def project(projector, node_):
    src = get_source(node_)
    dests = get_destinations(node_)

    if src == projector.role or projector.role in dests:
        child = get_message_child(node_)
        message = None
        if util.get_node_type(child) == constants.MESSAGE_SIGNATURE_NODE_TYPE:
            message = messagesignature_pretty_print(
                child)  # FIXME: string hack
            message = parameter_get_name(child)  # FIXME: string hack

        if src == projector.role:
            if projector.role in dests:
                util.report_error("Self communication not supported.")
            #new_dests = util.replace_in_list(dests, projector.rolemap)
            new_dests = dests
            return, new_dests, message)
        if projector.role in dests:
            if src == projector.role:
                util.report_error("Self communication not supported.")
            #new_src = util.replace_in_list([src], projector.rolemap)[0]
            new_src = src
            return, new_src, message)
        return None  # OK to use None as "empty projection"?
def check_wellformedness(checker, node_):
    context_ = checker.get_context()

    sigs = get_message_children(node_)
    subj = get_role(node_)

    # Section 4.6.9 -- bound interrupt role
    if not context_.is_role_declared(subj):
        util.report_error("Bad interrupt role: " + subj)

    tmp = context_.get_operators().items()
    for sig in sigs:
        if util.get_node_type(sig) == constants.MESSAGE_SIGNATURE_NODE_TYPE:
            #tmp = context_.get_operators().items()
            # Section 4.6.9 -- well-formed message signature
            messagesignature_check_wellformedness(checker, sig)
            op = context_.get_current_scope() + '.' \
                 + messagesignature_get_operator(sig) 
                    # interrupt sig belongs to the scope of the interruptible
            for (src, _), ops in tmp:
                if op in ops:
                    # Section 4.6.9 -- op is not in any potential ops set of
                    # block for subj
                    if subj == src:
                        util.report_error("Bad interrupt operator: " + op)
                    #context_ = context_.add_operator()
                        # FIXME: can't do currently: interrupt messages have no
                        # specific dest (need to look up all possible
                        # destinations, or could make a special broadcast value
                        # constant?) -- top-level interruptible inside a choice
                        # block can also be an enabling op
            raise RuntimeError("TODO: " + parameter_get_parameter_name(sig))
def project(projector, node_):
    src = get_source(node_)
    dests = get_destinations(node_)

    if src == projector.role or projector.role in dests:
        child = get_message_child(node_)
        message = None
        if util.get_node_type(child) == constants.MESSAGE_SIGNATURE_NODE_TYPE:
            message = messagesignature_pretty_print(child)  # FIXME: string hack
            message = parameter_get_name(child)  # FIXME: string hack

        if src == projector.role:
            if projector.role in dests:
                util.report_error("Self communication not supported.")
            #new_dests = util.replace_in_list(dests, projector.rolemap)
            new_dests = dests
            return, new_dests, message)
        if projector.role in dests:
            if src == projector.role:
                util.report_error("Self communication not supported.")
            #new_src = util.replace_in_list([src], projector.rolemap)[0]
            new_src = src
            return, new_src, message)
        return None  # OK to use None as "empty projection"?
def check_wellformedness_visit(checker, node_):
    #context_ = checker.get_context()
    visited = _context_visit_children_and_cache_contexts(checker, node_)
    contexts = _peek_cached_contexts(visited)
    subj = get_subject(visited)         # string

    # Here we first do the checks involving just the information collected from
    # this choice (push_globalchoice clears enabledroles). Information from
    # parent is carried over to the new context later below.
    # Map from role_ name (string) to set of enabling op (Section 4.6.6 --
    # initial operators) names (strings) -- values set in globalmessagetransfer
    enabled = collections.clone_collection(contexts[0].get_enabled_roles())
    for c in contexts[1:]:
        tmp = c.get_enabled_roles()
        # Section 4.6.6 -- same set of roles occur in each block
        if set(tmp.keys()) != set(enabled.keys()):
            util.report_error("Bad choice block: " + ' '
                             + str(enabled.keys()) + str(tmp.keys()))
                             # + "\n" + util.pretty_print(c.getnode()))
        for role_, ops in tmp.items():
            #if not(ops == None):
            if role_ != subj:
                # Should be generalised for all roles that are already enabled,
                # not just the subject?  # No: already taken care of by the fact
                # that enabled records only the initial enabling ops (added in
                # globalmessagetransfer), not all operators  # So here maybe
                # better to use "if not enabled"?
                for op in ops:
                    # Section 4.6.6 -- initial operators in each block for each
                    # role_ are disjoint
                    if op in enabled[role_]:
                        util.report_error("Bad choice operator: " + op)
    return visited
Beispiel #5
def _parse_command_line_args(argv):  # Could use argparse (or ANTLR)
    args = { _SOURCE: [], _IMPORT_PATH: [], _PAYLOAD_TYPE_PATH: [],
             _PROJECT_PROTOCOL: None, _PROJECT_DIR: None }
    if len(argv) > 1:
        iter = argv[1:].__iter__()
        for arg in iter:
            if arg == '-ip' or arg == '-importpath':  # Factor out constants
                path =';')
            elif arg == '-pp' or arg == '-payloadpath':
                path =';')
            elif arg == '-project':
                args[_PROJECT_PROTOCOL] =
                args[_PROJECT_ROLE] =
            elif arg == '-o':
                args[_PROJECT_DIR] =
                if arg.startswith('-'):
                    util.report_error("Bad argument flag: " + arg)
                if len(args[_SOURCE]) > 0:
                    util.report_error("Specify a single module: " + arg)
    if '.' not in args[_IMPORT_PATH]:  # factor out current directory
    return args
Beispiel #6
def check_wellformedness(checker, node_):
    context_ = checker.get_context()

