Beispiel #1
  def get(self):
    extra = frozenset(self.request.GET) - self.EXPECTED
    if extra:
          error='Extraneous query parameters. Did you make a typo? %s' %

    # Use a similar query to /user/tasks.
    name = self.request.get('name')
    tags = self.request.get_all('tag')
    cursor_str = self.request.get('cursor')
    limit = int(self.request.get('limit', 100))
    sort = self.request.get('sort', 'created_ts')
    state = self.request.get('state', 'all')

    uses = bool(name) + bool(tags) + bool(state!='all')
    if uses > 1:
          400, error='Only one of name, tag (1 or many) or state can be used')

    items, cursor_str, sort, state = task_result.get_tasks(
        name, tags, cursor_str, limit, sort, state)
    data = {
      'cursor': cursor_str,
      'items': items,
      'limit': limit,
      'sort': sort,
      'state': state,
Beispiel #2
  def get(self):
    extra = frozenset(self.request.GET) - self.EXPECTED
    if extra:
          error='Extraneous query parameters. Did you make a typo? %s' %

    # Use a similar query to /user/tasks.
    name = self.request.get('name')
    tags = self.request.get_all('tag')
    cursor_str = self.request.get('cursor')
    limit = int(self.request.get('limit', 100))
    sort = self.request.get('sort', 'created_ts')
    state = self.request.get('state', 'all')

    uses = bool(name) + bool(tags) + bool(state!='all')
    if uses > 1:
          400, error='Only one of name, tag (1 or many) or state can be used')

    items, cursor_str, sort, state = task_result.get_tasks(
        name, tags, cursor_str, limit, sort, state)
    data = {
      'cursor': cursor_str,
      'items': items,
      'limit': limit,
      'sort': sort,
      'state': state,
Beispiel #3
  def list(self, request):
    """Provides a list of available tasks."""
    state =
    uses = sum([ is not None, bool(request.tag), state != 'all'])
    if uses > 1:
      raise endpoints.BadRequestException(
          'Only one of name, tag (1 or many) or state can be used.')

    # get the tasks
    items, cursor_str, sort, state = task_result.get_tasks(, request.tag, request.cursor, request.limit, request.sort,
    return swarming_rpcs.TaskList(
            utils.to_json_encodable(item)) for item in items],
Beispiel #4
    def list(self, request):
        """Provides a list of available tasks."""
        state =
        uses = sum(
            [ is not None,
             bool(request.tag), state != 'all'])
        if uses > 1:
            raise endpoints.BadRequestException(
                'Only one of name, tag (1 or many) or state can be used.')

        # get the tasks
        items, cursor_str, sort, state = task_result.get_tasks(
  , request.tag, request.cursor, request.limit,
            request.sort, state)
        return swarming_rpcs.TaskList(
                    utils.to_json_encodable(item)) for item in items
Beispiel #5
  def get(self):
    """Handles both ndb.Query searches and search.Index().search() queries.

    If |task_name| is set or not affects the meaning of |cursor|. When set, the
    cursor is for search.Index, otherwise the cursor is for a ndb.Query.
    cursor_str = self.request.get('cursor')
    limit = int(self.request.get('limit', 100))
    sort = self.request.get('sort', self.SORT_CHOICES[0][0])
    state = self.request.get('state', self.STATE_CHOICES[0][0][0])
    task_name = self.request.get('task_name', '').strip()
    task_tags = [
      line for line in self.request.get('task_tag', '').splitlines() if line

    if not any(sort == i[0] for i in self.SORT_CHOICES):
      self.abort(400, 'Invalid sort')
    if not any(any(state == i[0] for i in j) for j in self.STATE_CHOICES):
      self.abort(400, 'Invalid state')

    if sort != 'created_ts':
      # Zap all filters in this case to reduce the number of required indexes.
      # Revisit according to the user requests.
      state = 'all'

    now = utils.utcnow()
    counts_future = self._get_counts_future(now)

    # This call is synchronous.
      tasks, cursor_str, sort, state = task_result.get_tasks(
          limit, cursor_str, sort, state, task_tags, task_name)

      # Prefetch the TaskRequest all at once, so that ndb's in-process cache has
      # it instead of fetching them one at a time indirectly when using
      # TaskResultSummary.request_key.get().
      futures = ndb.get_multi_async(t.request_key for t in tasks)

      # Evaluate the counts to print the filtering columns with the associated
      # numbers.
      state_choices = self._get_state_choices(counts_future)
    except (search.QueryError, ValueError) as e:
      self.abort(400, str(e))

    def safe_sum(items):
      return sum(items, datetime.timedelta())

    def avg(items):
      if not items:
        return 0.
      return safe_sum(items) / len(items)

    def median(items):
      if not items:
        return 0.
      middle = len(items) / 2
      if len(items) % 2:
        return items[middle]
      return (items[middle-1]+items[middle]) / 2

