Beispiel #1
def init(confdict, ctx=None):
    Initializes this module acoording to the :ref:`SCORE module initialization
    guidelines <module_initialization>` with the following configuration keys:

    :confkey:`backend` :confdefault:`python`
        The shell backend to use. You can use either of the shells prvided by
        this module ("python", "ipython" and "bpython") or a string, that will
        be resolved using :func:`score.init.parse_dotted_path`.

    :confkey:`backend.autoinstall` :confdefault:`True`
        Whether the given *backend* should be installed automatically, if it was
        not found.

        A :func:`list <score.init.parse_list>` of :func:`dotted python paths
        <score.init.parse_dotted_path>` to functions that will be called before
        the shell is spawned. Every callback will receive a `dict` representing
        the variables that will be available in the shell. The callbacks are
        free to add further variables to this list.

    conf = defaults.copy()
    shell_cls = Shell.get(conf['backend'])
    if not shell_cls:
        shell_cls = parse_dotted_path(conf['backend'])
    backend = shell_cls(conf['backend.autoinstall'])
    callbacks = []
    for path in parse_list(conf['callbacks']):
        callback = parse_dotted_path(path)
        if not callable(callback):
            raise ConfigurationError('Given callback not callable: %s' % path)
    return ConfiguredShellModule(ctx, backend, callbacks)
Beispiel #2
def init(confdict):
    Initializes this module acoording to :ref:`our module initialization
    guidelines <module_initialization>` with the following configuration keys:

    :confkey:`autoreload` :confdefault:`False`
        When set to :func:`true <score.init.parse_bool>`, the server will
        automatically reload whenever it detects a change in one of the python
        files, that are in use.

        The :func:`list <score.init.parse_list>` of modules to serve. This need
        to be a list of module aliases, i.e. the same name, with which you
        configured the module with ("score.http" becomes "http" if not specified

    conf = defaults.copy()
    modules = parse_list(conf['modules'])
    if not modules:
        import score.serve
        raise InitializationError(score.serve, 'No modules configured')
    autoreload = parse_bool(conf['autoreload'])
    return ConfiguredServeModule(conf['conf'], modules, autoreload)
Beispiel #3
def init(confdict):
    Initializes this module according to :ref:`our module initialization
    guidelines <module_initialization>` with the following configuration keys:

        A list of Varnish hosts passed to :func:`parse_host_port
        <score.init.parse_host_port>` and :func:`parse_list

    :confkey:`soft` :faint:`[default=true]`
        Whether to purge :term:`soft <soft purge>` or :term:`hard <hard purge>`.

    :confkey:`timeout` :faint:`[default=5s]`
        The timeout for sending requests to a Varnish host passed to
        :func:`parse_time_interval <score.init.parse_time_interval>`.

    :confkey:`header.domain` :faint:`[default=X-Purge-Domain]`
        The name of the header used for purging a domain.

    :confkey:`header.path` :faint:`[default=X-Purge-Path]`
        The name of the header used for purging a path.

    :confkey:`header.soft` :faint:`[default=X-Purge-Soft]`
        The name of the header used for triggering a :term:`soft purge`.
    conf = dict(defaults.items())
    hosts = [parse_host_port(host) for host in parse_list(conf['hosts'])]
    soft = parse_bool(conf['soft'])
    timeout = parse_time_interval(conf['timeout'])
    header_mapping = extract_conf(conf, 'header.')
    return ConfiguredVarnishModule(hosts, soft, timeout, header_mapping)
Beispiel #4
def init(confdict):
    Initializes this module acoording to :ref:`our module initialization
    guidelines <module_initialization>` with the following configuration keys:

    :confkey:`autoreload` :confdefault:`False`
        When set to :func:`true <score.init.parse_bool>`, the server will
        automatically reload whenever it detects a change in one of the python
        files, that are in use.

        The :func:`list <score.init.parse_list>` of modules to serve. This need
        to be a list of module aliases, i.e. the same name, with which you
        configured the module with ("score.http" becomes "http" if not
        specified otherwise.)

    conf = defaults.copy()
    modules = parse_list(conf['modules'])
    if not modules:
        import score.serve
        raise InitializationError(score.serve, 'No modules configured')
    autoreload = parse_bool(conf['autoreload'])
    monitor_host_port = None
    if conf['monitor']:
        monitor_host_port = parse_host_port(conf['monitor'])
    return ConfiguredServeModule(conf['conf'], modules, autoreload,
Beispiel #5
def init(confdict, webassets, tpl, http):
    Initializes this module acoording to :ref:`our module initialization
    guidelines <module_initialization>` with the following configuration keys:

    :confkey:`rootdir` :confdefault:`None`
        Denotes the root folder containing all css files. Will fall
        back to a sub-folder of the folder in :mod:`score.tpl`'s
        configuration, as described in :func:`score.tpl.init`.

