Beispiel #1
    def __init__(self, parent):
        Component.__init__(self, parent)

        self.__topX = 0
        self.__topY = 0
        self.__capW = 1
        self.__capH = 1
        self._targetX = koan.anim.AnimTarget('spring', 0, 0, 0, self)
        self._targetY = koan.anim.AnimTarget('spring', 0, 0, 0, self)
        self.posX = 0
        self.posY = 0

        self.colCount = 10
        self.rowCount = 1
        self.lastRowCount = self.colCount
        self.cellSize = (100, 40)
        self.cellRegion = (10, 8)
        self.bound = (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
        self.localbound = (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)

        self.bind('Mouse Enter', self.setFocus)

        self.bind('Mouse Move', self.onMouseMove)
        self.bind('Mouse Leave', self.onMouseLeave)
        self.bind('Mouse Wheel', self.onMouseWheel)
        self.bind('Size Change', self.resetCells)
        self.bind('Click', self.onClick)
        self.bind('Enter', self.onEnterKey)

        self.changeEvent('colCount', self.resetCells2)
        self.changeEvent('rowCount', self.resetCells2)
        self.changeEvent('posX', self.invoke, "Cell Focus Change")
        self.changeEvent('posY', self.invoke, "Cell Focus Change")
        self.changeEvent('rowCount', self.onRowCountChanged, postevent=False)

        self.bind('Enable Change', self.onStateChange)
        self.bind('Active Change', self.onStateChange)
        self.bind('Focus Change', self.onStateChange)

        self.backgroundCount = self.getBackgroundCount()
        self.animCtl = []
        self.resetAnimCtl() = ScrollAnim(self)

        self._changeEffectAlpha = 1
        self._changeEffectScale = 1
            '_targetX', '_targetY', 'posX', 'posY', '_changeEffectAlpha',
        self.__maxAnimRange = 2000
Beispiel #2
    def __init__(self, parent):
        Component.__init__(self, parent)

        self.__topX = 0
        self.__topY = 0
        self.__capW = 1
        self.__capH = 1
        self._targetX = koan.anim.AnimTarget('spring', 0, 0, 0, self)
        self._targetY = koan.anim.AnimTarget('spring', 0, 0, 0, self)
        self.posX = 0
        self.posY = 0

        self.colCount = 10
        self.rowCount = 1
        self.lastRowCount = self.colCount
        self.cellSize = (100, 40)
        self.cellRegion = (10, 8)
        self.bound = (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
        self.localbound = (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)

        self.bind('Mouse Enter', self.setFocus)

        self.bind('Mouse Move', self.onMouseMove)
        self.bind('Mouse Leave', self.onMouseLeave)
        self.bind('Mouse Wheel', self.onMouseWheel)
        self.bind('Size Change', self.resetCells)
        self.bind('Click', self.onClick)
        self.bind('Enter', self.onEnterKey)

        self.changeEvent('colCount', self.resetCells2)
        self.changeEvent('rowCount', self.resetCells2)
        self.changeEvent('posX', self.invoke, "Cell Focus Change")
        self.changeEvent('posY', self.invoke, "Cell Focus Change")
        self.changeEvent('rowCount', self.onRowCountChanged, postevent = False)

        self.bind('Enable Change', self.onStateChange)
        self.bind('Active Change', self.onStateChange)
        self.bind('Focus Change', self.onStateChange)

        self.backgroundCount = self.getBackgroundCount()
        self.animCtl = []
        self.resetAnimCtl() = ScrollAnim(self)

        self._changeEffectAlpha = 1
        self._changeEffectScale = 1
        self.autoDirty(['_targetX', '_targetY', 'posX', 'posY', '_changeEffectAlpha', '_changeEffectScale'])
        self.__maxAnimRange = 2000
Beispiel #3
class GridBase(Component):
      - getSelectAction
      - onDrawCell
      - getBackgroundIndex
      - getBackgroundCount
      - changeContent
      - changeContentByBack
      - canBack
      - createAnimCtl
      - onMouseLeave

    binded events:
      - Mouse Move
      - Mouse Leave
      - Mouse Wheel
      - Size Change
      - Click
      - Enter
      - Enable Change
      - Active Change
      - Focus Change

    change events:
      - colCount
      - rowCount
      - cellSize
      - lastRowCount
      - cellRegion
      - posX
      - posY

    @ivar __topX: (negative) position of the visible left top grid item (unit: item)
    @ivar __topY: (negative) position of the visible left top grid item (unit: item)
    @ivar __capW: number of visible items in a row
    @ivar __capH: number of visible items in a column
    @ivar _targetX: position of the focused grid item (unit: pixel)
    @ivar _targetY: position of the focused grid item (unit: pixel)
    @ivar posX: position of the focused grid item (unit: item)
    @ivar posY: position of the focused grid item (unit: item)
    @ivar colCount: count of columns
    @ivar rowCount: count of rows
    @ivar cellSize: size of each cell (unit: pixel)
    @ivar cellRegion: the margin between each cell (unit: pixel)
    @ivar animCtl: list of animation control

    @type posX: int
    @type posY: int
    @type colCount: int
    @type rowCount: int
    @type cellSize: int, int
    @type cellRegion: int, int

