def get_sheet_for_panel(id=None):
	sheet = get_sheet(id)
	if "error" in sheet:
		return sheet
	if "assigner_id" in sheet:
		asignerData = public_user_data(sheet["assigner_id"])
		sheet["assignerName"]  = asignerData["name"]
	if "viaOwner" in sheet:
		viaOwnerData = public_user_data(sheet["viaOwner"])
		sheet["viaOwnerName"]  = viaOwnerData["name"]
	ownerData = public_user_data(sheet["owner"])
	sheet["ownerName"]  = ownerData["name"]
	sheet["ownerProfileUrl"] = public_user_data(sheet["owner"])["profileUrl"]
	sheet["ownerImageUrl"] = public_user_data(sheet["owner"])["imageUrl"]
	sheet["naturalDateCreated"] = naturaltime(datetime.strptime(sheet["dateCreated"], "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f"))
	sheet["sources"] = annotate_user_links(sheet["sources"])
	sheet["topics"] = add_langs_to_topics(sheet.get("topics", []))
	if "displayedCollection" in sheet:
		collection = Collection().load({"slug": sheet["displayedCollection"]})
		if collection:
			sheet["collectionImage"] = getattr(collection, "imageUrl", None)
			sheet["collectionName"] =
			del sheet["displayedCollection"]
	return sheet
Beispiel #2
def get_sheet_for_panel(id=None):
    sheet = get_sheet(id)
    if "error" in sheet:
        return sheet
    if "assigner_id" in sheet:
        asignerData = public_user_data(sheet["assigner_id"])
        sheet["assignerName"] = asignerData["name"]
    if "viaOwner" in sheet:
        viaOwnerData = public_user_data(sheet["viaOwner"])
        sheet["viaOwnerName"] = viaOwnerData["name"]
    ownerData = public_user_data(sheet["owner"])
    sheet["ownerName"] = ownerData["name"]
    sheet["ownerProfileUrl"] = public_user_data(sheet["owner"])["profileUrl"]
    sheet["ownerImageUrl"] = public_user_data(sheet["owner"])["imageUrl"]
    sheet["naturalDateCreated"] = naturaltime(
        datetime.strptime(sheet["dateCreated"], "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f"))
    sheet["sources"] = annotate_user_links(sheet["sources"])
    sheet["topics"] = add_langs_to_topics(sheet.get("topics", []))
    if "group" in sheet:
        group = Group().load({"name": sheet["group"]})
            sheet["groupLogo"] = group.imageUrl
            sheet["groupLogo"] = None
    return sheet
Beispiel #3
 def contents(self, with_content=False, authenticated=False):
     from sefaria.sheets import group_sheets, sheet_tag_counts
     contents = super(Group, self).contents()
     if with_content: 
         contents["sheets"]       = group_sheets(self, authenticated)["sheets"]
         contents["tags"]         = sheet_tag_counts({"group":})
         contents["admins"]       = [public_user_data(uid) for uid in contents["admins"]]
         contents["publishers"]   = [public_user_data(uid) for uid in contents["publishers"]]
         contents["members"]      = [public_user_data(uid) for uid in contents["members"]]
         contents["invitations"]  = getattr(self, "invitations", []) if authenticated else []
         contents["pinnedSheets"] = getattr(self, "pinned_sheets", [])
     return contents
Beispiel #4
 def contents(self, with_content=False, authenticated=False):
     from sefaria.sheets import group_sheets, sheet_tag_counts
     contents = super(Group, self).contents()
     if with_content: 
         contents["sheets"]       = group_sheets(, authenticated)["sheets"]
         contents["tags"]         = sheet_tag_counts({"group":})
         contents["admins"]       = [public_user_data(uid) for uid in contents["admins"]]
         contents["publishers"]   = [public_user_data(uid) for uid in contents["publishers"]]
         contents["members"]      = [public_user_data(uid) for uid in contents["members"]]
         contents["invitations"]  = getattr(self, "invitations", []) if authenticated else []
         contents["pinnedSheets"] = getattr(self, "pinned_sheets", [])
     return contents
def get_sheet_for_panel(id=None):
	sheet = get_sheet(id)
	if "assigner_id" in sheet:
		asignerData = public_user_data(sheet["assigner_id"])
		sheet["assignerName"]  = asignerData["name"]
	if "viaOwner" in sheet:
		viaOwnerData = public_user_data(sheet["viaOwner"])
		sheet["viaOwnerName"]  = viaOwnerData["name"]
	ownerData = public_user_data(sheet["owner"])
	sheet["ownerName"]  = ownerData["name"]
	sheet["naturalDateCreated"] = naturaltime(datetime.strptime(sheet["dateCreated"], "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f"))
	return sheet
Beispiel #6
def get_sheet_for_panel(id=None):
    sheet = get_sheet(id)
    if "assigner_id" in sheet:
        asignerData = public_user_data(sheet["assigner_id"])
        sheet["assignerName"] = asignerData["name"]
    if "viaOwner" in sheet:
        viaOwnerData = public_user_data(sheet["viaOwner"])
        sheet["viaOwnerName"] = viaOwnerData["name"]
    ownerData = public_user_data(sheet["owner"])
    sheet["ownerName"] = ownerData["name"]
    sheet["naturalDateCreated"] = naturaltime(
        datetime.strptime(sheet["dateCreated"], "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f"))
    return sheet
Beispiel #7
 def contents(self, with_content=False, authenticated=False):
     from sefaria.sheets import sheet_topics_counts
     contents = super(Collection, self).contents()
     if with_content:
         contents["sheets"]       = self.sheet_contents(authenticated=authenticated)
         contents["topics"]       = sheet_topics_counts({"id": {"$in": self.sheets}})
         contents["admins"]       = [public_user_data(uid) for uid in contents["admins"]]
         contents["members"]      = [public_user_data(uid) for uid in contents["members"]]
         contents["lastModified"] = str(self.lastModified)
         contents["invitations"]  = getattr(self, "invitations", []) if authenticated else []
         contents["pinnedSheets"] = getattr(self, "pinned_sheets", [])
         contents["pinnedTags"]   = getattr(self, "pinnedTags", [])
     return contents
def index_sheet(index_name, id):
    Index source sheet with 'id'.

