Beispiel #1
def standup_send(token, channel_id, message):
    '''Sending a message to get buffered in the standup queue,
    assuming a standup is currently active'''
    data = getData()
    user_id = getUserFromToken(token)
    user = data['users'][user_id]
    right_channel_index = find_channel(channel_id)

    if right_channel_index is None:
        raise Value_Error(f"Channel ID: {channel_id} is not a valid channel")

    right_channel = data['channels_list'][right_channel_index]

    if len(message) > 1000:
        raise Value_Error("Message is more than 1000 characters")

    if right_channel['standup']['finish_time'] < dt.utcnow():
        raise Value_Error(
            'An active standup is not currently running in this channel')

    if not inChannel(token, channel_id):
        raise AccessError(
            'The authorised user is not a member of the channel that the message is within'

    message_id = right_channel['standup']['message_id']
    msg_id = find_message(message_id)
    old_message = data['messages'][msg_id]['message']
    old_message += str(user['handle']) + ': ' + message + ' '
    edit(token, message_id, old_message)

    # update data after edit
    data = getData()
    return {}
Beispiel #2
def test_join():
    user_info1 = register("*****@*****.**", "12345678", "minglang", "xie")
    user_info2 = register("*****@*****.**", "12345678", "minglang",
    create(user_info1['token'], 'lol', True)
    join(user_info2['token'], 0)

    data = getData()
    assert len(data['channels_list'][0]['members']) == 2

    # nothing change if join the same ppl
    join(user_info2['token'], 0)
    data = getData()
    assert len(data['channels_list'][0]['members']) == 2

    # Channel ID is not a valid channel
    leave(user_info2['token'], 0)
    with pytest.raises(Value_Error):
        join(user_info2['token'], 1)

    # a private channel can only be joined by invitation
    create(user_info1['token'], 'lol', False)
    with pytest.raises(AccessError):
        join(user_info2['token'], 1)
Beispiel #3
def test_message_edit():
    user_info1 = register("*****@*****.**", "12345678", "minglang", "xie")
    user_info2 = register("*****@*****.**", "321654", "Frank", "Li")
    user_info3 = register("*****@*****.**", "456789", "Frank", "Li")
    create(user_info1['token'], 'lol', True)
    invite(user_info1['token'], 0, user_info2['u_id'])
    send(user_info2['token'], 0, "first message")

    edit(user_info1['token'], 0, "new first message")
    data = getData()
    assert (data['messages'][0]['message'] == "new first message")

    edit(user_info2['token'], 0, "second new first message")
    data = getData()
    assert (data['messages'][0]['message'] == "second new first message")

    # a normal member who doesn't send message wants to edit it
    with pytest.raises(AccessError):
        edit(user_info3['token'], 0, "not possible")

    # a member in channel but not the owner who doesn't send message wants to edit it
    invite(user_info1['token'], 0, user_info3['u_id'])
    with pytest.raises(AccessError):
        edit(user_info3['token'], 0, "not possible")

    # now member 3 is a admin
    data = getData()
    data['users'][2]['permission'] = 2
    edit(user_info1['token'], 0, "final message")
    data = getData()
    assert (data['messages'][0]['message'] == "final message")
Beispiel #4
def test_message_react():
    user_info1 = register("*****@*****.**", "12345678", "minglang", "xie")
    user_info2 = register("*****@*****.**", "12345678", "minglang",
    create(user_info1['token'], 'lol', True)
    send(user_info1['token'], 0, "first message")
    react(user_info1['token'], 0, 1)

    data = getData()
    assert len(data['messages'][0]['reacts'][0]['u_ids']) == 1

    # sencond user create a channel and send a msg
    create(user_info2['token'], 'lol', True)
    send(user_info2['token'], 1, "second message")

    data = getData()
    assert len(data['messages']) == 2

    # Not a valid message within a channel that the authorised user has joined
    with pytest.raises(Value_Error):
        react(user_info1['token'], 1, 1)