    @group overridable: onDrawCell getBackgroundIndex getBackgroundCount
                        changeContent changeContentByBack canBack createAnimCtl
    def __init__(self, parent):
        Component.__init__(self, parent)

        self.__topX = 0
        self.__topY = 0
        self.__capW = 1
        self.__capH = 1
        self._targetX = koan.anim.AnimTarget('spring', 0, 0, 0, self)
        self._targetY = koan.anim.AnimTarget('spring', 0, 0, 0, self)
        self.posX = 0
        self.posY = 0

        self.colCount = 10
        self.rowCount = 1
        self.lastRowCount = self.colCount
        self.cellSize = (100, 40)
        self.cellRegion = (10, 8)
        self.bound = (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
        self.localbound = (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)

        self.bind('Mouse Enter', self.setFocus)

        self.bind('Mouse Move', self.onMouseMove)
        self.bind('Mouse Leave', self.onMouseLeave)
        self.bind('Mouse Wheel', self.onMouseWheel)
        self.bind('Size Change', self.resetCells)
        self.bind('Click', self.onClick)
        self.bind('Enter', self.onEnterKey)

        self.changeEvent('colCount', self.resetCells2)
        self.changeEvent('rowCount', self.resetCells2)
        self.changeEvent('posX', self.invoke, "Cell Focus Change")
        self.changeEvent('posY', self.invoke, "Cell Focus Change")
        self.changeEvent('rowCount', self.onRowCountChanged, postevent=False)

        self.bind('Enable Change', self.onStateChange)
        self.bind('Active Change', self.onStateChange)
        self.bind('Focus Change', self.onStateChange)

        self.backgroundCount = self.getBackgroundCount()
        self.animCtl = []
        self.resetAnimCtl() = ScrollAnim(self)

        self._changeEffectAlpha = 1
        self._changeEffectScale = 1
            '_targetX', '_targetY', 'posX', 'posY', '_changeEffectAlpha',
        self.__maxAnimRange = 2000

    def get_topY(self):
        return self.__topY

    _topY = property(get_topY)

    def get_topX(self):
        return self.__topX

    _topX = property(get_topX)

    def get_capW(self):
        return self.__capW

    _capW = property(get_capW)

    def get_capH(self):
        return self.__capH

    _capH = property(get_capH)

    def getTop(self):
        return self.__topX, self.__topY

    def setTop(self, newtopX, newtopY):
        self.__topX = newtopX
        self.__topY = newtopY
        self._targetX.Assign(-self.__topX * self.cellWidth())
        self._targetY.Assign(-self.__topY * self.cellHeight())

    def onRowCountChanged(self):

    def free(self):
        # overrode
        super(GridBase, self).free() = None
        for i in self.animCtl:

    def hitTest(self, x, y):
        # overrode Component.hitTest
        if not super(GridBase, self).hitTest(x, y):
            return False
        return self.pt2cell(x, y) <> (-1, -1)

    def resetAnimCtl(self):
        reset all the animation control
        for i in self.animCtl:
        self.animCtl = []
        for i in range(self.backgroundCount):
            self.setAnimCtl(i, self.createAnimCtl(i), self.createAnimCtl(i))

    def getSelectAction(self, x, y):
        getCellClickAction(x, y) -> return what kind of action to take when mouse clicked

        return 0 : select this item
        return 1 : enter sub folder
        return 2 : leave current folder

        if return 1 and 2: changeContent(x, y) will be call later
        return 0

    def getSelectActionEnter(self, x, y):
        return what kind of action to take when mouse clicked

        return 0 : select this item
        return 1 : enter sub folder
        return 2 : leave current folder

        if return 1 and 2: changeContent(x, y) will be call later
        return 0

    def getCellCount(self):
        get the total amount of cells
        return self.colCount * self.rowCount - (self.colCount -

    def getBackgroundCount(self):
        return 0

    def getBackgroundIndex(self, x, y):
        return -1

    def changeContent(self, x, y):
        change content by select cell x, y

    def changeContentByBack(self):
        change content by key back

    def canBack(self):
        return if back is useable now
        return False

    def createAnimCtl(self, idx):
        get new animation control
        override this to provide new anim function
        return AnimCtl()  # this AnimCtl do nothing

    def setAnimCtl(self, idx, focus, noFocus):
        for a in (focus, noFocus):
            a.pressed = False
            a.enabled = self.enabled
            a.actived = self.isActive
            a.mouseOver = self.isMouseOver
            a.focused = False

        if len(self.animCtl) == idx * 2:
            if self.animCtl[idx * 2]:
                self.animCtl[idx * 2].close()
                self.animCtl[idx * 2] = None
            if self.animCtl[idx * 2 + 1]:
                self.animCtl[idx * 2 + 1].close()
                self.animCtl[idx * 2 + 1] = None

            self.animCtl[idx * 2] = focus
            self.animCtl[idx * 2 + 1] = noFocus

    def onStateChange(self):
        v = self.isFocused()
        for i in range(self.backgroundCount):
            if i >= len(self.animCtl):
            self.animCtl[i * 2].enabled = self.enabled
            self.animCtl[i * 2].actived = self.isActive
            self.animCtl[i * 2].focused = v

            self.animCtl[i * 2 + 1].enabled = self.enabled
            self.animCtl[i * 2 + 1].actived = self.isActive
            self.animCtl[i * 2 + 1].focused = False  # always False

            if self.isFocused():

                if self.posX < self.__topX or self.posX >= (self.__topX +
                    self.posX = self.__topX

                if self.posY < self.__topY or self.posY >= (self.__topY +
                    self.posY = self.__topY