    sheet = db.sheets.find_one({"id": id})
    if not sheet: return False

    pud = public_user_data(sheet["owner"])
        doc = {
            "title": strip_tags(sheet["title"]),
            "content": make_sheet_text(sheet, pud),
            "owner_id": sheet["owner"],
            "owner_name": pud["name"],
            "owner_image": pud["imageUrl"],
            "profile_url": pud["profileUrl"],
            "version": "Source Sheet by " + user_link(sheet["owner"]),
            "tags": sheet.get("tags", []),
            "sheetId": id,
            "summary": sheet.get("summary", None),
            "group": sheet.get("group", None),
            "datePublished": sheet.get("datePublished", None),
            "dateCreated": sheet.get("dateCreated", None),
            "dateModified": sheet.get("dateCreated", None),
            "views": sheet.get("views", 0)
        es_client.create(index=index_name, doc_type='sheet', id=id, body=doc)
        global doc_count
        doc_count += 1
        return True
    except Exception, e:
        print "Error indexing sheet %d" % id
        print e
        return False
Beispiel #9
def index_sheet(index_name, id):
    Index source sheet with 'id'.

    sheet = db.sheets.find_one({"id": id})
    if not sheet: return False

    pud = public_user_data(sheet["owner"])
    doc = {
        "title": sheet["title"],
        "content": make_sheet_text(sheet, pud),
        "owner_id": sheet["owner"],
        "owner_name": pud["name"],
        "owner_image": pud["imageUrl"],
        "profile_url": pud["profileUrl"],
        "version": "Source Sheet by " + user_link(sheet["owner"]),
        "tags": ",".join(sheet.get("tags",[])),
        "sheetId": id,
        es.index(index_name, 'sheet', doc, id)
        global doc_count
        doc_count += 1
    except Exception, e:
        print "Error indexing sheet %d" % id
        print e
Beispiel #10
def sheet_to_dict(sheet):
	Returns a JSON serializable dictionary of Mongo document `sheet`.
	Annotates sheet with user profile info that is useful to client.
    profile = public_user_data(sheet["owner"])
    sheet_dict = {
        strip_tags(sheet["title"]) if "title" in sheet else "Untitled Sheet",
        sheet.get("group", None),
        sheet.get("dateCreated", None),
        add_langs_to_topics(sheet.get("topics", [])),
        "tags": [t['asTyped'] for t in sheet.get("topics", [])
                 ],  # for backwards compatibility with mobile
        sheet["options"] if "options" in sheet else [],
    return sheet_dict
Beispiel #11
def sheet_to_dict(sheet):
	Returns a JSON serializable dictionary of Mongo document `sheet`.
	Annotates sheet with user profile info that is useful to client.
    profile = public_user_data(sheet["owner"])
    sheet_dict = {
        strip_tags(sheet["title"]) if "title" in sheet else "Untitled Sheet",
        sheet["tags"] if "tags" in sheet else [],
        sheet["options"] if "options" in sheet else [],
    return sheet_dict
Beispiel #12
def format_note_object_for_client(note):
    Returns an object that represents note in the format expected by the reader client,
    matching the format of links, which are currently handled together.
    anchor_oref = Ref(note.ref).padded_ref()
    ownerData   = public_user_data(note.owner)

    com = {
        "category":        "Notes",
        "type":            "note",
        "owner":           note.owner,
        "_id":             str(note._id),
        "anchorRef":       note.ref,
        "anchorVerse":     anchor_oref.sections[-1],
        "anchorText":      getattr(note, "anchorText", ""),
        "public":          getattr(note, "public", False),
        "commentator":     user_link(note.owner),
        "text":            note.text,
        "title":           getattr(note, "title", ""),
        "ownerName":       ownerData["name"],
        "ownerProfileUrl": ownerData["profileUrl"],
        "ownerImageUrl":   ownerData["imageUrl"],
    return com
Beispiel #13
def format_note_object_for_client(note):
    Returns an object that represents note in the format expected by the reader client,
    matching the format of links, which are currently handled together.
    anchor_oref = Ref(note.ref).padded_ref()
    ownerData = public_user_data(note.owner)

    com = {
        "category": "Notes",
        "type": "note",
        "owner": note.owner,
        "_id": str(note._id),
        "anchorRef": note.ref,
        "anchorVerse": anchor_oref.sections[-1],
        "anchorText": getattr(note, "anchorText", ""),
        "public": getattr(note, "public", False),
        "commentator": user_link(note.owner),
        "text": note.text,
        "title": getattr(note, "title", ""),
        "ownerName": ownerData["name"],
        "ownerProfileUrl": ownerData["profileUrl"],
        "ownerImageUrl": ownerData["imageUrl"],
    return com
Beispiel #14
def index_sheet(index_name, id):
    Index source sheet with 'id'.