    :confkey:`cachedir` :confdefault:`None`
        A dedicated cache folder for this module. It is generally sufficient
        to provide a ``cachedir`` for :mod:`score.tpl`, as this module will
        use a sub-folder of that by default.

    :confkey:`combine` :confdefault:`False`
        Whether css files should be delivered as a single file. If this
        value is `true` (as defined by :func:`score.init.parse_bool`), the
        default url will point to the combined css file.

    :confkey:`minify` :confdefault:`False`
        Whether css assets should be minified.

        Keys starting with ``group.*`` will register :term:`asset groups
        <asset group>`. The following configuration will create a
        :term:`virtual asset` called ``meal`` which has the combined content
        of the assets 'bacon.css' and 'spam.css'::

            group.meal =

        Note that groups defined this way *must* reference real assets, i.e.
        at the point this value is interpreted, there are no virtual assets
        yet! If you need to add virtual assets to a group, you will need to
        create the asset group after all required virtual assets have been

    conf = dict(defaults.items())
    if not conf['rootdir']:
        conf['rootdir'] = os.path.join(tpl.rootdir, 'css')
    conf['minify'] = parse_bool(conf['minify'])
    conf['combine'] = parse_bool(conf['combine'])
    if not conf['cachedir'] and tpl.cachedir:
        conf['cachedir'] = os.path.join(tpl.cachedir, 'css')
    if conf['cachedir']:
        init_cache_folder(conf, 'cachedir', autopurge=True)
        warnings.warn('No cachedir configured, SCSS rendering will not work.')
    cssconf = ConfiguredCssModule(
        webassets, tpl, http, conf['rootdir'], conf['cachedir'],
        conf['combine'], conf['minify'])
    for name, pathlist in extract_conf(conf, 'group.').items():
        paths = parse_list(pathlist)
        _create_group(cssconf, webassets, name + '.css', paths)
    return cssconf
Beispiel #6
def init(confdict, ctx, http, jslib=None):
    Initializes this module acoording to :ref:`our module initialization
    guidelines <module_initialization>` with the following configuration keys:

    :confkey:`endpoints` :confdefault:`list()`
        A :func:`list <score.init.parse_list>` of :func:`dotted paths
        <score.init.parse_dotted_path>` pointing to any amount of
        :class:`Endpoints <.Endpoint>`. The registered functions of these
        Endpoints will be available in javascript.

    :confkey:`expose` :confdefault:`False`
        Whether security critical data may be exposed through the API. This
        value should be left at its default value in production, but may be
        switched to `True` during development to receive Exceptions and
        stacktraces in the browser console.

    :confkey:`jslib.require` :confdefault:`score.jsapi`
        The name of the require.js module to create the virtual javascript with.
        When left at its default value, the resulting javascript can be included
        like the following:

        .. code-block:: javascript

            require(['score.jsapi'], function(Api) {
                var api = new Api();
                // ... use api here ...
    conf = dict(defaults.items())
    endpoints = list(map(parse_dotted_path, parse_list(conf['endpoints'])))
    expose = parse_bool(conf['expose'])
    jsapi = ConfiguredJsapiModule(ctx, http, jslib, expose,
    for endpoint in endpoints:

    if jslib:
        import score.jsapi

        version = score.jsapi.__version__
        dependencies = {
            conf['jslib.require'] + '/excformat': version,
            'bluebird': '3.X.X',
            'score.init': '0.X.X',
            'score.oop': '0.4.X'

        @jslib.virtlib(conf['jslib.require'] + '/excformat', version, {})
        def exc2json(ctx):
            return gen_excformat_js(ctx)

