Beispiel #1
def read_hdc1008(addr=DEVICE):
    bus = smbus.SMBus(get_smbus())

    # set config register
    bus.write_byte_data(addr, 0x02, 0x00)
    time.sleep(0.015)  # From the data sheet

    # read temperature
    bus.write_byte(addr, 0x00)
    time.sleep(0.0625)  # From the data sheet

    # read temp data
    data0 = bus.read_byte(addr)
    data1 = bus.read_byte(addr)
    temp = ((((data0 << 8) + data1) / 65536.0) * 165.0) - 40.0
    time.sleep(0.015)  # From the data sheet

    # read humidity
    bus.write_byte(addr, 0x01)
    time.sleep(0.0625)  # From the data sheet
    data0 = bus.read_byte(addr)
    data1 = bus.read_byte(addr)
    humid = (((data0 << 8) + data1) / 65536.0) * 100.0

    return (temp, humid)
def isSMBusConnected():
        bus = smbus.SMBus(get_smbus())
        return 1
    except Exception as ex:
        pass #print("No BME680 connected: " + str(ex))
    return 0
def measure_voltage(ts_sensor):
    fields = {}

    # I2C-address of YL-40 PCF8591
    address = 0x48

        # Create I2C instance and open the bus
        PCF8591 = smbus.SMBus(get_smbus())

        # read pin from ts_sensor settings
        if 'pin' in ts_sensor and ts_sensor['pin'] is not None:
            pin = int(ts_sensor['pin'])
            pin = 2

        # AIN0 => Pin 0
        # AIN1 => Pin 1
        # AIN2 => Pin 2 (default)
        # AIN3 => Pin 3

        #factor = 0.09765625 # 25V/256 (=5V analog output signal)
        factor = 16.5 / 256  # 16.5V/256 | 16.5V max voltage for 0xff (=3.3V analog output signal)
        if 'I2CVoltage' in ts_sensor and ts_sensor['I2CVoltage'] is not None:
            # convert 8 bit number to voltage
            factor = float(ts_sensor['I2CVoltage']) / 256

        PCF8591.write_byte(address, 0x40 +
                           pin)  # set channel to AIN0, AIN1, AIN2 or AIN3

        # measure once just for fun
        _v = PCF8591.read_byte(address)

        Voltage_8bit = PCF8591.read_byte(address)  # = i2cget -y 1 0x48
        voltage = Voltage_8bit * factor  # convert 8 bit number to voltage

        if 'ts_field' in ts_sensor and isinstance(voltage, (int, float)):
            fields[ts_sensor["ts_field"]] = round(voltage, 4)

        return fields

    except Exception as e:
            'Error while reading PCF8591 (Voltage). Is the Sensor connected?')

    return None
Beispiel #4
def read_aht10(addr=DEVICE):
    bus = smbus.SMBus(get_smbus())
    # init & read
    config = [0x08, 0x00]
    MeasureCmd = [0x33, 0x00]
    bus.write_i2c_block_data(DEVICE, 0xE1, config)

    byt = bus.read_byte(addr)
    bus.write_i2c_block_data(addr, 0xAC, MeasureCmd)
    data = bus.read_i2c_block_data(addr,0x00)

    # Data
    temp = ((data[3] & 0x0F) << 16) | (data[4] << 8) | data[5]
    ctemp = ((temp*200) / 1048576) - 50
    tmp = ((data[1] << 16) | (data[2] << 8) | data[3]) >> 4
    ctmp = int(tmp * 100 / 1048576)
    return (ctemp, ctmp)
Beispiel #5
def read_sht31(addr=DEVICE):
    # Get I2C bus
    bus = smbus.SMBus(get_smbus())

    # Send measurement command, 0x2C(44)
    #		0x06(06)	High repeatability measurement
    bus.write_i2c_block_data(addr, 0x2C, [0x06])


    # Read data back from 0x00(00), 6 bytes
    # Temp MSB, Temp LSB, Temp CRC, Humididty MSB, Humidity LSB, Humidity CRC
    data = bus.read_i2c_block_data(addr, 0x00, 6)