    sheet = db.sheets.find_one({"id": id})
    if not sheet: return False

    pud = public_user_data(sheet["owner"])
    doc = {
        "title": sheet["title"],
        "content": make_sheet_text(sheet, pud),
        "owner_id": sheet["owner"],
        "owner_name": pud["name"],
        "owner_image": pud["imageUrl"],
        "profile_url": pud["profileUrl"],
        "version": "Source Sheet by " + user_link(sheet["owner"]),
        "tags": ",".join(sheet.get("tags",[])),
        "sheetId": id,
        es.index(index_name, 'sheet', doc, id)
        global doc_count
        doc_count += 1
        return True
    except Exception, e:
        print "Error indexing sheet %d" % id
        print e
        return False
Beispiel #15
def get_sheets_for_ref(tref, pad=True, context=1):
	Returns a list of sheets that include ref,
	formating as need for the Client Sidebar.
	oref = model.Ref(tref)
	if pad:
		oref = oref.padded_ref()
	if context:
		oref = oref.context_ref(context)

	ref_re = oref.regex()

	results = []

	regex_list = oref.regex(as_list=True)
	ref_clauses = [{"sources.ref": {"$regex": r}} for r in regex_list]
	sheets = db.sheets.find({"$or": ref_clauses, "status": "public"},
		{"id": 1, "title": 1, "owner": 1, "sources.ref": 1, "views": 1}).sort([["views", -1]])
	for sheet in sheets:
		matched_refs = []
		if "sources" in sheet:
			for source in sheet["sources"]:
				if "ref" in source:
		matched_refs = [r for r in matched_refs if regex.match(ref_re, r)]
		for match in matched_refs:
				match = model.Ref(match)
			except InputError:
			ownerData = public_user_data(sheet["owner"])
			com = {
				"category":        "Sheets",
				"type":            "sheet",
				"owner":           sheet["owner"],
				"_id":             str(sheet["_id"]),
				"anchorRef":       match.normal(),
				"anchorVerse":     match.sections[-1] if len(match.sections) else 1,
				"public":          True,
				"commentator":     user_link(sheet["owner"]), # legacy, used in S1
				"text":            "<a class='sheetLink' href='/sheets/%d'>%s</a>" % (sheet["id"], strip_tags(sheet["title"])), # legacy, used in S1
				"title":           strip_tags(sheet["title"]),
				"sheetUrl":        "/sheets/" + str(sheet["id"]),
				"ownerName":       ownerData["name"],
				"ownerProfileUrl": ownerData["profileUrl"],
				"ownerImageUrl":   ownerData["imageUrl"],
				"views":           sheet["views"]


	return results
def get_sheets_for_ref(tref, pad=True, context=1):
	Returns a list of sheets that include ref,
	formating as need for the Client Sidebar.
	oref = model.Ref(tref)
	if pad:
		oref = oref.padded_ref()
	if context:
		oref = oref.context_ref(context)

	ref_re = oref.regex()

	results = []

	regex_list = oref.regex(as_list=True)
	ref_clauses = [{"sources.ref": {"$regex": r}} for r in regex_list]
	sheets = db.sheets.find({"$or": ref_clauses, "status": "public"},
		{"id": 1, "title": 1, "owner": 1, "sources.ref": 1, "views": 1}).sort([["views", -1]])
	for sheet in sheets:
		matched_refs = []
		if "sources" in sheet:
			for source in sheet["sources"]:
				if "ref" in source:
		matched_refs = [r for r in matched_refs if regex.match(ref_re, r)]
		for match in matched_refs:
				match = model.Ref(match)
			except InputError:
			ownerData = public_user_data(sheet["owner"])
			com = {
				"category":        "Sheets",
				"type":            "sheet",
				"owner":           sheet["owner"],
				"_id":             str(sheet["_id"]),
				"anchorRef":       match.normal(),
				"anchorVerse":     match.sections[-1] if len(match.sections) else 1,
				"public":          True,
				"commentator":     user_link(sheet["owner"]), # legacy, used in S1
				"text":            "<a class='sheetLink' href='/sheets/%d'>%s</a>" % (sheet["id"], strip_tags(sheet["title"])), # legacy, used in S1
				"title":           strip_tags(sheet["title"]),
				"sheetUrl":        "/sheets/" + str(sheet["id"]),
				"ownerName":       ownerData["name"],
				"ownerProfileUrl": ownerData["profileUrl"],
				"ownerImageUrl":   ownerData["imageUrl"],
				"views":           sheet["views"]