    # Not a valid react_id
    with pytest.raises(Value_Error):
        react(user_info2['token'], 1, 0)

    # Message already contains active react with same react_id
    react(user_info2['token'], 1, 1)
    data = getData()
    assert len(data['messages'][1]['reacts'][0]['u_ids']) == 1

    with pytest.raises(Value_Error):
        react(user_info2['token'], 1, 1)

Beispiel #5
def unpin(token, message_id):
    ''' Given a message within a channel, remove it's mark as unpinned '''
    data = getData()
    user_id = getUserFromToken(token)
    user_dict = data['users'][user_id]
    msg_id = find_message(message_id)

    if msg_id is None:
        raise Value_Error("Message_Id is not a valid message")

    msg_dict = data['messages'][msg_id]

    if user_dict['permission'] is 3:
        raise Value_Error(
            "Message with message_id was not sent by the authorised user making this request and The authorised user is not an admin or owner of this channel or the slackr"

    if not inChannel(token, msg_dict['channel_id']):
        raise AccessError("you need to be in the channel to pin the message")

    if msg_dict['is_pinned'] is False:
        raise Value_Error(
            f"Message with ID message_id: {message_id} already unpinned")

    msg_dict['is_pinned'] = False
    return {}
Beispiel #6
def pin(token, message_id):
    ''' Given a message within a channel, mark it as "pinned" to
    be given special display treatment by the frontend '''
    data = getData()
    user_id = getUserFromToken(token)
    user_dict = data['users'][user_id]
    msg_id = find_message(message_id)

    if msg_id is None:
        raise Value_Error("Message_Id is not a valid message")

    msg_dict = data['messages'][msg_id]

    if user_dict['permission'] == 3:
        raise Value_Error("The authorised user is not an admin")

    if not inChannel(token, msg_dict['channel_id']):
        raise AccessError(
            "The authorised user is not a member of the channel that the message is within"

    if msg_dict['is_pinned'] is True:
        raise Value_Error(
            f"Message with ID message_id: {message_id} already pinned")

    msg_dict['is_pinned'] = True
    return {}
Beispiel #7
def unreact(token, message_id, react_id):
    ''' Given a message within a channel the authorised user is
    part of, remove a "react" to that particular message '''
    data = getData()
    user_id = getUserFromToken(token)
    user_dict = data['users'][user_id]
    msg_dict = data['messages'][find_message(message_id)]
    reacts_list = msg_dict['reacts']
    channel_id = msg_dict['channel_id']
    '''Check if the user is in this particular channel_id of the message '''
    user_channel_list = user_dict['user_channel']
    error_flag = 1
    for i in user_channel_list:
        if i['channel_id'] == channel_id:
            error_flag = 0

    if error_flag == 1:
        raise Value_Error(
            "Not a valid message within a channel that the authorised user has joined"

    if react_id != 1:
        raise Value_Error("Not a valid react_id")

    reacts_list = msg_dict['reacts']

    if user_id not in reacts_list[int(react_id) - 1]['u_ids']:
        raise Value_Error(
            "Message with ID message_id does not contain an active React with ID react_id"

    reacts_list[int(react_id) - 1]['u_ids'].remove(user_id)
    return {}
Beispiel #8
def search(token, query_str):
    '''Given a query string, return a collection of
    message_list that match the query'''
    if query_str == '':
        return {'messages': []}

    data = getData()
    user_id = getUserFromToken(token)
    user = data['users'][user_id]

    search_list = []
    for user_channel in user['user_channel']:
        for message_info in data['messages']:
            if int(message_info['channel_id']) == int(
                    user_channel['channel_id']) and int(
                        message_info['u_id']) == user_id:
                if str(query_str) in str(message_info['message']):
                    message_info['time_created'] = message_info[
                    for reaction in message_info['reacts']:
                        reaction['is_this_user_reacted'] = (
                            user_id in reaction['u_ids'])
    return {'messages': search_list}
Beispiel #9
def uploadphoto(token, img_url, x_start, y_start, x_end, y_end):
    ''' Given a URL of an image on the internet, crops the image within
    bounds (x_start, y_start) and (x_end, y_end). Position (0,0) is the top left. '''
    if urllib.request.urlopen(img_url).getcode() != 200:
        raise Value_Error("img_url is returns an HTTP status other than 200.")