    def __afterContentEffect(self, act):
        self.blind = False
        if koan.useAnimation:
            if act == 1:
                self._changeEffectScale = koan.anim.AnimLinear(
                    0.25, (0, 1), (0, 1))
                self._changeEffectAlpha = koan.anim.AnimLinear(
                    0.25, (0, 1), (0, 1))
            elif act == 2:
                self._changeEffectScale = koan.anim.AnimLinear(
                    0.25, (0, 1), (2, 1))
                self._changeEffectAlpha = koan.anim.AnimLinear(
                    0.25, (0, 1), (0, 1))
        # End TouchStone busy state
        koan.core.isBusy = False

    def __beforeContentEffect(self, act):
        self.blind = True
        if koan.useAnimation:
            if act == 1:
                self._changeEffectScale = koan.anim.AnimLinear(
                    0.25, (0, 1), (1, 2))
                self._changeEffectAlpha = koan.anim.AnimLinear(
                    0.25, (0, 1), (1, 0))
            elif act == 2:
                self._changeEffectScale = koan.anim.AnimLinear(
                    0.25, (0, 1), (1, 0))
                self._changeEffectAlpha = koan.anim.AnimLinear(
                    0.25, (0, 1), (1, 0))

    def onClick(self):
        for i in range(self.backgroundCount):
            self.animCtl[i * 2].pressed = True

        cur = self.posX, self.posY
        ret = self.getSelectAction(*cur)
        if ret > 0:
            self.blind = True
            # Set TouchStone busy
            koan.core.isBusy = True
            if koan.useAnimation:
                koan.anim.Execute(0.25, self.changeContent, *cur)
                koan.anim.Execute(0.25, self.__afterContentEffect, ret)

    def onEnterKey(self):
        for i in range(self.backgroundCount):
            self.animCtl[i * 2].pressed = True

        cur = self.posX, self.posY
        ret = self.getSelectActionEnter(*cur)

        if ret > 0:
            koan.anim.Execute(0.25, self.changeContent, *cur)
            koan.anim.Execute(0.25, self.__afterContentEffect, ret)

    def resetCells(self):
        reset grid status
        rw = self.cellWidth()
        rh = self.cellHeight()

        self.dirty = True

        self.__capW = int((self.width + self.cellRegion[0]) / rw)
        self.__capH = int((self.height + self.cellRegion[1]) / rh)

        self.posX, self.posY = 0, 0
        self.__topX, self.__topY = 0, 0

        self.bound = (0, 0, self.width,
                      min(self.__capH * rh, self.height) - 12, 0, 12, 0, 12)

        self.localbound = (0, 0, self.cellSize[0] + self.cellRegion[0],
                           self.cellSize[1] + self.cellRegion[1], 0, 0, 0, 0)

        self.__capH = int(
            math.ceil((self.height + self.cellRegion[1]) / float(rh)))

        if self.__capW < 1:
            self.__capW = 1

        if self.__capH < 1:
            self.__capH = 1

        self.invoke('Cell Reset')
        self.invoke('Select Change', self.posX, self.posY)
        self.invoke("Cell Focus Change")

    def resetCells2(self):
        reset grid status
        self.focusCell(self.posX, self.posY)
        self.invoke('Cell Reset')

    def resetCellSize(self, cellSize, regionSize=None):
        if cellSize != None:
            self.cellSize = cellSize
        if regionSize != None:
            self.cellRegion = regionSize
        rw = self.cellWidth()
        rh = self.cellHeight()

        self.dirty = True

        self.__capW = int((self.width + self.cellRegion[0]) / rw)
        self.__capH = int((self.height + self.cellRegion[1]) / rh)
        if koan.is3D:
            self.bound = (0, 0, self.width, min(self.__capH * rh,
                                                self.height), 0, 12, 0, 12)
            self.bound = (0, 0, self.width, min(self.__capH * rh,
                                                self.height), 0, 0, 0, 12)

        self.localbound = (0, 0, self.cellSize[0] + self.cellRegion[0],
                           self.cellSize[1] + self.cellRegion[1], 0, 0, 0, 0)

        if self.__capW < 1:
            self.__capW = 1

        if self.__capH < 1:
            self.__capH = 1

    def cellWidth(self):
        @return: the width of a whole cell, included margin
        return self.cellSize[0] + self.cellRegion[0]

    def cellHeight(self):
        @return: the height of a whole cell, included margin
        return self.cellSize[1] + self.cellRegion[1]

    def cellPosition(self, u, v):
        cell position (item) to point position (pixel)
        inverse: pt2cell
        x = u * (self.cellWidth()) + self._targetX
        y = v * (self.cellHeight()) + self._targetY
        return x, y

    def cellLocalPos(self):
        return self.posX - self.__topX, self.posY - self.__topY

    def pt2cell(self, x, y):
        point position (pixel) to cell position (item)
        inverse: cellPosition
        x -= self._targetX
        y -= self._targetY
        u = int(x / self.cellWidth())
        v = int(y / self.cellHeight())
        if x % self.cellWidth() > self.cellSize[0] or y % self.cellHeight(
        ) > self.cellSize[1]:
            return -1, -1
        if u >= self.colCount or v >= self.rowCount or u < 0 or v < 0:
            return -1, -1
        return u, v

    def focusCell(self, u, v, **argd):
        change focused cell to (u, v), and show the moving animation
        if u >= self.colCount:
            u = self.colCount - 1

        if v >= self.rowCount:
            v = self.rowCount - 1

        if v == self.rowCount - 1 and u >= self.lastRowCount:
            u = self.lastRowCount - 1

