Beispiel #1
def read_a_block_vals(port, idn, read_block, read_wait_time=0.00001):
    """ Reads a block of sensor values from dxl device.

        port: Dynamixel portHandler object
        idn: An integer representing the DXL ID number
        read_block: An instance of Contiguous Registers (defined in dxl_reg) containing the block of registers to read
        read_wait_time: A float representing time (in seconds) to wait before reading the buffer

        A list containing sensor values of each register in the read_block
    dynamixel.readTxRx(port, PROTOCOL_VERSION, idn, read_block.offset,

    dxl_comm_result = dynamixel.getLastTxRxResult(port, PROTOCOL_VERSION)
    dxl_error = dynamixel.getLastRxPacketError(port, PROTOCOL_VERSION)
    if dxl_comm_result != COMM_SUCCESS:
        print(dynamixel.getTxRxResult(PROTOCOL_VERSION, dxl_comm_result))
    elif dxl_error != 0:
        print(dynamixel.getRxPacketError(PROTOCOL_VERSION, dxl_error))

    data_pos = 0
    vals = []
    for reg in read_block._regs:
        data = dynamixel.getDataRead(port, PROTOCOL_VERSION, reg.width,
        data_pos += reg.width
    return read_block.vals_from_data(vals)
Beispiel #2
def sync_write(port, block, data):
    """ Write to multiple DXLs in synchronized fashion

    This instruction is used to control multiple Dynamixels simultaneously with a single Instruction Packet
    transmission. When this instruction is used, several instructions can be transmitted at once, so that the
    communication time is reduced when multiple Dynamixels are connected in a single channel. However, the SYNC WRITE
    instruction can only be used to a single address with an identical length of data over connected Dynamixels.
    ID should be transmitted as Broadcasting ID.

            port: Dynamixel portHandler object returned by make_connection
            block: An instance of Contiguous Registers (defined in dxl_reg) containing the register to write to
            data: A zip of 2 lists - dxl_ids and values.

    address = block.offset
    length = block.width

    group_num = dynamixel.groupSyncWrite(port, PROTOCOL_VERSION, address, length)

    for ind, (dxl_id, value) in enumerate(data):
        dxl_addparam_result = ctypes.c_ubyte(dynamixel.groupSyncWriteAddParam(group_num, dxl_id, value, length)).value
        if dxl_addparam_result != 1:
            print("[ID:%03d] groupSyncWrite addparam failed" % (dxl_id))

    # Syncwrite goal position
    dxl_comm_result = dynamixel.getLastTxRxResult(port, PROTOCOL_VERSION)
    if dxl_comm_result != COMM_SUCCESS:
        print(dynamixel.getTxRxResult(PROTOCOL_VERSION, dxl_comm_result))

    # Clear syncwrite parameter storage
Beispiel #3
def loop_until_written(port, dxl_id, packet, read_wait_time=0.00001):
    """ Loop until instruction packet is written in the DXL control table

        port: Dynamixel portHandler object
        idn: An integer representing the DXL ID number
        packet: A tuple - (address of register, list of values to be written, width of the register in bytes)
        read_wait_time: A float representing time (in seconds) to wait before reading the buffer
    reg0, buf, width = packet
    if width == 1:
        write1byte(port, dxl_id, reg0, buf[0])
    elif width == 2:
        write2bytes(port, dxl_id, reg0, buf[0])

    dxl_comm_result = dynamixel.getLastTxRxResult(port, PROTOCOL_VERSION)
    dxl_error = dynamixel.getLastRxPacketError(port, PROTOCOL_VERSION)
    if dxl_comm_result != COMM_SUCCESS:
        print(dynamixel.getTxRxResult(PROTOCOL_VERSION, dxl_comm_result))
    elif dxl_error != 0:
        print(dynamixel.getRxPacketError(PROTOCOL_VERSION, dxl_error))
Beispiel #4
def bulk_read(port, blocks, dxl_ids, group_num=None):
    """ Read from multiple DXL MX-64s sending one bulk read packet

    This instruction is used for reading values of multiple MX series DXLs simultaneously by sending a single
    Instruction Packet. The packet length is shortened compared to sending multiple READ commands, and the idle time
    between the status packets being returned is also shortened to save communication time. However, this cannot be
    used to read a single module. If an identical ID is designated multiple times, only the first designated
    parameter will be processed.

            port: Dynamixel portHandler object
            blocks: A list containing blocks of contiguous registers
            dxl_ids: A list containing DXL id numbers
            group_num: An instance of dynamixel.groupBulkRead defined in C

            A dictionary containing the motor id, the register names and their corresponding values.
            For e.g., if present position and goal position are read from 2 motors, the output would be:
            {'1': {'present_pos': 2.34, 'goal_pos': 3.21}, '2': {'present_pos': 1.23, 'goal_pos': 2.55}}
    # Initialize Group bulk read instance
    if group_num == None:
        group_num = init_bulk_read(port)

    if not isinstance(blocks, list):
        blocks = blocks[blocks]

    if not isinstance(dxl_ids, list):
        dxl_ids = [dxl_ids]

    assert len(blocks) == len(dxl_ids)

    # Add parameter storage for Dynamixel#1 present position value
    for i, (id, block) in enumerate(zip(dxl_ids, blocks)):
        address = block.offset
        length = block.width

        dxl_addparam_result = ctypes.c_ubyte(
            dynamixel.groupBulkReadAddParam(group_num, id, address,
        if dxl_addparam_result != 1:
            print("[ID:%03d] groupBulkRead addparam failed" % (id))

    # Bulkread specified address
    dxl_comm_result = dynamixel.getLastTxRxResult(port, PROTOCOL_VERSION)
    if dxl_comm_result != COMM_SUCCESS:
        print(dynamixel.getTxRxResult(PROTOCOL_VERSION, dxl_comm_result))

    # Read the values and convert them
    vals_dict = {}
    for i, (id, block) in enumerate(zip(dxl_ids, blocks)):
        address = block.offset
        length = block.width
        # Check if groupbulkread data of Dynamixel#1 is available
        dxl_getdata_result = ctypes.c_ubyte(
            dynamixel.groupBulkReadIsAvailable(group_num, id, address,
        if dxl_getdata_result != 1:
            print("[ID:%03d] groupBulkRead getdata failed" % (id))

        raw_val = dynamixel.groupBulkReadGetData(group_num, id, address,
        data = block.vals_from_data([raw_val])
        vals_dict[i] = data
    return vals_dict