    if not img_url.lower().endswith('.jpg'):
        raise Value_Error("img_url is returns an HTTP status other than 200.")

    img_addr = './server/user_image/' + str(token) + '.jpg'
    urllib.request.urlretrieve(img_url, img_addr)
    imageObject =
    width, height = imageObject.size

    if x_end not in range(width + 1) or y_end not in range(
            height +
            1) or x_start not in range(x_end) or y_start not in range(y_end):
        raise Value_Error(
            "any of x_start, y_start, x_end, y_end are not within the dimensions of the image at the URL."

    cropped = imageObject.crop((x_start, y_start, x_end, y_end))
    data = getData()
    user_id = getUserFromToken(token)
    data['users'][user_id]['profile_img_url'] = '/user_image?file=' + str(
        token) + '.jpg'
    return {}
Beispiel #10
def login(email, password):
    """ Given a registered users' email and password and generates
    a valid token for the user to remain authenticated """
    data = getData()
    len_user = len(data['users'])
    right_user = None
    if len_user > 0:
        len_user -= 1

    if, email):
        for user in data['users']:
            if user['email'] == email:
                right_user = user

        if right_user is None:
            raise Value_Error("Email entered does not belong to a user")

        if right_user['password'] != str(
            raise Value_Error("Password is not correct")
        raise Value_Error("Email entered is not a valid email")

    right_user['loggedIn'] = True
    return {
        'u_id': right_user['u_id'],
        'token': generateToken(right_user['u_id'])
Beispiel #11
def sendlater(token, channel_id, message, time_sent):
    ''' Send a message from authorised_user to the channel specified
    by channel_id automatically at a specified time in the future '''
    data = getData()
    user_id = getUserFromToken(token)
    user = data['users'][user_id]
    right_channel_index = find_channel(channel_id)

    if type(time_sent) != dt:
        time_sent = dt.utcfromtimestamp(int(time_sent))

    if right_channel_index is None:
        raise Value_Error(f"Channel ID: {channel_id} is not a valid channel")

    message_id = get_new_message_id()

    if len(message) > 1000:
        raise Value_Error("Message is more than 1000 characters")

    if not inChannel(token, channel_id):
        raise AccessError(
            "the authorised user has not joined the channel they are trying to post to"

    now = dt.utcnow()
    if now > time_sent:
        raise Value_Error("Time sent is a time in the past")

    data = add_message(channel_id, message_id, user['u_id'], message,

    return {'message_id': message_id}
Beispiel #12
def test_standup_active():
    user_info1 = register("*****@*****.**", "12345678", "minglang", "xie")
    user_info2 = register("*****@*****.**", "12345678", "minglang",
    create(user_info1['token'], 'lol', True)
    finish_time = standup_start(user_info1['token'], 0, 1)
    standup_send(user_info1['token'], 0, "hi")
    standup_send(user_info1['token'], 0, "lol")

    data = getData()
    assert standup_active(user_info1, 0) == {
        'is_active': True,
        'time_finish': finish_time['time_finish']

    assert standup_active(user_info1, 0) == {
        'is_active': False,
        'time_finish': finish_time['time_finish']

