d]) return np.sum(temp, axis=0) == temp.shape[0]
def perform_selection(self,delta_values,strategy,plots_fn=None,results_fn=None): """Perform delta selection for kernel ridge regression delta_values : array-like, shape = [n_steps_delta] Array of delta values to test strategy : {'full_cv','insample_cv'} Strategy to perform feature selection: - 'full_cv' perform cross-validation over delta - 'insample_cv' pestimates delta in sample using maximum likelihood. plots_fn : str, optional, default=None File name for generated plot. if not specified, the plot is not saved results_fn : str, optional, default=None file name for saving cross-validation results. if not specified, nothing is saved Returns ------- best_delta : float best regularization parameter delta for ridge regression """ import matplotlib matplotlib.use('Agg',warn=False) #This lets it work even on machines without graphics displays import matplotlib.pylab as PLT # use precomputed data if available if self.K == None: self.setup_kernel() print 'run selection strategy %s'%strategy model = fastlmm.lmm() nInds = self.K.shape[0] if strategy=='insample': # take delta with largest likelihood model.setK(self.K) model.sety(self.y) model.setX(self.X) best_delta = None best_nLL = SP.inf # evaluate negative log-likelihood for different values of alpha nLLs = SP.zeros(len(delta_values)) for delta_idx, delta in enumerate(delta_values): res = model.nLLeval(delta=delta,REML=True) if res["nLL"] < best_nLL: best_delta = delta best_nLL = res["nLL"] nLLs[delta_idx] = res['nLL'] fig = PLT.figure() fig.add_subplot(111) PLT.semilogx(delta_values,nLLs,color='g',linestyle='-') PLT.axvline(best_delta,color='r',linestyle='--') PLT.xlabel('logdelta') PLT.ylabel('nLL') PLT.title('Best delta: %f'%best_delta) PLT.grid(True) if plots_fn!=None: PLT.savefig(plots_fn) if results_fn!=None: SP.savetxt(results_fn, SP.vstack((delta_values,nLLs)).T,delimiter='\t',header='delta\tnLLs') if strategy=='cv': # run cross-validation for determining best delta kfoldIter = SKCV.KFold(n_splits=self.num_folds,shuffle=True,random_state=self.random_state).split(range(nInds)) Ypred = SP.zeros((len(delta_values),nInds)) for Itrain,Itest in kfoldIter: model.setK(self.K[Itrain][:,Itrain]) model.sety(self.y[Itrain]) model.setX(self.X[Itrain]) model.setTestData(Xstar=self.X[Itest],K0star=self.K[Itest][:,Itrain]) for delta_idx,delta in enumerate(delta_values): res = model.nLLeval(delta=delta,REML=True) beta = res['beta'] Ypred[delta_idx,Itest] = model.predictMean(beta=beta,delta=delta) MSE = SP.zeros(len(delta_values)) for i in range(len(delta_values)): MSE[i] = SKM.mean_squared_error(self.y,Ypred[i]) idx_bestdelta = SP.argmin(MSE) best_delta = delta_values[idx_bestdelta] fig = PLT.figure() fig.add_subplot(111) PLT.semilogx(delta_values,MSE,color='g',linestyle='-') PLT.axvline(best_delta,color='r',linestyle='--') PLT.xlabel('logdelta') PLT.ylabel('MSE') PLT.grid(True) PLT.title('Best delta: %f'%best_delta) if plots_fn!=None: PLT.savefig(plots_fn) if results_fn!=None: SP.savetxt(results_fn, SP.vstack((delta_values,MSE)).T,delimiter='\t',header='delta\tnLLs') return best_delta
