Beispiel #1
    def parse(cls, packets, dlt=0):
        if not packets:
            return {'error': 'Data not available!'}
        lightcurves = {}
        unix_time = []
        energy_bins = {}
        last_time = 0
        for pkt in packets:
            packet = sdt.Packet(pkt)
            if not packet.isa(QLLC_SPID):
            #fig = None

            scet_coarse = packet[1].raw
            scet_fine = packet[2].raw
            start_scet = scet_coarse + scet_fine / 65536.

            if start_scet <= last_time:
            last_time = start_scet
            int_duration = (packet[3].raw + 1) * 0.1

            detector_mask = packet[4].raw
            pixel_mask = packet[6].raw

            num_lc = packet[17].raw

            compression_s = packet[8].raw
            compression_k = packet[9].raw
            compression_m = packet[10].raw
            if not energy_bins:
                energy_bin_mask = packet[16].raw
                energy_bins = get_energy_bins(energy_bin_mask)

            num_lc_points = packet.get('NIX00270/NIX00271')[0]
            lc = packet.get('NIX00270/NIX00271/*.eng')[0]
            rcr = packet.get('NIX00275/*.raw')
            UTC = packet['header']['UTC']
            for i in range(len(lc)):
                if i not in lightcurves:
                    lightcurves[i] = []
                stix_datetime.scet2unix(start_scet + dlt + x * int_duration)
                for x in range(num_lc_points[0])

        if not lightcurves:
            return {'error': 'Data not available!'}
        return {
            'unix_time': unix_time,
            'light_curves': {x: lightcurves[x]
                             for x in lightcurves},
            'energy_bins': energy_bins,
            'num': len(unix_time),
            'start_unix': unix_time[0],
            'start_utc': stix_datetime.unix2utc(unix_time[0]),
            'end_unix': unix_time[-1],
            'end_utc': stix_datetime.unix2utc(unix_time[-1])
Beispiel #2
 def parse(cls, packets):
     if not packets:
         return {'status': 'Background data not available!'}
     results = []
     for pkt in packets:
         packet = sdt.Packet(pkt)
         if not packet.isa(QLBKG_SPID):
         scet_coarse = packet[1].raw
         scet_fine = packet[2].raw
         start_unix = stix_datetime.scet2unix(scet_coarse, scet_fine)
         tbin = (packet[3].raw + 1) * 0.1
         num_samples = packet[14].raw
         samples = packet[14].children
         for i in range(num_samples):
             detector = samples[0 + 35 * i][1]
             spectra = [samples[j + 35 * i][2] for j in range(32)]
             trig = samples[33 + 35 * i][2]
             t = start_unix + samples[34 + 35 * i][
                 1] * tbin  #number of integrations after the first one
             struct = {
                 'detector': detector,
                 'spectra': spectra,
                 'triggers': trig,
                 'obs_time': t,
                 'tbin': tbin,
                 'packet_id': pkt['_id']
     return results
Beispiel #3
    def merge(self, cursor):
        readouts = [[], [], [], []]
        read_time = []
        packet_utc = ''
        start_time = 0
        for pkt in cursor:
            packet = sdt.Packet(pkt)
            packet_utc = packet['UTC']
            T0 = stix_datetime.scet2unix(
                packet[1].raw) + packet[2].raw / 65536.
            if start_time == 0:
                start_time = T0
            dt = packet[4].raw / 64 * (1 / 64.)  # has to be fixed
            children = packet[5].children
            for i, param in enumerate(children):
                readouts[i % 4].append(param[1])
                if i % 4 == 0:
                    read_time.append(dt * int(i / 4) + T0)

        return {
            'packet_utc': packet_utc,
            'readouts': readouts,
            'read_time': read_time,
            'start_time': start_time,
            'status': 'OK',
    def merge(self, cursor):
        for pkt in cursor:
            packet = sdt.Packet(pkt)
            self.request_id = packet[3].raw
            self.packet_unix = packet['unix_time']
            T0 = stix_datetime.scet2unix(packet[12].raw)
            num_structures = packet[13].raw
            self.eacc_SKM = (packet[5].raw, packet[6].raw, packet[7].raw)
            self.trig_SKM = (packet[9].raw, packet[10].raw, packet[11].raw)