    sigs = get_message_children(node_)
    subj = get_role(node_)

    # Section 4.6.9 -- bound interrupt role
    if not context_.is_role_declared(subj):
        util.report_error("Bad interrupt role: " + subj)

    tmp = context_.get_operators().items()
    for sig in sigs:
        if util.get_node_type(sig) == constants.MESSAGE_SIGNATURE_NODE_TYPE:
            #tmp = context_.get_operators().items()
            # Section 4.6.9 -- well-formed message signature
            messagesignature_check_wellformedness(checker, sig)
            op = context_.get_current_scope() + '.' \
                 + messagesignature_get_operator(sig)
            # interrupt sig belongs to the scope of the interruptible
            for (src, _), ops in tmp:
                if op in ops:
                    # Section 4.6.9 -- op is not in any potential ops set of
                    # block for subj
                    if subj == src:
                        util.report_error("Bad interrupt operator: " + op)
                    #context_ = context_.add_operator()
                    # FIXME: can't do currently: interrupt messages have no
                    # specific dest (need to look up all possible
                    # destinations, or could make a special broadcast value
                    # constant?) -- top-level interruptible inside a choice
                    # block can also be an enabling op
            raise RuntimeError("TODO: " + parameter_get_parameter_name(sig))
def parameter_kind_to_string(kind):
    if kind == constants.KIND_MESSAGE_SIGNATURE:
        return constants.SIG_KW
    elif kind == constants.KIND_PAYLOAD_TYPE:
        return constants.TYPE_KW
        util.report_error("Unknown parameter kind: ", kind)
Beispiel #8
def check_wellformedness_enter(checker, node_):
    context = checker.get_context()
    #contlab = get_label(node_)
    contlab = context.get_current_scope() + '.' + get_label(node_)  
        # FIXME: factor out with globalrecursion and Context
    if not context.is_recursion_label_declared(contlab):
        util.report_error("Bad continue label: " + contlab)
Beispiel #9
def check_wellformedness_visit(checker, node_):
    #context_ = checker.get_context()
    visited = _context_visit_children_and_cache_contexts(checker, node_)
    contexts = _peek_cached_contexts(visited)
    subj = get_subject(visited)  # string

    # Here we first do the checks involving just the information collected from
    # this choice (push_globalchoice clears enabledroles). Information from
    # parent is carried over to the new context later below.
    # Map from role_ name (string) to set of enabling op (Section 4.6.6 --
    # initial operators) names (strings) -- values set in globalmessagetransfer
    enabled = collections.clone_collection(contexts[0].get_enabled_roles())
    for c in contexts[1:]:
        tmp = c.get_enabled_roles()
        # Section 4.6.6 -- same set of roles occur in each block
        if set(tmp.keys()) != set(enabled.keys()):
            util.report_error("Bad choice block: " + ' ' +
                              str(enabled.keys()) + str(tmp.keys()))
            # + "\n" + util.pretty_print(c.getnode()))
        for role_, ops in tmp.items():
            #if not(ops == None):
            if role_ != subj:
                # Should be generalised for all roles that are already enabled,
                # not just the subject?  # No: already taken care of by the fact
                # that enabled records only the initial enabling ops (added in
                # globalmessagetransfer), not all operators  # So here maybe
                # better to use "if not enabled"?
                for op in ops:
                    # Section 4.6.6 -- initial operators in each block for each
                    # role_ are disjoint
                    if op in enabled[role_]:
                        util.report_error("Bad choice operator: " + op)
    return visited
Beispiel #10
def main(argv, otherArg=None):
    args = _parse_command_line_args(sys.argv)
    if not args[_SOURCE]:
        util.report_error("No input file specified.")

    filepath = args[_SOURCE][0]  # The full module name as a string
                                 # FIXME: hardcoded to 0-index only
    importpath = args[_IMPORT_PATH]
    ext = util.parse_file_extension_from_filepath(filepath)
    if ext != constants.SCRIBBLE_FILE_EXTENSION:
        util.report_error("Bad file extension: " + ext)
    module_ = util.load_file_and_parse_module(filepath)
        # Returns an antlr3.tree.CommonTree with the module as the root

