Beispiel #1
    def _parse_args(self, **kwargs):
        Parse all params and set object attributes.

        Priority of configs:
        __init__ argument > config for class > class attribute > default config
        default_config = self.flat_dict(deepcopy(safeget(render_config, self._render_config_default_key)) or {})
        class_config = self.flat_dict(deepcopy(safeget(render_config, self._render_config_key)) or {})

        # update by class variables
        # update by secondary config for this class
        if self._render_config_secondary_key:
            class_secondary_config = self.flat_dict(deepcopy(safeget(render_config, self._render_config_secondary_key)) or {})
        # update by config for this class
        # update by params passed to __init__

        # get rid of protected attributes
        default_config = dict((k, default_config[k]) for k in default_config if not k.startswith('_'))

        # set attributes values
        for (key, value) in default_config.items():
                setattr(self, key, value)

        return default_config
Beispiel #2
def pt_to_px(points):
    Converts points to pixels.
    global ppi
    if not ppi:
        ppi = int(safeget(render_config, "render.ppi", 75)) / 75.0
    return int(points * ppi)
Beispiel #3
def px_to_pt(points):
    Converts pixels to points.
    global ppi_inv
    if not ppi_inv:
        ppi_inv = 75.0 / int(safeget(render_config, "render.ppi", 75))
    return float(points) * ppi_inv
Beispiel #4
    def generate(self, data, input_path, output_dir, overwrite=False, *args, **kwargs):
        Generate png image with given data and configuration.


            font_type (str): Name of font type, ex. 'FreeMono'.
            size (int): Font size in points.
            typeface (str): Font typeface, ex. 'bold italic'.

            Image. Rendered image.
        View.renderer = "to_png"

        default_png_config = {
            'ppi': 300,
            'scale': 1
        png_config = safeget(render_config, "png", default_png_config)
        render_config["render"] = png_config

        image = super(PNGBuilder, self).generate(data, input_path, output_dir)

        result = []
        output_file_path = ""
        current_time_str ="%Y%m%d%H%M%S")

        # save all generated images
        for (file_nr, img) in enumerate(image):
            img_name, raw_image = img.get_image_with_name()

            # scale
            ratio = png_config.get("scale")
            if ratio:
                ratio = float(ratio)
                assert 0 < ratio, "Ratio should be greater then 0."
                if ratio != 1:
                    new_dimensions = tuple([int(x * ratio) for x in raw_image.size])
                    raw_image = raw_image.resize(new_dimensions, Image.ANTIALIAS)

            if output_dir:
                if not img_name:
                    img_name = "sdgen {0} {1}".format(current_time_str, file_nr)
                file_name = img_name.lower().replace(' ', '_') + '.png'
                output_file_path = os.path.join(output_dir, file_name)

                if not overwrite and os.path.exists(output_file_path):
                    raise IOError("File %s exists" % output_file_path)


            result.append((img_name, raw_image))
        return result
Beispiel #5
def get_font_path(font_name, style="Regular"):
    Search for passed font in directories from config

    If style has more than one word, it can be passed with any order.
    global fonts_paths

    lower_font_name = font_name.strip().lower().replace(' ', '')
    splitted_font_name = font_name.strip().lower().split()
    lower_style = style.lower().strip()
    # possible style names (lowercased and un-spaced)
    lower_styles = _get_all_styles(lower_style)

    # font id, consisted of lower font name and sorted (by splitted name) lower font style
    font_id = (lower_font_name, lower_styles[0])

    # check for patch in "cache"
    if font_id in fonts_paths:
        return fonts_paths[font_id]

    # check for fonts, that has font_name (lowercased) in filename (lowercased)
    paths = []
    for directory in safeget(config, 'fonts.directories', []):
        for (dirpath, dirnames, filenames) in os.walk(directory):
            files = filter(lambda filename: any(spl in filename.lower() for spl in splitted_font_name), filenames)
            paths.extend([os.path.join(dirpath, dirnames[0] if dirnames else '', file_) for file_ in files])

    # load candidate fonts and check if it's name and style match
    paths = list(set(paths))  # unique

    proper_path = None
    for font_path in paths:
        # load font
        f = ImageFont.truetype(font_path, 10)  # size can be any

        # lowercase and un-space font name and style
        imgfont_family =' ', '')
        imgfont_style =' ', '')

        # check for match
        if imgfont_family == lower_font_name and imgfont_style in lower_styles:
            proper_path = font_path

    # save font path in cache
    fonts_paths[font_id] = proper_path
    return proper_path