def _status_to_battery_(status):
     Converts a ds4_driver/Status to sensor_msgs/BatteryState
     :param status:
     :type status: Status
     msg = BatteryState()
     msg.header = status.header
     msg.percentage = status.battery_percentage
     msg.voltage = Controller.MAX_VOLTAGE * msg.percentage
     msg.current = float('NaN')
     msg.charge = float('NaN')
     msg.capacity = float('NaN')
     msg.design_capacity = 1.0
     if not status.plug_usb:
         msg.power_supply_status = BatteryState.POWER_SUPPLY_STATUS_NOT_CHARGING
     elif not status.battery_full_charging:
         msg.power_supply_status = BatteryState.POWER_SUPPLY_STATUS_CHARGING
     elif status.battery_full_charging:
         msg.power_supply_status = BatteryState.POWER_SUPPLY_STATUS_FULL
     msg.power_supply_technology = BatteryState.POWER_SUPPLY_TECHNOLOGY_LION
     return msg
Beispiel #2
    GAIN = 1
    voltage = 0.0

while not rospy.is_shutdown():
    """ message header """
    # for header time stamps
    current_time =

    h = rospy.Header()
    h.stamp = current_time
    h.frame_id = frame_id  # "battery"
    h.seq = seq
    # increase sequence
    seq = seq + 1
    # add header to IMU message
    battery_msg.header = h

    # run some parts only on the real robot
    if hostname == 'minibot':
        # read AD converter (battery voltage)
        # use channel 0 on IC
        value = adc.read_adc(0, gain=GAIN)

        # 13.44 Volt battery voltage resulted in 2,94 Volt on the ADC channel with my circuit (voltage divider w/ two resistors (39k + 11k)).
        # This resulted in a ADC 'value' of 1465.
        # The conversion factor for the battery voltage is then: 1465 / 13.44 = 109.00297619047619
        voltage = (value / 109.00297619047619)
        # simulated value!
        voltage = demoVoltage