Beispiel #1
    def update_grids_bbox(self, bbox):
        """Update quad_grid_dps_mask using bbox

        bbox format: [x0, x1, y0, y1]
        if 'quad_grid_dps_mask' not in self.grid:
                "Calling update_grids instead of update_grids_bbox.",
                extra={'subgrid_id': self.subgrid_id})
            return self.update_grids()
        x0, x1, y0, y1 = bbox
        quad_grid = self.grid['quad_grid'][y0:y1, x0:x1]
        dps = self.grid['dps'][y0:y1, x0:x1]
            'quad grid bbox shape: %r' % (str(quad_grid.shape)),
            extra={'subgrid_id': self.subgrid_id})
            'dps bbox shape: %r' % (str(dps.shape)),
            extra={'subgrid_id': self.subgrid_id})
        # Sometimes quad_grid.mask is False instead of a table... (model Miami)
        # TODO: investigate more
        if quad_grid.mask.__class__.__name__ == 'bool_':
            mask = utils.logical_or_reduce([dps < -9000, ])
            mask = utils.logical_or_reduce([quad_grid.mask, dps < -9000])
        self.grid['quad_grid_dps_mask'][y0:y1, x0:x1] = mask
Beispiel #2
    def update_grids(self):
        """Precalculate quad_grid_dps_mask that only needs to be calculated once.

        Needs to be run when quad_grid or dps is updated.
        grid = self.grid
        quad_grid = grid['quad_grid']
        dps = grid['dps']
            'quad grid shape: %r' % (str(quad_grid.shape)),
            extra={'subgrid_id': self.subgrid_id})
            'dps shape: %r' % (str(dps.shape)),
            extra={'subgrid_id': self.subgrid_id})
        # Sometimes quad_grid.mask is False instead of a table... (model Miami)
        # TODO: investigate more
        if quad_grid.mask.__class__.__name__ == 'bool_':
            mask = utils.logical_or_reduce([dps < -9000, ])
            # 4 seconds
            mask = utils.logical_or_reduce([quad_grid.mask, dps < -9000])
        if 'quad_grid_dps_mask' in grid:
            del self.grid['quad_grid_dps_mask']
        self.grid['quad_grid_dps_mask'] = mask
Beispiel #3
    def get(self, layer, interpolate='nearest', from_disk=False, **kwargs):
        layer: choose from waterlevel, waterheight, dps, uc,
          sg, quad_grid, infiltration,
          interception, soil, crop, maxdepth, arrival

        from_disk: read instead of memory, kwargs must contain kw
            'layers': duifp-duifp:maxdepth

        NOTE: maxdepth and arrival REQUIRE the from_disk method.
        def generate_hash(path, layer_slug):
            return '%r-%r-%r' % (
                layer_slug, os.path.getctime(path), os.path.getmtime(path))

        grid = None
        if from_disk:
                'Memory from file...',
                extra={'subgrid_id': self.subgrid_id})
            layer_slug = kwargs['layers'].split(':')[0]
            grid_path = os.path.join(config.DATA_DIR, '3di', layer_slug,

            if ('file-memory' in self.grid and
                    self.grid['file-memory'] == generate_hash(
                    grid_path, layer_slug)):

                # already loaded
                # if a new file is placed in the same location, it is not
                # detected!!
                    'already loaded from file into memory',
                    extra={'subgrid_id': self.subgrid_id})
                grid = self.grid
                # load file into memory
                    'loading file into memory',
                    extra={'subgrid_id': self.subgrid_id})
                nc = Dataset(grid_path, 'r', format='NETCDF3_CLASSIC')
                grid = {}
                grid['dsnop'] = nc.variables['dsnop'].getValue()[0]
                grid['wkt'] = ''.join(nc.variables['wkt'])
                grid['dps'] = nc.variables['dps'][:].copy()
                grid['maxdepth'] = nc.variables['maxdepth'][:].copy()
                grid['arrival'] = nc.variables['arrival'][:].copy()