    # Channel ID: is not a valid channel
    with pytest.raises(Value_Error):
        standup_active(user_info1, 1)

Beispiel #13
def create(token, name, is_public):
    ''' Creates a new channel with that name that is either
    a public or private channel '''
    data = getData()
    user_id = getUserFromToken(token)

    if user_id not in range(len(data['users'])):
        raise Value_Error("the token doesn't exist")

    if len(name) > 20:
        raise Value_Error("the name is longer than 20 character")

    user = data['users'][user_id]
    user_info = user_detail(user_id, user['name_first'], user['name_last'], user['profile_img_url'])

    ch_id = len(data['channels_list'])
    data['channels_list'].append({'channel': {'channel_id': ch_id, 'name': name},
                                  'owners': [user_info],
                                  'members': [user_info],
                                  'is_public': is_public,
                                  'standup': {'finish_time': dt.utcnow(), 'message_id': None}})
    user['user_channel'].append({'channel_id': ch_id, 'name': name})

    return {'channel_id': ch_id}
Beispiel #14
def listall(token):
    ''' Provide a list of all channels (and their associated details) '''
    tmp = list()
    data = getData()
    for channel in data['channels_list']:
    return {'channels': tmp}
Beispiel #15
def invite(token, channel_id, u_id):
    Invites a user (with user id u_id) to join a channel with
    ID channel_id. Once invited the user is added to
    the channel immediately
    data = getData()
    right_channel_index = find_channel(channel_id)
    if right_channel_index is None:
        raise Value_Error(f"Channel ID: {channel_id} is not a valid channel")
    right_channel = data['channels_list'][right_channel_index]

    if int(u_id) >= len(data['users']):
        raise Value_Error(f"u_id: {u_id} does not refer to a valid user.")

    if not inChannel(token, channel_id):
        raise AccessError("the authorised user is not already a member of the channel.")

    invitee = data['users'][int(u_id)]
    invitee_info = user_detail(u_id, invitee['name_first'], invitee['name_last'], invitee['profile_img_url'])

    if invitee_info not in right_channel['members']:
    return {}
Beispiel #16
def test_message_unreact():
    user_info1 = register("*****@*****.**", "12345678", "minglang", "xie")
    user_info2 = register("*****@*****.**", "12345678", "minglang",
    create(user_info1['token'], 'lol', True)
    send(user_info1['token'], 0, "first message in first channel")
    react(user_info1['token'], 0, 1)

    data = getData()
    assert len(data['messages'][0]['reacts'][0]['u_ids']) == 1

    # sencond user create a channel and send a msg and react by itself
    create(user_info2['token'], 'lol', True)
    send(user_info2['token'], 1, "first message in second channel")
    react(user_info2['token'], 1, 1)

    data = getData()
    assert len(data['messages']) == 2

    # Not a valid message within a channel that the authorised user has joined
    with pytest.raises(Value_Error):
        unreact(user_info1['token'], 1, 1)

    # Not a valid react_id
    with pytest.raises(Value_Error):
        unreact(user_info2['token'], 1, 0)

    # Message with ID message_id does not contain an active React with ID react_id
    send(user_info2['token'], 1, "third message")
    data = getData()
    assert len(data['messages'][2]['reacts'][0]['u_ids']) == 0

    with pytest.raises(Value_Error):
        unreact(user_info2['token'], 2, 1)

    # pass test
    unreact(user_info2['token'], 1, 1)
    data = getData()
    assert len(data['messages'][1]['reacts'][0]['u_ids']) == 0

Beispiel #17
def test_addowner_and_remove():
    user_info1 = register("*****@*****.**", "12345678", "minglang", "xie")
    user_info2 = register("*****@*****.**", "12345678", "minglang",
    create(user_info1['token'], 'lol', True)
    join(user_info2['token'], 0)

    addowner(user_info1['token'], 0, user_info2['u_id'])
    data = getData()
    assert len(data['channels_list'][0]['owners']) == 2

    removeowner(user_info1['token'], 0, user_info2['u_id'])
    data = getData()
    assert len(data['channels_list'][0]['owners']) == 1