    gen = (t.duration_now(now) for t in tasks)
    durations = sorted(t for t in gen if t is not None)
    gen = (t.pending_now(now) for t in tasks)
    pendings = sorted(t for t in gen if t is not None)
    total_cost_usd = sum(t.cost_usd for t in tasks)
    total_cost_saved_usd = sum(
        t.cost_saved_usd for t in tasks if t.cost_saved_usd)
    # Include the overhead in the total amount of time saved, since it's
    # overhead saved.
    # In theory, t.duration_total should always be set when t.deduped_from is
    # set but there has some broken entities in the datastore.
    total_saved = safe_sum(
        t.duration_total for t in tasks if t.deduped_from and t.duration_total)
    duration_sum = safe_sum(durations)
    total_saved_percent = (
        (100. * total_saved.total_seconds() / duration_sum.total_seconds())
        if duration_sum else 0.)
    params = {
      'cursor': cursor_str,
      'duration_average': avg(durations),
      'duration_median': median(durations),
      'duration_sum': duration_sum,
      'has_pending': any(t.is_pending for t in tasks),
      'has_running': any(t.is_running for t in tasks),
      'is_admin': acl.is_admin(),
      'is_privileged_user': acl.is_privileged_user(),
      'limit': limit,
      'now': now,
      'pending_average': avg(pendings),
      'pending_median': median(pendings),
      'pending_sum': safe_sum(pendings),
      'show_footer': bool(pendings or durations),
      'sort': sort,
      'sort_choices': self.SORT_CHOICES,
      'state': state,
      'state_choices': state_choices,
      'task_name': task_name,
      'task_tag': '\n'.join(task_tags),
      'tasks': tasks,
      'total_cost_usd': total_cost_usd,
      'total_cost_saved_usd': total_cost_saved_usd,
      'total_saved': total_saved,
      'total_saved_percent': total_saved_percent,
      'xsrf_token': self.generate_xsrf_token(),
    # TODO(maruel): If admin or if the user is task's .user, show the Cancel
    # button. Do not show otherwise.
    self.response.write(template.render('swarming/user_tasks.html', params))

    # Do not let dangling futures linger around.
Beispiel #6
  def get(self):
    """Handles both ndb.Query searches and search.Index().search() queries.

    If |task_name| is set or not affects the meaning of |cursor|. When set, the
    cursor is for search.Index, otherwise the cursor is for a ndb.Query.
    cursor_str = self.request.get('cursor')
    limit = int(self.request.get('limit', 100))
    sort = self.request.get('sort', self.SORT_CHOICES[0][0])
    state = self.request.get('state', self.STATE_CHOICES[0][0][0])
    task_name = self.request.get('task_name', '').strip()
    counts = self.request.get('counts', '').strip()
    task_tags = [
      line for line in self.request.get('task_tag', '').splitlines() if line

    if not any(sort == i[0] for i in self.SORT_CHOICES):
      self.abort(400, 'Invalid sort')
    if not any(any(state == i[0] for i in j) for j in self.STATE_CHOICES):
      self.abort(400, 'Invalid state')

    if sort != 'created_ts':
      # Zap all filters in this case to reduce the number of required indexes.
      # Revisit according to the user requests.
      state = 'all'

    now = utils.utcnow()
    # "Temporarily" disable the count. This is too slow on the prod server
    # (>10s). The fix is to have the web page do a XHR query to get the values
    # asynchronously.
    counts_future = None
    if counts == 'true':
      counts_future = self._get_counts_future(now)

    # This call is synchronous.
      tasks, cursor_str, sort, state = task_result.get_tasks(
          limit, cursor_str, sort, state, task_tags, task_name)

      # Prefetch the TaskRequest all at once, so that ndb's in-process cache has
      # it instead of fetching them one at a time indirectly when using
      # TaskResultSummary.request_key.get().
      futures = ndb.get_multi_async(t.request_key for t in tasks)

      # Evaluate the counts to print the filtering columns with the associated
      # numbers.
      state_choices = self._get_state_choices(counts_future)
    except (search.QueryError, ValueError) as e:
      self.abort(400, str(e))

    def safe_sum(items):
      return sum(items, datetime.timedelta())

    def avg(items):
      if not items:
        return 0.
      return safe_sum(items) / len(items)

    def median(items):
      if not items:
        return 0.
      middle = len(items) / 2
      if len(items) % 2:
        return items[middle]
      return (items[middle-1]+items[middle]) / 2

    gen = (t.duration_now(now) for t in tasks)
    durations = sorted(t for t in gen if t is not None)
    gen = (t.pending_now(now) for t in tasks)
    pendings = sorted(t for t in gen if t is not None)
    total_cost_usd = sum(t.cost_usd for t in tasks)
    total_cost_saved_usd = sum(
        t.cost_saved_usd for t in tasks if t.cost_saved_usd)
    # Include the overhead in the total amount of time saved, since it's
    # overhead saved.
    # In theory, t.duration_as_seen_by_server should always be set when
    # t.deduped_from is set but there has some broken entities in the datastore.
    total_saved = safe_sum(
        t.duration_as_seen_by_server for t in tasks
        if t.deduped_from and t.duration_as_seen_by_server)
    duration_sum = safe_sum(durations)
    total_saved_percent = (
        (100. * total_saved.total_seconds() / duration_sum.total_seconds())
        if duration_sum else 0.)
    params = {
      'cursor': cursor_str,
      'duration_average': avg(durations),
      'duration_median': median(durations),
      'duration_sum': duration_sum,
      'has_pending': any(t.is_pending for t in tasks),
      'has_running': any(t.is_running for t in tasks),
      'is_admin': acl.is_admin(),
      'is_privileged_user': acl.is_privileged_user(),
      'limit': limit,
      'now': now,
      'pending_average': avg(pendings),
      'pending_median': median(pendings),
      'pending_sum': safe_sum(pendings),
      'show_footer': bool(pendings or durations),
      'sort': sort,
      'sort_choices': self.SORT_CHOICES,
      'state': state,
      'state_choices': state_choices,
      'task_name': task_name,
      'task_tag': '\n'.join(task_tags),
      'tasks': tasks,
      'total_cost_usd': total_cost_usd,
      'total_cost_saved_usd': total_cost_saved_usd,
      'total_saved': total_saved,
      'total_saved_percent': total_saved_percent,
      'xsrf_token': self.generate_xsrf_token(),
    # TODO(maruel): If admin or if the user is task's .user, show the Cancel
    # button. Do not show otherwise.
    self.response.write(template.render('swarming/user_tasks.html', params))

    # Do not let dangling futures linger around.