Beispiel #1
def standup_send(token, channel_id, message):
    '''Sending a message to get buffered in the standup queue,
    assuming a standup is currently active'''
    data = getData()
    user_id = getUserFromToken(token)
    user = data['users'][user_id]
    right_channel_index = find_channel(channel_id)

    if right_channel_index is None:
        raise Value_Error(f"Channel ID: {channel_id} is not a valid channel")

    right_channel = data['channels_list'][right_channel_index]

    if len(message) > 1000:
        raise Value_Error("Message is more than 1000 characters")

    if right_channel['standup']['finish_time'] < dt.utcnow():
        raise Value_Error(
            'An active standup is not currently running in this channel')

    if not inChannel(token, channel_id):
        raise AccessError(
            'The authorised user is not a member of the channel that the message is within'

    message_id = right_channel['standup']['message_id']
    msg_id = find_message(message_id)
    old_message = data['messages'][msg_id]['message']
    old_message += str(user['handle']) + ': ' + message + ' '
    edit(token, message_id, old_message)

    # update data after edit
    data = getData()
    return {}
Beispiel #2
def unpin(token, message_id):
    ''' Given a message within a channel, remove it's mark as unpinned '''
    data = getData()
    user_id = getUserFromToken(token)
    user_dict = data['users'][user_id]
    msg_id = find_message(message_id)

    if msg_id is None:
        raise Value_Error("Message_Id is not a valid message")

    msg_dict = data['messages'][msg_id]

    if user_dict['permission'] is 3:
        raise Value_Error(
            "Message with message_id was not sent by the authorised user making this request and The authorised user is not an admin or owner of this channel or the slackr"

    if not inChannel(token, msg_dict['channel_id']):
        raise AccessError("you need to be in the channel to pin the message")

    if msg_dict['is_pinned'] is False:
        raise Value_Error(
            f"Message with ID message_id: {message_id} already unpinned")

    msg_dict['is_pinned'] = False
    return {}
Beispiel #3
def pin(token, message_id):
    ''' Given a message within a channel, mark it as "pinned" to
    be given special display treatment by the frontend '''
    data = getData()
    user_id = getUserFromToken(token)
    user_dict = data['users'][user_id]
    msg_id = find_message(message_id)

    if msg_id is None:
        raise Value_Error("Message_Id is not a valid message")

    msg_dict = data['messages'][msg_id]

    if user_dict['permission'] == 3:
        raise Value_Error("The authorised user is not an admin")

    if not inChannel(token, msg_dict['channel_id']):
        raise AccessError(
            "The authorised user is not a member of the channel that the message is within"

    if msg_dict['is_pinned'] is True:
        raise Value_Error(
            f"Message with ID message_id: {message_id} already pinned")

    msg_dict['is_pinned'] = True
    return {}
Beispiel #4
def unreact(token, message_id, react_id):
    ''' Given a message within a channel the authorised user is
    part of, remove a "react" to that particular message '''
    data = getData()
    user_id = getUserFromToken(token)
    user_dict = data['users'][user_id]
    msg_dict = data['messages'][find_message(message_id)]
    reacts_list = msg_dict['reacts']
    channel_id = msg_dict['channel_id']
    '''Check if the user is in this particular channel_id of the message '''
    user_channel_list = user_dict['user_channel']
    error_flag = 1
    for i in user_channel_list:
        if i['channel_id'] == channel_id:
            error_flag = 0

    if error_flag == 1:
        raise Value_Error(
            "Not a valid message within a channel that the authorised user has joined"

    if react_id != 1:
        raise Value_Error("Not a valid react_id")

    reacts_list = msg_dict['reacts']

    if user_id not in reacts_list[int(react_id) - 1]['u_ids']:
        raise Value_Error(
            "Message with ID message_id does not contain an active React with ID react_id"

    reacts_list[int(react_id) - 1]['u_ids'].remove(user_id)
    return {}
Beispiel #5
def edit(token, message_id, message):
    ''' Given a message, update it's text with new text '''
    data = getData()
    user_dict = data['users'][getUserFromToken(token)]
    msg_dict = data['messages'][find_message(message_id)]

    if msg_dict['u_id'] != user_dict['u_id'] and user_dict[
            'permission'] != 1 and user_dict['permission'] != 2:
        raise AccessError("Unauthorised user making edit request")

    msg_dict['message'] = message
    return {}
Beispiel #6
def remove(token, message_id):
    ''' Given a message_id for a message, this
    message is removed from the channel '''
    data = getData()
    user_id = getUserFromToken(token)
    user = data['users'][user_id]
    message_index = find_message(message_id)

    if message_index is None:
        raise Value_Error(f"Message (based on ID) no longer exists")
    message = data['messages'][message_index]

    if user['u_id'] != message['u_id'] and int(
            user['permission']) not in range(1, 3):
        raise Value_Error(
            "Message with message_id was not sent by the authorised user making this request and The authorised user is not an admin or owner of this channel or the slackr"

    return {}