Beispiel #1
def extract_data(subset, pickle_symfiles=False):
        # Unpack all the seeds we need and create the relative path
        relpath = support.relpath_for_seeds(*subset)

        print('************ Extracting for path ' + relpath + ' **********')
        for (benchmark, name) in support.benchmarks_gen():
            # Create the output directory for this benchmark
            build_dir = os.path.join(config.build_dir, relpath, benchmark)
            data_dir = os.path.join(config.data_dir, relpath, benchmark)
            os.symlink(build_dir, os.path.join(data_dir, 'build'))

            with open(os.path.join(data_dir, 'symfile'), 'w') as f_sym:
                # Extract the actual symfile using dump_syms. This tool creates a LOT of warnings so we redirect stderr to /dev/null
                subprocess.check_call([config.dump_syms, os.path.join(build_dir, name)], stdout=f_sym, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL)

            # If we're dealing with the base we have to do some more stuff
            if not subset:
                # For every protection, copy over the opportunity log, if any
                for opportunity_log in [s.opportunity_log for s in seed.get_types() if s.opportunity_log]:
                    shutil.copy2(os.path.join(support.create_path_for_seeds(config.build_dir), benchmark, opportunity_log), data_dir)

                # Copy over the linker map
                shutil.copy2(os.path.join(build_dir, name + '.map'), os.path.join(data_dir, 'map'))

                # Extract the section alignment information
                linker.gather_section_alignment(os.path.join(build_dir, name + '.map'), os.path.join(data_dir, 'sections'))

                if pickle_symfiles:
                    # Get the symfile
                    symfile_path = os.path.join(os.path.join(data_dir, 'symfile'))
                    symfile = SymFile().read_f(symfile_path)

                    # Pickle it
                    with open(os.path.join(data_dir, 'pickled_symfile'), 'wb') as f_pickle:
                        pickle.dump(symfile, f_pickle)

        if not subset:
            data_dir = os.path.join(config.data_dir, relpath)
            # For every protection, copy over the opportunity logs for the extra build archives/objects (which are the same for every benchmark), if any.
            # Also copy over the build_prefix (in symlink form).
            for a in os.listdir(support.create_path_for_seeds(config.extra_build_dir)):
                a_path = os.path.join(support.create_path_for_seeds(config.extra_build_dir), a)
                os.symlink(os.readlink(os.path.join(a_path, 'build')), os.path.join(data_dir, 'build.' + a))
                for opportunity_log in [s.opportunity_log for s in seed.get_types() if s.opportunity_log]:
                    shutil.copy2(os.path.join(a_path, opportunity_log), os.path.join(data_dir, opportunity_log + '.' + a))

    except Exception:
        logging.getLogger().exception('Data extraction failed for ' + relpath)
Beispiel #2
def seed_tuple(s):
    tokens = s.split(',')
    types = seed.get_types()
    assert len(tokens) == len(
    ), 'The number of seeds on the command line differ from the number of protections.'

    # First convert the tokens to integers, then create the actual seeds
    int_seeds = [int(token) if token else 0 for token in tokens]
    return [cls(s) for cls, s in zip(types, int_seeds)]
def main():
    # Create the report
    print('************ Creating report on delta data sizes **********')
    sheets = {}
    for subset in support.subsets_gen(seed.get_types(), False):
        # Create the sheet for this subset and put it in the dictionary
        name = ','.join(
            [t.__name__ for t in subset]
        )  # Create the sheet name out of the typenames of the seeds in the subset
        sheet = pyexcel.Sheet(name=name)
        sheets[name] = sheet

        # Create the first few columns. The first is for the benchmarks, second is average, and third is max (to be filled in later).
        rownames = [benchmark for benchmark, _ in support.benchmarks_gen()]
        sheet.column += ['Delta data'] + rownames
        sheet.column += ['AVG'] + [''] * len(rownames)
        sheet.column += ['MAX'] + [''] * len(rownames)
        for seed_tuple in support.seeds_gen(*subset):
            # Empty cell
            sizes = ['']

            # Get all the sizes of the patches
            for benchmark, _ in support.benchmarks_gen():
                dd = os.path.join(
                                                  *seed_tuple), benchmark,
                if os.path.exists(dd):

            sheet.column += sizes

        # Calculate in the average and the max
        for row in list(sheet.rows())[1:]:
            sizes = [elem for elem in row[3:] if isinstance(elem, int)]
            if sizes:
                row[1] = sum(sizes) // len(sizes)
                row[2] = max(sizes)

    # Create the report book and write it out
    report = pyexcel.Book(sheets=sheets)
    report.save_as(os.path.join(config.reports_dir, 'delta_data_sizes.ods'))
Beispiel #4
def main(compile_args=[]):
    # Use the default template linker script to minimize the differences when we start protecting at link time

    # Clean up from possible previous runs
    shutil.rmtree(config.build_dir, True)
    shutil.rmtree(config.extra_build_dir, True)

    # Start by compiling for the default binaries. Build up the compile options, starting from the binary options, adding the default
    # compile options for the diferent protections, then the compile arguments passed on the command line.
    print('************ Building default binaries... **********')
    default_compile_options = get_default_compile_options()
    compile_options = default_compile_options + compile_args

