def createOAMDependenyScp(shell, apacheOsh, apacheScpOsh, uri, default_address, resultsVector): """ Create scp under apache for the given uri. Create c-p link from webgate scp to the new scp """ logger.debug('add oam uri to result vector: ', uri) uri_pattern = re.compile(r"^(?P<protocol>http|https)://(?P<ip>[\w\.\-]+)(:(?P<port>\d+))?(?P<root>/.*?)?$") match = uri_pattern.match(uri) if not match: if uri[0] != '/': uri = '/%s' % uri uri = 'http://%s%s' % (default_address, uri) logger.debug('use absolute uri: ', uri) match = uri_pattern.match(uri) if match: protocol ='protocol') or 'http' ip ='ip') port ='port') or '80' root ='root') or '/' if ip: scpOshs = scp.createScpOSHV(apacheOsh, protocol, ip, port, root, shell) if scpOshs.size(): scpOsh = scpOshs.get(0) cpLinkOsh = modeling.createLinkOSH('consumer_provider', apacheScpOsh, scpOsh) resultsVector.add(scpOsh) resultsVector.add(cpLinkOsh) return resultsVector logger.debug('Skip invalid uri %s' % uri) return resultsVector
def process(Framework, configSignature, application, shell, processMap, hostIPs): OSHVResult = ObjectStateHolderVector() variableResolver = VariableResolver() fileProcessUtil = FileProcessUtil(shell, variableResolver) cmdlines = getattr(application, TAG_COMMAND_LINE, None) includeParentProcesses = False if cmdlines: if isinstance(cmdlines, list): for cmdline in cmdlines: if cmdline.includeParentProcesses: includeParentProcesses = True break else: includeParentProcesses = cmdlines.includeParentProcesses createPredefinedVariables(Framework, processMap if includeParentProcesses else None, application, variableResolver) for signature in configSignature.children: if signature.getType() == TAG_COMMAND_LINE: processCommandLine(signature, application, shell, processMap, variableResolver) elif signature.getType().endswith(TAG_FILE): collectedConfigFiles = fileProcessUtil.process(signature) for configFile in collectedConfigFiles: configFile.setContainer(application.getOsh()) OSHVResult.add(configFile.getOsh()) elif signature.getType() == TAG_OUTPUT: scps = processOutput(signature, variableResolver) if scps: for scpData in scps: scpData['container'] = application.getOsh() scpData['shell'] = shell scpData['localIP'] = hostIPs scpData['dnsServers'] = Framework.getParameter('dnsServers') scpOSHV = scp.createScpOSHV(**scpData) OSHVResult.addAll(scpOSHV) return OSHVResult
def DiscoveryMain(Framework): OSHVResult = ObjectStateHolderVector() businessElementId = Framework.getDestinationAttribute('id') urlString = Framework.getDestinationAttribute('url') jobId = Framework.getDiscoveryJobId() dnsServers = Framework.getParameter('dnsServers') or None shell = None if dnsServers: dnsServers = [ dnsServer for dnsServer in dnsServers.split(',') if dnsServer and dnsServer.strip() ] or None if dnsServers: logger.debug('Using dns servers: ', dnsServers) if not urlString: msg = "There is no specified URL in the input BusinessElement CI" errormessages.resolveAndReport(msg, jobId, Framework) return OSHVResult try: bizOSH = modeling.createOshByCmdbIdString('business_element', businessElementId) OSHVResult.add(bizOSH) urlString = urlString[1:len(urlString) - 1] if netutils.isValidIp(urlString): productName = Framework.getDestinationAttribute('product') OSHVResult.add( scp.createScpOsh(bizOSH, 'tcp', urlString, 0, productName)) else: protocol, hostname, port, context = parseUrl(urlString) if not hostname: raise ValueError("Hostname is not defined in URL '%s'" % urlString) if not protocol: raise ValueError( "Failed to resolve the protocol from specified URL") shell = shellutils.ShellUtils( Framework.createClient( ClientsConsts.LOCAL_SHELL_PROTOCOL_NAME)) OSHVResult.addAll( scp.createScpOSHV(bizOSH, protocol, hostname, port, context, shell, dnsServers=dnsServers)) except ValueError, e: errormessages.resolveAndReport(e.message, jobId, Framework)
def DiscoveryMain(Framework): OSHVResult = ObjectStateHolderVector() businessElementId = Framework.getDestinationAttribute('id') urlString = Framework.getDestinationAttribute('url') jobId = Framework.getDiscoveryJobId() dnsServers = Framework.getParameter('dnsServers') or None shell = None if dnsServers: dnsServers = [dnsServer for dnsServer in dnsServers.split(',') if dnsServer and dnsServer.strip()] or None if dnsServers: logger.debug('Using dns servers: ', dnsServers) if not urlString: msg = "There is no specified URL in the input BusinessElement CI" errormessages.resolveAndReport(msg, jobId, Framework) return OSHVResult try: bizOSH = modeling.createOshByCmdbIdString('business_element', businessElementId) OSHVResult.add(bizOSH) urlString = urlString[1:len(urlString) - 1] if netutils.isValidIp(urlString): productName = Framework.getDestinationAttribute('product') OSHVResult.add(scp.createScpOsh(bizOSH, 'tcp', urlString, 0, productName)) else: protocol, hostname, port, context = parseUrl(urlString) if not hostname: raise ValueError("Hostname is not defined in URL '%s'" % urlString) if not protocol: raise ValueError("Failed to resolve the protocol from specified URL") shell = shellutils.ShellUtils(Framework.createClient(ClientsConsts.LOCAL_SHELL_PROTOCOL_NAME)) OSHVResult.addAll(scp.createScpOSHV(bizOSH, protocol, hostname, port, context, shell, dnsServers=dnsServers)) except ValueError, e: errormessages.resolveAndReport(e.message, jobId, Framework)
def reportProcessToPort(processes, endpoints, applicationOsh, shell, localip): OSHVResult = ObjectStateHolderVector() if endpoints: key_to_endpoints_map = {} [key_to_endpoints_map.update({x.getKey(): x.getEndpoints()}) for x in endpoints] for process in processes: remotes = key_to_endpoints_map.get(process.getPid()) if remotes: for remote in remotes: address = remote.getAddress() if not isinstance(address, (ip_addr.IPv4Address, ip_addr.IPv6Address)): address = ip_addr.IPAddress(address) port = remote.getPort() if isinstance(address, ip_addr.IPv6Address): logger.debug("ignore ipv6 address:", address) continue logger.debug("reporting remote address:", address) logger.debug("reporting remote port:", port) scpOshv = scp.createScpOSHV(applicationOsh, scp.TCP_TYPE, str(address), port, None, shell, localip) OSHVResult.addAll(scpOshv) return OSHVResult