Beispiel #1
def view_file(request, repo_id):
    Steps to view file:
    1. Get repo id and file path.
    2. Check user's permission.
    3. Check whether this file can be viewed online.
    4.1 Get file content if file is text file.
    4.2 Prepare flash if file is document.
    4.3 Prepare or use pdfjs if file is pdf.
    4.4 Other file return it's raw path.
    username = request.user.username
    # check arguments
    repo = get_repo(repo_id)
    if not repo:
        raise Http404

    path = request.GET.get('p', '/')
    obj_id = get_file_id_by_path(repo_id, path)
    if not obj_id:
        return render_error(request, _(u'File does not exist'))

    # construct some varibles
    u_filename = os.path.basename(path)
    current_commit = get_commits(repo_id, 0, 1)[0]

    # Check whether user has permission to view file and get file raw path,
    # render error page if permission is deny.
    raw_path, user_perm = get_file_view_path_and_perm(request, repo_id,
                                                      obj_id, u_filename)
    if not user_perm:
        return render_permission_error(request, _(u'Unable to view file'))

    # get file type and extension
    filetype, fileext = get_file_type_and_ext(u_filename)

    img_prev = None
    img_next = None
    ret_dict = {'err': '', 'file_content': '', 'encoding': '', 'file_enc': '',
                'file_encoding_list': [], 'html_exists': False,
                'filetype': filetype}
    fsize = get_file_size(obj_id)

    exceeds_limit, err_msg = file_size_exceeds_preview_limit(fsize, filetype)
    if exceeds_limit:
        ret_dict['err'] = err_msg
        """Choose different approach when dealing with different type of file."""
        if is_textual_file(file_type=filetype):
            handle_textual_file(request, filetype, raw_path, ret_dict)
            if filetype == MARKDOWN:
                c = ret_dict['file_content']
                ret_dict['file_content'] = convert_md_link(c, repo_id, username)
        elif filetype == DOCUMENT:
            handle_document(raw_path, obj_id, fileext, ret_dict)
        elif filetype == PDF:
            handle_pdf(raw_path, obj_id, fileext, ret_dict)
        elif filetype == IMAGE:
            parent_dir = os.path.dirname(path)
            dirs = list_dir_by_path(, parent_dir)
            if not dirs:
                raise Http404

            img_list = []
            for dirent in dirs:
                if not stat.S_ISDIR(dirent.props.mode):
                    fltype, flext = get_file_type_and_ext(dirent.obj_name)
                    if fltype == 'Image':

            if len(img_list) > 1:
                img_list.sort(lambda x, y : cmp(x.lower(), y.lower()))
                cur_img_index = img_list.index(u_filename) 
                if cur_img_index != 0:
                    img_prev = os.path.join(parent_dir, img_list[cur_img_index - 1])
                if cur_img_index != len(img_list) - 1:
                    img_next = os.path.join(parent_dir, img_list[cur_img_index + 1])

    # generate file path navigator
    zipped = gen_path_link(path,

    # file shared link
    l = FileShare.objects.filter(repo_id=repo_id).filter(
    fileshare = l[0] if len(l) > 0 else None
    http_or_https = request.is_secure() and 'https' or 'http'
    domain = RequestSite(request).domain
    if fileshare:
        file_shared_link = gen_shared_link(request, fileshare.token, 'f')
        file_shared_link = ''

    # my contacts used in shared link autocomplete
    contacts = Contact.objects.filter(user_email=username)

    """List repo groups"""
    # Get groups this repo is shared.    
        org_id =['org_id']
        repo_shared_groups = get_org_groups_by_repo(org_id, repo_id)
        repo_shared_groups = get_shared_groups_by_repo(repo_id)
    # Filter out groups that user in joined.
    groups = [ x for x in repo_shared_groups if is_group_user(, username)]
    if len(groups) > 1:
        ctx = {}
        ctx['groups'] = groups
        repogrp_str = render_to_string("snippets/repo_group_list.html", ctx)
        repogrp_str = '' 
    file_path_hash = md5_constructor(urllib2.quote(path.encode('utf-8'))).hexdigest()[:12]            