def QFun(x,y): xll=domain.geo_reference.xllcorner yll=domain.geo_reference.yllcorner inDat=scipy.vstack([x+xll,y+yll]).transpose() return rasterValuesAtPoints(xy=inDat,rasterFile=rasterFile, interpolation=interpolation)
mprior = sp.array([0.,-1.,-5.,-0.5,0.5]) sprior = sp.array([1.,1.,3.,1.,1.]) MAPH = GPdc.searchMAPhyp(X,Y,S,D,mprior,sprior,GPdc.SQUEXPPS,mx=20000) print "MLEH: "+str(MLEH) print "MAPH: "+str(MAPH) G = GPdc.GPcore(X,Y,S,D,GPdc.kernel(GPdc.SQUEXPPS,1,sp.array(MAPH))) print G.llk() np=180 sup = sp.linspace(-1,1,np) Dp = [[sp.NaN]]*np Xp = sp.vstack([sp.array([i]) for i in sup]) [m,v] = G.infer_diag(Xp,Dp) sq = sp.sqrt(v) S = sp.empty([np,1]) for i in xrange(np): S[i,0] = -MAPH[2]*(Xp[i,0]-MAPH[3])*(Xp[i,0]-MAPH[4]) sc= sp.sqrt(S.flatten()) a0.plot(sup,m.flatten()) sc = sp.sqrt(S.flatten()) a0.fill_between(sup, sp.array(m-1.*sq).flatten(), sp.array(m+1.*sq).flatten(), facecolor='lightblue',edgecolor='lightblue') a0.plot(sup,(m+2*sc).flatten(),'g') a0.plot(sup,(m-2*sc).flatten(),'g')
# (46,28,29) motor 243 is precuneus labs1, correlation_within_precuneus_vector, correlation_with_rest_vector, mask, centroid = parcellate_region( (33, 34, 35, 74), sub, nClusters, sdir[i], scan_type[i], 1, session_type[j], 0, 0) count1 += 1 if count1 == 1: labs_all_1 = sp.array(labs1.labels) vert_all_1 = sp.array(labs1.vertices) faces_all_1 = sp.array(labs1.faces) correlation_within_precuneus = sp.array( correlation_within_precuneus_vector) correlation_with_rest = sp.array( correlation_with_rest_vector) all_centroid = sp.array(centroid) else: labs_all_1 = sp.vstack([labs_all_1, labs1.labels]) vert_all_1 = sp.array([labs1.vertices]) faces_all_1 = sp.array([labs1.faces]) correlation_within_precuneus = sp.vstack([ correlation_within_precuneus, correlation_within_precuneus_vector ]) correlation_with_rest = sp.vstack([ correlation_with_rest, correlation_with_rest_vector ]) all_centroid = sp.vstack([all_centroid, centroid]) # sp.savez_compressed('clustering_results_sessions_region_pc', R_all=R_all) data_file = 'data_file' + str(nClusters) sp.savez(data_file + str(i * 2 + j) + 'precuneus_sine.npz', correlation_within_precuneus=correlation_within_precuneus,
dmrt += h[2]['RT'][:] dmz += h[2]['Z'][:] nbdm += 1. h.close() for p in da: w = we[p] > 0 da[p][w] /= we[p][w] rp /= wet rt /= wet z /= wet if not args.no_dmat: dm /= wet[:, None] da = sp.vstack(list(da.values())) we = sp.vstack(list(we.values())) co = smooth_cov(da, we, rp, rt) da = (da * we).sum(axis=0) da /= wet if 'dmrp' in locals(): dmrp /= nbdm dmrt /= nbdm dmz /= nbdm if ('dmrp' not in locals()) or (dmrp.size == rp.size): dmrp = rp.copy() dmrt = rt.copy() dmz = z.copy()