        @jslib.virtlib(conf['jslib.require'], version, dependencies)
        def api(ctx):
            return jsapi.generate_js()

    return jsapi
Beispiel #7
 def _collect_services(self):
     self._services = OrderedDict()
     score = init_from_file(self.conf.conf)
     if self._changedetector:
         for file in parse_list(score.conf['score.init']['_files']):
     for desc in self.conf.modules:
         for name, worker in self._iter_workers(score, desc):
             self._services[name] = Service(name, worker)
Beispiel #8
def parse_connect_conf(conf):
    conf = conf.copy()
    if 'hosts' in conf:
        conf['hosts'] = parse_list(conf['hosts'])
    if 'verify_certs' in conf:
        conf['verify_certs'] = parse_bool(conf['verify_certs'])
    if 'use_ssl' in conf:
        conf['use_ssl'] = parse_bool(conf['use_ssl'])
    if 'timeout' in conf:
        conf['timeout'] = parse_time_interval(conf['timeout'])
    return conf
Beispiel #9
def init(confdict, ctx=None):
    Initializes this module acoording to :ref:`our module initialization
    guidelines <module_initialization>` with the following configuration keys:

        A list of hosts (as read by :func:`score.init.parse_list`) to pass to
        the :class:`Elasticsearch <elasticsearch.Elasticsearch>` constructor.

        Any other arguments to be passed to the :class:`Elasticsearch
        <elasticsearch.Elasticsearch>` constructor.

    :confkey:`index` :confdefault:`score`
        The index to use in all operations.

    :confkey:`keep_source` :confdefault:`False`
        Whether the `_source` field should be enabled. The default is `False`,
        since the canonical representation of objects should be in a

    :confkey:`ctx.member` :confdefault:`es`
        The name of the :term:`context member`, that should be registered with
        the configured :mod:`score.ctx` module (if there is one). The default
        value allows one to conveniently query the index:

        >>> response ={"query": {"match_all": {}}})
        >>> for hit in response['hits']['hits']:
        ...     print(hit['_source']['title'])

        Additional extension classes for the context proxy.

    conf = defaults.copy()
    connect_kwargs = parse_connect_conf(extract_conf(conf, 'args.'))
    if 'index' not in conf:
        conf['index'] = 'score'
    keep_source = parse_bool(conf['keep_source'])
    ctx_extensions = [DslExtension]
    for path in parse_list(conf['ctx.extensions']):
        class_ = parse_dotted_path(path)
        if not issubclass(class_, CtxProxy):
            raise InitializationError(
                'Ctx extensions classes must be sub-classes of CtxProxy')
    es_conf = ConfiguredEs7Module(connect_kwargs, conf['index'], keep_source,
    if ctx and conf['ctx.member'] not in (None, 'None'):
        ctx.register(conf['ctx.member'], es_conf.get_ctx_proxy)
    return es_conf
Beispiel #10
def init(confdict, tpl):
    Initializes this module acoording to the :ref:`SCORE module initialization
    guidelines <module_initialization>` with the following configuration keys:

    :confkey:`cachedir` :confdefault:`None`
        A cache folder to use for storing parsed templates. Highly recommended.
    conf = defaults.copy()
    return ConfiguredJinja2Module(tpl, conf['extension'], conf['cachedir'],
Beispiel #11
def init(confdict, tpl, webassets):
    Initializes this module acoording to the :ref:`SCORE module initialization
    guidelines <module_initialization>` with the following configuration keys:

    :confkey:`config_file` :confdefault:`None`
        An optional javascript file containing the `requirejs configuration`_.
        This file should only contain the configuration object itself, but the
        object does not have to adhere to a strict JSON syntax and may contain
        javascript functions. The following is a perfectly valid example for the
        referenced file's content:

        .. code-block:: javascript

                map: {
                    'some/newmodule': {
                        'foo': 'foo1.2'
                shim: {
                    'foo': {
                        deps: ['bar'],
                        exports: 'Foo',
                        init: function (bar) {
                            return this.Foo.noConflict();

        .. _requirejs configuration:

    :confkey:`passthrough_extensions` :confdefault:`[]`
        A list of additional file extensions that this module is allowed to pass
        to browsers. If you want to pass mustache_ templates to the browser, for
        example, you must provide the ``mustache`` extension in this list.