    # Section 4.2 -- module dependencies. Load all the modules that the target
    # module_ may depend on Initial Context is outside of the AST (no
    # parent/node) -- these fields are initialised on entering the AST from the
    # root module node
    context_ = Context(args[_IMPORT_PATH], args[_PAYLOAD_TYPE_PATH])
    context_ = load_modules(context_, filepath, module_)
    # TODO: import members not supported yet

    # Next passes can do transformations on the raw AST
    # Insert implicit scopes in each protocol of each module_
    context_ = _insert_scopes(context_)

    # Raw transformations finished; next record individual members (for
    # convenience -- currently only used by projection; ContextVisitor passes
    # use visibility)
    context_ = load_members(context_, filepath, module_)
    # Context built up to now is the base context. Subsequent ContextVisitor
    # passes each start from the base Context and build/manipulate the
    # pass-specific Context as appropriate
    # Section 4.2 -- well-formedness of primary module. Separately build the
    # visibility context_ for each dependency (it can be different for each) and
    # check the well-formedness conditions that must hold for each dependency

    # checks well-formedness conditions on each in-context_ module (these are
    # the loaded modules, which are the dependencies of the primary module)

    # Here the Context has only modules and members loaded, no
    # visibility built (Context was not retained from well-formedness checking).
    # The returned context_ holds all the projections
    context_ = _project_all(context_)

    # Check reachability at the local protocol level

    proto = args[_PROJECT_PROTOCOL]
    if proto is not None:
        localrole = args[_PROJECT_ROLE]
        dir = args[_PROJECT_DIR]
        #context_ = _project(context_, proto, localrole, dir)
        _output_projections_to_modules(context_, proto, localrole, dir)
Beispiel #11
 def check_reachability_visit(self, checker):
     visited = []
     for child in self.get_children():
         context_ = checker.get_context()
         if not context_.has_exit():
             util.report_error("Bad sequence: " + child.pretty_print())
     return, visited)
 def check_reachability_visit(self, checker):
     visited = []
     for child in self.get_children():
         context_ = checker.get_context()
         if not context_.has_exit():
             util.report_error("Bad sequence: " + child.pretty_print())
     return, visited)
Beispiel #13
def check_filename(filepath, moduledecl_):
    smn_from_filepath = util.parse_simple_module_name_from_filepath(filepath)
    fmn_from_moduledecl = get_full_name(moduledecl_)
    smn_from_moduledecl = util.get_simple_module_name_from_full_module_name(fmn_from_moduledecl)

    if smn_from_filepath != smn_from_moduledecl:
        util.report_error("Bad module declaration/file name: declaration=" + \
                          smn_from_moduledecl + ", path=" + filepath)
Beispiel #14
def check_wellformedness_enter(checker, node_):
    context_ = checker.get_context()
    # Section 4.6.7 -- global recursion must specify a recursion label that is
    # not bound
    #reclab = get_label(node_)
    reclab = context_.get_current_scope() + '.' + get_label(node_)
    if reclab in context_.peek_recursion_labels().keys():
        util.report_error("Bad recursion label: " + reclab)
def check_wellformedness_enter(checker, node_):
    context_ = checker.get_context()
    # Section 4.6.7 -- global recursion must specify a recursion label that is
    # not bound
    #reclab = get_label(node_)
    reclab = context_.get_current_scope() + '.' + get_label(node_)
    if reclab in context_.peek_recursion_labels().keys():
        util.report_error("Bad recursion label: " + reclab)
Beispiel #16
def check_filename(filepath, moduledecl_):
    smn_from_filepath = util.parse_simple_module_name_from_filepath(filepath)
    fmn_from_moduledecl = get_full_name(moduledecl_)
    smn_from_moduledecl = util.get_simple_module_name_from_full_module_name(