def plotLine(vector, val=1.0, close=False, tube_radius=None, index=None, **kwargs): """ PlotLine creates a single plot object from a singular vector or from a n-dimensional tuple or list. """ plot = False try: x = vector.x() temp0 = x[0] temp1 = x[1] temp2 = x[2] s = val * scipy.ones(temp0.shape) # For surface objects, this keyword allows for the last corner to connect with the first if close: temp0 = scipy.concatenate((temp0, scipy.atleast_1d(temp0[0]))) temp1 = scipy.concatenate((temp1, scipy.atleast_1d(temp1[0]))) temp2 = scipy.concatenate((temp2, scipy.atleast_1d(temp2[0]))) s = scipy.concatenate((s, scipy.atleast_1d(s[0]))) if not index is None: N = len(temp0) connect = scipy.vstack([ scipy.arange(index, index + N - 1.5), scipy.arange(index + 1, index + N - .5) ]).T # I want to rewrite this... index += N except AttributeError: temp0 = [] temp1 = [] temp2 = [] s = [] connect = [] # if it is not some sort of vector or vector-derived class, iterate through and make a surface object if index is None: index = 0 plot = True for i in vector: output = plotLine(i, close=close, index=index, **kwargs) temp0 += [output[0]] temp1 += [output[1]] temp2 += [output[2]] s += [output[3]] connect += [output[4]] index = output[5] #turn to arrays here so I don't accidentally nest lists or tuples temp0 = scipy.hstack(temp0) temp1 = scipy.hstack(temp1) temp2 = scipy.hstack(temp2) s = scipy.hstack(s) connect = scipy.vstack(connect) if index is None: try: mlab.plot3d(temp0, temp1, temp2, s, vmin=0., vmax=1., tube_radius=tube_radius, **kwargs) except ValueError: mlab.plot3d(temp0.flatten(), temp1.flatten(), temp2.flatten(), s.flatten(), vmin=0., vmax=1., tube_radius=tube_radius, **kwargs) else: if plot: # follows src = mlab.pipeline.scalar_scatter(temp0, temp1, temp2, s) src.mlab_source.dataset.lines = connect lines = mlab.pipeline.stripper(src) mlab.pipeline.surface(lines, **kwargs) else: return (temp0, temp1, temp2, s, connect, index)
else: print('Loading data from pickle: %s' % picklefile) (w_g, V_g, ctypes, tn_labels, psi) = pickle.load(open(picklefile, 'r')) ### choose colormap and adapt normalization cmap = plt.get_cmap('jet') norm = plt.Normalize(0, sp.unique(ctypes).shape[0]) ### plot first k main axes of variation print('Plotting by ctype ... ') fig = plt.figure(figsize=(k * 4, k * 4)) for k1 in range(0, k): cnt = 1 for k2 in range(k1 + 1, k): ax = fig.add_subplot(k - 1, k - 1, (k1 * (k - 1)) + cnt) cnt += 1 trans_data = sp.vstack([V_g[k1, :], V_g[k2, :]]).dot(psi) for idx, ct in enumerate(sp.unique(ctypes)): c_idx = sp.where(ctypes == ct)[0] if c_idx.shape[0] > 0: ax.plot(trans_data[0, c_idx], trans_data[1, c_idx], markers.MarkerStyle.filled_markers[idx % 13], color=cmap(norm(idx)), label=ct, ms=4, alpha=0.75) ax.set_title('PC %i vs %i' % (k1 + 1, k2 + 1)) ax.set_xticks(ax.get_xticks()[::2]) ax.set_yticks(ax.get_yticks()[::2]) ax.tick_params(axis='both', which='major', labelsize=10) ax.tick_params(axis='both', which='minor', labelsize=10)