        .. _mustache:

    :confkey:`path.nodejs` :confdefault:`nodejs`
        The path to the nodejs_ executable. This value is only relevant if
        :term:`asset bundling <asset bundle>` is enabled in

        .. _nodejs:
    conf = defaults.copy()
    return ConfiguredRequirejsModule(
        tpl, webassets, conf['config_file'], conf['path.nodejs'],
Beispiel #12
def init(confdict, webassets=None):
    Initializes this module acoording to :ref:`our module initialization
    guidelines <module_initialization>` with the following configuration keys:

        List of score module aliases that should be used as backends to the
    conf = dict(defaults.items())
    backends = parse_list(conf['backends'])
    assert backends, 'No backends configured'
    return ConfiguredTplFallbackModule(backends)
Beispiel #13
def init_score(clickctx):
    conf = parse_config_file(clickctx.obj['conf'].path)
        modules = parse_list(conf['score.init']['modules'])
    except KeyError:
        modules = []
    if 'score.init' not in conf:
        conf['score.init'] = {}
    conf['score.init']['modules'] = modules
    if 'serve' not in conf:
        conf['serve'] = {}
    if 'conf' not in conf['serve']:
        conf['serve']['conf'] = clickctx.obj['conf'].path
    return score_init(conf)
Beispiel #14
 def _collect_services(self):
     self._services = OrderedDict()
     score = init_from_file(self.conf.conf)
     if self._changedetector:
         for file in parse_list(score.conf['score.init']['_files']):
     for mod in self.conf.modules:
         workers = score._modules[mod].score_serve_workers()
         if isinstance(workers, list):
             for i, worker in enumerate(workers):
                 name = '%s/%d' % (mod, i)
                 self._services[name] = Service(name, worker)
         elif isinstance(workers, dict):
             for name, worker in workers.items():
                 name = '%s/%s' % (mod, name)
                 self._services[name] = Service(name, worker)
Beispiel #15
def init(confdict, jsapi):
    Initializes this module according to :ref:`our module initialization
    guidelines <module_initialization>` with the following configuration keys:

    conf = dict(defaults.items())
    sources = list(map(parse_dotted_path, parse_list(conf['sources'])))
    dynq = ConfiguredDynqModule(jsapi, sources, conf[''])

    if jsapi.jslib:
        import score.dynq

        @jsapi.jslib.virtlib(conf['jslib.require'], score.dynq.__version__,
                             ['score.init', 'score.oop', 'score.dynq'])
        def api(ctx):
            return dynq.generate_js()

    return dynq
Beispiel #16
def init(confdict, ctx):
    Initializes this module acoording to :ref:`our module initialization
    guidelines <module_initialization>` with the following configuration keys:

    :confkey:`ruleset` :confdefault:`RuleSet()`
        A dotted path to an instance of :class:`RuleSet` in your project. This
        module will be initialized without any rules, if this configuration key
        is omitted, resulting in denial of every operation.

    :confkey:`authenticators` :confdefault:`list()`
        List of :class:`Authenticators` capable of determining the current

    :confkey:`ctx.member` :confdefault:`actor`
        The :term:`context member` under which the current actor should be made
        available. Leaving this at its default will allow you to access the
        current actor as the following:

    conf = defaults.copy()
    if conf['ruleset'] in (None, 'None'):
        ruleset = RuleSet()
        ruleset = parse_dotted_path(conf['ruleset'])
    if 'authenticator' in conf:
        assert not conf['authenticators']
        conf['authenticators'] = [conf['authenticator']]
        del conf['authenticator']
    auth = ConfiguredAuthModule(ruleset, conf['ctx.member'])
    authenticator = NullAuthenticator()
    for line in reversed(parse_list(conf['authenticators'])):
        authenticator = parse_call(line, (auth, authenticator))
    auth.authenticator = authenticator
    _register_ctx_actor(conf, ctx, auth)
    _register_ctx_permits(conf, ctx, auth)
    return auth
Beispiel #17
def init(confdict, ctx):
    Initializes this module acoording to :ref:`our module initialization
    guidelines <module_initialization>` with the following configuration keys:

    :confkey:`ruleset` :faint:`[default=RuleSet()]`
        A dotted path to an instance of :class:`RuleSet` in your project. This
        module will be initialized without any rules, if this configuration key
        is omitted, resulting in denial of every operation.

