Beispiel #1
    def check_health(self):
        Determines whether battery chargers must be set manually
        # Check if sensors are reading data in the system
        # if areSensorsAcquiringData():
        #     return

        # Check if ShutAllBatteryHeaters is running
        if self.heaterShutDownLock.isLocked():
            # Shut all battery heaters off
            print('Battery heaters must remain shut off')
            self.controlStatus = True
            SensorManager.gpio_output(PSS_HTR_MUX_SEL_GPIO, OFF)
            for heater in heaterIdentifers:
                SensorManager.gpio_output(heater, OFF)

        # # Get temperature inputs
        # tempIdentifiers = (TEMP_BAT_1,) # TEMP_BAT_2, TEMP_BAT_3, TEMP_BAT_4)
        # tempValues = []
        # for iden in tempIdentifiers:
        #     SensorManager.init_temp_sensor(iden)
        #     valueList = []
        #     # Get median of 5 value readings to remove outliers
        #     for i in range(0,5):
        #         valueList.append(SensorManager.read_temp_sensor(iden))
        #     tempValue = median(valueList)
        #     print(tempValue)
        #     SensorManager.stop_temp_sensor(iden)
        #     # Keep final value of sensor
        #     tempValues.append(tempValue)
        # # Get status identifiers
        # statusIdentifiers = (PSS_HTR_STAT_1_GPIO, PSS_HTR_STAT_2_GPIO,\
        # statusValues = []
        # for iden in statusIdentifiers:
        #         statusValues.append(SensorManager.gpio_input(iden,0))

        batteryTempAndStatusDict = BatteryHeatersReader()
        tempValues = [item["temp"] for item in batteryTempAndStatusDict]
        statusValues = [item["heaters"] for item in batteryTempAndStatusDict]

        # Define manual heater identifiers
        heaterIdentifers = (PSS_HTR_EN_1_GPIO, PSS_HTR_EN_2_GPIO,\

        print('Status value: ' + str(statusValues[0]))
        print('Is analog:', SensorManager.gpio_input(PSS_HTR_MUX_SEL_GPIO, time.time()))

        # Check if payload is running
        if self.isPayloadAcquiringData():
            # Shut all battery heaters off
            print('Payload is running... shutting off all battery heaters')
            self.controlStatus = True
            SensorManager.gpio_output(PSS_HTR_MUX_SEL_GPIO, OFF)
            for heater in heaterIdentifers:
                SensorManager.gpio_output(heater, OFF)

        # Find out if analog or OBC is in control
        for i in range(0,len(tempValues)):
            if (self.temp_threshold(tempValues[i], 'GT') and statusValues[i] == 1)\
             or (self.temp_threshold(tempValues[i], 'LT') and statusValues[i] == 0):
                # OBC will take control
                self.controlStatus = True
                SensorManager.gpio_output(PSS_HTR_MUX_SEL_GPIO, OFF)
                # Analog will take control
                self.controlStatus = False
                SensorManager.gpio_output(PSS_HTR_MUX_SEL_GPIO, ON)

        # Perform OBC control if required
        if self.controlStatus == True:
            for i in range(0,len(tempValues)):
                if tempValues[i] != None:
                    if self.temp_threshold(tempValues[i], 'GT') and statusValues[i] == 0:
                        print('Case 1: Temp > threshold, heaters off, no action required')
                    elif self.temp_threshold(tempValues[i], 'GT') and statusValues[i] == 1:
                        print('Case 2: Temp > threshold, heaters on, OBC must shut off heater')
                        SensorManager.gpio_output(heaterIdentifers[i], OFF)
                    elif self.temp_threshold(tempValues[i], 'LT') and statusValues[i] == 0:
                        print('Case 3: Temp < threshold, heaters off, OBC must activate heater')
                        if self.is_battery_safe():
                            SensorManager.gpio_output(heaterIdentifers[i], ON)
                    elif self.temp_threshold(tempValues[i], 'LT') and statusValues[i] == 1:
                        print('Case 4: Temp < threshold, heaters on, no action required')
    def check_health(self):
        Determines whether battery chargers must be set manually

        # Check if sensors are reading data in the system
        # if areSensorsAcquiringData():
        #     return
        print('Threshold voltage:', self.thresholdVoltage)

        # Get temperature inputs
        tempIdentifiers = (TEMP_BAT_1) #, TEMP_BAT_2, TEMP_BAT_3, TEMP_BAT_4)
        tempValues = []
        for iden in tempIdentifiers:
            valueList = []
            # Get median of 5 value readings to remove outliers
            for i in range(0,5):
            tempValue = median(valueList)
            print('Current temperature:', tempValue)
            # Keep final value of sensor

        # Get status identifiers
        statusIdentifiers = (PSS_HTR_STAT_1_GPIO, PSS_HTR_STAT_2_GPIO,\
        statusValues = []
        for iden in statusIdentifiers:

        # Define manual heater identifiers
        heaterIdentifiers = (PSS_HTR_EN_1_GPIO, PSS_HTR_EN_2_GPIO,\

        # Check if ShutAllBatteryHeaters is running
        if self.heaterShutDownLock.isLocked():
            # Shut all battery heaters off
            print('Battery heaters must remain shut off')
            self.controlStatus = True
            SensorManager.gpio_output(PSS_HTR_MUX_SEL_GPIO, OFF)
            for heater in heaterIdentifiers:
                SensorManager.gpio_output(heater, OFF)

        # Check if payload is running
        if self.isPayloadAcquiringData():
            # Shut all battery heaters off
            print('Payload is running... shutting off all battery heaters')
            self.controlStatus = True
            SensorManager.gpio_output(PSS_HTR_MUX_SEL_GPIO, OFF)
            for heater in heaterIdentifiers:
                SensorManager.gpio_output(heater, OFF)

        # Take control if required
        for i in range(0,len(tempValues)):
            if self.temp_threshold(tempValues[i], 'GT') and statusValues[i] == 0:
                print('Case 1: [Analog] Heaters are turned on')
                self.controlStatus = False
                SensorManager.gpio_output(PSS_HTR_MUX_SEL_GPIO, ON)
            elif self.temp_threshold(tempValues[i], 'GT') and statusValues[i] == 1:
                print('Case 2: [Digital] Heaters are turned off')
                self.controlStatus = True
                SensorManager.gpio_output(PSS_HTR_MUX_SEL_GPIO, OFF)
                SensorManager.gpio_output(heaterIdentifiers[i], OFF)
            elif self.temp_threshold(tempValues[i], 'LT') and statusValues[i] == 0:
                print('Case 3: [Digital] Heaters are turned on')
                self.controlStatus = True
                SensorManager.gpio_output(PSS_HTR_MUX_SEL_GPIO, OFF)
                if self.is_battery_safe():
                    SensorManager.gpio_output(heaterIdentifiers[i], ON)
            elif self.temp_threshold(tempValues[i], 'LT') and statusValues[i] == 1:
                print('Case 4: [Analog] Heaters are turned off')
                self.controlStatus = False
                SensorManager.gpio_output(PSS_HTR_MUX_SEL_GPIO, ON)