    # Channel ID is not a valid channel
    with pytest.raises(Value_Error):
        addowner(user_info1['token'], 1, user_info2['u_id'])

    # you don't have the right to access to add owner
    with pytest.raises(AccessError):
        addowner(user_info2['token'], 0, user_info2['u_id'])

    # you don't have the right to access to remove owner
    with pytest.raises(AccessError):
        removeowner(user_info2['token'], 0, user_info2['u_id'])

    # the user id is already an owner
    addowner(user_info1['token'], 0, user_info2['u_id'])
    data = getData()
    assert len(data['channels_list'][0]['owners']) == 2

    with pytest.raises(Value_Error):
        addowner(user_info1['token'], 0, user_info2['u_id'])

    # Channel ID: is not a valid channel
    with pytest.raises(Value_Error):
        removeowner(user_info1['token'], 1, user_info2['u_id'])

Beispiel #18
def edit(token, message_id, message):
    ''' Given a message, update it's text with new text '''
    data = getData()
    user_dict = data['users'][getUserFromToken(token)]
    msg_dict = data['messages'][find_message(message_id)]

    if msg_dict['u_id'] != user_dict['u_id'] and user_dict[
            'permission'] != 1 and user_dict['permission'] != 2:
        raise AccessError("Unauthorised user making edit request")

    msg_dict['message'] = message
    return {}
Beispiel #19
def standup_start(token, channel_id, length):
    '''For a given channel, start the standup period whereby for the
    next 15 minutes if someone calls "standup_send" with a message,
    it is buffered during the 15 minute window then at the end of the
    15 minute window a message will be added to the message queue in
    the channel from the user who started the standup.'''
    data = getData()
    right_channel_index = find_channel(channel_id)
    now_time = dt.utcnow()

    if right_channel_index is None:
        raise Value_Error(f"Channel ID: {channel_id} is not a valid channel")

    right_channel = data['channels_list'][right_channel_index]

    if not inChannel(token, channel_id):
        raise AccessError(
            'The authorised user is not a member of the channel that the message is within'

    if standup_active(token, channel_id)['is_active'] is False:
        time_finish = now_time + timedelta(seconds=int(length))
        message = sendlater(token, channel_id, '', time_finish)

        # update data
        data = getData()
        right_channel_index = find_channel(channel_id)
        right_channel = data['channels_list'][right_channel_index]
        right_channel['standup']['finish_time'] = time_finish
        right_channel['standup']['message_id'] = message['message_id']
        raise Value_Error(
            'An active standup is currently running in this channel')

    return {
        'time_finish': time_finish.replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc).timestamp()
Beispiel #20
def test_message_sendlater():
    user_info1 = register("*****@*****.**", "12345678", "minglang", "xie")
    user_info2 = register("*****@*****.**", "12345678", "minglang",
    create(user_info1['token'], 'lol', True)
    sent_time_before = dt.utcnow() - timedelta(minutes=15)
    sent_time_after = dt.utcnow() + timedelta(minutes=15)
    sendlater(user_info1['token'], 0, "first message", sent_time_after)

    data = getData()
    assert (data['messages'][0]['message'] == "first message"
            and data['messages'][0]['time_created'] == sent_time_after)

    # Channel ID: is not a valid channel
    with pytest.raises(Value_Error):
        sendlater(user_info1['token'], 1, "second message", sent_time_after)

    # Message is more than 1000 characters
    with pytest.raises(Value_Error):
        sendlater(user_info1['token'], 0, "second message" * 500,

    # the authorised user has not joined the channel they are trying to post to
    with pytest.raises(AccessError):
        sendlater(user_info2['token'], 0, "second message", sent_time_after)

    # Time sent is a time in the past
    with pytest.raises(Value_Error):
        sendlater(user_info1['token'], 0, "second message", sent_time_before)