                grid['x0p'] = nc.variables['x0p'].getValue()[0]
                grid['y0p'] = nc.variables['y0p'].getValue()[0]
                grid['x1p'] = nc.variables['x1p'].getValue()[0]
                grid['y1p'] = nc.variables['y1p'].getValue()[0]
                grid['dxp'] = nc.variables['dxp'].getValue()[0]
                grid['dyp'] = nc.variables['dyp'].getValue()[0]

                grid['file-memory'] = generate_hash(grid_path, layer_slug)
                grid['layer-slug'] = layer_slug  # needed for getcapabilities
                self.grid = grid

        if grid is None:
            if not self.grid:
                    'Initializing grids (is normally already done, unless '
                    'some server error)',
                    extra={'subgrid_id': self.subgrid_id})
                return None  # Crashes, try again later!
            grid = self.grid

        # try to get parameters from request
        srs = kwargs.get("srs")
        bbox_str = kwargs.get("bbox")
        if bbox_str:
            bbox = [float(x) for x in bbox_str.split(",")]
            bbox = None
        logger.debug('bbox: %r' % str(bbox))
        height = int(kwargs.get("height", "0"))
        width = int(kwargs.get("width", "0"))
        # multiply the slicing stepsize with 'fast'.
        fast = float(kwargs.get("fast", "1.4"))

        if all([srs, bbox, height, width]):
                "slicing and dicing",
                extra={'subgrid_id': self.subgrid_id})

            src_srs = osgeo.osr.SpatialReference()
            dst_srs = osgeo.osr.SpatialReference()
            if 'wkt' in grid and grid['wkt']:
                if dst_srs.GetAuthorityCode("PROJCS") == '28992' and \
                        not dst_srs.GetTOWGS84():
                        "Check WKT for TOWGS84 string! Je weet tog ;-)")
                    'Something is probably wrong with the wkt, taking '
                    'default 28992.',
                    extra={'subgrid_id': self.subgrid_id})

            src2dst = osgeo.osr.CoordinateTransformation(src_srs, dst_srs)

            (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax) = bbox
            # Beware: the destination is NOT rectangular, so we need to
            # recalculate the bbox.
            x0_dst, y0_dst, _ = src2dst.TransformPoint(xmin, ymin)
            x1_dst, y1_dst, _ = src2dst.TransformPoint(xmax, ymin)
            x2_dst, y2_dst, _ = src2dst.TransformPoint(xmin, ymax)
            x3_dst, y3_dst, _ = src2dst.TransformPoint(xmax, ymax)
            xmin_dst = min([x0_dst, x1_dst, x2_dst, x3_dst])
            xmax_dst = max([x0_dst, x1_dst, x2_dst, x3_dst])
            ymin_dst = min([y0_dst, y1_dst, y2_dst, y3_dst])
            ymax_dst = max([y0_dst, y1_dst, y2_dst, y3_dst])

            # lookup required slice
            xmin_src, ymin_src = (grid['x0p'], grid['y0p'])
            xmax_src, ymax_src = (grid['x1p'], grid['y1p'])
            dx_src, dy_src = (grid['dxp'], grid['dyp'])
            x_src = np.arange(xmin_src, xmax_src, dx_src)
            y_src = np.arange(ymin_src, ymax_src, dy_src)
            # Lookup indices of plotted grid
            # this can be done faster with a calculation
            dps_shape = grid['dps'].shape
            x_start = \
                min(max(bisect.bisect(x_src, xmin_dst) - 1, 0), dps_shape[1]-1)
            x_end = \
                min(max(bisect.bisect(x_src, xmax_dst) + 1, 0), dps_shape[1])
            y_start = \
                min(max(bisect.bisect(y_src, ymin_dst) - 1, 0), dps_shape[0]-1)
            y_end = \
                min(max(bisect.bisect(y_src, ymax_dst) + 1, 0), dps_shape[0])
            # lookup resolution: restricted to make it faster for big images
            x_step = max(
                trunc(fast * (x_end - x_start)) // min(width, 1200), 1)
            y_step = max(
                trunc(fast * (y_end - y_start)) // min(height, 800), 1)
            num_pixels = \
                (y_end - y_start) // y_step * (x_end - x_start) // x_step
                'Slice: y=%d,%d,%d x=%d,%d,%d width=%d height=%d, pixels=%d' %
                (y_start, y_end, y_step, x_start, x_end, x_step, width, height,
                extra={'subgrid_id': self.subgrid_id})
            S = np.s_[y_start:y_end:y_step, x_start:x_end:x_step]

