""" initial time stamp """
 """ Open .dat file to record values """
 f = open('writeTest.dat', 'w')
     str('t') + '\t' + str('rollEr') + '\t' + str('pitchEr') + '\t' +
     str('ADC_Ch1') + '\t' + str('ADC_Ch2') + '\t' + str('pitchPOT') +
     '\t' + str('heavePOT') + '\t' + str('q') + '\t' + str('mot1_pos') +
     '\t' + str('mot2_pos') + '\n')  #Indices
 """ The Main Loop """
 while (True):
     """ Measure current time and update 't' """
     timeSTMP1.timeSTMP()  # Current CPU time
     t = timeSTMP1.STMP - timeSTMP0.STMP  # Current CPU time - Initial time stamp
     """ Measure an Euler angles """
     EulerAng = sensor.EBIIMURead(ser)
     """ Read ADC values from the potentiometers """
     ADC_Ch1 = ADC.read("AIN1")  # [ADC Value]
     ADC_Ch2 = ADC.read("AIN2")  # [ADC Value]
     """ convert ADC value into physical size """
     pitchPOT = -307 * ADC_Ch1 + 142.2  # [deg]
     heavePOT = -720.53 * ADC_Ch2 + 969.47  # [mm]
     """ Update the error matrices (2 x 2) """
     rollEr[0] = rollEr[1]
     rollEr[1] = [t, EulerAng[0]]
     pitchEr[0] = pitchEr[1]
     pitchEr[1] = [t, EulerAng[1]]
     """ Derivative control """
     ctrlRoll.dCtrl(rollEr[0, 0], rollEr[1, 0], rollEr[0, 1], rollEr[1, 1])
     ctrlPitch.dCtrl(pitchEr[0, 0], pitchEr[1, 0], pitchEr[0, 1],
                     pitchEr[1, 1])
""" Python Modules """
import serial
import time
""" pyBBIO """
import Adafruit_BBIO.UART as UART
""" Developed Module """
import sensor
""" Use UART1 """
""" Set Port and Baud-rate"""
ser = serial.Serial(port="/dev/ttyO1", baudrate=115200)
ser.close()  # Close the UART1 if it is opened
if ser.isOpen():
    while (True):
        print(sensor.EBIIMURead(ser))  # Print roll,pitch and yaw