Beispiel #1
def init(confdict, http, webassets, tpl, css):
    Initializes this module acoording to :ref:`our module initialization
    guidelines <module_initialization>` with the following configuration keys:

    :confkey:`rootdir` :faint:`[default=None]`
        Denotes the root folder containing all svg files. Will fall back to a
        sub-folder of the folder in :mod:`score.tpl`'s configuration, as
        described in :func:`score.tpl.init`.

    :confkey:`combine` :faint:`[default=False]`
        Whether svg files should be delivered as a single file. If this
        value is `true` (as defined by :func:`score.init.parse_bool`), the
        default url will point to the combined svg sprite.

    :confkey:`cachedir` :faint:`[default=None]`
        A dedicated cache folder for this module. It is generally sufficient
        to provide a ``cachedir`` for :mod:`score.tpl`, as this module will
        use a sub-folder of that by default.
    conf = dict(defaults.items())
    if not conf['cachedir'] and webassets.cachedir:
        conf['cachedir'] = os.path.join(webassets.cachedir, 'svg')
    if conf['cachedir']:
        init_cache_folder(conf, 'cachedir', autopurge=True)
    return ConfiguredSvgModule(http, webassets, tpl, css, conf['rootdir'],
                               conf['combine'], conf['cachedir'])
Beispiel #2
def init(confdict, webassets, tpl, http):
    Initializes this module acoording to :ref:`our module initialization
    guidelines <module_initialization>` with the following configuration keys:

    :confkey:`rootdir` :confdefault:`None`
        Denotes the root folder containing all css files. Will fall
        back to a sub-folder of the folder in :mod:`score.tpl`'s
        configuration, as described in :func:`score.tpl.init`.

    :confkey:`cachedir` :confdefault:`None`
        A dedicated cache folder for this module. It is generally sufficient
        to provide a ``cachedir`` for :mod:`score.tpl`, as this module will
        use a sub-folder of that by default.

    :confkey:`combine` :confdefault:`False`
        Whether css files should be delivered as a single file. If this
        value is `true` (as defined by :func:`score.init.parse_bool`), the
        default url will point to the combined css file.

    :confkey:`minify` :confdefault:`False`
        Whether css assets should be minified.

        Keys starting with ``group.*`` will register :term:`asset groups
        <asset group>`. The following configuration will create a
        :term:`virtual asset` called ``meal`` which has the combined content
        of the assets 'bacon.css' and 'spam.css'::

            group.meal =

        Note that groups defined this way *must* reference real assets, i.e.
        at the point this value is interpreted, there are no virtual assets
        yet! If you need to add virtual assets to a group, you will need to
        create the asset group after all required virtual assets have been

    conf = dict(defaults.items())
    if not conf['rootdir']:
        conf['rootdir'] = os.path.join(tpl.rootdir, 'css')
    conf['minify'] = parse_bool(conf['minify'])
    conf['combine'] = parse_bool(conf['combine'])
    if not conf['cachedir'] and tpl.cachedir:
        conf['cachedir'] = os.path.join(tpl.cachedir, 'css')
    if conf['cachedir']:
        init_cache_folder(conf, 'cachedir', autopurge=True)
        warnings.warn('No cachedir configured, SCSS rendering will not work.')
    cssconf = ConfiguredCssModule(
        webassets, tpl, http, conf['rootdir'], conf['cachedir'],
        conf['combine'], conf['minify'])
    for name, pathlist in extract_conf(conf, 'group.').items():
        paths = parse_list(pathlist)
        _create_group(cssconf, webassets, name + '.css', paths)
    return cssconf
Beispiel #3
def init(confdict, webassets=None):
    Initializes this module acoording to :ref:`our module initialization
    guidelines <module_initialization>` with the following configuration keys:

    :confkey:`rootdir` :faint:`[default=None]`
        Denotes the root folder containing all templates. When a new format is
        created via :meth:`.Renderer.register_format`, it will have a
        sub-folder of this folder as its default root (unless, of course, the
        `rootdir` parameter of that function is provided). If this value is
        omitted, all calls to :meth:`.Renderer.register_format` must provide a
        format-specific root folder.

    :confkey:`cachedir` :faint:`[default=None]`
        A cache folder that will be used to cache rendered templates. Will
        fall back to a sub-folder (called ``tpl``) of the cachedir in the
        *webassets*, if one was provided.

        Although this module will work without a cache folder, it is highly
        recommended that it is either initialized with a ``cachedir`` or a
        *webassets* with a valid ``cachedir``, even if the value points
        to the system's temporary folder.

    :confkey:`default_format` :faint:`[default=None]`
        The default format of files where the :term:`template format` could
        not be determined automatically. This must be the name of another,
        registered format.

