Beispiel #1
 def process(self):
     Working through the process chain.
     This method returns either a dictionary for a folder node containing 
     objects implementing the L{IResource} interface or a single object 
     for a leaf node, like a file or document resource.
     if isinstance(self.path, unicode):
         raise TypeError("URL must be a str instance, not unicode!")
     # unquote url
     self.path = urllib.unquote(self.path)
     # check for URI length
     if len(self.path) >= MAXIMAL_URL_LENGTH:
         raise SeisHubError(code=http.REQUEST_URI_TOO_LONG)
     # post process path
     self.postpath = splitPath(self.path)
     # we like upper case method names
     self.method = self.method.upper()
     # check for valid methods
     if self.method not in ALLOWED_HTTP_METHODS:
         msg = 'HTTP %s is not implemented.' % self.method
         raise SeisHubError(code=http.NOT_ALLOWED, message=msg)
     # read content, 0) =
     # easy args handler
     for id in self.args:
         if not len(self.args[id]):
         self.args0[id] = self.args[id][0]
     return self.render()
Beispiel #2
 def process(self):
     Working through the process chain.
     This method returns either a dictionary for a folder node containing 
     objects implementing the L{IResource} interface or a single object 
     for a leaf node, like a file or document resource.
     if isinstance(self.path, unicode):
         raise TypeError("URL must be a str instance, not unicode!")
     # unquote url
     self.path = urllib.unquote(self.path)
     # check for URI length
     if len(self.path) >= MAXIMAL_URL_LENGTH:
         raise SeisHubError(code=http.REQUEST_URI_TOO_LONG)
     # post process path
     self.postpath = splitPath(self.path)
     # we like upper case method names
     self.method = self.method.upper()
     # check for valid methods
     if self.method not in ALLOWED_HTTP_METHODS:
         msg = 'HTTP %s is not implemented.' % self.method
         raise SeisHubError(code=http.NOT_ALLOWED, message=msg)
     # read content, 0) =
     # easy args handler
     for id in self.args:
         if not len(self.args[id]):
         self.args0[id] = self.args[id][0]
     return self.render()
Beispiel #3
    def render_MOVE(self, request):
        Processes a resource move/rename request.

        self._checkPermissions(request, 777)
        # seishub directory is not directly changeable
        if self.package_id == 'seishub':
            msg = "SeisHub resources may not be moved directly."
            raise ForbiddenError(msg)
        # test if destination is set
        destination = request.received_headers.get('Destination', False)
        if not destination:
            msg = "Expected a destination header."
            raise SeisHubError(msg, code=http.BAD_REQUEST)
        if not destination.startswith(request.env.getRestUrl()):
            if destination.startswith('http'):
                msg = "Destination URI is located on a different server."
                raise SeisHubError(msg, code=http.BAD_GATEWAY)
            msg = "Expected a complete destination path."
            raise SeisHubError(msg, code=http.BAD_REQUEST)
        # test size of destination URI
        if len(destination) >= MAXIMAL_URL_LENGTH:
            msg = "Destination URI is to long."
            raise SeisHubError(msg, code=http.REQUEST_URI_TOO_LONG)

        # strip host
        destination = destination[len(request.env.getRestUrl()):]
        # source URI and destination URI must not be the same value
        parts = splitPath(destination)
        if parts == request.prepath:
            msg = "Source URI and destination URI must not be the same value."
            raise ForbiddenError(msg)
        # test if valid destination path
        if len(parts) < 1 or parts[:-1] != request.prepath[:-1]:
            msg = "Destination %s not allowed." % destination
            raise ForbiddenError(msg)
        # rename resource
        request.env.catalog.renameResource(self.res, parts[-1])
        # on successful creation - set status code and location header
        request.code = http.CREATED
        url = request.env.getRestUrl() + destination
        # won't accept Unicode
        request.headers['Location'] = str(url)
        return ''
Beispiel #4
    def putChild(self, path, obj):
        Register a static child for this resource.

        The resource node also accepts absolute paths. Missing sub folders are
        automatically generated.
        if '/' not in path:
            # we got a single id
            self.children[path] = obj
            # we got some absolute path
            parts = splitPath(path)
            temp = self
            for part in parts[:-1]:
                if part not in temp.children:
                    temp.children[part] = StaticFolder()
                temp = temp.children.get(part)
            temp.children[parts[-1]] = obj
Beispiel #5
    def putChild(self, path, obj):
        Register a static child for this resource.

        The resource node also accepts absolute paths. Missing sub folders are
        automatically generated.
        if '/' not in path:
            # we got a single id
            self.children[path] = obj
            # we got some absolute path
            parts = splitPath(path)
            temp = self
            for part in parts[:-1]:
                if part not in temp.children:
                    temp.children[part] = StaticFolder()
                temp = temp.children.get(part)
            temp.children[parts[-1]] = obj