GPIO.setup(line_pin_right, GPIO.IN) GPIO.setup(line_pin_middle, GPIO.IN) GPIO.setup(line_pin_left, GPIO.IN) #motor.setup() def run(): status_right = GPIO.input(line_pin_right) status_middle = GPIO.input(line_pin_middle) status_left = GPIO.input(line_pin_left) #print('R%d M%d L%d'%(status_right,status_middle,status_left)) if status_middle == 1: move.move(100, 'forward', 'no', 1) elif status_left == 1: move.move(100, 'forward', 'right', 0.6) elif status_right == 1: move.move(100, 'forward', 'left', 0.6) else: move.move(100, 'backward', 'no', 1) if __name__ == '__main__': try: setup() move.setup() while 1: run() pass except KeyboardInterrupt: move.destroy()
class CVThread(threading.Thread): font = cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX kalman_filter_X = Kalman_filter.Kalman_filter(0.01,0.1) kalman_filter_Y = Kalman_filter.Kalman_filter(0.01,0.1) P_direction = -1 T_direction = -1 P_servo = 1 T_servo = 0 P_anglePos = 0 T_anglePos = 0 cameraDiagonalW = 64 cameraDiagonalH = 48 videoW = 640 videoH = 480 Y_lock = 0 X_lock = 0 tor = 27 scGear = RPIservo.ServoCtrl() scGear.moveInit() move.setup() switch.switchSetup() def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.CVThreading = 0 self.CVMode = 'none' self.imgCV = None self.mov_x = None self.mov_y = None self.mov_w = None self.mov_h = None self.radius = 0 self.box_x = None self.box_y = None self.drawing = 0 self.findColorDetection = 0 self.left_Pos1 = None self.right_Pos1 = None self.center_Pos1 = None self.left_Pos2 = None self.right_Pos2 = None self.center_Pos2 = None = None super(CVThread, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.__flag = threading.Event() self.__flag.clear() self.avg = None self.motionCounter = 0 self.lastMovtionCaptured = self.frameDelta = None self.thresh = None self.cnts = None def mode(self, invar, imgInput): self.CVMode = invar self.imgCV = imgInput self.resume() def elementDraw(self,imgInput): if self.CVMode == 'none': pass elif self.CVMode == 'findColor': if self.findColorDetection: cv2.putText(imgInput,'Target Detected',(40,60), CVThread.font, 0.5,(255,255,255),1,cv2.LINE_AA) self.drawing = 1 else: cv2.putText(imgInput,'Target Detecting',(40,60), CVThread.font, 0.5,(255,255,255),1,cv2.LINE_AA) self.drawing = 0 if self.radius > 10 and self.drawing: cv2.rectangle(imgInput,(int(self.box_x-self.radius),int(self.box_y+self.radius)),(int(self.box_x+self.radius),int(self.box_y-self.radius)),(255,255,255),1) elif self.CVMode == 'findlineCV': if frameRender: imgInput = cv2.cvtColor(imgInput, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) retval_bw, imgInput = cv2.threshold(imgInput, 0, 255, cv2.THRESH_OTSU) imgInput = cv2.erode(imgInput, None, iterations=6) try: if lineColorSet == 255: cv2.putText(imgInput,('Following White Line'),(30,50), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.5,(128,255,128),1,cv2.LINE_AA) else: cv2.putText(imgInput,('Following Black Line'),(30,50), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.5,(128,255,128),1,cv2.LINE_AA) cv2.line(imgInput,(self.left_Pos1,(linePos_1+30)),(self.left_Pos1,(linePos_1-30)),(255,128,64),1) cv2.line(imgInput,(self.right_Pos1,(linePos_1+30)),(self.right_Pos1,(linePos_1-30)),(64,128,255),) cv2.line(imgInput,(0,linePos_1),(640,linePos_1),(255,255,64),1) cv2.line(imgInput,(self.left_Pos2,(linePos_2+30)),(self.left_Pos2,(linePos_2-30)),(255,128,64),1) cv2.line(imgInput,(self.right_Pos2,(linePos_2+30)),(self.right_Pos2,(linePos_2-30)),(64,128,255),1) cv2.line(imgInput,(0,linePos_2),(640,linePos_2),(255,255,64),1) cv2.line(imgInput,((,int((linePos_1+linePos_2)/2)),((,int((linePos_1+linePos_2)/2)),(0,0,0),1) cv2.line(imgInput,((,int((linePos_1+linePos_2)/2+20)),((,int((linePos_1+linePos_2)/2-20)),(0,0,0),1) except: pass elif self.CVMode == 'watchDog': if self.drawing: cv2.rectangle(imgInput, (self.mov_x, self.mov_y), (self.mov_x + self.mov_w, self.mov_y + self.mov_h), (128, 255, 0), 1) return imgInput def watchDog(self, imgInput): timestamp = gray = cv2.cvtColor(imgInput, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) gray = cv2.GaussianBlur(gray, (21, 21), 0) if self.avg is None: print("[INFO] starting background model...") self.avg = gray.copy().astype("float") return 'background model' cv2.accumulateWeighted(gray, self.avg, 0.5) self.frameDelta = cv2.absdiff(gray, cv2.convertScaleAbs(self.avg)) # threshold the delta image, dilate the thresholded image to fill # in holes, then find contours on thresholded image self.thresh = cv2.threshold(self.frameDelta, 5, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY)[1] self.thresh = cv2.dilate(self.thresh, None, iterations=2) self.cnts = cv2.findContours(self.thresh.copy(), cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) self.cnts = imutils.grab_contours(self.cnts) # print('x') # loop over the contours for c in self.cnts: # if the contour is too small, ignore it if cv2.contourArea(c) < 5000: continue # compute the bounding box for the contour, draw it on the frame, # and update the text (self.mov_x, self.mov_y, self.mov_w, self.mov_h) = cv2.boundingRect(c) self.drawing = 1 self.motionCounter += 1 #print(motionCounter) #print(text) self.lastMovtionCaptured = timestamp led.setColor(255,78,0) led.both_off() # switch.switch(1,1) # switch.switch(2,1) # switch.switch(3,1) if (timestamp - self.lastMovtionCaptured).seconds >= 0.5: led.setColor(0,78,255) led.both_off() self.drawing = 0 # switch.switch(1,0) # switch.switch(2,0) # switch.switch(3,0) self.pause() def findLineCtrl(self, posInput, setCenter):#2 if posInput: if posInput > (setCenter + findLineError): # move.motorStop() #turnRight error = (posInput-320)/3 outv = int(round((pid.GenOut(error)),0)) CVThread.scGear.moveAngle(2,-outv) if CVRun: move.motor_left(1, 0, 80) move.motor_right(1, 0, 80) else: move.motorStop() pass elif posInput < (setCenter - findLineError): # move.motorStop() #turnLeft error = (320-posInput)/3 outv = int(round((pid.GenOut(error)),0)) CVThread.scGear.moveAngle(2,outv) if CVRun: move.motor_left(1, 0, 80) move.motor_right(1, 0, 80) else: move.motorStop() pass else: if CVRun: move.motor_left(1, 0, 80) move.motor_right(1, 0, 80) else: move.motorStop() #forward pass else: pass def findlineCV(self, frame_image): frame_findline = cv2.cvtColor(frame_image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) retval, frame_findline = cv2.threshold(frame_findline, 0, 255, cv2.THRESH_OTSU) frame_findline = cv2.erode(frame_findline, None, iterations=6) colorPos_1 = frame_findline[linePos_1] colorPos_2 = frame_findline[linePos_2] try: lineColorCount_Pos1 = np.sum(colorPos_1 == lineColorSet) lineColorCount_Pos2 = np.sum(colorPos_2 == lineColorSet) lineIndex_Pos1 = np.where(colorPos_1 == lineColorSet) lineIndex_Pos2 = np.where(colorPos_2 == lineColorSet) if lineColorCount_Pos1 == 0: lineColorCount_Pos1 = 1 if lineColorCount_Pos2 == 0: lineColorCount_Pos2 = 1 self.left_Pos1 = lineIndex_Pos1[0][lineColorCount_Pos1-1] self.right_Pos1 = lineIndex_Pos1[0][0] self.center_Pos1 = int((self.left_Pos1+self.right_Pos1)/2) self.left_Pos2 = lineIndex_Pos2[0][lineColorCount_Pos2-1] self.right_Pos2 = lineIndex_Pos2[0][0] self.center_Pos2 = int((self.left_Pos2+self.right_Pos2)/2) = int((self.center_Pos1+self.center_Pos2)/2) except: center = None pass self.findLineCtrl(, 320) self.pause() def servoMove(ID, Dir, errorInput): if ID == 1: errorGenOut = CVThread.kalman_filter_X.kalman(errorInput) CVThread.P_anglePos += 0.35*(errorGenOut*Dir)*CVThread.cameraDiagonalW/CVThread.videoW if abs(errorInput) > CVThread.tor: CVThread.scGear.moveAngle(ID,CVThread.P_anglePos) CVThread.X_lock = 0 else: CVThread.X_lock = 1 elif ID == 0: errorGenOut = CVThread.kalman_filter_Y.kalman(errorInput) CVThread.T_anglePos += 0.35*(errorGenOut*Dir)*CVThread.cameraDiagonalH/CVThread.videoH if abs(errorInput) > CVThread.tor: CVThread.scGear.moveAngle(ID,CVThread.T_anglePos) CVThread.Y_lock = 0 else: CVThread.Y_lock = 1 else: print('No servoPort %d assigned.'%ID) def findColor(self, frame_image): hsv = cv2.cvtColor(frame_image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV) mask = cv2.inRange(hsv, colorLower, colorUpper)#1 mask = cv2.erode(mask, None, iterations=2) mask = cv2.dilate(mask, None, iterations=2) cnts = cv2.findContours(mask.copy(), cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)[-2] center = None if len(cnts) > 0: self.findColorDetection = 1 c = max(cnts, key=cv2.contourArea) ((self.box_x, self.box_y), self.radius) = cv2.minEnclosingCircle(c) M = cv2.moments(c) center = (int(M["m10"] / M["m00"]), int(M["m01"] / M["m00"])) X = int(self.box_x) Y = int(self.box_y) error_Y = 240 - Y error_X = 320 - X CVThread.servoMove(CVThread.P_servo, CVThread.P_direction, -error_X) CVThread.servoMove(CVThread.T_servo, CVThread.T_direction, -error_Y) if CVThread.X_lock == 1 and CVThread.Y_lock == 1: led.setColor(255,78,0) led.both_off() print('locked') else: led.setColor(0,78,255) led.both_off() print('unlocked') else: self.findColorDetection = 0 move.motorStop() self.pause() def pause(self): self.__flag.clear() def resume(self): self.__flag.set() def run(self): while 1: self.__flag.wait() if self.CVMode == 'none': continue elif self.CVMode == 'findColor': self.CVThreading = 1 self.findColor(self.imgCV) self.CVThreading = 0 elif self.CVMode == 'findlineCV': self.CVThreading = 1 self.findlineCV(self.imgCV) self.CVThreading = 0 elif self.CVMode == 'watchDog': self.CVThreading = 1 self.watchDog(self.imgCV) self.CVThreading = 0 pass
async def recv_msg(websocket): global speed_set, modeSelect move.setup() direction_command = 'no' turn_command = 'no' while True: response = { 'status' : 'ok', 'title' : '', 'data' : None } data = '' data = await websocket.recv() try: data = json.loads(data) except Exception as e: print('not A JSON') if not data: continue if isinstance(data,str): robotCtrl(data, response) switchCtrl(data, response) functionSelect(data, response) configPWM(data, response) if 'get_info' == data: response['title'] = 'get_info' response['data'] = [info.get_cpu_tempfunc(), info.get_cpu_use(), info.get_ram_info()] if 'wsB' in data: try: set_B=data.split() speed_set = int(set_B[1]) except: pass elif 'AR' == data: modeSelect = 'AR' screen.screen_show(4, 'ARM MODE ON') try: fpv.changeMode('ARM MODE ON') except: pass elif 'PT' == data: modeSelect = 'PT' screen.screen_show(4, 'PT MODE ON') try: fpv.changeMode('PT MODE ON') except: pass #CVFL elif 'CVFL' == data: flask_app.modeselect('findlineCV') elif 'CVFLColorSet' in data: color = int(data.split()[1]) elif 'CVFLL1' in data: pos = int(data.split()[1]) elif 'CVFLL2' in data: pos = int(data.split()[1]) elif 'CVFLSP' in data: err = int(data.split()[1]) elif 'defEC' in data:#Z fpv.defaultExpCom() elif(isinstance(data,dict)): if data['title'] == "findColorSet": color = data['data'] flask_app.colorFindSet(color[0],color[1],color[2]) if not functionMode: if OLED_connection: screen.screen_show(5,'Functions OFF') else: pass print(data) response = json.dumps(response) await websocket.send(response)
def setup(): move.setup()