    # if the given time type is not datetime
    sendlater(user_info1['token'], 0, "first message",

    data = getData()
    assert (data['messages'][0]['message'] == "first message"
            and data['messages'][0]['time_created'] == sent_time_after)
Beispiel #21
def test_message_send():
    user_info1 = register("*****@*****.**", "12345678", "minglang", "xie")
    user_info2 = register("*****@*****.**", "12345678", "minglang",
    create(user_info1['token'], 'lol', True)
    send(user_info1['token'], 0, "first message")

    data = getData()
    assert data['messages'][0]['message'] == "first message"

    send(user_info1['token'], 0, "second message")
    data = getData()
    assert len(data['messages']) == 2

    # Message is more than 1000 characters
    with pytest.raises(Value_Error):
        send(user_info1['token'], 0, "second message" * 500)

    # the authorised user has not joined the channel they are trying to post to
    with pytest.raises(AccessError):
        send(user_info2['token'], 0, "second message")

Beispiel #22
def test_channel_leave():
    user_info1 = register("*****@*****.**", "12345678", "minglang", "xie")
    user_info2 = register("*****@*****.**", "12345678", "minglang",
    create(user_info1['token'], 'lol', True)
    invite(user_info1['token'], 0, user_info2['u_id'])

    data = getData()
    assert len(data['channels_list'][0]['members']) == 2

    # Channel ID is not a valid channel
    with pytest.raises(Value_Error):
        leave(user_info2['token'], 1)

    leave(user_info2['token'], 0)
    data = getData()
    assert len(data['channels_list'][0]['members']) == 1

    # leave again, and it should have no change
    leave(user_info2['token'], 0)
    data = getData()
    assert len(data['channels_list'][0]['members']) == 1
Beispiel #23
def test_standup_start_send():
    user_info1 = register("*****@*****.**", "12345678", "minglang", "xie")
    user_info2 = register("*****@*****.**", "12345678", "minglang",
    create(user_info1['token'], 'lol', True)
    finish_time = standup_start(user_info1['token'], 0, 10)
    standup_send(user_info1['token'], 0, "hi")
    standup_send(user_info1['token'], 0, "lol")

    data = getData()
    assert (len(data['messages']) == 1
            and data['messages'][0]['time_created'].replace(
                tzinfo=timezone.utc).timestamp() == finish_time['time_finish'])
    # An active standup is currently running in this channel
    with pytest.raises(Value_Error):
        finish_time = standup_start(user_info1['token'], 0, 10)

    # Channel ID: is not a valid channel
    with pytest.raises(Value_Error):
        finish_time = standup_start(user_info1['token'], 1, 10)

    # standup_send: Channel ID: is not a valid channel
    with pytest.raises(Value_Error):
        standup_send(user_info1['token'], 1, "hi")

    # standup_send: Message is more than 1000 characters
    with pytest.raises(Value_Error):
        standup_send(user_info1['token'], 0, "hi" * 1000)

    # The authorised user is not a member of the channel that the message is within
    with pytest.raises(AccessError):
        finish_time = standup_start(user_info2['token'], 0, 10)

    # standup_send: The authorised user is not a member of the channel that the message is within
    with pytest.raises(AccessError):
        standup_send(user_info2['token'], 0, "hi")


    # standup_send: An active standup is not currently running in this channel
    user_info1 = register("*****@*****.**", "12345678", "minglang", "xie")
    user_info2 = register("*****@*****.**", "12345678", "minglang",
    create(user_info1['token'], 'lol', True)

    # The authorised user is not a member of the channel that the message is within
    with pytest.raises(Value_Error):
        standup_send(user_info1['token'], 0, "hi")