	return results
Beispiel #17
def get_sheet_for_panel(id=None):
	sheet = get_sheet(id)
	if "assigner_id" in sheet:
		asignerData = public_user_data(sheet["assigner_id"])
		sheet["assignerName"]  = asignerData["name"]
	if "viaOwner" in sheet:
		viaOwnerData = public_user_data(sheet["viaOwner"])
		sheet["viaOwnerName"]  = viaOwnerData["name"]
	ownerData = public_user_data(sheet["owner"])
	sheet["ownerName"]  = ownerData["name"]
	sheet["ownerProfileUrl"] = public_user_data(sheet["owner"])["profileUrl"]
	sheet["ownerImageUrl"] = public_user_data(sheet["owner"])["imageUrl"]
	sheet["naturalDateCreated"] = naturaltime(datetime.strptime(sheet["dateCreated"], "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f"))
	sheet["sources"] = annotate_user_links(sheet["sources"])
	if "group" in sheet:
		group = Group().load({"name": sheet["group"]})
			sheet["groupLogo"] = group.imageUrl
			sheet["groupLogo"] = None
	return sheet
Beispiel #18
def index_sheet(index_name, id):
    Index source sheet with 'id'.

    sheet = db.sheets.find_one({"id": id})
    if not sheet: return False

    pud = public_user_data(sheet["owner"])
    tag_terms_simple = make_sheet_tags(sheet)
    tags = [t["en"] for t in tag_terms_simple]
    topics = []
    for t in sheet.get('topics', []):
        topic_obj = Topic.init(t['slug'])
        if not topic_obj:
        topics += [topic_obj]
    collections = CollectionSet({"sheets": id, "listed": True})
    collection_names = [ for c in collections]
        doc = {
            "title": strip_tags(sheet["title"]),
            "content": make_sheet_text(sheet, pud),
            "owner_id": sheet["owner"],
            "owner_name": pud["name"],
            "owner_image": pud["imageUrl"],
            "profile_url": pud["profileUrl"],
            "version": "Source Sheet by " + user_link(sheet["owner"]),
            "tags": tags,
            "topic_slugs": [topic_obj.slug for topic_obj in topics],
            "topics_en": [topic_obj.get_primary_title('en') for topic_obj in topics],
            "topics_he": [topic_obj.get_primary_title('he') for topic_obj in topics],
            "sheetId": id,
            "summary": sheet.get("summary", None),
            "collections": collection_names,
            "datePublished": sheet.get("datePublished", None),
            "dateCreated": sheet.get("dateCreated", None),
            "dateModified": sheet.get("dateModified", None),
            "views": sheet.get("views", 0)
        es_client.create(index=index_name, doc_type='sheet', id=id, body=doc)
        global doc_count
        doc_count += 1
        return True
    except Exception as e:
        print("Error indexing sheet %d" % id)
        return False
def sheet_to_dict(sheet):
	Returns a JSON serializable dictionary of Mongo document `sheet`.
	Annotates sheet with user profile info that is useful to client.
	profile = public_user_data(sheet["owner"])
	sheet_dict = {
		"id": sheet["id"],
		"title": strip_tags(sheet["title"]) if "title" in sheet else "Untitled Sheet",
		"status": sheet["status"],
		"author": sheet["owner"],
		"ownerName": profile["name"],
		"ownerImageUrl": profile["imageUrl"],
		"views": sheet["views"],
		"modified": dateutil.parser.parse(sheet["dateModified"]).strftime("%m/%d/%Y"),
		"tags": sheet["tags"] if "tags" in sheet else [],
		"options": sheet["options"] if "options" in sheet else [],
	return sheet_dict
Beispiel #20
def index_sheet(index_name, id):
    Index source sheet with 'id'.

    sheet = db.sheets.find_one({"id": id})
    if not sheet: return False

    pud = public_user_data(sheet["owner"])
    tag_terms_simple = make_sheet_tags(sheet)
    tags = [t["en"] for t in tag_terms_simple]
    tags_he_and_en = [
        u"{}|||{}".format(t["en"], t["he"]) for t in tag_terms_simple
        doc = {
            "title": strip_tags(sheet["title"]),
            "content": make_sheet_text(sheet, pud),
            "owner_id": sheet["owner"],
            "owner_name": pud["name"],
            "owner_image": pud["imageUrl"],
            "profile_url": pud["profileUrl"],
            "version": "Source Sheet by " + user_link(sheet["owner"]),
            "tags": tags,
            "tags_he_and_en": tags_he_and_en,
            "sheetId": id,
            "summary": sheet.get("summary", None),
            "group": sheet.get("group", None),
            "datePublished": sheet.get("datePublished", None),
            "dateCreated": sheet.get("dateCreated", None),
            "dateModified": sheet.get("dateCreated", None),
            "views": sheet.get("views", 0)
        es_client.create(index=index_name, doc_type='sheet', id=id, body=doc)
        global doc_count
        doc_count += 1
        return True
    except Exception, e:
        print "Error indexing sheet %d" % id
        print e
        return False
Beispiel #21
def user_message_path(uid):
	"""Returns the relative path to send a message to `uid`"""
	data = public_user_data(uid)
	return mark_safe(data["profileUrl"] + "?message=1")
Beispiel #22
def get_sheets_for_ref(tref, uid=None, in_collection=None):
	Returns a list of sheets that include ref,
	formating as need for the Client Sidebar.
	If `uid` is present return user sheets, otherwise return public sheets.
	If `in_collection` (list of slugs) is present, only return sheets in one of the listed collections.
    oref = model.Ref(tref)
    # perform initial search with context to catch ranges that include a segment ref
    segment_refs = [r.normal() for r in oref.all_segment_refs()]
    query = {"expandedRefs": {"$in": segment_refs}}
    if uid:
        query["owner"] = uid
        query["status"] = "public"
    if in_collection:
        collections = CollectionSet({"slug": {"$in": in_collection}})
        sheets_list = [collection.sheets for collection in collections]
        sheets_ids = [sheet for sublist in sheets_list for sheet in sublist]
        query["id"] = {"$in": sheets_ids}