if os.path.isfile( os.path.join( p_dir, sub, sub + '.rfMRI_REST1_RL.reduce3.ftdata.NLM_11N\ _hvar_25.mat')): labs1 = parcellate_motor(sub, nClusters + 1, 1, 1, 2) if os.path.isfile( os.path.join( p_dir, sub, sub + '.rfMRI_REST2_RL.reduce3.ftdata.NLM_11N\ _hvar_25.mat')): labs2 = parcellate_motor(sub, nClusters + 1, 1, 2, 2) count1 += 1 if count1 == 1: labs_all_1 = sp.array(labs1) labs_all_2 = sp.array(labs2) else: labs_all_1 = sp.vstack([labs_all_1, labs1]) labs_all_2 = sp.vstack([labs_all_2, labs2]) R = sp.zeros(count1) for a in range(count1): R = adjusted_rand_score(labs_all_1, labs_all_2) R_all.append(R) print('Clusters=', nClusters) sp.savez_compressed('clustering_results_sessions_GMM', R_all=R_all) #%% fig = plt.figure() plt.plot(R_all) fig.savefig('across_subjects_adj_rand_sessions_GMM.pdf')
def test2(): thetas = np.linspace(0, np.pi * 0.3, 7) # thetas = np.array([np.pi*0.3]) print "thetas: ", thetas zmin = 1 zmax = 5 zs = np.linspace(zmin, zmax, 100) r = np.array([[0.1, 0.12, zz] for zz in zs]) k_dir = np.vstack([np.sin(thetas), np.zeros_like(thetas), np.cos(thetas)]) k_dir = k_dir.transpose() # print k_dir wavelength = 10 k0 = np.pi * 2 / wavelength a1 = np.array([1, 0, 0]) a2 = np.array([0, 1, 0]) class Gratinglobes(object): def check(self): dx = np.sqrt(np.sum(a1 * a1, axis=-1)) dy = np.sqrt(np.sum(a2 * a2, axis=-1)) threshold_d = wavelength / (1 + np.sin(thetas)) temp = np.array([dx < threshold_d, dy < threshold_d]) return np.sum(temp, axis=0) == temp.shape[0] checker = Gratinglobes().check() print "grating lobe condition: ", checker pgf_gen_ewald = PGF_EWALD(k0, a1, a2, 2, 2) theta_phi = np.vstack([thetas, np.zeros_like(thetas)]) theta_phi = theta_phi.transpose() class DGF_INT(object): def interp(self): x_sample = np.linspace(0, 0.2, 3) y_sample = np.linspace(0, 0.2, 3) z_sample = np.linspace(zmin, zmax, 20) theta_sample = np.linspace(0, np.pi * 0.67, 10) phi_sample = np.array([-0.01, 0.01]) #np.linspace(0,np.pi*2,10) pdf = DGF_Interp_3D(x=x_sample,y=y_sample,z=z_sample, \ pgf_gen=pgf_gen_ewald,\ k_dir_theta=theta_sample, k_dir_phi=phi_sample) result_interp = pdf.interp_dir_r(theta_phi, r) return result_interp result_interp = DGF_INT().interp() result_ewald = pgf_gen_ewald.pgf(k_dir, r) import matplotlib.pylab as plt plt.figure() class Method(object): def __init__(self, result, marker, line): self.result = result self.marker = marker self.line = line def angle(self, it): plt.plot(zs,\ np.angle(self.result)[it]/np.pi*180,\ self.line,\ label='angle %d %s'%(it,self.marker)) def absolute(self, it): plt.plot(zs,\ np.absolute(self.result)[it],\ self.line,\ label='abs %d %s'%(it,self.marker)) map(Method(result_interp, 'interp', "s").angle, xrange(theta_phi.shape[0])) map(Method(result_ewald, 'ewald', "-").angle, xrange(theta_phi.shape[0])) plt.ylabel("angle (degree)") plt.xlabel("zs") plt.legend() plt.figure() map( Method(result_interp, 'interp', "+").absolute, xrange(theta_phi.shape[0])) map( Method(result_ewald, 'ewald', "-").absolute, xrange(theta_phi.shape[0])) plt.xlabel("zs") plt.ylabel("log10(abs) ") plt.legend() plt.figure() map( Method((result_interp - result_ewald) / result_ewald, 'diff', "-+").absolute, xrange(theta_phi.shape[0])) # map(Method(result_ewald,'ewald',"-").absolute,xrange(theta_phi.shape[0])) plt.xlabel("zs") plt.ylabel("log10(abs) ") plt.legend()