            trig_idx = 1
            # uncompressed counts
            if sum(self.trig_SKM) > 0:
                trig_idx = 2
            counts_idx = 1  # raw value
            if sum(self.eacc_SKM) > 0:
                counts_idx = 2
            children = packet[13].children
            group = {}
            for i in range(0, num_structures):
                offset = i * 31
                time = children[offset][1] * 0.1 + T0
                rcr = children[offset + 1][1]
                integrations = children[offset + 2][1]
                pixel_mask = [
                    children[offset + 4][1], children[offset + 6][1],
                    children[offset + 8][1]
                detector_mask = children[offset + 13][1]
                triggers = [children[k + 14][trig_idx] for k in range(0, 16)]
                # id 6-22, 16 trigger accumulators
                num_samples = children[30 + offset][1]
                samples = children[30 + offset][3]
                subgroups = []
                for j in range(0, num_samples):
                    k = j * 5
                    E1_low = samples[k + 1][1]
                    E2_high = samples[k + 2][1]
                    flux = samples[k + 3][1]
                    num_vis = samples[k + 4][1]
                    visiblity_root = samples[k + 4][3]
                    visibilities = [
                        (visiblity_root[m][1], visiblity_root[m + 1][1],
                         visiblity_root[m + 2][1]) for m in range(0, num_vis)
                    subgroups.append([E1_low, E2_high, flux, visibilities])
                group = {
                    'time': time,
                    'rcr': rcr,
                    'pixel_mask': pixel_mask,
                    'detector_mask': detector_mask,
                    'triggers': triggers,
                    'integrations': integrations,
                    'subgroups': subgroups,

        return self.format_report()
Beispiel #5
    def merge(self, cursor):

        for pkt in cursor:
            packet = sdt.Packet(pkt)
            self.request_id = packet[3].raw
            # print(self.request_id)
            self.packet_unix = packet['unix_time']
            T0 = stix_datetime.scet2unix(packet[12].raw)
            num_structures = packet[13].raw
            eacc_SKM = (packet[5].raw, packet[6].raw, packet[7].raw)
            trig_SKM = (packet[9].raw, packet[10].raw, packet[11].raw)

            trig_idx = 1
            # uncompressed counts
            if sum(trig_SKM) > 0:
                trig_idx = 2

            counts_idx = 1  # raw value
            if sum(eacc_SKM) > 0:
                counts_idx = 2
            children = packet[13].children
            # print(len(children))

            for i in range(0, num_structures):
                offset = i * 23
                unix_time = children[offset][1] * 0.1 + T0
                self.auxiliary['rcr'].append(children[offset + 1][1])
                dt = children[offset + 2][1] * 0.1
                self.auxiliary['pixel_mask'].append(children[offset + 4][1])
                self.auxiliary['detector_mask'].append(children[offset + 5][1])
                    [children[k + 6][trig_idx] for k in range(0, 16)])
                # id 6-22, 16 trigger accumulators
                num_samples = children[22][1]
                samples = children[22][3]
                for j in range(0, num_samples):
                    k = j * 5
                    pixel = samples[k + 1][1]
                    detector = samples[k + 2][1]
                    energy_bin = samples[k + 3][1]
                    num_bits = samples[k + 4][1]
                    continous_counts = samples[k + 4][3]
                    counts = 1
                    if num_bits == 1:
                        counts = continous_counts[0][counts_idx]
                    if num_bits == 2:
                        counts = continous_counts[0][counts_idx] << 8
                        counts += continous_counts[1][counts_idx]

        return self.format_report()
    def merge(self, cursor):
        last_timestamp = None

        for pkt in cursor:
            packet = sdt.Packet(pkt)
            self.request_id = packet[3].raw
            self.packet_unix = packet['unix_time']
            T0 = stix_datetime.scet2unix(packet[12].raw)
            # if self.start_time == 0:
            #    self.start_time = T0
            num_structures = packet[13].raw
            self.eacc_SKM = (packet[5].raw, packet[6].raw, packet[7].raw)
            self.trig_SKM = (packet[9].raw, packet[10].raw, packet[11].raw)

            trig_idx = 1
            # uncompressed counts
            if sum(self.trig_SKM) > 0:
                trig_idx = 2
            counts_idx = 1  # raw value
            if sum(self.eacc_SKM) > 0:
                counts_idx = 2
            children = packet[13].children
            group = {}
            if last_timestamp is None:
                last_timestamp = T0
            self.num_time_bins = 0

            for i in range(0, num_structures):
                offset = i * 10
                pixel_mask = children[offset + 1][1]
                detector_mask = children[offset + 2][1]
                rcr = children[offset + 3][1]
                E1 = children[offset + 5][1]
                E2 = children[offset + 6][1]
                Eunit = children[offset + 7][1]

                num_samples = children[8 + offset][1]
                samples = children[8 + offset][3]
                subgroups = []

                for j in range(0, num_samples):
                    k = j * 3
                    timestamp = samples[k + 0][1] * 0.1 + T0
                    dT = timestamp - last_timestamp
                    if dT > 0:
                        self.num_time_bins += 1
                    last_timestamp = timestamp
                    triggers = samples[k + 1][trig_idx]
                    num_energies = samples[k + 2][1]
                    energy_children = samples[k + 2][3]
                    lcs = [m[counts_idx] for m in energy_children]
                    subgroups.append((timestamp, triggers, lcs, dT))