            # Compute transform for sliced grid
            transform = (
                grid["x0p"] + dx_src*x_start,
                grid["y0p"] + grid["dyp"]*y_start,

                "couldn't find enough info in %s", kwargs,
                extra={'subgrid_id': self.subgrid_id})
            S = np.s_[:, :]
            transform = self.transform

        if layer == 'waterlevel' or layer == 'waterheight':
            nodatavalue = 1e10
            dps = grid['dps'][S].copy()
            # Set the Deltares no data value.
            dps[dps == self.grid['dsnop']] = nodatavalue
            quad_grid = grid['quad_grid'][S]
            mask = grid['quad_grid_dps_mask'][S]
            s1 = self.grid['s1'].copy()
            vol1 = self.grid['vol1']

            if interpolate == 'nearest':
                # useless option
                waterheight = s1[quad_grid.filled(0)]
                # Here comes the 'Martijn interpolatie'.
                L = self.L
                if L is None:
                        "Interpolation data not available",
                        extra={'subgrid_id': self.subgrid_id})
                X, Y = self.X[S], self.Y[S]
                    # Kaapstad gives IndexError
                    volmask = (vol1 == 0)[quad_grid]
                    L.values = np.ascontiguousarray(s1[:, np.newaxis])
                    waterheight = L(X, Y)
                    # now mask the waterlevels where we did not compute
                    # or where mask of the
                    mask = utils.logical_or_reduce(
                        [np.isnan(waterheight), mask, volmask])
                    waterheight =, mask=mask)
                except IndexError:
                    # Fallback to nearest
                    # Kaapstad:
                    # IndexError: index 1085856568 is out of bounds for size
                    #   16473
                        'Interpolation crashed, falling back to nearest.',
                        extra={'subgrid_id': self.subgrid_id})
                    waterheight = s1[quad_grid.filled(0)]
                    # Log everything
                    exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback = sys.exc_info()
                    for line in traceback.format_exception(
                            exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback):

            if layer == 'waterlevel':
                waterlevel = waterheight - (-dps)

                # Gdal does not know about masked arrays, so we transform to
                # an array with a nodatavalue
                array =, mask=mask).filled(
                container = rasters.NumpyContainer(array, transform, self.wkt,
            elif layer == 'waterheight':
                waterlevel = waterheight

                # Strange: nodatavalue becomes 0, which is undesirable for
                # getprofile
                array =, mask=mask).filled(-dps)
                container = rasters.NumpyContainer(array, transform, self.wkt,

            return container
        elif layer == 'dps':
            dps = grid['dps'][S].copy()

            # Set the Deltares no data value.
            nodatavalue = 1e10
            dps[dps == self.grid['dsnop']] = nodatavalue

            container = rasters.NumpyContainer(
                dps, transform, self.wkt, nodatavalue=nodatavalue)
            return container
        elif layer == 'uc':
            quad_grid = grid['quad_grid'][S]
            uc = grid['uc']

            uc_norm = np.sqrt(np.sum(uc**2, axis=0))
            assert uc_norm.shape[0] != 2, "wrong sum dimension"

            container = rasters.NumpyContainer(
                uc_norm[quad_grid], transform, self.wkt)
            return container
        elif layer == 'sg':
            dps = grid['dps'][S].copy()
            quad_grid = grid['quad_grid'][S]
            sg = grid['sg']
            groundwater_depth = -dps - sg[quad_grid]
            # A trick to hold all depths inside model, 0's are filtered out.
            groundwater_depth[, 0.01)] = 0.01