def gphinasrecc(optstate, persist, **para): if para['onlyafter'] >= optstate.n or not optstate.n % para['everyn'] == 0: #return [sp.NaN for i in para['lb']],{'didnotrun':True} return argminrecc(optstate, persist, **para)'gpmapas reccomender') d = len(para['lb']) x = sp.hstack( [sp.vstack([e['xa'] for e in optstate.ev]), sp.vstack(optstate.x)]) y = sp.vstack(optstate.y) s = sp.vstack([e['s'] + 10**optstate.condition for e in optstate.ev]) dx = [e['d'] for e in optstate.ev] G = GPdc.GPcore(x, y, s, dx, [ GPdc.kernel(optstate.aux['kindex'], d + 1, h) for h in optstate.aux['HYPdraws'] ]) # def directwrap(xq,y): # xq.resize([1,d]) # xe = sp.hstack([sp.array([[0.]]),xq]) # #print xe # a = G.infer_m_post(xe,[[sp.NaN]]) # return (a[0,0],0) # [xmin,ymin,ierror] = direct(directwrap,para['lb'],para['ub'],user_data=[], algmethod=1, maxf=para['maxf'], logfilename='/dev/null') def wrap(x): xq = copy.copy(x) xq.resize([1, d]) xe = sp.hstack([sp.array([[0.]]), xq]) a = G.infer_m_post(xe, [[sp.NaN]]) return a[0, 0] xmin, ymin, ierror = gpbo.core.optutils.twopartopt(wrap, para['lb'], para['ub'], para['dpara'], para['lpara'])'reccsearchresult: {}'.format([xmin, ymin, ierror])) from gpbo.core import debugoutput if debugoutput['datavis']: if not os.path.exists(debugoutput['path']): os.mkdir(debugoutput['path']) l = sp.mean([h[3] for h in optstate.aux['HYPdraws']]) from matplotlib import pyplot as plt fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=3, ncols=1, figsize=(10, 30)) n = 200 x_ = sp.linspace(-1, 1, n) y_ = sp.linspace(-1, 1, n) z_ = sp.empty([n, n]) s_ = sp.empty([n, n]) for i in xrange(n): for j in xrange(n): m_, v_ = G.infer_diag_post(sp.array([0., y_[j], x_[i]]), [[sp.NaN]]) z_[i, j] = m_[0, 0] s_[i, j] = sp.sqrt(v_[0, 0]) CS = ax[1].contour(x_, y_, z_, 20) ax[1].clabel(CS, inline=1, fontsize=10) CS = ax[2].contour(x_, y_, s_, 20) ax[2].clabel(CS, inline=1, fontsize=10) for i in xrange(x.shape[0] - 1): ax[0].plot(x[i, 1], x[i, 2], 'b.') circle = plt.Circle([x[i, 1], x[i, 2]], radius=0.5 * x[i, 0] * l, edgecolor="none", color='lightblue', alpha=0.8 - 0.6 * x[i, 2]) ax[0].add_patch(circle) ax[0].plot(x[i + 1, 1], x[i + 1, 2], 'r.') circle = plt.Circle([x[i + 1, 1], x[i + 1, 2]], radius=0.5 * x[i, 0] * l, edgecolor="none", color='lightblue', alpha=0.8 - 0.6 * x[i, 2]) ax[0].add_patch(circle) ax[0].axis([-1., 1., -1., 1.]) ax[1].plot(xmin[0], xmin[1], 'ro') fig.savefig( os.path.join( debugoutput['path'], 'datavis' + time.strftime('%d_%m_%y_%H:%M:%S') + '.png')) fig.clf() plt.close(fig) del (fig) return [i for i in xmin], persist, {'ymin': ymin}
