async def insert_reading(self, reading): """Inserts a single reading into the database. Args: reading (dict): The reading to insert into the database. """ if not self._open: print('Cannot insert reading, database connection not open!') return # FIX: The verify operation is now performed in the upload handler try: # remove the command if necessary if "cmd" in reading: del reading['cmd'] sensorid = int(reading['sensorid']) groupid = int(reading['groupid']) rtypeid = int(reading['rtypeid']) # insert the sensor if it does not exist if not await self.does_sensor_exist(sensorid, groupid): await self.insert_sensor(sensorid, groupid) if not await self.does_group_exist(groupid): await self.insert_group(groupid) # make sure that the rtype exists, exit otherwise if not await self.does_rtype_exist(rtypeid): print('rtype:', rtypeid, 'not found in database!') return # insert the reading into the database self._conn[self._db].readings.insert_one(reading) except pymongo.errors.PyMongoError: return False, DBError() except Exception: return False, DBError() return True, None
async def insert_readings(self, readings, batch_size=DatabaseProvider.BATCH_SIZE): """Inserts multiple readings into the database. Args: readings (list): A list of readings to insert into the database. batch_size (int): The amount of readings to insert per batch. """ if not self._open: print('Cannot insert readings, database connection not open!') return if not map(verify_reading, readings): return False, None try: index = 0 lim = len(readings) while index < lim: step = batch_size if index + batch_size < lim else lim - index self._conn[self._db].readings.insert_many( readings[index:index + step]) index += step except pymongo.errors.PyMongoError: return False, DBError() except Exception: return False, DBError() return True, None
async def get_readings(self, sensorid, groupid, rtypeid, limit=DatabaseProvider.DOC_LIMIT): """Generator function for retrieving readings from the database. Args: sensorid (int): The id of the sensor to return readings on. groupid (int): The id of the group the sensor belongs to. limit (int): The number of readings to return in a single call. """ if not self._open: print('Cannot get readings, database connection not open!') return try: sensorid = int(sensorid) groupid = int(groupid) rtypeid = int(rtypeid) with self._conn[self._db].readings.find( { "sensorid": sensorid, "groupid": groupid, "rtypeid": rtypeid }, { "_id": False }).sort("ts", pymongo.DESCENDING).limit(limit) as cursor: for doc in cursor: yield doc except pymongo.errors.PyMongoError: raise DBError() except Exception: raise DBError()
async def insert_group(self, groupid): """ Inserts a group into the database. Args: groupid (int): The id of the group. """ if not self._open: print('Cannot insert group, database connection not open!') return groupid = int(groupid) try: if not await self.does_group_exist(groupid): self._conn[self._db].groups.insert_one({"groupid": groupid}) except pymongo.errors.PyMongoError: raise DBError() except Exception: raise DBError()
async def get_rtypes(self): """Generator function used to get reading types from the database. Args: batch_size (int): The number of reading types to return in each batch. """ if not self._open: print('Cannot get rtypes, database connection not open!') return try: with self._conn[self._db].rtypes.find({}, {'_id': False}) as cursor: for doc in cursor: yield doc except pymongo.errors.PyMongoError: raise DBError() except Exception: raise DBError()
async def does_rtype_exist(self, rtypeid): """Determines if the specified sensor exists in the database. Args: rtypeid (int): The id of the rtype to check for. """ if not self._open: print( 'Cannot determine if rtype exists, database connection not open!' ) return try: return self._conn[self._db].rtypes.find_one( filter={'rtypeid': rtypeid}) is not None except pymongo.errors.PyMongoError: raise DBError() except Exception as e: raise DBError()