    if smn_from_filepath != smn_from_moduledecl:
        util.report_error("Bad module declaration/file name: declaration=" + \
                          smn_from_moduledecl + ", path=" + filepath)
 def _check_for_errornode_aux(self, node_):
     if type(node_) == CommonErrorNode:
         # that's just the way Antlr is working? (error nodes as first child?)
         #if (type(node.getChild(0)) == CommonErrornode_):
     for child in node_.getChildren():
         if type(child) == CommonErrorNode:
     return node_
 def _check_for_errornode_aux(self, node_):
     if type(node_) == CommonErrorNode:
     # that's just the way Antlr is working? (error nodes as first child?)
     #if (type(node.getChild(0)) == CommonErrornode_):
     for child in node_.getChildren():
         if type(child) == CommonErrorNode:
     return node_
def clone_dict_aux(dict_):
    if dict_ is None:
        return None
    if not isinstance(dict_, dict):
        util.report_error("Expected dict, not: " + type(dict_))
    clone = {}
    for k in dict_.keys():
        clone[clone_collection(k)] = clone_collection(dict_[k])
    return clone
def clone_set_aux(set_):
    if set_ is None:
        return None
    if not isinstance(set_, set):
        util.report_error("Expected set, not: " + set)
    clone = set([])
    for x in set_:
    return clone
Beispiel #21
def get_full_name_from_visible_name(context_, globalproto):
    gpd = context_.get_visible_global(globalproto)
    if gpd is None:  # Should never happen?
        util.report_error("Bad protocol reference: " + target)
    module_ = gpd.getParent()
    modulefullname = moduledecl_get_full_name(
    protofullname = modulefullname + '.' + globalprotocoldecl_get_name(gpd)
    return protofullname
def clone_list_aux(list_):
    if list_ is None:
        return None
    if not isinstance(list_, list):
        util.report_error("Expected list, not: " + list)
    clone = []
    for x in list_:
    return clone
Beispiel #23
def get_full_name_from_visible_name(context_, globalproto):
    gpd = context_.get_visible_global(globalproto)
    if gpd is None:  # Should never happen?
        util.report_error("Bad protocol reference: " + target)
    module_ = gpd.getParent()
    modulefullname = moduledecl_get_full_name(
    protofullname = modulefullname + '.' + globalprotocoldecl_get_name(gpd)
    return protofullname
def check_wellformedness_enter(checker, node_):
    context_ = checker.get_context()
    roles = []
    for rd in get_roledecl_children(node_):
        role = roledecl_get_declaration_name(rd)
        # Section 4.6 -- Global protocol header: distinct role declaration names
        if role in roles:
            util.report_error("Bad role declaration name: " + role)
Beispiel #25
def check_wellformedness_enter(checker, node_):
    context_ = checker.get_context()
    roles = []
    for rd in get_roledecl_children(node_):
        role = roledecl_get_declaration_name(rd)
        # Section 4.6 -- Global protocol header: distinct role declaration names
        if role in roles:
            util.report_error("Bad role declaration name: " + role)
def check_wellformedness_enter(checker, node_):
    context = checker.get_context()
    # Section 4.6.6 -- at-role of choice is bound
    # This condition needs to be checked here before performing the
    # choice-specific Context push
    subj = get_subject(node_)
    if not context.is_role_declared(subj):
        util.report_error("Bad choice subject: " + subj)
    if not context.is_role_enabled(subj):
        util.report_error("Choice subject not enabled: " + subj)
def check_wellformedness_visit(checker, node_):
    visited = context_visitor_visit(checker, node_)
    interrupts = get_interrupt_children(visited)
    seen = []
    for i in interrupts:
        globalinterrupt_check_wellformedness(checker, i)
        subj = globalinterrupt_get_role(i)
        # Section 4.6.9 -- distinct interrupt roles (bound role checked inside
        # globalinterrupt)
        if subj in seen:
            util.report_error("Bad interrupt role: " + subj)
    return visited
def check_wellformedness_enter(checker, node_):
    context_ = checker.get_context()
    parameters = []
    for pd in get_parameterdecl_children(node_):
        kind = parameterdecl_get_kind(pd)
        param = parameterdecl_get_declaration_name(pd)
        # Section 4.6 -- Global protocol header: distinct param declaration
        # names
        if param in parameters or \
                param in context_.get_visible_payloads().keys():
            scrib_util.report_error("Bad param declaration name: " + \
Beispiel #29
def check_wellformedness_enter(checker, node_):
    context_ = checker.get_context()
    parameters = []
    for pd in get_parameterdecl_children(node_):
        kind = parameterdecl_get_kind(pd)
        param = parameterdecl_get_declaration_name(pd)
        # Section 4.6 -- Global protocol header: distinct param declaration
        # names
        if param in parameters or \
                param in context_.get_visible_payloads().keys():
            scrib_util.report_error("Bad param declaration name: " + \
def check_wellformedness_visit(checker, node_):
    visited = context_visitor_visit(checker, node_)
    interrupts = get_interrupt_children(visited)
    seen = []
    for i in interrupts:
        globalinterrupt_check_wellformedness(checker, i)
        subj = globalinterrupt_get_role(i)
        # Section 4.6.9 -- distinct interrupt roles (bound role checked inside
        # globalinterrupt)
        if subj in seen:
            util.report_error("Bad interrupt role: " + subj)
    return visited
Beispiel #31
def _get_self_visibility(context, module_):
    for ptd in module_get_payloadtypedecl_children(module_):
        n = payloadtypedecl_get_declaration_name(ptd)
        context = context.add_visible_payload(n, ptd)
    for gpd in module_get_globalprotocoldecl_children(module_):