    sheetsObj = db.sheets.find(
        query, {
            "id": 1,
            "title": 1,
            "owner": 1,
            "viaOwner": 1,
            "via": 1,
            "dateCreated": 1,
            "includedRefs": 1,
            "expandedRefs": 1,
            "views": 1,
            "topics": 1,
            "status": 1,
            "summary": 1,
            "attribution": 1,
            "assigner_id": 1,
            "likes": 1,
            "displayedCollection": 1,
            "options": 1
        }).sort([["views", -1]])
    sheets = [s for s in sheetsObj]
    user_ids = list({s["owner"] for s in sheets})
    django_user_profiles = User.objects.filter(id__in=user_ids).values(
        'email', 'first_name', 'last_name', 'id')
    user_profiles = {item['id']: item for item in django_user_profiles}
    mongo_user_profiles = list(
        db.profiles.find({"id": {
            "$in": user_ids
        }}, {
            "id": 1,
            "slug": 1,
            "profile_pic_url_small": 1
    mongo_user_profiles = {item['id']: item for item in mongo_user_profiles}
    for profile in user_profiles:
            user_profiles[profile]["slug"] = mongo_user_profiles[profile][
            user_profiles[profile]["slug"] = "/"

                "profile_pic_url_small"] = mongo_user_profiles[profile].get(
                    "profile_pic_url_small", '')
            user_profiles[profile]["profile_pic_url_small"] = ""

    results = []
    for sheet in sheets:
        anchor_ref_list, anchor_ref_expanded_list = oref.get_all_anchor_refs(
            segment_refs, sheet.get("includedRefs", []),
            sheet.get("expandedRefs", []))
        ownerData = user_profiles.get(
            sheet["owner"], {
                'first_name': 'Ploni',
                'last_name': 'Almoni',
                'email': '*****@*****.**',
                'slug': 'Ploni-Almoni',
                'id': None,
                'profile_pic_url_small': ''

        if "assigner_id" in sheet:
            asignerData = public_user_data(sheet["assigner_id"])
            sheet["assignerName"] = asignerData["name"]
            sheet["assignerProfileUrl"] = asignerData["profileUrl"]
        if "viaOwner" in sheet:
            viaOwnerData = public_user_data(sheet["viaOwner"])
            sheet["viaOwnerName"] = viaOwnerData["name"]
            sheet["viaOwnerProfileUrl"] = viaOwnerData["profileUrl"]

        if "displayedCollection" in sheet:
            collection = Collection().load(
                {"slug": sheet["displayedCollection"]})
            sheet["collectionTOC"] = getattr(collection, "toc", None)
        topics = add_langs_to_topics(sheet.get("topics", []))
        for anchor_ref, anchor_ref_expanded in zip(anchor_ref_list,
            sheet_data = {
                "owner": sheet["owner"],
                "_id": str(sheet["_id"]),
                "id": str(sheet["id"]),
                "public": sheet["status"] == "public",
                "title": strip_tags(sheet["title"]),
                "sheetUrl": "/sheets/" + str(sheet["id"]),
                "anchorRef": anchor_ref.normal(),
                "anchorRefExpanded": [r.normal() for r in anchor_ref_expanded],
                "options": sheet["options"],
                "collectionTOC": sheet.get("collectionTOC", None),
                ownerData["first_name"] + " " + ownerData["last_name"],
                "via": sheet.get("via", None),
                "viaOwnerName": sheet.get("viaOwnerName", None),
                "assignerName": sheet.get("assignerName", None),
                "viaOwnerProfileUrl": sheet.get("viaOwnerProfileUrl", None),
                "assignerProfileUrl": sheet.get("assignerProfileUrl", None),
                "ownerProfileUrl": "/profile/" + ownerData["slug"],
                "ownerImageUrl": ownerData.get('profile_pic_url_small', ''),
                "status": sheet["status"],
                "views": sheet["views"],
                "topics": topics,
                "likes": sheet.get("likes", []),
                "summary": sheet.get("summary", None),
                "attribution": sheet.get("attribution", None),
                "is_featured": sheet.get("is_featured", False),
                "category": "Sheets",  # ditto
                "type": "sheet",  # ditto