        if u < 0:
            u = 0

        if v < 0:
            v = 0

        if (u == self.posX) and (v == self.posY):
            return True

        pre = self.posX, self.posY
        preTop = self.__topX, self.__topY

        self.posX = u
        self.posY = v

        if self.posX < self.__topX:
            self.__topX = self.posX

        if self.posX - self.__topX >= self.__capW:
            self.__topX = self.posX - self.__capW + 1

        if self.posY < self.__topY:
            self.__topY = self.posY

        if self.posY - self.__topY >= self.__capH:
            self.__topY = self.posY - self.__capH + 1

        if pre <> (self.posX, self.posY):
            self.invoke('Select Change', self.posX, self.posY)

        if (preTop <> (self.__topX, self.__topY) ) or \
            (self._targetX != self.__topX * self.cellWidth() ) or \
            (self._targetY != self.__topY * self.cellHeight() ):
            topx = self.__topX * self.cellWidth()
            topy = self.__topY * self.cellHeight()

            if koan.useAnimation and argd.get('anim', True):
                self._targetX.Reset(0.5, -topx)

                y1 = self._targetY.QueryValue()
                if y1 < -topy - 2000:
                    self._targetY.Assign(-topy - self.__maxAnimRange)
                if y1 > -topy + 2000:
                    self._targetY.Assign(-topy + self.__maxAnimRange)
                self._targetY.Reset(0.5, -topy)


        return True

    def onMouseWheel(self, delta):
        self.focusCell(self.posX, self.posY - delta)
        return True

    def onKey(self, key):
        if key in ['ENTER']:
            return True
        elif key == 'BACK' or key == 'BACKPAGE':
            if self.canBack():
                koan.anim.Execute(0.25, self.changeContentByBack)
                koan.anim.Execute(0.25, self.__afterContentEffect, 2)
                return True
            return False
        elif key == 'HOME':
            return self.focusCell(self.posX, 0)
        elif key == 'END':
            return self.focusCell(self.posX, self.rowCount - 1)
        elif key == 'LEFT':
            if self.posX == 0:
                return False
            return self.focusCell(self.posX - 1, self.posY)
        elif key == 'RIGHT':
            if self.posY == self.rowCount - 1:
                if self.posX == self.lastRowCount - 1:
                    return False
            elif self.posX == self.colCount - 1:
                return False
            return self.focusCell(self.posX + 1, self.posY)
        elif key == 'UP':
            if self.posY == 0:
                return False
            return self.focusCell(self.posX, self.posY - 1)
        elif key == 'DOWN':
            if self.posY == self.rowCount - 1:
                return False
            return self.focusCell(self.posX, self.posY + 1)
        elif key == 'PAGEUP':
            # windows explorer like pageup
            # if focused item was not at top of screen, move focus to top
            # if focused item was at top, move one page up
            if self.posY > self.__topY:
                newposY = self.__topY
            elif self.posY == self.__topY:
                newposY = max(0, self.__topY - self.__capH + 1)
                assert False
            return self.focusCell(self.posX, max(0, newposY))
        elif key == 'PAGEDOWN':
            # windows explorer like pagedown
            # if focused item was not at bottom of screen, move focus to bottom
            # if focused item was at bottom, move one page down
            if self.posY < self.__topY + self.__capH - 1:
                newposY = self.__topY + self.__capH - 1
            elif self.posY == self.__topY + self.__capH - 1:
                newposY = min(self.rowCount - self.__capH,
                              self.__topY + self.__capH - 1) + self.__capH - 1
                assert False
            u, v = self.posX, min(self.rowCount - 1, newposY)
            return self.focusCell(u, v)
        elif key == 'VSCROLL_PAGEUP':
            self.__topY = max(0, self.__topY - self.__capH)
            self._targetY.Assign(-self.__topY * self.cellHeight())
            return True
        elif key == 'VSCROLL_PAGEDOWN':
            newtopY = self.__topY + self.__capH
            if newtopY < self.rowCount:
                self.__topY = newtopY
                self._targetY.Assign(-self.__topY * self.cellHeight())
        elif key == 'HSCROLL_PAGEUP':
            self.__topX = max(0, self.__topX - self.__capW)
            self._targetX.Assign(-self.__topX * self.cellWidth())
            return True
        elif key == 'HSCROLL_PAGEDOWN':
            newtopX = self.__topX + self.__capW
            if newtopX < self.colCount:
                self.__topX = newtopX
                self._targetX.Assign(-self.__topX * self.cellWidth())
            return True
        return super(GridBase, self).onKey(key)

    def onDrawCellEx(self, render, xIndex, yIndex, rect):
        function to draw one cell with its decoration
        v = self.getBackgroundIndex(xIndex, yIndex)
        if v != -1:
            if yIndex == self.posY and xIndex == self.posX:
                self.animCtl[v * 2].draw(render, rect)
                self.animCtl[v * 2 + 1].draw(render, rect)

        self.onDrawCell(render, xIndex, yIndex, rect)

    def onDrawCell(self, render, xIndex, yIndex, rect):
        function to draw one cell

    def _drawChangeEffect(self, render):
        render.Scale(self._changeEffectScale, self._changeEffectScale)

    def isCellVisible(self, x, y):
        check if a cell is visible on screen
        return (x >= self.__topX and x <= self.__topX + self.__capW
                and y >= self.__topY and y <= self.__topY + self.__capH)

    def getCellVisibleRange(self):
        cellWidth = self.cellWidth()
        cellHeight = self.cellHeight()