    # fetch file contributors and latest contributor
    contributors, last_modified, last_commit_id = get_file_contributors(repo_id, path.encode('utf-8'), file_path_hash, obj_id)
    latest_contributor = contributors[0] if contributors else None

    # check whether file is starred
    is_starred = False
    org_id = -1
        org_id =['org_id']
    is_starred = is_file_starred(username,, path.encode('utf-8'), org_id)

    template = 'view_file_%s.html' % ret_dict['filetype'].lower()
    search_repo_id = None
    if not repo.encrypted:
        search_repo_id =
    return render_to_response(template, {
            'repo': repo,
            'obj_id': obj_id,
            'filename': u_filename,
            'path': path,
            'zipped': zipped,
            'current_commit': current_commit,
            'fileext': fileext,
            'raw_path': raw_path,
            'fileshare': fileshare,
            'protocol': http_or_https,
            'domain': domain,
            'file_shared_link': file_shared_link,
            'contacts': contacts,
            'err': ret_dict['err'],
            'file_content': ret_dict['file_content'],
            'file_enc': ret_dict['file_enc'],
            'encoding': ret_dict['encoding'],
            'html_exists': ret_dict['html_exists'],
            'html_detail': ret_dict.get('html_detail', {}),
            'filetype': ret_dict['filetype'],
            "applet_root": get_ccnetapplet_root(),
            'groups': groups,
            'contributors': contributors,
            'latest_contributor': latest_contributor,
            'last_modified': last_modified,
            'last_commit_id': last_commit_id,
            'repo_group_str': repogrp_str,
            'is_starred': is_starred,
            'user_perm': user_perm,
            'img_prev': img_prev,
            'img_next': img_next,
            'search_repo_id': search_repo_id,
            }, context_instance=RequestContext(request))
Beispiel #2
def list_dir_by_path(cmmt, path):
    if cmmt.root_id == EMPTY_SHA1:
        return []
        return seaserv.list_dir_by_path(, path)
Beispiel #3
def view_file(request, repo_id):
    Steps to view file:
    1. Get repo id and file path.
    2. Check user's permission.
    3. Check whether this file can be viewed online.
    4.1 Get file content if file is text file.
    4.2 Prepare flash if file is document.
    4.3 Prepare or use pdfjs if file is pdf.
    4.4 Other file return it's raw path.
    username = request.user.username
    # check arguments
    repo = get_repo(repo_id)
    if not repo:
        raise Http404

    path = request.GET.get("p", "/")
    obj_id = get_file_id_by_path(repo_id, path)
    if not obj_id:
        return render_error(request, _(u"File does not exist"))

    # construct some varibles
    u_filename = os.path.basename(path)
    filename_utf8 = urllib2.quote(u_filename.encode("utf-8"))
    current_commit = get_commits(repo_id, 0, 1)[0]

    # Check whether user has permission to view file and get file raw path,
    # render error page if permission is deny.
    raw_path, user_perm = get_file_view_path_and_perm(request, repo_id, obj_id, u_filename)
    if not user_perm:
        return render_permission_error(request, _(u"Unable to view file"))

    # get file type and extension
    filetype, fileext = get_file_type_and_ext(u_filename)

    img_prev = None
    img_next = None
    ret_dict = {
        "err": "",
        "file_content": "",
        "encoding": "",
        "file_enc": "",
        "file_encoding_list": [],
        "swf_exists": False,
        "filetype": filetype,

    # Check file size
    fsize = get_file_size(obj_id)
    if fsize > FILE_PREVIEW_MAX_SIZE:
        from django.template.defaultfilters import filesizeformat

        err = _(u"File size surpasses %s, can not be opened online.") % filesizeformat(FILE_PREVIEW_MAX_SIZE)
        ret_dict["err"] = err
        """Choose different approach when dealing with different type of file."""
        if is_textual_file(file_type=filetype):
            handle_textual_file(request, filetype, raw_path, ret_dict)
            if filetype == MARKDOWN:
                c = ret_dict["file_content"]
                ret_dict["file_content"] = convert_md_link(c, repo_id, username)
        elif filetype == DOCUMENT:
            handle_document(raw_path, obj_id, fileext, ret_dict)
        elif filetype == PDF:
            handle_pdf(raw_path, obj_id, fileext, ret_dict)
        elif filetype == IMAGE:
            parent_dir = os.path.dirname(path)
            dirs = list_dir_by_path(, parent_dir)
            if not dirs:
                raise Http404