    return results
Beispiel #23
def get_sheets_for_ref(tref, uid=None):
	Returns a list of sheets that include ref,
	formating as need for the Client Sidebar.
	If `uid` is present return user sheets, otherwise return public sheets.
    oref = model.Ref(tref)
    # perform initial search with context to catch ranges that include a segment ref
    regex_list = oref.context_ref().regex(as_list=True)
    ref_clauses = [{"includedRefs": {"$regex": r}} for r in regex_list]
    query = {"$or": ref_clauses}
    if uid:
        query["owner"] = uid
        query["status"] = "public"
    sheetsObj = db.sheets.find(
        query, {
            "id": 1,
            "title": 1,
            "owner": 1,
            "viaOwner": 1,
            "via": 1,
            "dateCreated": 1,
            "includedRefs": 1,
            "views": 1,
            "tags": 1,
            "status": 1,
            "summary": 1,
            "attribution": 1,
            "assigner_id": 1,
            "likes": 1,
            "group": 1,
            "options": 1
        }).sort([["views", -1]])
    sheets = list((s for s in sheetsObj))
    user_ids = list(set([s["owner"] for s in sheets]))
    django_user_profiles = User.objects.filter(id__in=user_ids).values(
        'email', 'first_name', 'last_name', 'id')
    user_profiles = {item['id']: item for item in django_user_profiles}
    mongo_user_profiles = list(
        db.profiles.find({"id": {
            "$in": user_ids
        }}, {
            "id": 1,
            "slug": 1
    mongo_user_profiles = {item['id']: item for item in mongo_user_profiles}
    for profile in user_profiles:
        user_profiles[profile]["slug"] = mongo_user_profiles[profile]["slug"]

    ref_re = "(" + '|'.join(regex_list) + ")"
    results = []
    for sheet in sheets:
        potential_matches = [
            r for r in sheet["includedRefs"] if r.startswith(oref.index.title)
        matched_refs = [r for r in potential_matches if regex.match(ref_re, r)]

        for match in matched_refs:
                match = model.Ref(match)
            except InputError:
            ownerData = user_profiles.get(
                sheet["owner"], {
                    'first_name': u'Ploni',
                    'last_name': u'Almoni',
                    'email': u'*****@*****.**',
                    'slug': 'Ploni-Almoni',
                    'id': None

            default_image = ""
            gravatar_base = "" + hashlib.md5(
                ownerData["email"].lower()).hexdigest() + "?"
            gravatar_url_small = gravatar_base + urllib.urlencode({
                'd': default_image,
                's': str(80)

            if "assigner_id" in sheet:
                asignerData = public_user_data(sheet["assigner_id"])
                sheet["assignerName"] = asignerData["name"]
                sheet["assignerProfileUrl"] = asignerData["profileUrl"]
            if "viaOwner" in sheet:
                viaOwnerData = public_user_data(sheet["viaOwner"])
                sheet["viaOwnerName"] = viaOwnerData["name"]
                sheet["viaOwnerProfileUrl"] = viaOwnerData["profileUrl"]

            if "group" in sheet:
                group = Group().load({"name": sheet["group"]})

                    sheet["groupLogo"] = group.imageUrl
                    sheet["groupLogo"] = None

            sheet_data = {
                match.sections[-1] if len(match.sections) else 1,
                sheet["status"] == "public",
                "/sheets/" + str(sheet["id"]),
                sheet.get("groupLogo", None),
                ownerData["first_name"] + " " + ownerData["last_name"],
                sheet.get("via", None),
                sheet.get("viaOwnerName", None),
                sheet.get("assignerName", None),
                sheet.get("viaOwnerProfileUrl", None),
                sheet.get("assignerProfileUrl", None),
                "/profile/" + ownerData["slug"],
                sheet.get("tags", []),
                sheet.get("likes", []),
                sheet.get("summary", None),
                sheet.get("attribution", None),
                "Sheets",  # ditto
                "sheet",  # ditto


    return results
Beispiel #24
def user_message_path(uid):
    """Returns the relative path to send a message to `uid`"""
    data = public_user_data(uid)
    return mark_safe(data["profileUrl"] + "?message=1")
Beispiel #25
def get_sheets_for_ref(tref, uid=None, in_group=None):
	Returns a list of sheets that include ref,
	formating as need for the Client Sidebar.
	If `uid` is present return user sheets, otherwise return public sheets.
	If `in_group` (list) is present, only return sheets in one of the listed groups.
    oref = model.Ref(tref)
    # perform initial search with context to catch ranges that include a segment ref
    segment_refs = [r.normal() for r in oref.all_segment_refs()]
    query = {"expandedRefs": {"$in": segment_refs}}
    if uid:
        query["owner"] = uid
        query["status"] = "public"
    if in_group:
        query["group"] = {"$in": in_group}
    sheetsObj = db.sheets.find(
        query, {
            "id": 1,
            "title": 1,
            "owner": 1,
            "viaOwner": 1,
            "via": 1,
            "dateCreated": 1,
            "includedRefs": 1,
            "expandedRefs": 1,
            "views": 1,
            "topics": 1,
            "status": 1,
            "summary": 1,
            "attribution": 1,
            "assigner_id": 1,
            "likes": 1,
            "group": 1,
            "options": 1
        }).sort([["views", -1]])
    sheets = [s for s in sheetsObj]
    user_ids = list({s["owner"] for s in sheets})
    django_user_profiles = User.objects.filter(id__in=user_ids).values(
        'email', 'first_name', 'last_name', 'id')
    user_profiles = {item['id']: item for item in django_user_profiles}
    mongo_user_profiles = list(
        db.profiles.find({"id": {
            "$in": user_ids
        }}, {
            "id": 1,
            "slug": 1,
            "profile_pic_url_small": 1
    mongo_user_profiles = {item['id']: item for item in mongo_user_profiles}
    for profile in user_profiles:
            user_profiles[profile]["slug"] = mongo_user_profiles[profile][
            user_profiles[profile]["slug"] = "/"