    :confkey:`authenticators` :faint:`[default=list()]`
        List of :class:`Authenticators` capable of determining the current

    :confkey:`ctx.member` :faint:`[default=actor]`
        The :term:`context member` under which the current actor should be made
        available. Leaving this at its default will allow you to access the
        current actor as the following:

    conf = defaults.copy()
    if conf['ruleset'] in (None, 'None'):
        ruleset = RuleSet()
        ruleset = parse_dotted_path(conf['ruleset'])
    if 'authenticator' in conf:
        assert not conf['authenticators']
        conf['authenticators'] = [conf['authenticator']]
        del conf['authenticator']
    auth = ConfiguredAuthModule(ruleset, conf['ctx.member'])
    authenticator = NullAuthenticator()
    for line in reversed(parse_list(conf['authenticators'])):
        authenticator = parse_call(line, (auth, authenticator))
    auth.authenticator = authenticator
    _register_ctx_actor(conf, ctx, auth)
    _register_ctx_permits(conf, ctx, auth)
    return auth
Beispiel #18
def init(confdict, db, ctx=None):
    Initializes this module acoording to :ref:`our module initialization
    guidelines <module_initialization>` with the following configuration keys:

        A list of hosts (as read by :func:`score.init.parse_list`) to pass to
        the :class:`Elasticsearch <elasticsearch.Elasticsearch>` constructor.

        Any other arguments to be passed to the :class:`Elasticsearch
        <elasticsearch.Elasticsearch>` constructor.

    :confkey:`index` :confdefault:`score`
        The index to use in all operations.

    :confkey:`ctx.member` :confdefault:`es`
        The name of the :term:`context member`, that should be registered with
        the configured :mod:`score.ctx` module (if there is one). The default
        value allows one to conveniently query the index:

        >>> for knight in, 'name:sir*')
        ...     print(
    conf = defaults.copy()
    kwargs = extract_conf(confdict, 'args.')
    if 'hosts' in kwargs:
        kwargs['hosts'] = parse_list(kwargs['hosts'])
    if 'verify_certs' in kwargs:
        kwargs['verify_certs'] = parse_bool(kwargs['verify_certs'])
    if 'use_ssl' in kwargs:
        kwargs['use_ssl'] = parse_bool(kwargs['use_ssl'])
    es = Elasticsearch(**kwargs)
    if 'index' not in confdict:
        confdict['index'] = 'score'
    es_conf = ConfiguredEsModule(db, es, confdict['index'])
    to_insert = []
    to_delete = []

    @event.listens_for(db.Session, 'before_flush')
    def before_flush(session, flush_context, instances):
        Stores the list of new and altered objects in ``to_insert``, and
        deleted objects in ``to_delete``. The actual storing can only be done
        *after* the flush operation (in ``after_flush``, below), since new
        objects don't have an id at this point. But we cannot move the whole
        logic into the ``after_flush``, since we might miss the optional
        *instances* argument to this function.
        nonlocal to_insert, to_delete
        to_insert = []
        to_delete = []
        for obj in
            if not instances or obj in instances:
                if es_conf.get_es_class(obj) is not None:
        for obj in session.dirty:
            if not session.is_modified(obj):
                # might actually be unaltered, see docs of Session.dirty:
            if not instances or obj in instances:
                if es_conf.get_es_class(obj) is not None:
        for obj in session.deleted:
            if not instances or obj in instances:
                if es_conf.get_es_class(obj) is not None:

    @event.listens_for(db.Session, 'after_flush')
    def after_flush(session, flush_context):
        for obj in to_insert:
        for obj in to_delete:

    if ctx and conf['ctx.member'] not in (None, 'None'):
        ctx.register(conf['ctx.member'], lambda ctx: CtxProxy(es_conf, ctx))
    return es_conf
Beispiel #19
def init(confdict, db, ctx=None):
    Initializes this module acoording to :ref:`our module initialization
    guidelines <module_initialization>` with the following configuration keys:

        A list of hosts (as read by :func:`score.init.parse_list`) to pass to
        the :class:`Elasticsearch <elasticsearch.Elasticsearch>` constructor.

        Any other arguments to be passed to the :class:`Elasticsearch
        <elasticsearch.Elasticsearch>` constructor.

    :confkey:`index` :confdefault:`score`
        The index to use in all operations.