                group = {
                    'rcr': rcr,
                    'pixel_mask': pixel_mask,
                    'detector_mask': detector_mask,
                    'E1': E1,
                    'E2': E2,
                    'Eunit': Eunit,
                    'subgroups': subgroups,
        return self.format_report()
    def merge(self, cursor):
        yield '{"groups":['
        for pkt in cursor:
            packet = sdt.Packet(pkt)
            self.request_id = packet[3].raw
            self.packet_unix = packet['unix_time']
            T0 = stix_datetime.scet2unix(packet[12].raw)
            num_structures = packet[13].raw
            self.eacc_SKM = (packet[5].raw, packet[6].raw, packet[7].raw)
            self.trig_SKM = (packet[9].raw, packet[10].raw, packet[11].raw)

            trig_idx = 1
            # uncompressed counts
            if sum(self.trig_SKM) > 0:
                trig_idx = 2
            counts_idx = 1  # raw value
            if sum(self.eacc_SKM) > 0:
                counts_idx = 2
            children = packet[13].children
            group = {}
            last_time_bin = 0
            self.num_time_bins = 0
            for i in range(0, num_structures):
                offset = i * 22
                time = children[offset][1] * 0.1 + T0
                if time != last_time_bin:
                    self.num_time_bins += 1
                    last_time_bin = time

                rcr = children[offset + 1][1]
                pixel_mask = [
                    e[1] for e in children[offset + 2][3] if 'NIXG' not in e[0]
                # exclude NIXG parameters

                detector_mask = children[offset + 3][1]
                integrations = children[offset + 4][1]
                triggers = [children[k + 5][trig_idx] for k in range(0, 16)]
                # id 6-22, 16 trigger accumulators
                num_samples = children[21 + offset][1]
                samples = children[21 + offset][3]
                energies = []
                for j in range(0, num_samples):
                    k = j * 4
                    E1_low = samples[k + 1][1]
                    E2_high = samples[k + 2][1]
                    pixel_counts = [e[counts_idx] for e in samples[k + 3][3]]
                        [E1_low, E2_high,
                         sum(pixel_counts), pixel_counts])
                pixel_indexes = self.get_spectrum_pixel_indexes(
                    detector_mask, pixel_mask)
                group = {
                    'time': time,
                    'rcr': rcr,
                    'pixel_mask': pixel_mask,
                    'detector_mask': detector_mask,
                    'triggers': triggers,
                    'integrations': integrations,
                    'pixel_indexes': pixel_indexes,
                    'energies': energies,
                yield json.dumps(group)
                yield ','

        yield '{}],'
        yield f'"request_id": {self.request_id},'
        yield f'"packet_unix": {self.packet_unix},'
        yield '"status": "OK",'
        yield f'"trig_skm": {list(self.trig_SKM)},'
        yield f'"eacc_skm": {list(self.eacc_SKM)},'
        yield f'"num_time_bins": {self.num_time_bins}' + '}'
Beispiel #8
    def merge(self, cursor):
        #print('Analyzing data...')
        for pkt in cursor:
            packet = sdt.Packet(pkt)
            self.request_id = packet[3].raw
            self.packet_unix = packet['unix_time']
            T0 = stix_datetime.scet2unix(packet[12].raw)
            num_structures = packet[13].raw
            self.eacc_SKM = (packet[5].raw, packet[6].raw, packet[7].raw)
            self.trig_SKM = (packet[9].raw, packet[10].raw, packet[11].raw)

            trig_idx = 1
            # uncompressed counts
            if sum(self.trig_SKM) > 0:
                trig_idx = 2
            counts_idx = 1  # raw value
            if sum(self.eacc_SKM) > 0:
                counts_idx = 2
            children = packet[13].children
            group = {}
            last_time_bin = 0
            self.num_time_bins = 0
            for i in range(0, num_structures):
                offset = i * 22
                time = children[offset][1] * 0.1 + T0
                if time != last_time_bin:
                    self.num_time_bins += 1
                    last_time_bin = time

                rcr = children[offset + 1][1]
                pixel_mask = [
                    e[1] for e in children[offset + 2][3] if 'NIXG' not in e[0]
                # exclude NIXG parameters

                detector_mask = children[offset + 3][1]
                integrations = children[offset + 4][1]
                triggers = [children[k + 5][trig_idx] for k in range(0, 16)]
                # id 6-22, 16 trigger accumulators
                num_samples = children[21 + offset][1]
                samples = children[21 + offset][3]
                energies = []
                for j in range(0, num_samples):
                    k = j * 4
                    E1_low = samples[k + 1][1]
                    E2_high = samples[k + 2][1]
                    pixel_counts = [e[counts_idx] for e in samples[k + 3][3]]
                        [E1_low, E2_high,
                         sum(pixel_counts), pixel_counts])
                group = {
                    'time': time,
                    'rcr': rcr,
                    'pixel_mask': pixel_mask,
                    'detector_mask': detector_mask,
                    'triggers': triggers,
                    'integrations': integrations,
                    'energies': energies,

        return self.format_report()