def main(sdlFile, config, sdlVerbose=False):
    sdl.parseFile2(sdlFile, sdlVerbose, ignoreCloudSourcing=True)
    global assignInfo
    assignInfo = sdl.getAssignInfo()
    setting = sdl.assignInfo[sdl.NONE_FUNC_NAME][ALGEBRAIC_SETTING].getAssignNode().getRight().getAttribute()
    bv_name = sdl.assignInfo[sdl.NONE_FUNC_NAME][BV_NAME].getAssignNode().getRight().getAttribute()
    typesBlock = sdl.getFuncStmts( TYPES_HEADER )
    print("name is", bv_name)
    print("setting is", setting)
    lines = list(typesBlock[0].keys())
    typesBlockLines = [ i.rstrip() for i in sdl.getLinesOfCodeFromLineNos(lines) ]
    begin = ["BEGIN :: " + TYPES_HEADER]
    end = ["END :: " + TYPES_HEADER]

    newLines0 = [ BV_NAME + " := " + bv_name, SETTING + " := " + sdl.ASYMMETRIC_SETTING ] 
    newLines1 = begin + typesBlockLines + end
    assert setting == sdl.SYMMETRIC_SETTING, "No need to convert to asymmetric setting."    
    # determine user preference in terms of keygen or encrypt
    contarget = sdl.assignInfo[sdl.NONE_FUNC_NAME]['short']
    if contarget:
        target = contarget.getAssignNode().right.getAttribute()
    if contarget == None:
        short = SHORT_KEYS
        short = target
    print("reducing size of '%s'" % short) 

    varTypes = dict(sdl.getVarTypes().get(TYPES_HEADER))
    if not hasattr(config, 'schemeType'):
        sys.exit("'schemeType' option missing in specified config file.")
    if config.schemeType == PUB_SCHEME:
        (stmtS, typesS, depListS, depListNoExpS, infListS, infListNoExpS) = sdl.getVarInfoFuncStmts( config.setupFuncName )
        (stmtK, typesK, depListK, depListNoExpK, infListK, infListNoExpK) = sdl.getVarInfoFuncStmts( config.keygenFuncName )
        (stmtE, typesE, depListE, depListNoExpE, infListE, infListNoExpE) = sdl.getVarInfoFuncStmts( config.encryptFuncName )    
        (stmtD, typesD, depListD, depListNoExpD, infListD, infListNoExpD) = sdl.getVarInfoFuncStmts( config.decryptFuncName )
        # TODO: expand search to encrypt and portentially setup
        pairingSearch = [stmtD] # aka start with decrypt.
    elif config.schemeType == SIG_SCHEME:
        if hasattr(config, 'setupFuncName'): (stmtS, typesS, depListS, depListNoExpS, infListS, infListNoExpS) = sdl.getVarInfoFuncStmts( config.setupFuncName )
        (stmtK, typesK, depListK, depListNoExpK, infListK, infListNoExpK) = sdl.getVarInfoFuncStmts( config.keygenFuncName )
        (stmtSi, typesSi, depListSi, depListNoExpSi, infListSi, infListNoExpSi) = sdl.getVarInfoFuncStmts( config.signFuncName )    
        (stmtV, typesV, depListV, depListNoExpV, infListV, infListNoExpV) = sdl.getVarInfoFuncStmts( config.verifyFuncName )
        pairingSearch = [stmtV] # aka start with verify
#        sys.exit("Still working on this...")
        sys.exit("'schemeType' options are 'PUB' or 'SIG'")
    generators = []
    print("List of generators for scheme")
    if hasattr(config, "extraSetupFuncName"):
        (stmtSe, typesSe, depListSe, depListNoExpSe, infListSe, infListNoExpSe) = sdl.getVarInfoFuncStmts( config.extraSetupFuncName )
        extractGeneratorList(stmtSe, typesSe, generators)
    if hasattr(config, 'setupFuncName'):
        extractGeneratorList(stmtS, typesS, generators) # extract generators from setup if defined
        sys.exit("Assumption failed: setup not defined for this function. Where to extract generators?")
    # need a Visitor class to build these variables  
    # TODO: expand to other parts of algorithm including setup, keygen, encrypt 
    hashVarList = []
    pair_vars_G1_lhs = [] 
    pair_vars_G1_rhs = []
    gpv = GetPairingVariables(pair_vars_G1_lhs, pair_vars_G1_rhs) 
    for eachStmt in pairingSearch:
        lines = eachStmt.keys()
        for i in lines:
            if type(eachStmt[i]) == sdl.VarInfo:
                print("Each: ", eachStmt[i].getAssignNode())
                cfp = CheckForPairing()
                if eachStmt[i].getHasPairings():
                    sdl.ASTVisitor( gpv ).preorder( eachStmt[i].getAssignNode() )
                elif eachStmt[i].getHashArgsInAssignNode(): 
                    # in case, there's a hashed up list and check later to see if it appears
                    # in pairing variable list
                    assignNode = eachStmt[i].getAssignNode()
                    sdl.ASTVisitor( cfp ).preorder( assignNode )
                    if cfp.getHasPairings():
                        sdl.ASTVisitor( gpv ).preorder( assignNode )
    constraintList = []
    # determine if any hashed values in decrypt show up in a pairing
    for i in hashVarList:
        if i in pair_vars_G1_lhs or i in pair_vars_G1_rhs:
    print("pair vars LHS:", pair_vars_G1_lhs)
    print("pair vars RHS:", pair_vars_G1_rhs) 
    if config.schemeType == SIG_SCHEME: sys.exit(0) # TODO: need to resolve when to incorporate the split pairings technique 
    print("list of gens :", generators)
    info = {}
    info[ 'G1_lhs' ] = (pair_vars_G1_lhs, assignTraceback(generators, varTypes, pair_vars_G1_lhs, constraintList))
    info[ 'G1_rhs' ] = (pair_vars_G1_rhs, assignTraceback(generators, varTypes, pair_vars_G1_rhs, constraintList))