    # Convert the data
    temp = data[0] * 256 + data[1]
    cTemp = -45 + (175 * temp / 65535.0)
    fTemp = -49 + (315 * temp / 65535.0)
    humidity = 100 * (data[3] * 256 + data[4]) / 65535.0

    return (cTemp, humidity)
def get_raw_voltage(ts_sensor):
    # I2C-address of YL-40 PCF8591
    address = 0x48

        # Create I2C instance and open the bus
        PCF8591 = smbus.SMBus(get_smbus())

        # read pin from ts_sensor settings
        if 'pin' in ts_sensor:
            pin = int(ts_sensor['pin'])
            pin = 2

        # AIN0 => Pin 0
        # AIN1 => Pin 1
        # AIN2 => Pin 2 (default)
        # AIN3 => Pin 3

        #factor = 0.09765625 # 25V/256 (=5V analog output signal)
        factor = 16.5 / 256  # 16.5V/256 | 16.5V max voltage for 0xff (=3.3V analog output signal)
        if 'I2CVoltage' in ts_sensor and ts_sensor['I2CVoltage'] is not None:
            # convert 8 bit number to voltage
            factor = float(ts_sensor['I2CVoltage']) / 256

        PCF8591.write_byte(address, 0x40 +
                           pin)  # set channel to AIN0, AIN1, AIN2 or AIN3

        Voltage_8bit = PCF8591.read_byte(address)  # = i2cget -y 1 0x48
        voltage = Voltage_8bit * factor  # convert 8 bit number to voltage

        if isinstance(voltage, (int, float)):
            voltage = round(voltage, 4)

        return voltage

    except Exception as e:
        print("Exception in get_raw_voltage: " + str(e))

    return None
Beispiel #7
def _measure_all():
    address = 0x5e  #I2C-address of EE-895

        # Create I2C instance and open the bus
        EE895 = smbus.SMBus(get_smbus())

        _c = EE895.read_word_data(address, 0x0)  # co2
        _t = EE895.read_word_data(address, 0x2)  # temp
        _p = EE895.read_word_data(address, 0x6)  # pressure

        co = _switchBit(_c)
        temp = _switchBit(_t) / 100
        pressure = _switchBit(_p) / 10

        return co, temp, pressure

    except Exception as e:
                  'Error: Error while reading EE895 Sensor. Is it connected?')

    return None, None, None
Beispiel #8
def measure(pin):
    # I2C-addr of YL-40 PCF8591
    i2c_addr = 0x48

        # Create I2C instance and open the bus
        PCF8591 = smbus.SMBus(get_smbus())

        # set channel to AIN0, AIN1, AIN2 or AIN3
        PCF8591.write_byte(i2c_addr, 0x40+pin)

        # i2cget -y 1 0x48
        data_8bit = PCF8591.read_byte(i2c_addr)
        logger.debug("PCF8591 PIN: AIN" + str(pin) + " measureed raw data: " + str(data_8bit))
        if isinstance(data_8bit, (int, float)):
            return data_8bit
    except IOError as ex:
        if str(ex) == "[Errno 121] Remote I/O error":
            logger.error("Reading PCF8591 failed: Most likely I2C Bus needs a reboot.")
    except Exception as ex:
        logger.exception("Unhaldled exception measure")
    return None
Beispiel #9
import smbus
import time
from ctypes import c_short
from ctypes import c_byte
from ctypes import c_ubyte
from sensors.sensor_utilities import get_smbus
import logging

logger = logging.getLogger('HoneyPi.bme280')

DEVICE = 0x76  # Default device I2C address

bus = smbus.SMBus(get_smbus())

def getShort(data, index):
    # return two bytes from data as a signed 16-bit value
    return c_short((data[index + 1] << 8) + data[index]).value

def getUShort(data, index):
    # return two bytes from data as an unsigned 16-bit value
    return (data[index + 1] << 8) + data[index]

def getChar(data, index):
    # return one byte from data as a signed char
    result = data[index]