def test_journey_prepend_journey_leg_not_stop_consistent_2():
    journey = Journey()
        JourneyLeg(Connection("t2", "s6", "s8", 50, 60),
                   Connection("t2", "s12", "s13", 80, 90), None))
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
            JourneyLeg(Connection("t1", "s1", "s2", 10, 20),
                       Connection("t1", "s5", "s7", 30, 40), None))
def test_journey_leg_2():
    journey = Journey()
        JourneyLeg(Connection("t2", "s6", "s8", 50, 60),
                   Connection("t2", "s12", "s13", 80, 90),
                   Footpath("s13", "s14", 1)))
        JourneyLeg(Connection("t1", "s1", "s2", 10, 20),
                   Connection("t1", "s5", "s6", 30, 40), None))
    assert journey.has_legs()
    assert not journey.is_first_leg_footpath()
    assert journey.is_last_leg_footpath()
    assert "s1" == journey.get_first_stop_id()
    assert "s14" == journey.get_last_stop_id()
    assert 2 == journey.get_nb_journey_legs()
    assert 2 == journey.get_nb_pt_journey_legs()
def test_journey_leg():
    in_connection = Connection("t1", "s1", "s2", 10, 20)
    out_connection = Connection("t1", "s5", "s6", 30, 40)
    footpath = Footpath("s6", "s7", 1)
    journey_leg = JourneyLeg(in_connection, out_connection, footpath)
    assert in_connection == journey_leg.in_connection
    assert out_connection == journey_leg.out_connection
    assert footpath == journey_leg.footpath
    assert "t1" == journey_leg.get_trip_id()
    assert "s1" == journey_leg.get_in_stop_id()
    assert "s6" == journey_leg.get_out_stop_id()
    assert "s1" == journey_leg.get_first_stop_id()
    assert "s7" == journey_leg.get_last_stop_id()
    assert 10 == journey_leg.get_dep_time_in_stop_id()
    assert 40 == journey_leg.get_arr_time_out_stop_id()
def test_journey_leg_without_footpath():
    in_connection = Connection("t1", "s1", "s2", 10, 20)
    out_connection = Connection("t1", "s5", "s6", 30, 40)
    journey_leg = JourneyLeg(in_connection, out_connection, None)
    assert in_connection == journey_leg.in_connection
    assert out_connection == journey_leg.out_connection
    assert journey_leg.footpath is None
    assert "t1" == journey_leg.get_trip_id()
    assert "s1" == journey_leg.get_in_stop_id()
    assert "s6" == journey_leg.get_out_stop_id()
    assert 10 == journey_leg.get_dep_time_in_stop_id()
    assert 40 == journey_leg.get_arr_time_out_stop_id()
def test_journey_leg_without_in_out_connection():
    footpath = Footpath("s6", "s7", 1)
    journey_leg = JourneyLeg(None, None, footpath)
    assert journey_leg.in_connection is None
    assert journey_leg.out_connection is None
    assert footpath == journey_leg.footpath
    assert journey_leg.get_in_stop_id() is None
    assert journey_leg.get_out_stop_id() is None
    assert journey_leg.get_dep_time_in_stop_id() is None
    assert journey_leg.get_arr_time_out_stop_id() is None
def test_journey_leg_constructor_not_in_out_connection_consistent_2():
    in_connection = None
    out_connection = Connection("t1", "s5", "s6", 30, 40)
    footpath = Footpath("s10", "s7", 1)
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        JourneyLeg(in_connection, out_connection, footpath)
def test_journey_leg_constructor_not_time_consistent():
    in_connection = Connection("t1", "s1", "s2", 10, 20)
    out_connection = Connection("t1", "s5", "s6", 5, 9)
    footpath = Footpath("s6", "s7", 1)
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        JourneyLeg(in_connection, out_connection, footpath)