def test_01_create_random_domain(mock_open, mock_popen, domain):
    with patch('') as post:
        domain, user, password = directadmin.create_random_domain("", "")
        assert domain
        assert password
        assert user in domain

        # Again but with false credentials.
        # Modify the session to return login page.
        postreturn = collections.namedtuple('post', 'text, status_code')
        postreturn.text = "DirectAdmin Login Page"
        post.return_value = postreturn
        with pytest.raises(exceptions.TestException) as err:
            domain, user, password = directadmin.create_random_domain("", "")
            assert 'DirectAdmin username or password incorrect' in err.value.message

        postreturn.text = 'error=1'
        post.return_value = postreturn

        with pytest.raises(exceptions.TestException) as err:
                domain, user, password = directadmin.create_random_domain("", "")
        assert 'Unable to create DirectAdmin user' in err.value.message
Beispiel #2
def main(argv=None):
    if os.geteuid() != 0:
        print warning("This script requires root privileges to run.")

    if argv is None:
        argv = sys.argv[1:]
    args = parse_args(argv)

    domain = user = password = None

        # Detect DirectAdmin.
        if os.path.isfile("/usr/local/directadmin/conf/directadmin.conf"):
            print header("DirectAdmin")

            # Ask the user for a DirectAdmin login information.
            admin_user = raw_input(bcolors.BOLD + "DirectAdmin admin username: "******"DirectAdmin admin password: "******"/usr/bin/pure-pw"):
                ret = subprocess.Popen(["/usr/bin/pure-pw", "mkdb", "/etc/pureftpd.pdb", "-f", "/etc/proftpd.passwd"])

            # Enable SpamAssassin.
            directadmin.enable_spamassassin(user, password, domain)

            print error("Only DirectAdmin servers are currently supported!")

        if args.mysql:
            print header("MySQL")
            print ok(directadmin.test_mysql_connection())

        if args.php:
            print header("PHP")
            print ok(php.check_config())
            print ok(php.test_session_handler(user, domain))
            print ok(php.test_mod_ruid2(user, domain))
            print ok(php.test_mail(user, domain))

        if args.pop3:
            print header("POP3")
            print ok(pop3.test_pop3(user, domain, password))
            print ok(pop3.test_pop3(user, domain, password, ssl=True))

        if args.imap:
            print header("IMAP")
            print ok(imap.test_imap(user, domain, password))
            print ok(imap.test_imap(user, domain, password, ssl=True))

        if args.smtp:
            print header("SMTP")
            print ok(smtp.test_smtp(user, domain, password, ssl=False, submission=False))
            print ok(smtp.test_smtp(user, domain, password, ssl=False, submission=True))
            print ok(smtp.test_smtp(user, domain, password, ssl=False, submission=False,
            if '465' in open('/etc/exim.conf').read():
                print ok(smtp.test_smtp(user, domain, password, ssl=True, submission=False))

        if args.ftp:
            print header("FTP")
            print ok(ftp.test_ftp(user, domain, password))
            if sys.version_info[0] > 2 or (sys.version_info[0] == 2 and sys.version_info[1] > 6):
                print ok(ftp.test_ftp(user, domain, password, ssl=True))

        if args.spamassassin:
            print header("SpamAssassin")
            print ok(spamassassin.test_spamassassin(user, domain, password))

        if args.phpmyadmin:
            print header("phpMyAdmin")
            print ok(phpmyadmin.test_phpmyadmin())

        if args.roundcube:
            print header("Roundcube")
            print ok(roundcube.test_roundcube())

        # Finally, remove the account alltogether.
        directadmin.remove_account(admin_user, admin_pass, user)
    except Exception as err:
        print error(err)

    return True