                "profile_pic_url_small"] = mongo_user_profiles[profile].get(
                    "profile_pic_url_small", '')
            user_profiles[profile]["profile_pic_url_small"] = ""

    results = []
    for sheet in sheets:
        anchor_ref_list, anchor_ref_expanded_list = oref.get_all_anchor_refs(
            segment_refs, sheet.get("includedRefs", []),
            sheet.get("expandedRefs", []))
        ownerData = user_profiles.get(
            sheet["owner"], {
                'first_name': 'Ploni',
                'last_name': 'Almoni',
                'email': '*****@*****.**',
                'slug': 'Ploni-Almoni',
                'id': None,
                'profile_pic_url_small': ''
        if len(ownerData.get('profile_pic_url_small', '')) == 0:
            default_image = ""
            gravatar_base = "" + hashlib.md5(
                ownerData["email"].lower().encode('utf8')).hexdigest() + "?"
            gravatar_url_small = gravatar_base + urllib.parse.urlencode(
                    'd': default_image,
                    's': str(80)
            ownerData['profile_pic_url_small'] = gravatar_url_small

        if "assigner_id" in sheet:
            asignerData = public_user_data(sheet["assigner_id"])
            sheet["assignerName"] = asignerData["name"]
            sheet["assignerProfileUrl"] = asignerData["profileUrl"]
        if "viaOwner" in sheet:
            viaOwnerData = public_user_data(sheet["viaOwner"])
            sheet["viaOwnerName"] = viaOwnerData["name"]
            sheet["viaOwnerProfileUrl"] = viaOwnerData["profileUrl"]

        if "group" in sheet:
            group = Group().load({"name": sheet["group"]})
            sheet["groupLogo"] = getattr(group, "imageUrl", None)
            sheet["groupTOC"] = getattr(group, "toc", None)
        natural_date_created = naturaltime(
            datetime.strptime(sheet["dateCreated"], "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f"))
        topics = add_langs_to_topics(sheet.get("topics", []))
        for anchor_ref, anchor_ref_expanded in zip(anchor_ref_list,
            sheet_data = {
                "owner": sheet["owner"],
                "_id": str(sheet["_id"]),
                "id": str(sheet["id"]),
                "public": sheet["status"] == "public",
                "title": strip_tags(sheet["title"]),
                "sheetUrl": "/sheets/" + str(sheet["id"]),
                "anchorRef": anchor_ref.normal(),
                "anchorRefExpanded": [r.normal() for r in anchor_ref_expanded],
                "options": sheet["options"],
                "naturalDateCreated": natural_date_created,
                "group": sheet.get("group", None),
                "groupLogo": sheet.get("groupLogo", None),
                "groupTOC": sheet.get("groupTOC", None),
                ownerData["first_name"] + " " + ownerData["last_name"],
                "via": sheet.get("via", None),
                "viaOwnerName": sheet.get("viaOwnerName", None),
                "assignerName": sheet.get("assignerName", None),
                "viaOwnerProfileUrl": sheet.get("viaOwnerProfileUrl", None),
                "assignerProfileUrl": sheet.get("assignerProfileUrl", None),
                "ownerProfileUrl": "/profile/" + ownerData["slug"],
                "ownerImageUrl": ownerData.get('profile_pic_url_small', ''),
                "status": sheet["status"],
                "views": sheet["views"],
                "topics": topics,
                "likes": sheet.get("likes", []),
                "summary": sheet.get("summary", None),
                "attribution": sheet.get("attribution", None),
                "is_featured": sheet.get("is_featured", False),
                "category": "Sheets",  # ditto
                "type": "sheet",  # ditto

    return results
Beispiel #26
def get_sheets_for_ref(tref, uid=None):
	Returns a list of sheets that include ref,
	formating as need for the Client Sidebar.
	If `uid` is present return user sheets, otherwise return public sheets. 
    oref = model.Ref(tref)
    # perform initial search with context to catch ranges that include a segment ref
    regex_list = oref.context_ref().regex(as_list=True)
    ref_clauses = [{"sources.ref": {"$regex": r}} for r in regex_list]
    query = {"$or": ref_clauses}
    if uid:
        query["owner"] = uid
        query["status"] = "public"
    sheets = db.sheets.find(
        query, {
            "id": 1,
            "title": 1,
            "owner": 1,
            "sources.ref": 1,
            "views": 1,
            "tags": 1,
            "status": 1
        }).sort([["views", -1]])

