def test_decrypt(self): for i, alphabet in enumerate(self.alphabet): dec = Caesar().decrypt(self.ciphertext[i], self.key[i], alphabet) self.assertEqual(dec, self.plaintext[i])
msg_lst.extend('_' * fill_null) matrix = [msg_lst[i:i + col] for i in range(0, len(msg_lst), col)] for _ in range(col): curr_idx = key.index(key_lst[k_indx]) cipher += ''.join([row[curr_idx] for row in matrix]) k_indx += 1 return cipher if int(pilihan) == 1: pt = input('Masukkan plaintext: ') kc = int(input('Masukkan key: ')) kesar = Caesar().encrypt(pt, kc) print(f'\nCiphertext: {kesar.upper()}') elif int(pilihan) == 3: pt = input('Masukkan plaintext: ') kc = int(input('Masukkan depth: ')) keretapi = railfence(pt, kc) print(f'\nCiphertext: {keretapi.upper()}') elif int(pilihan) == 4: pt = input('Masukkan plaintext: ') kc = input('Masukkan key: ') tukarbaris = rowtransposition(pt, kc) print(f'\nCiphertext: {tukarbaris.upper()}') elif int(pilihan) == 5:
#Help Received: from secretpy import Caesar for i in range(26): print(i) print(Caesar().decrypt("VRUXKWXYXGLXYNGWTFXGMTEL".lower(), i))
from secretpy import Atbash, Caesar, CryptMachine, alphabets from secretpy.cmdecorators import SaveAll def encdec(machine, plaintext): print(plaintext) enc = machine.encrypt(plaintext) print(enc) dec = machine.decrypt(enc) print(dec) print("-----------------------------------") plaintext = u"thequickbrownfoxjumpsoverthelazydog" key = 3 cipher = Caesar() cm = CryptMachine(cipher, key) encdec(cm, plaintext) cm.set_alphabet(alphabets.GERMAN) encdec(cm, plaintext) cm1 = SaveAll(cm) cm1.set_key(9) plaintext = u"the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog" encdec(cm1, plaintext) cm2 = cm cm2.set_cipher(Atbash()) plaintext = u"Achtung Minen"
def Decryp_ceaser(): data = input("Enter dtata to be Decrypted By Ceaser Algorithm : ") key = int(input("Enter key to be Ency : ")) cm = SaveSpaces(SaveCase(CryptMachine(Caesar(), key))) print(cm.decrypt(data)) input("Copy if needed.............")
def encdec(machine, plaintext): print("=======================================") print(plaintext) enc = machine.encrypt(plaintext) print(enc) dec = machine.decrypt(enc) print(dec) key = 5 plaintext = u"Dog jumps four times and cat six times" print(plaintext) cm1 = SaveAll(CryptMachine(Caesar(), key)) enc = cm1.encrypt(plaintext) print(enc) cm2 = SaveAll(CryptMachine(Rot13())) enc = cm2.encrypt(enc) print(enc) print("=======================================") cm = CompositeMachine(cm1) cm.add_machines(cm2) enc = cm.encrypt(plaintext) print(enc) encdec(cm, plaintext)
def Encryp_ceaser(): data = input("Enter data to be Encrypted with Ceaser algorithm : ") key = int(input("Enter key : ")) cm = SaveSpaces(SaveCase(CryptMachine(Caesar(), key))) print(cm.encrypt(data)) input("Copy if needed.............")
def Decryp_ceaser_t(arg1, arg2): data = arg1 key = int(arg2) cm = SaveSpaces(SaveCase(CryptMachine(Caesar(), key))) return(cm.decrypt(data))
#!/usr/bin/python3 from secretpy import alphabets from secretpy import Caesar from ngramscore import NGramScore alphabet = alphabets.GERMAN fitness = NGramScore('freq/de-2.txt') cipher = Caesar() def crack(ctext): max_score = 0 key = 0 for i in range(0, len(alphabet)): dec = cipher.decrypt(ctext, i, alphabet) score = fitness.score(dec) print("key = " + str(i) + ", decrypted text: " + str(dec.upper()) + ", score: " + str(score)) if score > max_score: max_score = score key = i return key # example ciphertext enc = 'äbööemökglbgäßnm' print("encrypted text: " + enc) print() key = crack(enc)
def encdec(machine, plaintext): print("=======================================") print(plaintext) enc = machine.encrypt(plaintext) print(enc) dec = machine.decrypt(enc) print(dec) key = 5 plaintext = u"Dog jumps four times and cat six times" print(plaintext) cm1 = SaveSpaces(SaveCase(CryptMachine(Caesar(), key))) enc = cm1.encrypt(plaintext) print(enc) cm2 = SaveSpaces(SaveCase(CryptMachine(Rot13()))) enc = cm2.encrypt(enc) print(enc) print("=======================================") cm = CompositeMachine(cm1) cm.add_machines(cm2) enc = cm.encrypt(plaintext) print(enc) encdec(cm, plaintext)
#!/usr/bin/python # -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- from secretpy import Caesar from secretpy import alphabets alphabet = alphabets.GERMAN plaintext = u"thequickbrownfoxjumpsoverthelazydog" key = 3 cipher = Caesar() print(plaintext) enc = cipher.encrypt(plaintext, key, alphabet) print(enc) dec = cipher.decrypt(enc, key, alphabet) print(dec) print('=====================================') print(plaintext) # use default english alphabet enc = cipher.encrypt(plaintext, key) print(enc) dec = cipher.decrypt(enc, key) print(dec) ''' Output: thequickbrownfoxjumpsoverthelazydog wkhtxlfneurzqirämxpsvryhuwkhodüögrj thequickbrownfoxjumpsoverthelazydog