        n = globalprotocoldecl_get_name(gpd)
        context = context.add_visible_global(n, gpd)
    for lpd in module_get_localprotocoldecl_children(module_):
        n = localprotocoldecl_get_name(lpd)
        context = context.add_visible_local(n, lpd)
    importmembers = module_get_importmember_children(module_)
    for im in importmembers:
        util.report_error("TODO: member import: " + im)
        # FIXME: members
    return context
def _get_self_visibility(context, module_):
    for ptd in module_get_payloadtypedecl_children(module_):
        n = payloadtypedecl_get_declaration_name(ptd)
        context = context.add_visible_payload(n, ptd)
    for gpd in module_get_globalprotocoldecl_children(module_):
        n = globalprotocoldecl_get_name(gpd)
        context = context.add_visible_global(n, gpd)
    for lpd in module_get_localprotocoldecl_children(module_):
        n = localprotocoldecl_get_name(lpd)
        context = context.add_visible_local(n, lpd)
    importmembers = module_get_importmember_children(module_)
    for im in importmembers:
        util.report_error("TODO: member import: " + im)
        # FIXME: members
    return context
Beispiel #33
def traverse(traverser, node_):
    traversed = []
    moduledecl = get_moduledecl_child(node_)
    for im in get_importmodule_children(node_):
    for im in get_importmember_children(node_):
        util.report_error("Member Import not supported yet.")
    # FIXME: also members
    for ptd in get_payloadtypedecl_children(node_):
    for gpd in get_globalprotocoldecl_children(node_):
    for lpd in get_localprotocoldecl_children(node_):
    # rebuild using new children
    return util.antlr_dupnode_and_replace_children(node_, traversed)
Beispiel #34
def traverse(traverser, node_):
    traversed = []
    moduledecl = get_moduledecl_child(node_)
    for im in get_importmodule_children(node_):
    for im in get_importmember_children(node_):
        util.report_error("Member Import not supported yet.")
    # FIXME: also members
    for ptd in get_payloadtypedecl_children(node_):
    for gpd in get_globalprotocoldecl_children(node_):
    for lpd in get_localprotocoldecl_children(node_):
    # rebuild using new children
    return util.antlr_dupnode_and_replace_children(node_, traversed)
def _add_all_members(context_, fmn, module_):
    for ptd in module_get_payloadtypedecl_children(module_):
        n = payloadtypedecl_get_declaration_name(ptd)
        f = fmn + '.' + n
        context_ = context_.add_member(f, ptd)
    for gpd in module_get_globalprotocoldecl_children(module_):
        n = globalprotocoldecl_get_name(gpd)
        f = fmn + '.' + n
        context_ = context_.add_member(f, gpd)
    for lpd in module_get_localprotocoldecl_children(module_):
        n = localprotocoldecl_get_name(lpd)
        f = fmn + '.' + n
        context_ = context_.add_member(f, lpd)
    importmembers = module_get_importmember_children(module_)
    for im in importmembers:
        # TODO: members
        util.report_error("TODO member import: " + im)
    return context_
def _add_all_members(context_, fmn, module_):
    for ptd in module_get_payloadtypedecl_children(module_):
        n = payloadtypedecl_get_declaration_name(ptd)
        f = fmn + "." + n
        context_ = context_.add_member(f, ptd)
    for gpd in module_get_globalprotocoldecl_children(module_):
        n = globalprotocoldecl_get_name(gpd)
        f = fmn + "." + n
        context_ = context_.add_member(f, gpd)
    for lpd in module_get_localprotocoldecl_children(module_):
        n = localprotocoldecl_get_name(lpd)
        f = fmn + "." + n
        context_ = context_.add_member(f, lpd)
    importmembers = module_get_importmember_children(module_)
    for im in importmembers:
        # TODO: members
        util.report_error("TODO member import: " + im)
    return context_
Beispiel #37
def _get_module_members(context, dn, module_):
    for ptd in module_get_payloadtypedecl_children(module_):
        n = payloadtypedecl_get_declaration_name(ptd)
        f = dn + '.' + n
        context = context.add_visible_payload(f, ptd)
        #context = context.add_visible_payload(n, ptd)
    for gpd in module_get_globalprotocoldecl_children(module_):
        n = globalprotocoldecl_get_name(gpd)
        f = dn + '.' + n
        context = context.add_visible_global(f, gpd)
        #context = context.add_visible_global(n, gpd)
    for lpd in module_get_localprotocoldecl_children(module_):
        n = localprotocoldecl_get_name(lpd)
        f = dn + '.' + n
        context = context.add_visible_local(f, lpd)
        #context = context.add_visible_local(n, gpd)
    importmembers = module_get_importmember_children(module_)
    for im in importmembers:
        util.report_error("TODO member import: " + im)
        # TODO: members
    return context
def _get_module_members(context, dn, module_):
    for ptd in module_get_payloadtypedecl_children(module_):
        n = payloadtypedecl_get_declaration_name(ptd)
        f = dn + '.' + n
        context = context.add_visible_payload(f, ptd)
        #context = context.add_visible_payload(n, ptd)
    for gpd in module_get_globalprotocoldecl_children(module_):
        n = globalprotocoldecl_get_name(gpd)
        f = dn + '.' + n
        context = context.add_visible_global(f, gpd)
        #context = context.add_visible_global(n, gpd)
    for lpd in module_get_localprotocoldecl_children(module_):
        n = localprotocoldecl_get_name(lpd)
        f = dn + '.' + n
        context = context.add_visible_local(f, lpd)
        #context = context.add_visible_local(n, gpd)
    importmembers = module_get_importmember_children(module_)
    for im in importmembers:
        util.report_error("TODO member import: " + im)
        # TODO: members
    return context
def check_wellformedness(checker, node_):
    context = checker.get_context()