    print("info => G1 lhs : ", info['G1_lhs'])
    print("info => G1 rhs : ", info['G1_rhs'])
    print("<===== Determine Asymmetric Generators =====>")
    (generatorLines, generatorMapG1, generatorMapG2) = Step1_DeriveSetupGenerators(generators, info)
    print("Generators in G1: ", generatorMapG1)
    print("Generators in G2: ", generatorMapG2)
    print("<===== Determine Asymmetric Generators =====>\n")
    print("<===== Generate XOR clauses =====>")  
    # let the user's preference for fixing the keys or ciphertext guide this portion of the algorithm.
    # info[ 'G1' ] : represents (varKeyList, depVarMap). 
    assert len(pair_vars_G1_lhs) == len(pair_vars_G1_rhs), "Uneven number of pairings. Please inspect your bv file."
    varsLen = len(pair_vars_G1_lhs)
    xorList = []
    for i in range(varsLen):
        xor = BinaryNode(ops.XOR)
        xor.left = BinaryNode(pair_vars_G1_lhs[i])
        xor.right = BinaryNode(pair_vars_G1_rhs[i])
    ANDs = [ BinaryNode(ops.AND) for i in range(len(xorList)-1) ]
    for i in range(len(ANDs)):
        ANDs[i].left = BinaryNode.copy(xorList[i])
        if i < len(ANDs)-1: ANDs[i].right = ANDs[i+1]
        else: ANDs[i].right = BinaryNode.copy(xorList[i+1])
    print("XOR clause: ", ANDs[0])
    txor = transformXOR(None) # accepts dictionary of fixed values
    print("<===== Generate XOR clauses =====>")

    constraints = "[]"
    fileSuffix, resultDict = searchForSolution(short, constraintList, txor, varTypes, config)
    xorVarMap = txor.getVarMap()
    if short != SHORT_FORALL:
        res, resMap = NaiveEvaluation(resultDict, short)
        print("Group Mapping: ", res)
        # determine whether to make True = G1 and False = G2. 
        # It depends on which counts more since they're interchangeable...
        groupInfo = DeriveGeneralSolution(res, resMap, xorVarMap, info)
        groupInfo = DeriveSpecificSolution(resultDict, xorVarMap, info)
    groupInfo['generators'] = generators 
    groupInfo['generatorMapG1'] = generatorMapG1
    groupInfo['generatorMapG2'] = generatorMapG2
    groupInfo['baseGeneratorG1'] = info['baseGeneratorG1'] # usually 'g'
    groupInfo['baseGeneratorG2'] = info['baseGeneratorG2']
    groupInfo['varTypes'] = {}
    noChangeList = []
    newLinesSe = []
    newLinesS = []
    entireSDL = sdl.getLinesOfCode()
    if hasattr(config, "extraSetupFuncName"):
        print("<===== transforming %s =====>" % config.extraSetupFuncName)
        newLinesSe = transformFunction(entireSDL, config.extraSetupFuncName, stmtSe, groupInfo, noChangeList, generatorLines)
        print("<===== transforming %s =====>" % config.extraSetupFuncName)

    if hasattr(config, 'setupFuncName'):    
        print("<===== transforming %s =====>" % config.setupFuncName)
        newLinesS = transformFunction(entireSDL, config.setupFuncName, stmtS, groupInfo, noChangeList, generatorLines)
        print("<===== transforming %s =====>" % config.setupFuncName)

    print("<===== transforming %s =====>" % config.keygenFuncName) 
    newLinesK = transformFunction(entireSDL, config.keygenFuncName, stmtK, groupInfo, noChangeList)
    print("<===== transforming %s =====>" % config.keygenFuncName)

    if config.schemeType == PUB_SCHEME:
        print("<===== transforming %s =====>" % config.encryptFuncName)
        newLines2 = transformFunction(entireSDL, config.encryptFuncName, stmtE, groupInfo, noChangeList)
        print("<===== transforming %s =====>" % config.encryptFuncName)
        print("<===== transforming %s =====>" % config.decryptFuncName)
        newLines3 = transformFunction(entireSDL, config.decryptFuncName, stmtD, groupInfo, noChangeList)
        print("<===== transforming %s =====>" % config.decryptFuncName)
    elif config.schemeType == SIG_SCHEME:
        print("<===== transforming %s =====>" % config.signFuncName)
        newLines2 = transformFunction(entireSDL, config.signFuncName, stmtSi, groupInfo, noChangeList)
        print("<===== transforming %s =====>" % config.signFuncName)
        print("<===== transforming %s =====>" % config.verifyFuncName)
        newLines3 = transformFunction(entireSDL, config.verifyFuncName, stmtV, groupInfo, noChangeList)
        print("<===== transforming %s =====>" % config.verifyFuncName)
    # debug 
    print_sdl(False, newLinesS, newLinesK, newLines2, newLines3)
    outputFile = bv_name + "_asym_" + fileSuffix
    writeConfig(outputFile + ".bv", newLines0, newLines1, newLinesSe, newLinesS, newLinesK, newLines2, newLines3)
    return outputFile