    :confkey:`ctx.member` :confdefault:`es`
        The name of the :term:`context member`, that should be registered with
        the configured :mod:`score.ctx` module (if there is one). The default
        value allows one to conveniently query the index:

        >>> for knight in, 'name:sir*')
        ...     print(
    conf = defaults.copy()
    kwargs = extract_conf(confdict, 'args.')
    if 'hosts' in kwargs:
        kwargs['hosts'] = parse_list(kwargs['hosts'])
    if 'verify_certs' in kwargs:
        kwargs['verify_certs'] = parse_bool(kwargs['verify_certs'])
    if 'use_ssl' in kwargs:
        kwargs['use_ssl'] = parse_bool(kwargs['use_ssl'])
    es = Elasticsearch(**kwargs)
    if 'index' not in confdict:
        confdict['index'] = 'score'
    es_conf = ConfiguredEsModule(db, es, confdict['index'])
    to_insert = []
    to_delete = []

    @event.listens_for(db.Session, 'before_flush')
    def before_flush(session, flush_context, instances):
        Stores the list of new and altered objects in ``to_insert``, and
        deleted objects in ``to_delete``. The actual storing can only be done
        *after* the flush operation (in ``after_flush``, below), since new
        objects don't have an id at this point. But we cannot move the whole
        logic into the ``after_flush``, since we might miss the optional
        *instances* argument to this function.
        nonlocal to_insert, to_delete
        to_insert = []
        to_delete = []
        for obj in
            if not instances or obj in instances:
                if es_conf.get_es_class(obj) is not None:
        for obj in session.dirty:
            if not session.is_modified(obj):
                # might actually be unaltered, see docs of Session.dirty:
            if not instances or obj in instances:
                if es_conf.get_es_class(obj) is not None:
        for obj in session.deleted:
            if not instances or obj in instances:
                if es_conf.get_es_class(obj) is not None:

    @event.listens_for(db.Session, 'after_flush')
    def after_flush(session, flush_context):
        for obj in to_insert:
        for obj in to_delete:
    if ctx and conf['ctx.member'] not in (None, 'None'):
        ctx.register(conf['ctx.member'], lambda ctx: CtxProxy(es_conf, ctx))
    return es_conf
Beispiel #20
def init(confdict, ctx, db=None):
    Initializes this module acoording to :ref:`our module initialization
    guidelines <module_initialization>` with the following configuration keys:

        Path to the :class:`RouteConfiguration` containing the list of routes to

    :confkey:`preroutes` :confdefault:`list()`
        List of :term:`preroute` functions to call before invoking the actual
        route.  See :ref:`http_routing` for details.

        Keys starting with "``handler.``" are interpreted as :ref:`error
        handlers <http_error_handler>`.

    :confkey:`debug` :confdefault:`False`
        Setting this to `True` will enable the `werkzeug debugger`_ for your

    :confkey:`urlbase` :confdefault:`None`
        This will be the prefix for all URLs generated by the module. The module
        will create relative URLs by default (i.e. `/Sir%20Lancelot`), but you
        can make it create absolute URLs by default by paassing this
        configuration value.

        If you configure this to be '', your URL would be

        Note that you can always decide, whether a *certain* URL should be
        absolute or relative, by passing the appropriate argument to

    :confkey:`ctx.member.url` :confdefault:`url`
        The name of the :term:`context member` function for generating URLs.

    :confkey:`serve.ip` :confdefault:``
        This will be the ip address your HTTP server will bind_ to, when using
        :mod:`score.serve` to serve your application.

    :confkey:`serve.port` :confdefault:`8080`
        This will be the port of your HTTP server, when using
        :mod:`score.serve` to serve your application.

    :confkey:`serve.threaded` :confdefault:`False`
        Setting this to `True` will make your HTTP server threaded, which should
        increase its performance. Note that your application will need to be
        thread-safe_, if you want to enable this feature.

    .. _werkzeug debugger:
    .. _bind:
    .. _thread-safe:
    conf = dict(defaults.items())
    if 'router' not in conf:
        import score.http
        raise ConfigurationError(score.http, 'No router provided')
    router = parse_dotted_path(conf['router'])
    preroutes = list(map(parse_dotted_path, parse_list(conf['preroutes'])))
    error_handlers = {}
    exception_handlers = {}
    for error, handler in extract_conf(conf, 'handler.').items():
        if re.match('\d(\d\d|XX)', error):
            error_handlers[error] = parse_dotted_path(handler)
            error = parse_dotted_path(error)
            exception_handlers[error] = handler
    debug = parse_bool(conf['debug'])
    if not conf['urlbase']:
        conf['urlbase'] = ''
    http = ConfiguredHttpModule(
        ctx, db, router, preroutes, error_handlers, exception_handlers, debug,
        conf['urlbase'], conf['serve.ip'], int(conf['serve.port']),

    def constructor(ctx):
        def url(*args, **kwargs):
            return http.url(ctx, *args, **kwargs)
        return url

    ctx.register(conf['ctx.member.url'], constructor)
    return http