def linear(physics, phase, A1='', A2='', x='', return_rate=True, **kwargs): r""" For the following source term: .. math:: r = A_{1} x + A_{2} If return_rate is True, it returns the value of source term for the provided x in each pore. If return_rate is False, it calculates the slope and intercept for the following linear form : .. math:: r = S_{1} x + S_{2} Parameters ---------- A1 , A2 : string The property name of the coefficients in the source term model. With A2 set to zero this equation takes on the familiar for of r=kx. x : string or float/int or array/list The property name or numerical value or array for the main quantity Notes ----- Because this source term is linear in concentration (x) is it not necessary to iterate during the solver step. Thus, when using the ``set_source_term`` method for an algorithm, it is recommended to set the ``maxiter`` argument to 0. This will save 1 unncessary solution of the system, since the solution would coverge after the first pass anyway. """ if x is '': X = _sp.ones(physics.Np) * _sp.nan else: if type(x) == str: x = 'pore.' + x.split('.')[-1] try: X = physics[x] except KeyError: raise Exception( + ' does not have the pore property :' + x + '!') else: X = _sp.array(x) length_X = _sp.size(X) if length_X != physics.Np: if length_X == 1: X = X * _sp.ones(physics.Np) elif length_X >= phase.Np: X = X[physics.map_pores()] else: raise Exception('Wrong size for the numerical array of x!') a = {} source_params = [A1, A2] for ind in _sp.arange(_sp.size(source_params)): A = source_params[ind] if A is '': a[str(ind + 1)] = 0 else: if type(A) == str: A = 'pore.' + A.split('.')[-1] try: a[str(ind + 1)] = physics[A] except KeyError: raise Exception( + '/' + + ' does not have the pore property :' + A + '!') else: raise Exception('source_term parameters can only be string ' 'type!') if return_rate: return (a['1'] * X + a['2']) else: S1 = a['1'] S2 = a['2'] return (_sp.vstack((S1, S2)).T)
def PESbsaq(optstate, persist, **para): para = copy.deepcopy(para) if persist == None: persist = {'n': 0, 'd': len(para['ub'])} n = persist['n'] d = persist['d'] if n < para['nrandinit']: persist['n'] += 1 para['ev']['xa'] = sp.random.uniform(para['xal'], para['xau']) return randomaq(optstate, persist, **para)'PESssaq') x = sp.hstack( [sp.vstack([e['xa'] for e in optstate.ev]), sp.vstack(optstate.x)]) y = sp.vstack(optstate.y) s = sp.vstack([e['s'] for e in optstate.ev]) dx = [e['d'] for e in optstate.ev] print "\n at pesinplane x {} axis 0".format(x) pesobj = PES.PES_inplane(x, y, s, dx, [para['xal']] + para['lb'], [para['xau']] + para['ub'], para['kindex'], para['mprior'], para['sprior'], 0, 0, DH_SAMPLES=para['DH_SAMPLES'], DM_SAMPLES=para['DM_SAMPLES'], DM_SUPPORT=para['DM_SUPPORT'], DM_SLICELCBPARA=para['DM_SLICELCBPARA'], mode=para['SUPPORT_MODE']) if para['traincfn']: # #print "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXx" cx = sp.vstack([e['xa'] for e in optstate.ev]) cc = sp.vstack([e for e in optstate.c]) #print cx #print cc #print optstate.ev #print optstate.x cfn = objectives.traincfn(cx, cc) """ if len(cc)%5==0: from matplotlib import pyplot as plt f,a = plt.subplots(1) xt = sp.linspace(0,1,100) m = sp.empty(100) for i in xrange(100): m[i]=cfn(0.,**{'xa':xt[i]}) a.plot(xt,m,'b') for i in xrange(len(optstate.c)): a.plot(cx[i,0],cc[i,0],'ro') """ else: cfn = para['cfn'] [xmin, ymin, ierror] = pesobj.search_acq(cfn, lambda s: para['ev']['s'], volper=para['volper']) logger.debug([xmin, ymin, ierror]) para['ev']['xa'] = xmin[0] xout = [i for i in xmin[1:]] return xout, para['ev'], persist, { 'HYPdraws': [k.hyp for k in pesobj.G.kf], 'mindraws': pesobj.Z, 'DIRECTmessage': ierror, 'PESmin': ymin }
