import requests from bs4 import BeautifulSoup import mysql.connector import scrapper import smtplib from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart from email.mime.text import MIMEText url = "" soup = scrapper.get(url) # database mydb = mysql.connector.connect(host="localhost", user="******", passwd="1234567", database="scrape") mycursor = mydb.cursor() find_title = soup.find('title').text title = find_title.split(":") tags = soup.find_all('a') href = [] for t in tags: if "rumah sakit" in t.text.lower(): href.append(url + "".join(t.attrs['href'])) else:
def final(): def stot(): r = sr.Recognizer() with sr.Microphone() as source: r.adjust_for_ambient_noise(source) print("Speak......") audio = r.listen(source) try: return r.recognize_google(audio) except Exception as e: return "Voice not recognised Speak again" exit(0) t2v.speechTrans("Tell the topic") topic = stot() while topic == "Voice not recognised Speak again": t2v.speechTrans(topic) topic = stot() t2v.speechTrans("You spoke " + str(topic)) print("You spoke " + str(topic)) t2v.speechTrans("Press 1 to confirm the topic or press 0 to restart") print("1. Press 1 to confirm the topic \n2. Press 0 to restart \nChoice: ") inp = int(input()) while (inp != 1): t2v.speechTrans("Tell the topic") topic = stot() t2v.speechTrans("You spoke " + str(topic)) print("You spoke " + str(topic)) t2v.speechTrans("Press 1 to confirm the topic or press 0 to restart") print( "1. Press 1 to confirm the topic \n2. Press 0 to restart \nChoice: " ) inp = int(input()) data = scrapper.get(topic) if len(data) == 0: print( "No infomation related to this topic can be found. Please try with a different topic" ) t2v.speechTrans( "No infomation related to this topic can be found. Please try with a different topic" ) exit(0) print("Data Scrapped Successfully") t2v.speechTrans("Data Scrapped Successfully") print("Scarapped Data - \n", data) t2v.speechTrans("Choose from the following options") print("Options -") print("1. Press 1 for storing the summarized data in text file") print("2. Press 2 for getting it mailed to your mail id") print("3. Press 3 for printing the summarized text") print("4. Press 4 for speech output of summarized text") option = int(input()) t2v.speechTrans("You Choose " + str(option)) s = x.summarize(data) if (option == "1" or option == "one" or option == 1): t2v.speechTrans( "Storing the summarized data in text file, Check Results folder.") print( "Storing the summarized data in text file, Check Results folder.") t2v.speechTrans(handleFile.CreateFile(s, topic)) if (option == 2 or option == "two" or option == "2"): status = handleFile.CreateFile(s, topic) if status == "File Successfully Written": print("Attachment successfully created") t2v.speechTrans("Attachment successfully created") else: print("Some Problem Occured") t2v.speechTrans("Some Problem Occured") t2v.speechTrans(mail1.sendMail(topic)) if option == 3: print(s) if option == 4: t2v.speechTrans(s)
import scrapper url = '' user = url + '/@ocittwo' content = scrapper.get(user) name = content.find('h1').text link = content.find_all('a') web = link[4].text following = link[5].text followers = link[6].text stories = content.find_all('div', class_='dg') last_story = [] def get_link(story): item = story.find_all('a') return url + item[len(item) - 1].attrs['href'] for story in stories: last_story.append({ 'title': story.find('h1').text, 'descs': story.find('p').text, 'date': story.find(class_='u').find_all('span')[1].text, 'link': get_link(story) }) user_data = { 'name':name, 'web': web,