    payloads = get_payloadelement_children(node_)
    for payload in payloads:
        annot = payloadelement_get_annotation(payload)
        payloadtype = payloadelement_get_type(payload)

        # TODO: annotation well-formedness will be further specified in langref
        # when annotations framework is added
        if annot != payloadelement_EMPTY_ANNOTATION:
            # Section 4.6.2 -- distinct annotation names
            if annot in context.get_annotationss():
                util.report_error("Bad annotation: " + annot)
            context = context.add_annotation(annot)

    # Section 4.5 -- Visible payload types
        if payloadtype not in context.get_visible_payloads().keys():
            # "type" parameters
            # Section 4.5 -- Bound (type) parameter
            if payloadtype not in context.get_parameters().keys():
                util.report_error("Bad payload type: " + payloadtype)
            # Section 4.5 -- type parameter
            if context.get_parameter(payloadtype) != \
                util.report_error("Bad payload type parameter: " + \
def check_wellformedness(context_, target, node_):
    ris = get_roleinstantiation_children(node_)

    tree = context_.get_visible_global(target)
    rparamlist = roledecllist_get_roledecl_children(

    # Section 4.6.3 -- lengts of role-instantiation-list and target
    # role-decl-list are the same
    if len(ris) != len(rparamlist):
        util.report_error("Bad number of role arguments, expected: " + \

    croles = context_.get_roles()
    rparams = rparamlist.__iter__()
    rolemap = {}  # params -> args (as strings --
                  # maybe should do ROLE node_, as for argmap)
    for ri in ris:
        ours = roleinstantiation_get_arg(ri)
        next =
        theirs = roledecl_get_role_name(next)
        # Section 4.6.3 -- every role argument is bound and distinct
        if (ours not in croles) or ours in rolemap.values():
            util.report_error("Bad role argument: " + ours)
        if roleinstantiation_has_parameter_child(ri):
            tmp = roleinstantiation_get_parameter(ri)
            if theirs != tmp: 
                # Section 4.6.3 -- every instantiation parameter corresponds to
                # the declared parameter in the protocol declaration
                util.report_error("Bad role parameter: " + theirs + ", " +tmp)
        rolemap[roledecl_get_declaration_name(next)] = ours

    return rolemap
Beispiel #41
def check_wellformedness_enter(checker, node_):
    context_ = checker.get_context()
    scope = get_scope(node_)
    target = get_target(node_)
        # Should be a visible protocol name, but not necessarily the full name

    # Section 4.6.2 -- distinct scope names
    if scope != EMPTY_SCOPE_NAME and scope in context_.get_current_scopes():
        util.report_error("Bad scope: " + scope)

    # Section 4.6.10 -- target protocol must be visible
    globals = context_.get_visible_globals()
    if target not in globals.keys():
        #tmp = context_.get_current_module() + '.' + target
            # All visible globals should already be collected by
            # VisibilityBuilder now
        #if not(tmp in globals.keys()):
        util.report_error("Bad protocol reference: " + target)

    # Section 4.6.2 -- Distinct scope checked above
    # Checking for bad recursive-do from within parallel (FIXME: not currently
    # specified in langref)
    # No way for a recursive-do to be good inside a parallel, unless it's a
    # singleton parallel, but ignoring that special case for now
    do_stack = context_.peek_do_chain()
    fullname = get_target_full_name(context_, node_)
    if fullname in do_stack.keys():
        # Recursive-do to this protocol has been forbidden by entering a
        # parallel context_
        if not do_stack[fullname]:
            util.report_error("Bad do: " + fullname)
        """if scope == EMPTY_SCOPE_NAME:  # Is this needed?
Beispiel #42
def check_wellformedness(context_, target, node_):
    ris = get_roleinstantiation_children(node_)

    tree = context_.get_visible_global(target)
    rparamlist = roledecllist_get_roledecl_children(

    # Section 4.6.3 -- lengts of role-instantiation-list and target
    # role-decl-list are the same
    if len(ris) != len(rparamlist):
        util.report_error("Bad number of role arguments, expected: " + \

    croles = context_.get_roles()
    rparams = rparamlist.__iter__()
    rolemap = {}  # params -> args (as strings --
                  # maybe should do ROLE node_, as for argmap)
    for ri in ris:
        ours = roleinstantiation_get_arg(ri)
        next =
        theirs = roledecl_get_role_name(next)
        # Section 4.6.3 -- every role argument is bound and distinct
        if (ours not in croles) or ours in rolemap.values():
            util.report_error("Bad role argument: " + ours)
        if roleinstantiation_has_parameter_child(ri):
            tmp = roleinstantiation_get_parameter(ri)
            if theirs != tmp: 
                # Section 4.6.3 -- every instantiation parameter corresponds to
                # the declared parameter in the protocol declaration
                util.report_error("Bad role parameter: " + theirs + ", " +tmp)
        rolemap[roledecl_get_declaration_name(next)] = ours

    return rolemap
Beispiel #43
def check_wellformedness_enter(checker, node_):
    context_ = checker.get_context()
    scope = get_scope(node_)
    target = get_target(node_)
    # Should be a visible protocol name, but not necessarily the full name

