Beispiel #1
def run(target_file, clustal_cmd='clustalw', run=True, silent=False, **params):
    """Run clustalw -options for command line parameters"""

    if sequtil.find_exec(clustal_cmd) is None:
        raise OSError('%s could not be found' % clustal_cmd)

    os_type = sequtil.get_os_type()
    log.debug('os type is set as %s' % os_type)

#   defaults = getparams(
#   align=None,
#   batch=None,
#   infile=target_file,
#   output='phylip',
#   outputtree='nj')

    target_file = os.path.abspath(target_file)
    defaults = getparams(infile=target_file)
    args = []
    args.append('"%s"'%clustal_cmd) # surround with quotes to accomodate spaces

    if os_type == 'POSIX':
    elif os_type == 'WINDOWS':

    for k,v in defaults.items():
        if v:
            args.append('%s%s="%s"' % (argchar,k,v))
            args.append('%s%s' % (argchar,k))

    if silent:
        args.append('> %s' % os.devnull)

    cmd = ' '.join(args)

    if run and os_type == 'POSIX':'running clustalw: %s' % cmd)
        os.system( cmd )
    elif os_type == 'WINDOWS':
        cwd,_ = os.path.split(target_file)

        cmds = ['cd "%s"' % cwd, cmd]
        sequtil.run_bat(cmds, path=cwd, run=run)

    return cmd
Beispiel #2
def run(hmmcmd, infile, outfile=False, dryrun=False, defaults=None, quiet=False, **params):
    Returns the name of the outfile.

    * cmd - choose one of hmmalign  hmmbuild  hmmcalibrate
      hmmconvert  hmmemit  hmmfetch  hmmindex  hmmpfam  hmmsearch
    * infile - input file name
    * outfile - optional output file name. If False, no output file
      is specified; if None, output is written to a file given a random name.
    * dryrun - build the command line and quit
    * defaults - an optional dict of key=val parameters
    * params - pass arguments as either key=val pairs, or as
      key=None if key is a command line switch

    cmd = sequtil.find_exec(hmmcmd)
    if cmd is None:
        raise OSError("%s could not be found" % hmmcmd)

    os_type = sequtil.get_os_type()
    log.debug("os type is set as %s" % os_type)

    infile = os.path.abspath(infile)
    if outfile:
        outfile = os.path.abspath(outfile)
    elif outfile is None:
        outfile = os.path.join(os.path.split(infile)[0], sequtil.randomname(length=10))

    outin = [infile]
    if not outfile is False:
        outin.insert(0, outfile)

    if defaults is None:
        defaults = {}

    args = [cmd]
    for k, v in defaults.items():
        if len(k) == 1:
            dashes = "-"
            dashes = "--"

        if v is None:
            fstr = "%(dashes)s%(k)s"
        elif len(str(v).split()) > 1:
            fstr = '%(dashes)s%(k)s "%(v)s"'
            fstr = "%(dashes)s%(k)s %(v)s"

        args.append(fstr % locals())

    args.extend(outin)" ".join(args))

    if os_type == "POSIX" and not dryrun:
        # subprocess.check_call(args)
        if quiet:
            stdout = open(os.devnull)
            stdout = None
        subprocess.Popen(args, stdout=stdout).communicate()

    elif os_type == "WINDOWS":
        # completely untested
        cwd, _ = os.path.split(target_file)
        cmds = ['cd "%s"' % cwd, cmd]
        sequtil.run_bat(cmds, path=cwd, run=not dryrun)

    return outfile