    # We start building the extra binaries, and add their extra compile options to the ones we use to build SPEC.
    compile_options += build_extra(
        support.create_path_for_seeds(config.extra_build_dir), compile_options)
               ' '.join(compile_options))
    print('************ Build finished. **********')

    # Next we compile the protected binaries. We build up the compile options, starting from the binary options, adding the
    # compile options for the different protections (based on the associated seed), then the compile arguments passed on the
    # command line.
    for protections in support.build_subsets_gen(seed.get_types(), False):
        for seeds in support.seeds_gen(*protections):
            print('************ Building protected binary for ' +
                  ' '.join([repr(s) for s in seeds]) + ' ... **********')
            compile_options = list(default_compile_options)
            for s in seeds:
                compile_options += s.diversify_build()
            compile_options += compile_args

            # We start building the extra binaries, and add their extra compile options to the ones we use to build SPEC.
            compile_options += build_extra(
                support.create_path_for_seeds(config.extra_build_dir, *seeds),
            build_spec(support.create_path_for_seeds(config.build_dir, *seeds),
                       ' '.join(compile_options))
            print('************ Build finished. **********')
Beispiel #5
def all_seeds_gen():
    for s in seeds_gen(*seed.get_types()):
        yield s
Beispiel #6
def main():
    # We prepare by copying the binaries to the location where they'll be protected
        '************ Preparing for link-time protections by copying binaries **********'
    for link_protections in support.link_subsets_gen(seed.get_types(), False):
        for build_protections in support.build_subsets_gen(seed.get_types()):
            for build_seeds, link_seeds in zip(
                                                  *build_seeds, *link_seeds))

    for (benchmark, name) in support.benchmarks_gen():
        # Get all the sections from all the objects in the build directory
        print('************************* ' + benchmark +
              ' **********************')
            '************************* Gathering sections **********************'
        linkermap = Map(
                         benchmark, name + '.map'))

        # Get all the pre_sections and make linker rules out of them. We do this so that they can't change order (which apparently, they can...).
        # Use a '*' (even though it is unnecessary) so Diablo's map parser will recognize it as a pattern.
        # Remove the name of the encompassing archive from an object (if it exists), else Diablo can't handle this
        pre_sections = [[
            support.get_objname(section.obj) + '*(' + + ')'
        ] for section in linkermap.pre_sections]

        # We want to create a list of all linker rules that can be altered. Ideally we would simply take all sections currently in the
        # linkermap (that we want to change) and convert them into a rule that matches only that section from its specific object.
        # Unfortunately the linker is a bit fickle in its handling of weak symbols. If N sections (coming from N different objects)
        # exist that define the same symbol, the linker will select only one (from one object) to place in the binary and discard
        # the rest. The problem is that during the second, protected link (using the linker script we generate here) the
        # linker won't necessarily select a weak symbol section from the same object as it did in the first link. The custom rule
        # (which includes the name of the object the section came from the first link) won't match and, for example, the section would
        # be put after the sections that ARE shuffled. To avoid this, we also keep all discarded sections, and then create N rules for the
        # section (one for each object). These rules stay together during the protections, thus guaranteeing the right location of the section.
        main_sections = []
        for section in linkermap.main_sections:
            rule_list = []

            # Create the linker rules and insert them in the list
            # Use a '*' (even though it is unnecessary) so Diablo's map parser will recognize it as a pattern.
            # Remove the name of the encompassing archive from an object (if it exists), else Diablo can't handle this
            suffix = '*(' + + ')'
            rule_list.append(support.get_objname(section.obj) + suffix)
            for discarded in linkermap.discarded_sections:
                if ==
                        support.get_objname(discarded.obj) + suffix)

            # Add the rule list to the list of lists

        # Perform the actual link-time protections by creating a new linker script (in which sections can change order) and relinking
        for link_protections in support.link_subsets_gen(
                seed.get_types(), False):
            # First create a new linker script for every combination of link protections
            for link_seeds in support.seeds_gen(*link_protections):
                print('************ Protecting binary at link level for ' +
                      ' '.join([repr(s)
                                for s in link_seeds]) + ' ... **********')

                # Copy the list so that every time we start from the original array
                protected_pre_sections = list(pre_sections)
                protected_main_sections = list(main_sections)
                for s in link_seeds:
                    protected_pre_sections, protected_main_sections = s.diversify_link(
                        protected_pre_sections, protected_main_sections)

                # Create diversified link script
                    protected_pre_sections + protected_main_sections,
                                                      *link_seeds), benchmark,

            for build_protections in support.build_subsets_gen(
                for build_seeds, link_seeds in zip(
                    # Get the link command, then adapt it to use our new linker script
                    directory = os.path.join(
                                                      *link_seeds), benchmark)
                    with open(os.path.join(directory, 'make.out'), 'r') as f:
                        cmd = list(f)[-1].rstrip()

                    new_script = os.path.join(
                                                      *link_seeds), benchmark,
                    cmd = cmd.replace(config.link_script, new_script)

                    # Execute them with our diversified linker script
                    subprocess.check_call(shlex.split(cmd), cwd=directory)
Beispiel #7
def get_default_compile_options(with_protections=True):
    default_compile_options = [config.binary_options]
    if with_protections:
        for protection in seed.get_types():
            default_compile_options += protection.default_compile_options
    return default_compile_options