        x1 = self._targetX.QueryValue()
        x2 = float(self._targetX)

        if x2 > x1:
            x1, x2 = x2, x1

        xBegin = max(int((-x1) / cellWidth), 0)
        xEnd = min(int((-x1 + self.width + cellWidth - 1) / cellWidth),

        y1 = self._targetY.QueryValue()
        y2 = float(self._targetY)
        if y1 > y2 + self.__maxAnimRange:
            y1 = y2 + self.__maxAnimRange
        if y1 < y2 - self.__maxAnimRange:
            y1 = y2 - self.__maxAnimRange

        if y2 > y1:
            y1, y2 = y2, y1

        yBegin = max(int((-y1) / cellHeight), 0)
        yEnd = min(int((-y2 + self.height + cellHeight - 1) / cellHeight),
        return xBegin, xEnd, yBegin, yEnd

    def onDraw(self, render):
        super(GridBase, self).onDraw(render)

        cellWidth = self.cellWidth()
        cellHeight = self.cellHeight()



        render.Translate(self._targetX, self._targetY)

        xBegin, xEnd, yBegin, yEnd = self.getCellVisibleRange()
        r = (0, 0, self.cellSize[0], self.cellSize[1])
        self.onDrawGrid(render, xBegin, xEnd, yBegin, yEnd, cellWidth,
                        cellHeight, r)

        render.PopAlpha()  # the pairing PushAlpha was in _drawChangeEffect()


    def onDrawGrid(self, render, xBegin, xEnd, yBegin, yEnd, cellWidth,
                   cellHeight, rect):
        for i in range(yBegin, yEnd):
            if i == self.rowCount - 1:
                tempXEnd = self.lastRowCount
                tempXEnd = xEnd
            for j in range(xBegin, tempXEnd):
                render.Translate(j * cellWidth, i * cellHeight)
                self.onDrawCellEx(render, j, i, rect)

    def onMouseMove(self, x, y, flag):
        pos = self.pt2cell(x, y)
        if pos <> (-1, -1):

    def onMouseLeave(self):
        process the mouse leave event
        can be overridden

    def getVisibleRange(self):
        return self.__capW, self.__capH
Beispiel #4
class GridBase(Component):
      - getSelectAction
      - onDrawCell
      - getBackgroundIndex
      - getBackgroundCount
      - changeContent
      - changeContentByBack
      - canBack
      - createAnimCtl
      - onMouseLeave

    binded events:
      - Mouse Move
      - Mouse Leave
      - Mouse Wheel
      - Size Change
      - Click
      - Enter
      - Enable Change
      - Active Change
      - Focus Change

    change events:
      - colCount
      - rowCount
      - cellSize
      - lastRowCount
      - cellRegion
      - posX
      - posY

    @ivar __topX: (negative) position of the visible left top grid item (unit: item)
    @ivar __topY: (negative) position of the visible left top grid item (unit: item)
    @ivar __capW: number of visible items in a row
    @ivar __capH: number of visible items in a column
    @ivar _targetX: position of the focused grid item (unit: pixel)
    @ivar _targetY: position of the focused grid item (unit: pixel)
    @ivar posX: position of the focused grid item (unit: item)
    @ivar posY: position of the focused grid item (unit: item)
    @ivar colCount: count of columns
    @ivar rowCount: count of rows
    @ivar cellSize: size of each cell (unit: pixel)
    @ivar cellRegion: the margin between each cell (unit: pixel)
    @ivar animCtl: list of animation control

    @type posX: int
    @type posY: int
    @type colCount: int
    @type rowCount: int
    @type cellSize: int, int
    @type cellRegion: int, int

    @group overridable: onDrawCell getBackgroundIndex getBackgroundCount
                        changeContent changeContentByBack canBack createAnimCtl
    def __init__(self, parent):
        Component.__init__(self, parent)

        self.__topX = 0
        self.__topY = 0
        self.__capW = 1
        self.__capH = 1
        self._targetX = koan.anim.AnimTarget('spring', 0, 0, 0, self)
        self._targetY = koan.anim.AnimTarget('spring', 0, 0, 0, self)
        self.posX = 0
        self.posY = 0

        self.colCount = 10
        self.rowCount = 1
        self.lastRowCount = self.colCount
        self.cellSize = (100, 40)
        self.cellRegion = (10, 8)
        self.bound = (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
        self.localbound = (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)

        self.bind('Mouse Enter', self.setFocus)

        self.bind('Mouse Move', self.onMouseMove)
        self.bind('Mouse Leave', self.onMouseLeave)
        self.bind('Mouse Wheel', self.onMouseWheel)
        self.bind('Size Change', self.resetCells)
        self.bind('Click', self.onClick)
        self.bind('Enter', self.onEnterKey)

        self.changeEvent('colCount', self.resetCells2)
        self.changeEvent('rowCount', self.resetCells2)
        self.changeEvent('posX', self.invoke, "Cell Focus Change")
        self.changeEvent('posY', self.invoke, "Cell Focus Change")
        self.changeEvent('rowCount', self.onRowCountChanged, postevent = False)

        self.bind('Enable Change', self.onStateChange)
        self.bind('Active Change', self.onStateChange)
        self.bind('Focus Change', self.onStateChange)

        self.backgroundCount = self.getBackgroundCount()
        self.animCtl = []
        self.resetAnimCtl() = ScrollAnim(self)

