def chat_client(host='', port=9009): if (host == None or port == None): if (len(sys.argv) < 3): print('Usage: python hostname port') sys.exit() host = sys.argv[1] port = int(sys.argv[2]) s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) s.settimeout(2) # connect to remote host try: s.connect((host, port)) except: print('Unable to connect') sys.exit() print('Connected to remote host. You can start sending messages') print('[Me] ') sys.stdout.flush() while True: socket_list = [sys.stdin, s] # Get the list sockets which are readable ready_to_read, ready_to_write, in_error = socket_list, [], []) for sock in ready_to_read: if sock == s: # incoming message from remote server, s data = sock.recv(4096) if not data: print('\nDisconnected from chat server') sys.exit() else: #print data #print('\033[2J') print '\033[2J', print data print '[Me] ', else: # user entered a message msg = print_data() s.send(msg) print '\r\033[A\033[K', print msg + '\n[Me]',
def init(self): body = bodyclass() leg = [legclass() for i in xrange(4)] leg[0].setpins(29, 30, 31) leg[1].setpins(16, 17, 18) leg[2].setpins(0, 1, 2) leg[3].setpins(13, 14, 15) leg[0].setcenters(1433, 1500, 1500) leg[1].setcenters(1550, 1360, 1450) leg[2].setcenters(1557, 1550, 1560) leg[3].setcenters(1534, 1523, 1509) leg[0].setdirections(-1, -1, 1) leg[1].setdirections(1, 1, -1) leg[2].setdirections(1, -1, 1) leg[3].setdirections(-1, 1, -1) leg[0].setlimits(-40.0, 90.0, -60.0, 45.0, -45.0, 45.0) leg[1].setlimits(-40.0, 90.0, -60.0, 45.0, -45.0, 45.0) leg[2].setlimits(-90.0, 40.0, -60.0, 45.0, -45.0, 45.0) leg[3].setlimits(-90.0, 40.0, -60.0, 45.0, -45.0, 45.0) leg[0].setoffsets(63.5, 63.5, 0.0) leg[1].setoffsets(63.5, 63.5, 0.0) leg[2].setoffsets(63.5, 63.5, 0.0) leg[3].setoffsets(63.5, 63.5, 0.0) leg[0].setfootneutral(-110.0, 110.0, -70.0) leg[1].setfootneutral(110.0, 110.0, -70.0) leg[2].setfootneutral(110.0, -110.0, -70.0) leg[3].setfootneutral(-110.0, -110.0, -70.0) leg[0].setfootposition(-110.0, 110.0, -70.0) leg[1].setfootposition(110.0, 110.0, -70.0) leg[2].setfootposition(110.0, -110.0, -70.0) leg[3].setfootposition(-110.0, -110.0, -70.0) leg[0].setquadrant(2) leg[1].setquadrant(1) leg[2].setquadrant(4) leg[3].setquadrant(3) turret = turretclass() turret.setpins(23, 24) turret.setcenters(1600, 1500) turret.setdirections(1, 1) turret.setlimits(-45.0, 45.0, -15.0, 35.0) gun = gunclass() = 4 #serial = serialclass('COM3',9600) #serial = serialclass('/dev/tty.usbserial-A6007wbX', 9600) # Xbee serial = serialclass('/dev/tty.usbserial-A800csbR', 115200) # XbeePro serial.connect() gait = gaitclass() camera = cameraclass('', 'admin', 'admin') controls = controlsclass() controlconditions = controlconditionsclass() return serial, leg, body, turret, gun, gait, camera, controls, controlconditions
def __init__(self, port_a, port_b): self.yasnac = serial.connect(port= port_a, baudrate=4800,parity=serial.PARITY_EVEN,timeout=0) self.floppy = serial.connect(port= port_b, baudrate=4800,parity=serial.PARITY_EVEN,timeout=0) sleep(2)