Beispiel #1
    def test_leaves_gerund_phrases_alone(self):
        f = transformers.GerundifyingTransformer()

        self.assertEqual(f('Running down the street'),
                         'running down the street')
            f('Running down the street and waving goodbye to my friend.'),
            'running down the street and waving goodbye to my friend.')
Beispiel #2
    def test_handles_auxiliary_forms_of_to_be(self):
        f = transformers.GerundifyingTransformer()

        # to be when it is _not_ auxiliary
        self.assertEqual(f("I'm mad at my friend"), 'being mad at my friend')
        self.assertEqual(f("I'm happy all the time."),
                         'being happy all the time.')
        # to be when it is auxiliary
        self.assertEqual(f("I'm thinking about making some coffee"),
                         'thinking about making some coffee')
        self.assertEqual(f("I'm running for president."),
                         'running for president.')
Beispiel #3
    def test_transforms_I_phrases(self):
        f = transformers.GerundifyingTransformer()

        # simple case
        self.assertEqual(f('I ran through a stop light'),
                         'running through a stop light')
        self.assertEqual(f('I waved to a friend.'), 'waving to a friend.')
        # coordinated verbs
        self.assertEqual(f('I ran through and totally ignored a stop light'),
                         'running through and totally ignoring a stop light')
        self.assertEqual(f('I waved to a friend and said goodbye.'),
                         'waving to a friend and saying goodbye.')
Beispiel #4
    def test_transforms_infinitives(self):
        f = transformers.GerundifyingTransformer()

        # simple case
        self.assertEqual(f('to run through a stop light'),
                         'running through a stop light')
        self.assertEqual(f('to wave to a friend.'), 'waving to a friend.')
        # coordinated verbs
        self.assertEqual(f('to run through and totally ignore a stop light'),
                         'running through and totally ignoring a stop light')
        self.assertEqual(f('to wave to a friend and say goodbye.'),
                         'waving to a friend and saying goodbye.')
Beispiel #5
    def test_drops_auxiliary_verbs(self):
        f = transformers.GerundifyingTransformer()

        # will
        #   simple case
        self.assertEqual(f('I will run through a stop light'),
                         'running through a stop light')
        self.assertEqual(f('I won\'t run through a stop light'),
                         'not running through a stop light')
        self.assertEqual(f('I will wave to a friend.'), 'waving to a friend.')
        self.assertEqual(f('I won\'t wave to a friend.'),
                         'not waving to a friend.')
        #   coordinated verbs
            f('I will run through and totally ignore a stop light'),
            'running through and totally ignoring a stop light')
            f('I won\'t run through and totally ignore a stop light'),
            'not running through and totally ignoring a stop light')
        self.assertEqual(f('I will wave to a friend and say goodbye.'),
                         'waving to a friend and saying goodbye.')
        self.assertEqual(f('I won\'t wave to a friend and say goodbye.'),
                         'not waving to a friend and saying goodbye.')
        # do
        #   simple case
        self.assertEqual(f('I did run through a stop light'),
                         'running through a stop light')
        self.assertEqual(f('I didn\'t run through a stop light'),
                         'not running through a stop light')
        self.assertEqual(f('I did wave to a friend.'), 'waving to a friend.')
        self.assertEqual(f('I didn\'t wave to a friend.'),
                         'not waving to a friend.')
        #   coordinated verbs
            f('I did run through and totally ignore a stop light'),
            'running through and totally ignoring a stop light')
            f('I didn\'t run through and totally ignore a stop light'),
            'not running through and totally ignoring a stop light')
        self.assertEqual(f('I did wave to a friend and say goodbye.'),
                         'waving to a friend and saying goodbye.')
        self.assertEqual(f('I didn\'t wave to a friend and say goodbye.'),
                         'not waving to a friend and saying goodbye.')
Beispiel #6
    def test_handles_Im(self):
        f = transformers.GerundifyingTransformer()

        self.assertEqual(f('Im happy to see you'), 'being happy to see you')
        self.assertEqual(f('Im sure it is.'), 'being sure it is.')