        self._changeEffectAlpha = 1
        self._changeEffectScale = 1
        self.autoDirty(['_targetX', '_targetY', 'posX', 'posY', '_changeEffectAlpha', '_changeEffectScale'])
        self.__maxAnimRange = 2000

    def get_topY(self):
        return self.__topY
    _topY = property(get_topY)
    def get_topX(self):
        return self.__topX
    _topX = property(get_topX)

    def get_capW(self):
        return self.__capW
    _capW = property(get_capW)
    def get_capH(self):
        return self.__capH
    _capH = property(get_capH)
    def getTop(self):
        return self.__topX, self.__topY
    def setTop(self, newtopX, newtopY):
        self.__topX = newtopX
        self.__topY = newtopY

    def onRowCountChanged(self):

    def free(self):
        # overrode
        super(GridBase, self).free() = None
        for i in self.animCtl:

    def hitTest(self, x, y):
        # overrode Component.hitTest
        if not super(GridBase, self).hitTest(x, y):
            return False
        return self.pt2cell(x, y) <> (-1, -1)

    def resetAnimCtl(self):
        reset all the animation control
        for i in self.animCtl:
        self.animCtl = []
        for i in range(self.backgroundCount):
            self.setAnimCtl(i, self.createAnimCtl(i), self.createAnimCtl(i))

    def getSelectAction(self, x, y):
        getCellClickAction(x, y) -> return what kind of action to take when mouse clicked

        return 0 : select this item
        return 1 : enter sub folder
        return 2 : leave current folder

        if return 1 and 2: changeContent(x, y) will be call later
        return 0

    def getSelectActionEnter(self, x, y):
        return what kind of action to take when mouse clicked

        return 0 : select this item
        return 1 : enter sub folder
        return 2 : leave current folder

        if return 1 and 2: changeContent(x, y) will be call later
        return 0

    def getCellCount(self):
        get the total amount of cells
        return self.colCount * self.rowCount - (self.colCount - self.lastRowCount)

    def getBackgroundCount(self):
        return 0

    def getBackgroundIndex(self, x, y):
        return -1

    def changeContent(self, x, y):
        change content by select cell x, y

    def changeContentByBack(self):
        change content by key back

    def canBack(self):
        return if back is useable now
        return False

    def createAnimCtl(self, idx):
        get new animation control
        override this to provide new anim function
        return AnimCtl() # this AnimCtl do nothing

    def setAnimCtl(self, idx, focus, noFocus):
        for a in (focus, noFocus):
            a.pressed = False
            a.enabled = self.enabled
            a.actived = self.isActive
            a.mouseOver = self.isMouseOver
            a.focused = False

        if len(self.animCtl) == idx*2:
            if self.animCtl[idx*2]:
                self.animCtl[idx*2] = None
            if self.animCtl[idx*2 + 1]:
                self.animCtl[idx*2 + 1].close()
                self.animCtl[idx*2 + 1] = None

            self.animCtl[idx*2] = focus
            self.animCtl[idx*2 + 1] = noFocus

    def onStateChange(self):
        v = self.isFocused()
        for i in range(self.backgroundCount):
            if i >= len(self.animCtl):
            self.animCtl[i * 2].enabled = self.enabled
            self.animCtl[i * 2].actived = self.isActive
            self.animCtl[i * 2].focused = v

            self.animCtl[i * 2 + 1].enabled = self.enabled
            self.animCtl[i * 2 + 1].actived = self.isActive
            self.animCtl[i * 2 + 1].focused = False # always False

            if self.isFocused():
                if self.posX < self.__topX or self.posX >= (self.__topX + self.__capW):
                    self.posX = self.__topX

                if self.posY < self.__topY or self.posY >= (self.__topY + self.__capH):
                    self.posY = self.__topY

    def __afterContentEffect(self, act):
        self.blind = False
        if koan.useAnimation:
            if act == 1:
                self._changeEffectScale = koan.anim.AnimLinear(0.25, (0, 1), (0, 1))
                self._changeEffectAlpha = koan.anim.AnimLinear(0.25, (0, 1), (0, 1))
            elif act == 2:
                self._changeEffectScale = koan.anim.AnimLinear(0.25, (0, 1), (2, 1))
                self._changeEffectAlpha = koan.anim.AnimLinear(0.25, (0, 1), (0, 1))
        # End TouchStone busy state
        koan.core.isBusy = False

    def __beforeContentEffect(self, act):
        self.blind = True
        if koan.useAnimation:
            if act == 1:
                self._changeEffectScale = koan.anim.AnimLinear(0.25, (0, 1), (1, 2))
                self._changeEffectAlpha = koan.anim.AnimLinear(0.25, (0, 1), (1, 0))
            elif act == 2:
                self._changeEffectScale = koan.anim.AnimLinear(0.25, (0, 1), (1, 0))
                self._changeEffectAlpha = koan.anim.AnimLinear(0.25, (0, 1), (1, 0))

    def onClick(self):
        for i in range(self.backgroundCount):
            self.animCtl[i*2].pressed = True

        cur = self.posX, self.posY
        ret = self.getSelectAction(*cur)
        if ret > 0:
            self.blind = True
            # Set TouchStone busy
            koan.core.isBusy = True
            if koan.useAnimation:
                koan.anim.Execute(0.25, self.changeContent, *cur)
                koan.anim.Execute(0.25, self.__afterContentEffect, ret)

    def onEnterKey(self):
        for i in range(self.backgroundCount):
            self.animCtl[i*2].pressed = True