        All keys starting with ``engine.`` will be registered as engines. For
        example, if the key ``engine.php`` is provided, the engine will be
        instantiated via :func:`score.init.init_object` and registered for the
        extension ``php``.
    conf = dict(defaults.items())
    if not conf['cachedir'] and webassets and webassets.cachedir:
        conf['cachedir'] = os.path.join(webassets.cachedir, 'tpl')
    if conf['cachedir']:
        init_cache_folder(conf, 'cachedir', autopurge=True)
    if conf['rootdir']:
        if not os.path.isdir(conf['rootdir']):
            import score.tpl
            raise ConfigurationError(score.tpl, 'Given rootdir is not a folder')
    renderer = Renderer(conf['rootdir'], conf['cachedir'],
    extensions = set()
    for key in extract_conf(conf, 'engine.'):
        extensions.add(key.split('.', 1)[0])
    for ext in extensions:
        engine = init_object(conf, 'engine.' + ext)
        renderer.register_engine(ext, engine)
    return ConfiguredTplModule(renderer, conf['rootdir'],
                               conf['cachedir'], conf['default_format'])
Beispiel #4
def init(confdict, http=None, netfs=None):
    Initializes this module acoording to :ref:`our module initialization
    guidelines <module_initialization>` with the following configuration keys:

    :confkey:`cachedir` :default:`None`
        A writable folder that will be used to cache intermediate values. This
        value is mostly unused in this module, but the initialized value can be
        used by other modules. The :mod:`css module <score.css>`, for example,
        will create a sub-folder beneath this folder, if it was initialized
        without an explicit `cachedir` of its own.

    :confkey:`versionmanager` :default:`score.webassets.versioning.Dummy`
        The :class:`VersionManager <score.webassets.versioning.VersionManager>`
        to use. This value will be converted to an object using

        See the :mod:`package description <score.webassets.versioning>` for
        available implementations.

    :confkey:`netfs` :default:`True`
        The initializer will upload all webassets to a :mod:`score.netfs`
        server, if one was configured. You can disable this feature by passing a
        `False` value here
    conf = dict(defaults.items())
    if conf['cachedir']:
        init_cache_folder(conf, 'cachedir', autopurge=True)
    versionmanager = parse_object(conf, 'versionmanager')
    if netfs and parse_bool(conf['netfs']):
        versionmanager = NetfsVersionManager(versionmanager, netfs)

    def assetnotfound(ctx, exception):
        raise HTTPNotFound()
    if http:
        http.exception_handlers[AssetNotFound] = assetnotfound
    return ConfiguredWebassetsModule(conf['cachedir'], versionmanager)
Beispiel #5
def init(confdict, ctx=None):
    Initializes this module acoording to :ref:`our module initialization
    guidelines <module_initialization>` with the following configuration keys:

    :confkey:`server` :faint:`[default=localhost:14000]`
        The server to connect to for all remote operations. Read using the
        generic :func:`score.init.parse_host_port`.

        The special value ``None`` indicates that all remote operations will
        immediately raise an exception. It is still possible to use higher
        level functions like :meth:`put <.ConfiguredNetfsModule.put>` and
        :meth:`get <.ConfiguredNetfsModule.get>` (although :meth:`get
        <.ConfiguredNetfsModule.get>` will raise an exception if the requested
        file is not present in the local folder.)

    :confkey:`cachedir` :faint:`[default=None]`
        A local folder that will hold downloaded files. If this value is
        omitted, the module will create a new temporary folder on demand, that
        will be used as the local folder for this session.

    :confkey:`deltmpcache` :faint:`[default=True]`
        This option is only relevant if the configuration did not contain a
        ``cachedir``. If this value is `True`, any temporary folder that was
        created for this session—as described for the configuration value
        ``cachedir``, above—will be removed when the
        :class:`.ConfiguredNetfsModule` is freed.

        The only use case where you might need this configuration is when you
        want to operate on a temporary folder, but still keep its contents when
        you are done with this module.

    conf = dict(defaults.items())
    if conf['server'] in (None, 'None'):
        host, port = None, None
        host, port = parse_host_port(conf['server'], defaults['server'])
    cachedir = None
    delcache = False
    if conf['cachedir']:
        cachedir = init_cache_folder(conf, 'cachedir')
        delcache = parse_bool(conf['deltmpcache'])
    c = ConfiguredNetfsModule(host, port, cachedir, delcache)
    c.ctx_conf = ctx
    if ctx and conf['ctx.member'] not in ('None', None):
        ctx.register(conf['ctx.member'], lambda _: c.connect())
    return c
Beispiel #6
def init(confdict, webassets, http, tpl, html=None):
    Initializes this module acoording to :ref:`our module initialization
    guidelines <module_initialization>` with the following configuration keys:

    :confkey:`rootdir` :confdefault:`None`
        Denotes the root folder containing all javascript files. Will fall
        back to a sub-folder of the folder in :mod:`score.tpl`'s
        configuration, as described in :func:`score.tpl.init`.

    :confkey:`cachedir` :confdefault:`None`
        A dedicated cache folder for this module. It is generally sufficient
        to provide a ``cachedir`` for :mod:`score.tpl`, as this module will
        use a sub-folder of that by default.

    :confkey:`minifier` :confdefault:`None`
        The minifier to use for minification. Will be initialized using
        :func:`score.init.init_object`. See :mod:`score.tpl.minifier` for
        available minifiers.

    :confkey:`combine` :confdefault:`False`
        Whether javascript files should be delivered as a single file. If this
        value is `true` (as defined by :func:`score.init.parse_bool`), the
        default url will point to the combined javascript file.
    conf = dict(defaults.items())
    if conf['minifier']:
        conf['minifier'] = init_object(conf, 'minifier')
    if not conf['cachedir'] and webassets.cachedir:
        conf['cachedir'] = os.path.join(webassets.cachedir, 'js')
    if conf['cachedir']:
        init_cache_folder(conf, 'cachedir', autopurge=True)
    conf['combine'] = parse_bool(conf['combine'])
    return ConfiguredJsModule(
        http, tpl, webassets, conf['rootdir'], conf['cachedir'],
        conf['combine'], conf['minifier'])