    # Section 4.6.2 -- distinct scope names
    if scope != EMPTY_SCOPE_NAME and scope in context_.get_current_scopes():
        util.report_error("Bad scope: " + scope)

    # Section 4.6.10 -- target protocol must be visible
    globals = context_.get_visible_globals()
    if target not in globals.keys():
        #tmp = context_.get_current_module() + '.' + target
        # All visible globals should already be collected by
        # VisibilityBuilder now
        #if not(tmp in globals.keys()):
        util.report_error("Bad protocol reference: " + target)

    # Section 4.6.2 -- Distinct scope checked above
    # Checking for bad recursive-do from within parallel (FIXME: not currently
    # specified in langref)
    # No way for a recursive-do to be good inside a parallel, unless it's a
    # singleton parallel, but ignoring that special case for now
    do_stack = context_.peek_do_chain()
    fullname = get_target_full_name(context_, node_)
    if fullname in do_stack.keys():
        # Recursive-do to this protocol has been forbidden by entering a
        # parallel context_
        if not do_stack[fullname]:
            util.report_error("Bad do: " + fullname)
        """if scope == EMPTY_SCOPE_NAME:  # Is this needed?
def check_wellformedness(checker, node_):
    context = checker.get_context()

    payloads = get_payloadelement_children(node_)
    for payload in payloads:
        annot = payloadelement_get_annotation(payload)
        payloadtype = payloadelement_get_type(payload)

        # TODO: annotation well-formedness will be further specified in langref
        # when annotations framework is added
        if annot != payloadelement_EMPTY_ANNOTATION:
            # Section 4.6.2 -- distinct annotation names
            if annot in context.get_annotationss():
                util.report_error("Bad annotation: " + annot)
            context = context.add_annotation(annot)

        # Section 4.5 -- Visible payload types
        if payloadtype not in context.get_visible_payloads().keys():
            # "type" parameters
            # Section 4.5 -- Bound (type) parameter
            if payloadtype not in context.get_parameters().keys():
                util.report_error("Bad payload type: " + payloadtype)
            # Section 4.5 -- type parameter
            if context.get_parameter(payloadtype) != constants.KIND_PAYLOAD_TYPE:
                util.report_error("Bad payload type parameter: " + payloadtype)
def project(projector, node_):
    projections = projector.context.get_projections()
    fmn = get_full_module_name(node_)
    # Check if this import is referring to one of the subprotocol modules.
    # "target" is the local target name
    # FIXME: make precise about which subprotocols are actually needed (use
    # SubprotocolCollector again for the current target)
    for target in projector.subprotocols:
        gmn = util.get_global_module_name_from_projected_member_name(target)
        if fmn == gmn:
            if not has_alias(node_):
                localmodulename = \
                return, None) 
                util.report_error("[Projector] importmodule TODO: " + \
        #    util.report_error("[Projector] importmodule TODO: " + target)"""
    return None
Beispiel #46
def check_wellformedness_visit(checker, node_):
    context = checker.get_context()
    visited = _context_visit_children_and_cache_contexts(checker, node_)
    contexts = _peek_cached_contexts(visited)

    # Section 4.6.8 -- potential operators and sig parameters
    ops = collections.clone_collection(contexts[0].get_operators())
        # includes sig parameters
    for c in contexts[1:]:
        tmp = c.get_operators()
        for (src, dest) in tmp.keys():
            if (src, dest) in ops.keys():
                us = ops[(src, dest)]
                them = tmp[(src, dest)]
                # Section 4.6.8 -- potential operators and parameters disjoint
                # between each block
                if not us.isdisjoint(them):
                    util.report_error("Bad parallel operator(s): " + \
                                      str(us & them))
                ops[(src, dest)] = us | them  # set union
                ops[(src, dest)] = tmp[(src, dest)]

    return visited
def check_wellformedness_visit(checker, node_):
    context = checker.get_context()
    visited = _context_visit_children_and_cache_contexts(checker, node_)
    contexts = _peek_cached_contexts(visited)

    # Section 4.6.8 -- potential operators and sig parameters
    ops = collections.clone_collection(contexts[0].get_operators())
    # includes sig parameters
    for c in contexts[1:]:
        tmp = c.get_operators()
        for (src, dest) in tmp.keys():
            if (src, dest) in ops.keys():
                us = ops[(src, dest)]
                them = tmp[(src, dest)]
                # Section 4.6.8 -- potential operators and parameters disjoint
                # between each block
                if not us.isdisjoint(them):
                    util.report_error("Bad parallel operator(s): " + \
                                      str(us & them))
                ops[(src, dest)] = us | them  # set union
                ops[(src, dest)] = tmp[(src, dest)]