    results = []
    for sheet in sheets:
        matched_refs = []
        for source in sheet.get("sources", []):
            if "ref" in source:
        for match in matched_refs:
                match = model.Ref(match)
                if not oref.overlaps(match):
            except InputError:
            ownerData = public_user_data(sheet["owner"])
            sheet_data = {
                match.sections[-1] if len(match.sections) else 1,
                sheet["status"] == "public",
                "<a class='sheetLink' href='/sheets/%d'>%s</a>" %
                (sheet["id"], strip_tags(
                    sheet["title"])),  # legacy, used in S1
                "/sheets/" + str(sheet["id"]),
                sheet.get("tags", []),
                user_link(sheet["owner"]),  # legacy, used in S1
                "Sheets",  # ditto
                "sheet",  # ditto


    return results
def get_sheets_for_ref(tref, uid=None):
	Returns a list of sheets that include ref,
	formating as need for the Client Sidebar.
	If `uid` is present return user sheets, otherwise return public sheets. 
	oref = model.Ref(tref)
	# perform initial search with context to catch ranges that include a segment ref
	regex_list = oref.context_ref().regex(as_list=True)
	ref_clauses = [{"includedRefs": {"$regex": r}} for r in regex_list]
	query = {"$or": ref_clauses }
	if uid:
		query["owner"] = uid
		query["status"] = "public"
	sheetsObj = db.sheets.find(query,
		{"id": 1, "title": 1, "owner": 1, "viaOwner":1, "via":1, "dateCreated": 1, "includedRefs": 1, "views": 1, "tags": 1, "status": 1, "summary":1, "attribution":1, "assigner_id":1, "likes":1, "options":1}).sort([["views", -1]])
	sheets = list((s for s in sheetsObj))
	user_ids = list(set([s["owner"] for s in sheets]))
	django_user_profiles = User.objects.filter(id__in=user_ids).values('email','first_name','last_name','id')
	user_profiles = {item['id']: item for item in django_user_profiles}
	mongo_user_profiles = list(db.profiles.find({"id": {"$in": user_ids}},{"id":1,"slug":1}))
	mongo_user_profiles = {item['id']: item for item in mongo_user_profiles}
	for profile in user_profiles:
		user_profiles[profile]["slug"] = mongo_user_profiles[profile]["slug"]

	ref_re = "("+'|'.join(regex_list)+")"
	results = []
	for sheet in sheets:
		potential_matches = [r for r in sheet["includedRefs"] if r.startswith(oref.index.title)]
		matched_refs = [r for r in potential_matches if regex.match(ref_re, r)]

		for match in matched_refs:
				match = model.Ref(match)
			except InputError:
			ownerData = user_profiles.get(sheet["owner"], {'first_name': u'Ploni', 'last_name': u'Almoni', 'email': u'*****@*****.**', 'slug': 'Ploni-Almoni', 'id': None})

			default_image = ""
			gravatar_base = "" + hashlib.md5(ownerData["email"].lower()).hexdigest() + "?"
			gravatar_url_small = gravatar_base + urllib.urlencode({'d': default_image, 's': str(80)})

			if "assigner_id" in sheet:
				asignerData = public_user_data(sheet["assigner_id"])
				sheet["assignerName"] = asignerData["name"]
				sheet["assignerProfileUrl"] = asignerData["profileUrl"]
			if "viaOwner" in sheet:
				viaOwnerData = public_user_data(sheet["viaOwner"])
				sheet["viaOwnerName"] = viaOwnerData["name"]
				sheet["viaOwnerProfileUrl"] = viaOwnerData["profileUrl"]

			sheet_data = {
				"owner":           sheet["owner"],
				"_id":             str(sheet["_id"]),
				"id":              str(sheet["id"]),
				"anchorRef":       match.normal(),
				"anchorVerse":     match.sections[-1] if len(match.sections) else 1,
				"public":          sheet["status"] == "public",
				"title":           strip_tags(sheet["title"]),
				"sheetUrl":        "/sheets/" + str(sheet["id"]),
				"options": 		   sheet["options"],
				"naturalDateCreated": naturaltime(datetime.strptime(sheet["dateCreated"], "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f")),
				"ownerName":       ownerData["first_name"]+" "+ownerData["last_name"],
				"via":			   sheet.get("via", None),
				"viaOwnerName":	   sheet.get("viaOwnerName", None),
				"assignerName":	   sheet.get("assignerName", None),
				"viaOwnerProfileUrl":	   sheet.get("viaOwnerProfileUrl", None),
				"assignerProfileUrl":	   sheet.get("assignerProfileUrl", None),
				"ownerProfileUrl": "/profile/" + ownerData["slug"],
				"ownerImageUrl":   gravatar_url_small,
				"status":          sheet["status"],
				"views":           sheet["views"],
				"tags":            sheet.get("tags", []),
				"likes":           sheet.get("likes", []),
				"summary":         sheet.get("summary", None),
				"attribution":     sheet.get("attribution", None),
				"category":        "Sheets", # ditto
				"type":            "sheet", # ditto


	return results