            img_list = []
            for dirent in dirs:
                if not stat.S_ISDIR(dirent.props.mode):
                    fltype, flext = get_file_type_and_ext(dirent.obj_name)
                    if fltype == "Image":

            if len(img_list) > 1:
                img_list.sort(lambda x, y: cmp(x.lower(), y.lower()))
                cur_img_index = img_list.index(u_filename)
                if cur_img_index != 0:
                    img_prev = os.path.join(parent_dir, img_list[cur_img_index - 1])
                if cur_img_index != len(img_list) - 1:
                    img_next = os.path.join(parent_dir, img_list[cur_img_index + 1])

    # generate file path navigator
    zipped = gen_path_link(path,

    # file shared link
    l = FileShare.objects.filter(repo_id=repo_id).filter(username=username).filter(path=path)
    fileshare = l[0] if len(l) > 0 else None
    http_or_https = request.is_secure() and "https" or "http"
    domain = RequestSite(request).domain
    if fileshare:
        file_shared_link = gen_shared_link(request, fileshare.token, "f")
        file_shared_link = ""

    # my contacts used in shared link autocomplete
    contacts = Contact.objects.filter(user_email=username)

    """List repo groups"""
    # Get groups this repo is shared.
        org_id =["org_id"]
        repo_shared_groups = get_org_groups_by_repo(org_id, repo_id)
        repo_shared_groups = get_shared_groups_by_repo(repo_id)
    # Filter out groups that user in joined.
    groups = [x for x in repo_shared_groups if is_group_user(, username)]
    if len(groups) > 1:
        ctx = {}
        ctx["groups"] = groups
        repogrp_str = render_to_string("snippets/repo_group_list.html", ctx)
        repogrp_str = ""

    file_path_hash = md5_constructor(urllib2.quote(path.encode("utf-8"))).hexdigest()[:12]

    # fetch file contributors and latest contributor
    contributors, last_modified, last_commit_id = get_file_contributors(
        repo_id, path.encode("utf-8"), file_path_hash, obj_id
    latest_contributor = contributors[0] if contributors else None

    # check whether file is starred
    is_starred = False
    org_id = -1
        org_id =["org_id"]
    is_starred = is_file_starred(username,, path.encode("utf-8"), org_id)

    template = "view_file_%s.html" % ret_dict["filetype"].lower()
    return render_to_response(
            "repo": repo,
            "obj_id": obj_id,
            "filename": u_filename,
            "path": path,
            "zipped": zipped,
            "current_commit": current_commit,
            "fileext": fileext,
            "raw_path": raw_path,
            "fileshare": fileshare,
            "protocol": http_or_https,
            "domain": domain,
            "file_shared_link": file_shared_link,
            "contacts": contacts,
            "err": ret_dict["err"],
            "file_content": ret_dict["file_content"],
            "file_enc": ret_dict["file_enc"],
            "encoding": ret_dict["encoding"],
            "file_encoding_list": ret_dict["file_encoding_list"],
            "swf_exists": ret_dict["swf_exists"],
            "filetype": ret_dict["filetype"],
            "applet_root": get_ccnetapplet_root(),
            "groups": groups,
            "use_pdfjs": USE_PDFJS,
            "contributors": contributors,
            "latest_contributor": latest_contributor,
            "last_modified": last_modified,
            "last_commit_id": last_commit_id,
            "repo_group_str": repogrp_str,
            "is_starred": is_starred,
            "user_perm": user_perm,
            "img_prev": img_prev,
            "img_next": img_next,
Beispiel #4
def list_dir_by_path(cmmt, path):
    if cmmt.root_id == EMPTY_SHA1:
        return []
        return seaserv.list_dir_by_path(, path)