    return visited
Beispiel #48
def _output_projections_to_modules(context_, target_globalname, localrole, dir):
    members = context_.get_members()
    if target_globalname not in members.keys():
        util.report_error("[Projection] Unknown protocol: " + \
                          target_globalname) #+ ", " + str(members))
    gpd = context_.get_member(target_globalname)
    if util.get_node_type(gpd) != constants.GLOBAL_PROTOCOL_DECL_NODE_TYPE:
        util.report_error("[Projection] Not a global protocol declaration: " +
    if localrole not in globalprotocoldecl_get_role_names(gpd):
        util.report_error("[Projection] Projection role not declared: " + localrole)

    target_localname = globaldo_get_projected_member_name(target_globalname,
    todo = [target_localname]
    lpd = context_.get_projection(target_localname)
    subprotos = SubprotocolCollector(context_).collect_subprotocols(lpd, True)
        # Includes target_globalname (even if not used recursively)
    # Write each subprotocol to a separately projected module
    for subproto in todo:
        globalmodulename = \
            # FIXME: not working if member/role names contain underscores; but
            # good to run subprotocol collection on local protocol. best way may
            # be to record a mapping between projected names and the global/role
            # names they come from
        globalmodule = context_.get_module(globalmodulename)
        projector = Projector()
        lm = projector.project_module(context_, globalmodule, subproto, todo)
            # subproto is the full local name
        lm = lm.addlocalprotocoldecl(context_.get_projection(subproto))

        fmn = lm.get_full_name()
        filepath = None
        if dir is None:
            # FIXME: factor out with e.g. globaldo and importmodule projection
            filename = util.get_simple_module_name_from_full_module_name(fmn) \
                       + '.' + constants.SCRIBBLE_FILE_EXTENSION
            sp = context_.get_source(globalmodulename)
            filepath = util.parse_directory_from_filepath(sp) + '/' + filename
                # FIXME: double slashes being introduced somewhere
            filepath = dir + '/' + \
        _write_module(lm, filepath)
        """print '[DEBUG] Projection of ' + target_globalname + ' for ' + \
def context_visitor_leave(cv, node_):
    # Still the "original context" on entering the Choice (not yet updated with
    # any information from visiting block children)
    # Perhaps instead clone the parent context (the context before entering this
    # choice)?
    clone = cv.get_context().clone()
    subj = get_subject(node_)  # string

    contexts = _remove_cached_contexts(node_)

    # Update enabled roles (initial ops) map (Section 4.6.6 -- initial operators)
    prev = clone.parent.get_enabled_roles()

    # Get information from parent context (enabledroles was originally cleared
    # by push_globalchoice to visit this choice)
    # Can factor out to sequencing? Maybe not: this is an instance of generally
    # carrying information over from the parent context, not just sequencing
    # sitations
    ##clone._enabled_roles = {}  # HACK (1)
    for role_, ops in prev.items():
        for op in ops:
            # Carry "initial ops" over from parent context
            clone = clone.enable_role(role_, op)

    # Update context with information from visiting this choice's blocks
    enabled = collections.clone_collection(contexts[0].get_enabled_roles())
    for c in contexts[1:]:
        tmp = c.get_enabled_roles()
        for role_, ops in tmp.items():
            if role_ != subj:
                enabled[role_] |= ops
    for role_, ops in enabled.items():
        # We only want the "intial ops", so if role_ was already enabled before
        # this choice, we don't need to record the ops we saw here
        if role_ not in prev.keys():
            for op in ops:
                clone = clone.enable_role(role_, op)

    # Update potental operators (Section 4.6.8) map
    # N.B. "potential operators" for parallel well-formedness; not "enabling
    # operators" (already treated above)
    potops = clone.get_operators()
    for c in contexts:
        # New potential operators from visiting blocks, add them all to the
        # existing map
        for (src, dest), ops in c.get_operators().items():
            for op in ops:
                if (src, dest) not in potops.keys() or op not in potops[(src, dest)]:
                    # need to collect all operators (for parallel check) from
                    # each choice block as a set
                    clone = clone.add_operator(src, dest, op)

    #Update reclabs? -- no: don't need to do reclabs because any in-scope
    #contlab should have been declared in an outer context; any contlab declared
    #inside the choice cannot possibly be carried over here
    for c in contexts:
        for lab in c.get_continue_labels():
            clone = clone.add_continue_label(lab)

    # Reachability and (tail) recursion checks -- this needs to be revised to
    # properly conform to the langref
    rec_exitable = False  # "Possibly exitable": choice has an exit
    for c in contexts:
        if c.get_rec_exitable(): 
            rec_exitable = True
    clone = clone.set_rec_exitable(rec_exitable)

    do_exitable = True
    for c in contexts:
        if not c.get_do_exitable(): 
            do_exitable = False
    clone = clone.set_do_exitable(do_exitable)

    for c in contexts:
        for contlab in c.get_continue_labels():
            clone = clone.add_continue_label(contlab)

    scopes = clone.get_current_scopes()
    new = []
    for c in contexts:
        for scope in c.get_current_scopes() - scopes:
            if scope in new:
                util.report_error("Bad scope: " + scope)
            clone = clone.add_scope(scope)