        cur = self.posX, self.posY
        ret = self.getSelectActionEnter(*cur)

        if ret > 0:
            koan.anim.Execute(0.25, self.changeContent, *cur)
            koan.anim.Execute(0.25, self.__afterContentEffect, ret)

    def resetCells(self):
        reset grid status
        rw = self.cellWidth()
        rh = self.cellHeight()

        self.dirty = True

        self.__capW = int((self.width + self.cellRegion[0]) / rw)
        self.__capH = int((self.height + self.cellRegion[1]) / rh)

        self.posX, self.posY = 0, 0
        self.__topX, self.__topY = 0, 0

        self.bound = (
                0, 0, self.width, min(self.__capH * rh, self.height) - 12,
        self.localbound = (
                self.cellSize[0] + self.cellRegion[0],
                self.cellSize[1] + self.cellRegion[1],

        self.__capH = int( math.ceil((self.height + self.cellRegion[1]) / float(rh)) )
        if self.__capW < 1:
            self.__capW = 1

        if self.__capH < 1:
            self.__capH = 1

        self.invoke('Cell Reset')
        self.invoke('Select Change', self.posX, self.posY)
        self.invoke("Cell Focus Change")

    def resetCells2(self):
        reset grid status
        self.focusCell(self.posX, self.posY)
        self.invoke('Cell Reset')

    def resetCellSize(self, cellSize, regionSize = None):
        if cellSize != None:
            self.cellSize = cellSize
        if regionSize != None:
            self.cellRegion = regionSize
        rw = self.cellWidth()
        rh = self.cellHeight()

        self.dirty = True

        self.__capW = int((self.width + self.cellRegion[0]) / rw)
        self.__capH = int((self.height + self.cellRegion[1]) / rh)
        if koan.is3D:
            self.bound = (
                0, 0, self.width, min(self.__capH * rh, self.height),
            self.bound = (
                0, 0, self.width, min(self.__capH * rh, self.height),

        self.localbound = (
                self.cellSize[0] + self.cellRegion[0],
                self.cellSize[1] + self.cellRegion[1],

        if self.__capW < 1:
            self.__capW = 1

        if self.__capH < 1:
            self.__capH = 1

    def cellWidth(self):
        @return: the width of a whole cell, included margin
        return self.cellSize[0] + self.cellRegion[0]

    def cellHeight(self):
        @return: the height of a whole cell, included margin
        return self.cellSize[1] + self.cellRegion[1]

    def cellPosition(self,u, v):
        cell position (item) to point position (pixel)
        inverse: pt2cell
        x = u * (self.cellWidth()) + self._targetX
        y = v * (self.cellHeight()) + self._targetY
        return x, y

    def cellLocalPos(self):
        return self.posX - self.__topX, self.posY - self.__topY

    def pt2cell(self, x, y):
        point position (pixel) to cell position (item)
        inverse: cellPosition
        x -= self._targetX
        y -= self._targetY
        u = int(x / self.cellWidth())
        v = int(y / self.cellHeight())
        if x % self.cellWidth() > self.cellSize[0] or y % self.cellHeight() > self.cellSize[1]:
            return -1, -1
        if u >= self.colCount or v >= self.rowCount or u < 0 or v < 0:
            return -1, -1
        return u, v

    def focusCell(self, u, v, **argd):
        change focused cell to (u, v), and show the moving animation
        if u >= self.colCount:
            u = self.colCount - 1

        if v >= self.rowCount:
            v = self.rowCount - 1

        if v == self.rowCount - 1 and u >= self.lastRowCount:
            u = self.lastRowCount - 1

        if u < 0:
            u = 0

        if v < 0:
            v = 0

        if (u == self.posX) and (v == self.posY):
            return True

        pre = self.posX, self.posY
        preTop = self.__topX, self.__topY

        self.posX = u
        self.posY = v

        if self.posX < self.__topX:
            self.__topX = self.posX

        if self.posX - self.__topX >= self.__capW:
            self.__topX = self.posX - self.__capW + 1

        if self.posY < self.__topY:
            self.__topY = self.posY

        if self.posY - self.__topY >= self.__capH:
            self.__topY = self.posY - self.__capH + 1

        if pre <> (self.posX, self.posY):
            self.invoke('Select Change', self.posX, self.posY)

        if (preTop <> (self.__topX, self.__topY) ) or \
            (self._targetX != self.__topX * self.cellWidth() ) or \
            (self._targetY != self.__topY * self.cellHeight() ):
            topx = self.__topX * self.cellWidth()
            topy = self.__topY * self.cellHeight()

            if koan.useAnimation and argd.get('anim', True):
                self._targetX.Reset(0.5, -topx)

                y1 = self._targetY.QueryValue()
                if y1 < -topy - 2000:
                    self._targetY.Assign(-topy - self.__maxAnimRange)
                if y1 > -topy + 2000:
                    self._targetY.Assign(-topy + self.__maxAnimRange)
                self._targetY.Reset(0.5, -topy)


        return True

    def onMouseWheel(self, delta):
        self.focusCell(self.posX, self.posY-delta)
        return True