            # Set the Deltares no data value.
            nodatavalue = 1e10
            groundwater_depth[dps == self.grid['dsnop']] = nodatavalue

            container = rasters.NumpyContainer(
                groundwater_depth, transform, self.wkt,
            return container
        elif layer == 'sg_abs':
            dps = grid['dps'][S].copy()
            quad_grid = grid['quad_grid'][S]
            sg = grid['sg']
            groundwater_level = sg[quad_grid]
            # A trick to hold all depths inside model, 0's are filtered out.
            # groundwater_depth[,
            #                                    0.01)] = 0.01

            # Set the Deltares no data value.
            nodatavalue = 1e10
            groundwater_level[dps == self.grid['dsnop']] = nodatavalue

            container = rasters.NumpyContainer(
                groundwater_level, transform, self.wkt,
            return container
        elif layer == 'quad_grid':
            quad_grid = grid['quad_grid'][S]
            container = rasters.NumpyContainer(
                quad_grid, transform, self.wkt)
            return container
        elif layer == 'infiltration':
            dps = grid['dps'][S].copy()
            g = grid['infiltrationrate'][S].copy()

            # Set the Deltares no data value.
            nodatavalue = 1e10
            g[dps == self.grid['dsnop']] = nodatavalue

            container = rasters.NumpyContainer(
                g, transform, self.wkt, nodatavalue=nodatavalue)
            return container
        elif layer == 'interception':
            dps = grid['dps'][S].copy()
            g = grid['maxinterception'][S].copy()

            # Set the Deltares no data value.
            nodatavalue = 1e10
            g[dps == self.grid['dsnop']] = nodatavalue

            container = rasters.NumpyContainer(
                g, transform, self.wkt, nodatavalue=nodatavalue)
            return container
        elif layer == 'soil':
            dps = grid['dps'][S].copy()
            g = grid['soiltype'][S].copy()

            # Set the Deltares no data value.
            nodatavalue = 1e10
            g[dps == self.grid['dsnop']] = nodatavalue

            container = rasters.NumpyContainer(
                g, transform, self.wkt, nodatavalue=nodatavalue)
            return container
        elif layer == 'crop':
            dps = grid['dps'][S].copy()
            g = grid['croptype'][S].copy()

            # Set the Deltares no data value.
            nodatavalue = 1e10
            g[dps == self.grid['dsnop']] = nodatavalue

            container = rasters.NumpyContainer(
                g, transform, self.wkt, nodatavalue=nodatavalue)
            return container
        elif layer == 'maxdepth':
            if not from_disk:
                return None  # does not work!

            a = grid['maxdepth'][S].copy()
            dps = grid['dps'][S].copy()
            wkt = grid['wkt']

            # Set the Deltares no data value.
            nodatavalue = 1e10
            a[dps == grid['dsnop']] = nodatavalue

            # Strange stuff: no data value is not handled correctly in
            # preprocessing
            a[a > 10000] = nodatavalue

            container = rasters.NumpyContainer(
                a, transform, wkt, nodatavalue=nodatavalue)
            return container

        elif layer == 'arrival':
            if not from_disk:
                return None  # does not work!

            a = grid['arrival'][S].copy()
            dps = grid['dps'][S].copy()
            wkt = grid['wkt']

            # Set the Deltares no data value.
            nodatavalue = 1e10
            a[dps == grid['dsnop']] = nodatavalue

            container = rasters.NumpyContainer(
                a, transform, wkt, nodatavalue=nodatavalue)
            return container

            raise NotImplemented("working on it")