def creAllvecSamp(): Tlines = open("res/RELATIONS_train.txt").readlines() TLlines = open("res/RELATIONS_trainLable.txt").readlines() batchNum = 10 batchSize = len(Tlines) / 10 for b in range(0, batchNum): line = Tlines[b * batchSize] word1 = line.strip("\n").split("\t")[0] word2 = line.strip("\n").split("\t")[1] wordvec = getWordPairVec(word1, word2) Mat = wordvec for i in range(b * batchSize + 1, (b + 1) * batchSize): line = Tlines[i] print(i) word1 = line.strip("\n").split("\t")[0] word2 = line.strip("\n").split("\t")[1] wordvec = getWordPairVec(word1, word2) Mat = vstack([Mat, wordvec]) print(Mat.shape) sio.savemat(u"I:/数据/wordpairRelExpt/allVec/PairRelSimTrain_" + str(b) + ".mat", {"train": Mat.transpose()}, oned_as='column') #行大于列 按列存成一维数组 list = [] for i in range(b * batchSize, (b + 1) * batchSize): line = TLlines[i] list.append(int(line.strip())) Mat = np.array(list) sio.savemat(u"I:/数据/wordpairRelExpt/allVec/PairRelSimTrainLable_" + str(b) + ".mat", {"trainLable": Mat.transpose()}, oned_as='column') #行大于列 按列存成一维数组 Telines = open("res/RELATIONS_test.txt").readlines() line = Telines[0] word1 = line.strip("\n").split("\t")[0] word2 = line.strip("\n").split("\t")[1] wordvec = getWordPairVec(word1, word2) #300维度的相似度 Mat = wordvec for i in range(1, 600): line = Telines[i] print(i) word1 = line.strip("\n").split("\t")[0] word2 = line.strip("\n").split("\t")[1] wordvec = getWordPairVec(word1, word2) Mat = vstack([Mat, wordvec]) print(Mat.shape) sio.savemat(u"I:/数据/wordpairRelExpt/allVec/PairRelTestSim_0.mat", {"tests": Mat.transpose()}, oned_as='column') #行大于列 按列存成一维数组 # print(trainMat[]) line = Telines[600] word1 = line.strip("\n").split("\t")[0] word2 = line.strip("\n").split("\t")[1] wordvec = getWordPairVec(word1, word2) #300维度的相似度 Mat = wordvec for i in range(601, len(Telines)): line = Telines[i] print(i) word1 = line.strip("\n").split("\t")[0] word2 = line.strip("\n").split("\t")[1] wordvec = getWordPairVec(word1, word2) Mat = vstack([Mat, wordvec]) print(Mat.shape) sio.savemat(u"I:/数据/wordpairRelExpt/allVec/PairRelTestSim_1", {"tests": Mat.transpose()}, oned_as='column') #行大于列 按列存成一维数组 # print(trainMat[]) lines = open("res/RELATIONS_testLable.txt").readlines() list = [] for i in range(0, 600): line = lines[i] list.append(int(line.strip())) Mat = np.array(list) sio.savemat(u"I:/数据/wordpairRelExpt/allVec/PairRelSimTestLable_0.mat", {"testLable": Mat.transpose()}, oned_as='column') #行大于列 按列存成一维数组 list = [] for i in range(600, len(lines)): line = lines[i] list.append(int(line.strip())) Mat = np.array(list) sio.savemat(u"I:/数据/wordpairRelExpt/allVec/PairRelSimTestLable_1.mat", {"testLable": Mat.transpose()}, oned_as='column') #行大于列 按列存成一维数组