Beispiel #1
 def get(self, timeout):  # type: (int) -> Any
     """ Wait until the slave module replies or the timeout expires. """
         value = self._queue.get(timeout=timeout)
         if value is None:
             # No valid data could be received
             raise CommunicationTimedOutException(
                 'Empty or invalid slave data received')
         return value
     except Empty:
         raise CommunicationTimedOutException(
             'No slave data received in {0}s'.format(timeout))
Beispiel #2
    def get(self, timeout):  # type: (Union[int, float]) -> Dict[str, Any]
        Wait until the uCAN (or CC) replies or the timeout expires.

        :param timeout: timeout in seconds
        :returns: dict containing the output fields of the command
            value = self._queue.get(timeout=timeout)
            if value is None:
                # No valid data could be received
                raise CommunicationTimedOutException('Empty or invalid uCAN data received')
            return value
        except Empty:
            raise CommunicationTimedOutException('No uCAN data received in {0}s'.format(timeout))
Beispiel #3
    def get(self, timeout):
        Wait until the uCAN (or CC) replies or the timeout expires.

        :param timeout: timeout in seconds
        :raises: :class`CommunicationTimedOutException` if Core did not respond in time
        :returns: dict containing the output fields of the command
            value = self._queue.get(timeout=timeout)
            if value is None:
                # No valid data could be received
                raise CommunicationTimedOutException('Empty or invalid uCAN data received')
            return value
        except Empty:
            raise CommunicationTimedOutException('No uCAN data received in {0}s'.format(timeout))
Beispiel #4
    def get(self, timeout):
        """ Wait until the master replies or the timeout expires.

        :param timeout: timeout in seconds
        :raises: :class`CommunicationTimedOutException` if master did not respond in time
        :returns: dict containing the output fields of the command
            return self.__queue.get(timeout=timeout)
        except Empty:
            raise CommunicationTimedOutException()
Beispiel #5
    def get(self, timeout):  # type: (Union[T_co, int]) -> Dict[str, Any]
        Wait until the Core replies or the timeout expires.

        :param timeout: timeout in seconds
        :returns: dict containing the output fields of the command
            return self._queue.get(timeout=timeout)
        except Empty:
            raise CommunicationTimedOutException('No Core data received in {0}s'.format(timeout))
Beispiel #6
    def get(self, timeout):
        Wait until the Core replies or the timeout expires.

        :param timeout: timeout in seconds
        :raises: :class`CommunicationTimedOutException` if Core did not respond in time
        :returns: dict containing the output fields of the command
            return self._queue.get(timeout=timeout)
        except Empty:
            raise CommunicationTimedOutException(
                'No Core data received in {0}s'.format(timeout))
Beispiel #7
    def __read_from_serial(self):
        # type: () -> Tuple[bytearray, bytearray]
        """ Read a PowerCommand from the serial port. """
        phase = 0
        index = 0

        header = bytearray()
        length = 0
        data = bytearray()
        crc = 0

        command = bytearray()

            while phase < 8:
                byte = self.__serial.read_queue.get(True, 0.25)
                command += byte
                self.__communication_stats_bytes['bytes_read'] += 1

                if phase == 0:  # Skip non 'R' bytes
                    if byte == bytearray(b'R'):
                        phase = 1
                        phase = 0
                elif phase == 1:  # Expect 'T'
                    if byte == bytearray(b'T'):
                        phase = 2
                        raise Exception("Unexpected character")
                elif phase == 2:  # Expect 'R'
                    if byte == bytearray(b'R'):
                        phase = 3
                        index = 0
                        raise Exception("Unexpected character")
                elif phase == 3:  # Read the header fields
                    header += byte
                    index += 1
                    if index == 8:
                        length = ord(byte)
                        if length > 0:
                            phase = 4
                            index = 0
                            phase = 5
                elif phase == 4:  # Read the data
                    data += byte
                    index += 1
                    if index == length:
                        phase = 5
                elif phase == 5:  # Read the CRC code
                    crc = ord(byte)
                    phase = 6
                elif phase == 6:  # Expect '\r'
                    if byte == bytearray(b'\r'):
                        phase = 7
                        raise Exception("Unexpected character")
                elif phase == 7:  # Expect '\n'
                    if byte == bytearray(b'\n'):
                        phase = 8
                        raise Exception("Unexpected character")
            if PowerCommand.get_crc(header, data) != crc:
                raise Exception('CRC doesn\'t match')
        except Empty:
            raise CommunicationTimedOutException('Communication timed out')
        except Exception:
            self.__debug('reading from', command)
            self.__debug('reading from', command)