    def onKey(self, key):
        if key in ['ENTER']:
            return True
        elif key == 'BACK' or key == 'BACKPAGE':
            if self.canBack():
                koan.anim.Execute(0.25, self.changeContentByBack)
                koan.anim.Execute(0.25, self.__afterContentEffect, 2)
                return True
            return False
        elif key == 'HOME':
            return self.focusCell(self.posX, 0)
        elif key == 'END':
            return self.focusCell(self.posX, self.rowCount-1)
        elif key == 'LEFT':
            if self.posX == 0:
                return False
            return self.focusCell(self.posX-1, self.posY)
        elif key == 'RIGHT':
            if self.posY == self.rowCount - 1:
                if self.posX == self.lastRowCount - 1:
                    return False
            elif self.posX == self.colCount - 1:
                return False
            return self.focusCell(self.posX+1, self.posY)
        elif key == 'UP':
            if self.posY == 0:
                return False
            return self.focusCell(self.posX, self.posY-1)
        elif key == 'DOWN':
            if self.posY == self.rowCount - 1:
                return False
            return self.focusCell(self.posX, self.posY+1)
        elif key == 'PAGEUP':
            # windows explorer like pageup
            # if focused item was not at top of screen, move focus to top
            # if focused item was at top, move one page up
            if self.posY > self.__topY:
                newposY = self.__topY
            elif self.posY == self.__topY:
                newposY = max(0, self.__topY - self.__capH + 1)
                assert False
            return self.focusCell(self.posX, max(0, newposY))
        elif key == 'PAGEDOWN':
            # windows explorer like pagedown
            # if focused item was not at bottom of screen, move focus to bottom
            # if focused item was at bottom, move one page down
            if self.posY < self.__topY + self.__capH - 1:
                newposY = self.__topY + self.__capH - 1
            elif self.posY == self.__topY + self.__capH - 1:
                newposY = min(self.rowCount - self.__capH, self.__topY + self.__capH - 1) + self.__capH -1
                assert False
            u, v = self.posX, min(self.rowCount-1, newposY)
            return self.focusCell(u, v)
        elif key == 'VSCROLL_PAGEUP':
            self.__topY = max(0, self.__topY - self.__capH)
            return True
        elif key == 'VSCROLL_PAGEDOWN':
            newtopY = self.__topY + self.__capH
            if newtopY < self.rowCount:
                self.__topY = newtopY
        elif key == 'HSCROLL_PAGEUP':
            self.__topX = max(0, self.__topX - self.__capW)
            return True
        elif key == 'HSCROLL_PAGEDOWN':
            newtopX = self.__topX + self.__capW
            if newtopX < self.colCount:
                self.__topX = newtopX
            return True
        return super(GridBase, self).onKey(key)

    def onDrawCellEx(self, render, xIndex, yIndex, rect):
        function to draw one cell with its decoration
        v = self.getBackgroundIndex(xIndex, yIndex)
        if v != -1:
            if yIndex == self.posY and xIndex == self.posX:
                self.animCtl[v*2].draw(render, rect)
                self.animCtl[v*2 + 1].draw(render, rect)

        self.onDrawCell(render, xIndex, yIndex, rect)

    def onDrawCell(self, render, xIndex, yIndex, rect):
        function to draw one cell

    def _drawChangeEffect(self, render):
        render.Scale(self._changeEffectScale, self._changeEffectScale)

    def isCellVisible(self, x, y):
        check if a cell is visible on screen
        return (x >= self.__topX and x <= self.__topX + self.__capW
            and y >= self.__topY and y <= self.__topY + self.__capH)

    def getCellVisibleRange(self):
        cellWidth = self.cellWidth()
        cellHeight = self.cellHeight()

        x1 = self._targetX.QueryValue()
        x2 = float(self._targetX)

        if x2 > x1:
            x1, x2 = x2, x1

        xBegin = max( int((-x1) / cellWidth), 0)
        xEnd = min( int((-x1 + self.width + cellWidth - 1) / cellWidth), self.colCount)

        y1 = self._targetY.QueryValue()
        y2 = float(self._targetY)
        if y1 > y2 + self.__maxAnimRange:
            y1 = y2 + self.__maxAnimRange
        if y1 < y2 - self.__maxAnimRange:
            y1 = y2 - self.__maxAnimRange

        if y2 > y1:
            y1, y2 = y2, y1

        yBegin = max( int((-y1) / cellHeight), 0)
        yEnd = min( int((-y2 + self.height + cellHeight - 1) / cellHeight), self.rowCount)
        return xBegin, xEnd, yBegin, yEnd

    def onDraw(self, render):
        super(GridBase, self).onDraw(render)
        cellWidth = self.cellWidth()
        cellHeight = self.cellHeight()



        render.Translate(self._targetX, self._targetY)

        xBegin, xEnd, yBegin, yEnd = self.getCellVisibleRange()
        r = (0, 0, self.cellSize[0], self.cellSize[1])
        self.onDrawGrid(render, xBegin, xEnd, yBegin, yEnd, cellWidth, cellHeight, r)

        render.PopAlpha() # the pairing PushAlpha was in _drawChangeEffect()


    def onDrawGrid(self, render, xBegin, xEnd, yBegin, yEnd, cellWidth, cellHeight, rect):
        for i in range(yBegin, yEnd):
            if i == self.rowCount - 1:
                tempXEnd = self.lastRowCount
                tempXEnd = xEnd
            for j in range(xBegin, tempXEnd):
                render.Translate(j * cellWidth, i * cellHeight)
                self.onDrawCellEx(render, j, i, rect)

    def onMouseMove(self, x, y, flag):
        pos = self.pt2cell(x, y)
        if pos <> (-1, -1):

    def onMouseLeave(self):
        process the mouse leave event
        can be overridden

    def getVisibleRange(self):
        return self.__capW, self.__capH