async def does_group_exist(self, groupid): """Determines if the specifiied group exists in the database. Args: groupid (int): The id of the group to check for. """ if not self._open: print( 'Cannot determine if group exists, database connection not open!' ) return try: return self._conn[self._db].groups.find_one( filter={'groupid': groupid}) is not None except pymongo.errors.PyMongoError: raise DBError() except Exception: raise DBError()
async def insert_sensor(self, sensorid, groupid): """Inserts a sensorboard into the database. Args: sensorid (int): The id assigned to the sensorboard. groupid (int): The id of the group the sensorboard belongs to. """ if not self._open: print('Cannot insert sensor, database connection not open!') return try: self._conn[self._db].sensors.insert_one({ 'sensorid': sensorid, 'groupid': groupid }) except pymongo.errors.PyMongoError: return False, DBError() except Exception: return False, DBError() return True, None
async def get_sensors(self, groupid): """Generator function used to get sensors from the database. Args: groupid (int): The id of the group to return sensors from. batch_size (int): The number of sensors to return in a single batch. """ if not self._open: print('Cannot get sensors, database connection not open!') return try: groupid = int(groupid) with self._conn[self._db].sensors.find({'groupid': groupid}, {'_id': False}) as cursor: for doc in cursor: yield doc except pymongo.errors.PyMongoError: raise DBError() except Exception: raise DBError()
def open(self): """Opens a connection to the backing database server.""" if not self._open: try: if self.__username is not None and self.__password is not None: self._conn = pymongo.MongoClient(self._conn_str, username=self.__username, password=self.__password) else: self._conn = pymongo.MongoClient(self._conn_str) self._open = True except pymongo.errors.PyMongoError: print( 'ERROR: Cannot continue, there was a problem opening the database connection!\n{}' .format(str(e))) raise DBError()
async def get_readings_by_period(self, sensorid, groupid, start_date, end_date): """Returns all of the readings for a given time period for a given sensor. Args: sensorid (int): The id of the sensor to get readings for. groupid (int): The id of the group the sensor belongs to. start_date (datetime.datetime): The start time period. end_date (datetime.datetime): The end time period. """ # bail if not connected to the database if not self._open: raise DBError( 'Cannot retrieve sensor readings, database connection not open!' ) try: pipeline = [ # filter by sensorid and groupid # these are all indexed so this should be fast { "$match": { "$and": [{ "sensorid": { "$eq": sensorid }, "groupid": { "$eq": groupid } }] } }, # optimization step - sort descending by time { "$sort": { "ts": -1 } }, # filter by time { "$match": { "ts": { "$lte": end_date } } }, { "$match": { "ts": { "$gte": start_date } } }, { "$project": { "_id": 0, "groupid": 1, "sensorid": 1, "rtypeid": 1, "ts": 1, "val": 1 } } ] readings = [] with self._conn[self._db].readings.aggregate( pipeline, allowDiskUse=True, maxTimeMS=self.MAX_AGGREGATE_MS) as cursor: for doc in cursor: readings.append(doc) return readings except Exception as e: print(e) raise DBError()
async def stats_sensor(self, sensorid, groupid, rtypeid, start, end): """Returns the stats for a specific sensor. Args: sensorid (int): The id of the sensor to retrieve stats on. groupid (int): The id of the group the sensor belongs to. rtypeid (int): The id of the reading type to retrieve stats for. start (datetime, datetime): The start time that begins the range for stats. end (datetime.datetime): The end time that ends the range for stats. Returns: (dict): A Python dict-like object containing the stats for sensor. """ # bail if not connected to the database if not self._open: raise DBError( 'Cannot retrieve stats for sensor, database connection not open!' ) # build the stats pipeline pipeline = [ # filter by sensorid, groupid, and rtypeid # these are all indexed so this should be fast { "$match": { "$and": [{ "sensorid": { "$eq": sensorid }, "groupid": { "$eq": groupid }, "rtypeid": { "$eq": rtypeid } }] } }, # optimization step - sort descending by time { "$sort": { "ts": -1 } }, # filter by time { "$match": { "ts": { "$lte": end } } }, { "$match": { "ts": { "$gte": start } } }, # project just the value field { "$project": { "val": 1 } }, # simultaneously determine the min, max, and avg # TODO: We may be able to do this entirely in the above # project # $facet allows for running simultaneous operations across a # collection without having to run through the collection each # with each operation { "$facet": { "min": [{ "$group": { "_id": None, "value": { "$min": "$val" } } }], "max": [{ "$group": { "_id": None, "value": { "$max": "$val" } } }], "avg": [{ "$group": { "_id": None, "value": { "$avg": "$val" } } }] } } ] try: # run the aggregation doc = None with self._conn[self._db].readings.aggregate( pipeline, allowDiskUse=True, maxTimeMS=self.MAX_AGGREGATE_MS) as cursor: doc = # build the stats container stats = dict() if doc and doc['min'] and doc['max'] and doc['avg']: stats['min'] = doc['min'][0]['value'] stats['max'] = doc['max'][0]['value'] stats['avg'] = doc['avg'][0]['value'] else: stats['min'] = 0 stats['max'] = 0 stats['avg'] = 0 # return the stats container return stats except Exception: raise DBError()
async def stats_group(self, groupid, rtypeid, start, end): """Returns the stats for an entire group of sensors. Args: groupid (int): The id of the group the sensor belongs to. rtypeid (int): The id of the reading type to retrieve stats for. start (datetime.datetime): The start time that begins the range for stats. end (datetime.datetime): The end time that ends the range for stats. Returns: (generator): A Python generator over the stats from the database. """ # bail if we arent connected to the database if not self._open(): raise DBError( 'Cannot retrieve stats for sensor, database connection not open!' ) # build the pipeline pipeline = [ # filter all elements that do not match the indicated group and rtype { "$match": { "$and": [{ "groupid": { "$eq": groupid }, "rtypeid": { "$eq": rtypeid } }] } }, # optimization step - sort descending by time { "$sort": { "ts": -1 } }, # filter out all elements that do not fit within the time bound { "$match": { "$and": [{ "ts": { "$gte": start }, "ts": { "$lte": end } }] } } ] try: with self._conn[self._db].readings.aggregate( pipeline, allowDiskUse=True, maxTimeMS=self.MAX_AGGREGATE_MS) as cursor: return except Exception: raise DBError()
def init(self): """Initializes the database with the initial table design dictated in 'docs/DB.rst'. This command will fail-soft if the database already exists. """ if not self._open: print('Cannot initialize database, connection not open!') return try: if self._db in self._conn.list_database_names(): if input( 'Senslify Database detected, do you want to delete it? [y|n]: ' ).lower() == 'y': print('Warning: Deleting Senslify database!') self._conn.drop_database(self._db) return else: # otherwise exit the method, no initialization needed return # create the indexes on the collections in the database self._conn[self._db].sensors.create_index( [("sensorid", pymongo.ASCENDING), ("groupid", pymongo.ASCENDING)], unique=True) self._conn[self._db].groups.create_index( [("groupid", pymongo.ASCENDING)], unique=True) self._conn[self._db].rtypes.create_index( [("rtypeid", pymongo.ASCENDING), ("rtype", pymongo.ASCENDING)], unique=True) self._conn[self._db].readings.create_index( [("sensorid", pymongo.ASCENDING), ("groupid", pymongo.ASCENDING), ("rtypeid", pymongo.ASCENDING), ("ts", pymongo.ASCENDING)], unique=True) # insert starting rtypes into the database # if you want more rtypes in the database than this, you'll need to # insert them through the Mongo shell, I don't provide a way to do so # or you know, you could modify this list too, but it will require # reinitializing the database, deleting anything in there currently self._conn[self._db].rtypes.insert_many([ # Note that these rtypes match up with the ReadForward TOS App { "rtypeid": 0, "rtype": "Temperature" }, { "rtypeid": 1, "rtype": "Humidity" }, { "rtypeid": 2, "rtype": "Visible Light" }, { "rtypeid": 3, "rtype": "Infrared Light" }, { "rtypeid": 4, "rtype": "Voltage" } ]) except pymongo.errors.PyMongoError as e: raise DBError() except Exception: raise DBError()