Beispiel #1
def fromFile(path, filename, filterer=None):
    logging.debug('Looking for file: %s'%(os.path.join(path, filename)))
    o = None
    if _caching:
        o = _cache.getCachedFile(path, filename)
    if not o:
        o = []
        mod_name = os.path.splitext(filename)[0]
        new_mod = None
            fp, pathname, desc = imp.find_module(mod_name,[path])
                logging.debug('Found, attempting to load...')
                new_mod = imp.load_module(mod_name,fp,pathname,desc)
                logging.debug('Loaded: %s'%(new_mod))
                if fp: fp.close()
        except ImportError, err:
            logging.debug('Failed to import %s, %s'%(mod_name, err))
        if not new_mod:
            return []
        o = fromModule(new_mod)
        if _caching:
            _cache.addCachedFile(path, filename, o)
        if filterer:
            o = filter(filterer, o)
Beispiel #2
def fromPackage(package, filterer = None):
    logging.debug("Attempting to load from package: %s"%(package))
    if _caching:
        o = _cache.getCachedPackage(package)
    if not o:
        o = []
        new_mod = __import__(package, None, None, "*")
        if not hasattr(new_mod, "__path__"):
            raise Exception("Not a package")
        for p in new_mod.__path__:
            o = o + fromPath(p)
        if _caching:
            _cache.addCachedPackage(package, o)
    if filterer:
        o = filter(filterer, o)
    return o
Beispiel #3
def fromModule(mod, filterer=None):
    if _caching:
        o = _cache.getCachedModule(mod)
    if not o:
        o = []
        if type(mod) is type(""):
            mod = _import(mod)
        if hasattr(mod, "EXPORTS"):
            s = getattr(mod, "EXPORTS")
            s = [getattr(mod, x) for x in dir(mod)]
        s = filter(lambda _: (type(_) is type(object)), s)
        o = filter(ISprinkle.implementedBy, s)
        logging.debug("Found sprinkles: %s"%(o))
        if _caching:
            _cache.addCachedModule(mod, o)
    if filterer:
        logging.debug('Filtering %s with %s'%(o, filterer))
        o = filter(filterer, o)
    return o
Beispiel #4
def _import(name):
    logging.debug("Importing: %s" % (name))
    mod = import_hook(name)
    logging.debug("Found module: %s" % (mod))
    components = name.split('.')
    for comp in components[1:]:
        mod = getattr(mod, comp)
        logging.debug("Found module: %s" % (mod))
    return mod
Beispiel #5
def fromPath(path, filterer=None):
    logging.debug('Looking for sprinkles in path: %s...'%(path))
    o = None
    if _caching:
        o = _cache.getCachedPath(path)
    if not o:
        o = []
        files = set([os.path.splitext(x)[0] for x in os.listdir(path)])
        for f in files:
            logging.debug('Found file: %s'%(f))
            loaded = fromFile(path, f)
            o = o + loaded
        if _caching:
            _cache.addCachedPath(path, o)
    if filterer:
        logging.debug('Filtering %s with %s'%(o, filterer))
        o = filter(filterer, o)
    logging.debug("Passed: %s"%(o))
    return o
Beispiel #6
 def getCachedModule(self, module):
     if module in self.cachedModules.keys():
         logging.debug("Found cached module: %s"%(module))
         return self.cachedModules[module]
     return None
Beispiel #7
 def getCachedPackage(self, package):
     if package in self.cachedPackages.keys():
         logging.debug("Found cached package: %s"%(package))
         return self.cachedPackages[package]
     return None
Beispiel #8
 def getCachedFile(self, path, filename):
     f = os.path.join(path, filename)
     if f in self.cachedFiles.keys():
         logging.debug("Found cached file: %s"%(f))
         return self.cachedFiles[f]
     return None
Beispiel #9
 def getCachedPath(self, path):
     if path in self.cachedPaths.keys():
         logging.debug("Found cached path: %s"%(path))
         return self.cachedPaths[path]
     return None