Beispiel #1
def generate():
	meals = json.loads(secureData.file("mealExample.json", "/home/pi/Git/Tools/ExampleFiles"))
	ingredients = []
	plannedMeals = []

	# iterate through each meal set and write to file

	key_index = -1
	for key in meals.keys():
		key_index += 1
		for i in range(7):
			day_w = (datetime.datetime(2021, 4, 29) + datetime.timedelta(days=i+1)).strftime("%A") # start the list for Friday. Change date to modify
			if(key_index == 0):
				plannedMeals.append({day_w: [{}, {}, {}]})
			mod_i = i % len(meals[key])
			if i < 7:
				plannedMeals[i][day_w][key_index] = {key: (meals[key][mod_i])}
				for ingredient in meals[key][mod_i]["ingredients"]:

	ingredients = list(dict.fromkeys(ingredients))

	secureData.write("WeeklyMeals.json", json.dumps(plannedMeals), "notes")
	secureData.appendUnique("Shopping.txt", '\n'.join(ingredients), "notes")
	print(f"Meals have been saved to {secureData.notesDir}WeeklyMeals.json.")
	print(f"Ingredients from WeeklyMeals.json have been added to {secureData.notesDir}Shopping.txt.")

	secureData.log("Generated meals, shopping list, and WeeklyMeals.json")
Beispiel #2
def ls(mealsFile=json.loads(secureData.file("WeeklyMeals.json", "notes"))):	
	for day in range(7):
		toWrite += f"{list(mealsFile[day].keys())[0]}:\n"
		for mealType in range(0,3):
			meals = list(mealsFile[day].values())[0]
			toWrite += f"    {list(meals[mealType].values())[0]['name']}\n"
	secureData.write("MealsList.txt", toWrite, "notes")
	print(f"A simplified meal list (without the ingredients) is available at {secureData.notesDir}MealsList.txt.")
	secureData.log("Generated MealsList.txt")
Beispiel #3
def renewAccessToken():
    params = (('client_id', client_id), ('client_secret', client_secret),
              ('refresh_token', secureData.variable("NestRefreshToken")),
              ('grant_type', 'refresh_token'))

    response ='',

    response_json = response.json()


    access_token = response_json['token_type'] + ' ' + response_json[
    print('Access token: ' + access_token)

    secureData.write("NestAccessToken", access_token)
Beispiel #4
currentIP = secureData.variable("currentIP")
email = secureData.variable("email")

print("Updating IP Address, " + email)

ip = get('').text
discoveredIP = json.loads(ip)["ip"]

print("Found " + discoveredIP + ", currently " + currentIP + ".")

# IP was updated
if (currentIP == discoveredIP):
    print("No change.")
    print("New IP! Updating and sending email.")
    secureData.write("currentIP", discoveredIP)

    # Replace OVPN file with new IP and email it
    newLine = "remote " + discoveredIP + " 1194"
    vpnFile = secureData.file("")

    vpnFile = vpnFile.split("remote ")[0] + newLine + vpnFile.split(" 1194")[1]
    secureData.write("", vpnFile)

    # Send email
    message = """
    Your public IP was updated from %s to %s. To keep, update your Namecheap settings.<br><br>
    To keep TylerVPN, please switch your OVPN file to the one located in SecureData.""" % (
        currentIP, discoveredIP)

    mail.send("IP Updated - new OVPN file", message)
Beispiel #5
    sunset = response["daily"][0]["sunset"]
    timeToSunset = (sunset - time.time()) / 3600

    if(((temperature >= 65 and temperature <= 85) or (high >= 65 and high <=90)) and wind < 10 and timeToSunset > 2):
        message = f"""\
            Hi Tyler,\
                <br><br>Get walking, biking, and moving!<br><br>
                    <li>It's {temperature}° right now with a high of {high}°- what a promising day to get outside!</li>
                    <li>It's not raining</li>
                    <li>The wind isn't bad</li>
                    <li>It's a nice time of day</li>
                    <br><br><h2><a href='{getBikeLink()}'>Here's a random place for you to go.</a></h2>"""
        mail.send("Get outside today, please!", message)
        secureData.log("Walk Alert Sent")
    # Planty Alerts
    if(int(secureData.variable("plantyAlertSent")) < (time.time() - 43200)):
        secureData.log("Checked Planty")
        if(low < 55 and plantyStatus == "out"):
            mail.send("Take Planty In", "Hi Tyler,<br><br>The low tonight is {}°. Please take Planty in!".format(low))
            secureData.write("plantyStatus", "in")
            secureData.write("plantyAlertSent", str(int(time.time())))
        if(high > 80 and plantyStatus == "in"):
            mail.send("Take Planty Out", "Hi Tyler,<br><br>It looks like a nice day! It's going to be around {}°. Please take Planty out.".format(high))
            secureData.write("plantyStatus", "out")
            secureData.write("plantyAlertSent", str(int(time.time())))
Beispiel #6
    return toReturn

if __name__ == '__main__':

    client_credentials_manager = SpotifyClientCredentials()
    sp = spotipy.Spotify(client_credentials_manager=client_credentials_manager)
    filePath = f"/var/www/html/Logs/Songs/{str(}.csv"

    f = open(filePath, 'w+')

    # parse playlist by ID
    results = sp.playlist(spotipy_playlist_id)
    tracks = results['tracks']
    totalTracks = results['tracks']['total']
    secureData.write("SPOTIPY_SONG_COUNT", str(totalTracks))

    # go through each set of songs, 100 at a time (due to API limits)
    while tracks['next']:
        tracks =

    print(f"Average Year: {str(mean(songYears))}")
    secureData.log("Updated Spotify Log")
    secureData.write("SPOTIPY_AVERAGE_YEAR", str(mean(songYears)))
    print("\n\nDone. Updating Git:")

    # Push the new log file (and anything else from today) to Github
    os.system("cd /var/www/html; git pull; git add -A; git commit -m 'Updated Logs'; git push")