        threshold = time.time() - self.__debug_buffer_duration
        self.__debug_buffer['read'][time.time()] = printable(command)
        for t in self.__debug_buffer['read'].keys():
            if t < threshold:
                del self.__debug_buffer['read'][t]

        return header, data
Beispiel #8
    def __read_from_serial(self):
        """ Read a PowerCommand from the serial port. """
        phase = 0
        index = 0

        header = ""
        length = 0
        data = ""
        crc = 0

        command = ""

            while phase < 8:
                byte = self.__serial.read_queue.get(True, 0.25)
                command += byte
                self.__serial_bytes_read += 1
                if phase == 0:  # Skip non 'R' bytes
                    if byte == 'R':
                        phase = 1
                        phase = 0
                elif phase == 1:  # Expect 'T'
                    if byte == 'T':
                        phase = 2
                        raise Exception("Unexpected character")
                elif phase == 2:  # Expect 'R'
                    if byte == 'R':
                        phase = 3
                        index = 0
                        raise Exception("Unexpected character")
                elif phase == 3:  # Read the header fields
                    header += byte
                    index += 1
                    if index == 8:
                        length = ord(byte)
                        if length > 0:
                            phase = 4
                            index = 0
                            phase = 5
                elif phase == 4:  # Read the data
                    data += byte
                    index += 1
                    if index == length:
                        phase = 5
                elif phase == 5:  # Read the CRC code
                    crc = ord(byte)
                    phase = 6
                elif phase == 6:  # Expect '\r'
                    if byte == '\r':
                        phase = 7
                        raise Exception("Unexpected character")
                elif phase == 7:  # Expect '\n'
                    if byte == '\n':
                        phase = 8
                        raise Exception("Unexpected character")
            if crc7(header + data) != crc:
                raise Exception("CRC doesn't match")
        except Empty:
            raise CommunicationTimedOutException('Communication timed out')
            if self.__verbose:
                PowerCommunicator.__log('reading from', command)

        return header, data
Beispiel #9
    def __read_from_serial(self):
        """ Read a PowerCommand from the serial port. """
        phase = 0
        index = 0

        header = ""
        length = 0
        data = ""
        crc = 0

        command = ""

            while phase < 8:
                byte = self.__serial.read_queue.get(True, 0.25)
                command += byte
                self.__communication_stats['bytes_read'] += 1

                if phase == 0:  # Skip non 'R' bytes
                    if byte == 'R':
                        phase = 1
                        phase = 0
                elif phase == 1:  # Expect 'T'
                    if byte == 'T':
                        phase = 2
                        raise Exception("Unexpected character")
                elif phase == 2:  # Expect 'R'
                    if byte == 'R':
                        phase = 3
                        index = 0
                        raise Exception("Unexpected character")
                elif phase == 3:  # Read the header fields
                    header += byte
                    index += 1
                    if index == 8:
                        length = ord(byte)
                        if length > 0:
                            phase = 4
                            index = 0
                            phase = 5
                elif phase == 4:  # Read the data
                    data += byte
                    index += 1
                    if index == length:
                        phase = 5
                elif phase == 5:  # Read the CRC code
                    crc = ord(byte)
                    phase = 6
                elif phase == 6:  # Expect '\r'
                    if byte == '\r':
                        phase = 7
                        raise Exception("Unexpected character")
                elif phase == 7:  # Expect '\n'
                    if byte == '\n':
                        phase = 8
                        raise Exception("Unexpected character")
            crc_match = (crc7(header + data)
                         == crc) if header[0] == 'E' else (crc8(data) == crc)
            if not crc_match:
                raise Exception('CRC{0} doesn\'t match'.format(
                    '7' if header[0] == 'E' else '8'))
        except Empty:
            raise CommunicationTimedOutException('Communication timed out')
            if self.__verbose:
                PowerCommunicator.__log('reading from', command)

        threshold = time.time() - self.__debug_buffer_duration
        self.__debug_buffer['read'][time.time()] = printable(command)
        for t in self.__debug_buffer['read'].keys():
            if t < threshold:
                del self.__debug_buffer['read'][t]

        return header, data