Beispiel #1
def create_dictionary_from_cursor(lang, cursor, max_entries=10000):
	l = list(cursor)
	q = []
	d = {}

	include_pron = lang in ['he', 'zh']
	include_strokes = lang in ['zh']

	# Create a list of entries with the appropriate fields
	for phrase in l:

		if 'txs' in phrase and phrase['txs'] != {}:
			new_txs = scraper.get_viewable_txs(phrase)

			to_append = {
				'lang': phrase['lang'],
				'base': phrase['base'],
				'txs' : new_txs,
				'_id': str(phrase['_id']),
				'rank': phrase['rank'],
			if include_pron:
				to_append['pron'] = phrase['pron']
			if include_strokes and 'strokes' in phrase.keys():
				to_append['strokes'] = phrase['strokes']

			if new_txs != {}:

	# Convert the list into a dictionary based on ID, limiting by number of entries
	for h in q[0:max_entries]:
		d[h['_id']] = h
	return d
Beispiel #2
def get_row_html(phrase):
	new_txs = scraper.get_viewable_txs(phrase)

	d_chunks = []
	for t in new_txs.keys():
		t_chunks = ["%d. %s" % (i+1, new_txs[t][i]) for i in range(0, min(2, len(new_txs[t])))]
		d_chunks.append("%s => %s" % (t, "  ".join(t_chunks)))

	def_str = ' | '.join(d_chunks)
	base    = phrase['base']
	pron    = phrase.get('pron')

	return """
	""" % (base, pron, def_str)