Beispiel #24
def logout(token):
    ''' Given an active token, invalidates the taken to log the user out.
    If a valid token is given, and the user is successfully logged out,
    it returns true, otherwise false. '''
    data = getData()
    user_id = getUserFromToken(token)

    if user_id in range(len(
            data['users'])) and data['users'][user_id]['loggedIn'] == True:
        data['users'][user_id]['loggedIn'] = False
        return {'is_success': True}
        return {'is_success': False}
Beispiel #25
def test_channel_invite():
    user_info1 = register("*****@*****.**", "12345678", "minglang", "xie")
    user_info2 = register("*****@*****.**", "12345678", "minglang",
    user_info3 = register("*****@*****.**", "12345678", "Frank", "Li")

    # channel_id does not refer to a valid channel that the authorised user is part of
    create(user_info1['token'], 'lol', True)
    with pytest.raises(Value_Error):
        invite(user_info1['token'], 2, user_info2['u_id'])

    # u_id does not refer to a valid user
    with pytest.raises(Value_Error):
        invite(user_info1['token'], 0, 4)

    #  AccessError whenthe authorised user is not already a member of the channel
    with pytest.raises(AccessError):
        invite(user_info2['token'], 0, user_info1['u_id'])

    #  AccessError whenthe authorised user is not already a member of the channel
    with pytest.raises(AccessError):
        invite(user_info3['token'], 0, user_info2['u_id'])

    invite(user_info1['token'], 0, user_info2['u_id'])
    data = getData()

    assert {
        'u_id': user_info2['u_id'],
        'profile_img_url': '/user_image?file=default.jpg',
        'name_first': data['users'][user_info2['u_id']]['name_first'],
        'name_last': data['users'][user_info2['u_id']]['name_last']
    } in data['channels_list'][0]['members']

    invite(user_info1['token'], 0, user_info2['u_id'])
    data = getData()
    assert len(data['channels_list'][0]['members']) == 2
Beispiel #26
def profile(token, u_id):
    ''' For a valid user, returns information about their email,
    first name, last name, and handle '''
    data = getData()
    if int(u_id) not in range(len(data['users'])):
        raise Value_Error(f"u_id: {u_id} does not refer to a valid user.")

    user = data['users'][int(u_id)]
    return {
        'email': user['email'],
        'name_first': user['name_first'],
        'name_last': user['name_last'],
        'handle_str': user['handle'],
        'profile_img_url': user['profile_img_url']
Beispiel #27
def all_user(token):
    ''' return all user '''
    data = getData()
    user_id = getUserFromToken(token)

    if user_id not in range(len(data['users'])):

    all_list = []
    for user in data['users']:
        user_detail = user_info(user['u_id'], user['email'],
                                user['name_first'], user['name_last'],
                                user['handle'], user['profile_img_url'])

    return {'users': all_list}
Beispiel #28
def sethandle(token, handle):
    ''' Update the authorised user's handle (i.e. display name) '''
    data = getData()
    user_id = getUserFromToken(token)

    for user in data['users']:
        if user['handle'] == handle:
            raise Value_Error("handle is already used by another user")

    if len(handle) < 3 or len(handle) > 20:
        raise Value_Error("handle_str must be between 3 and 20 characters")

    data['users'][user_id]['handle'] = handle

    return {}
Beispiel #29
def setname(token, name_first, name_last):
    '''Update the authorised user's first and last name'''
    data = getData()
    user_id = getUserFromToken(token)

    if len(name_first) not in range(1, 51):
        raise Value_Error(
            "name_first is not between 1 and 50 characters in length")
    if len(name_last) not in range(1, 51):
        raise Value_Error(
            "name_last is not between 1 and 50 characters in length")

    data['users'][user_id]['name_first'] = name_first
    data['users'][user_id]['name_last'] = name_last

    return {}
Beispiel #30
def setemail(token, email):
    ''' Update the authorised user's email address '''
    data = getData()
    user_id = getUserFromToken(token)

    for user in data['users']:
        if user['email'] == email:
            raise Value_Error(
                "Email address is already being used by another user")

    if (, email)):
        data['users'][user_id]['email'] = email
        raise Value_Error("Email entered is not a valid email")

    return {}