def user_bookings_add(username, page): if username not in users: raise NotFound("User '{}' not found.".format(username)) if request.method == 'GET': result = {} try: showtimes = requests.get( "{}".format(page)) except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: raise ServiceUnavailable("The Showtimes service is unavailable.") showtimes = showtimes.json() for movieid in showtimes: result[movieid] = [] try: movies_resp = requests.get( "{}".format(movieid)) except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: raise ServiceUnavailable("The Movie service is unavailable.") try: movies_resp = movies_resp.json() except ValueError: raise ServiceUnavailable("Sorry! No movies in this day.") result[movieid].append({ "title": movies_resp["title"], "rating": movies_resp["rating"] }) return nice_json(result) if request.method == 'POST': raw = request.get_json() result = "{}/add".format(username), json={username: raw}) result = result.json() user_resp = requests.get( "{}".format(username)) user_resp = user_resp.json() content = { "id": user_resp["id"], "name": user_resp["name"], "last_active": 0 } content = {username: content} with open("{}/database/users.json".format(root_dir())) as ff: data = json.load(ff) data.update(content) with open("{}/database/users.json".format(root_dir()), "w+") as ff: json.dump(data, ff) users.update(content) return nice_json(result) raise NotImplementedError()
def booking_add(username): content = request.json with open("{}/database/bookings.json".format(root_dir())) as ff: data = json.load(ff) data.update(content) with open("{}/database/bookings.json".format(root_dir()), 'w+') as ff: json.dump(data,ff) bookings.update(content) return nice_json(content)
def refresh(): current_user = get_jwt_identity() ret = { 'access_token': create_access_token(identity=current_user), 'refresh_token': create_refresh_token(identity=current_user) } with open("{}/tokens/token.json".format(root_dir()), "w") as f: json.dump(ret, f) return nice_json(ret)
def user_login(): auth = mongo.db.auth email = request.get_json(force=True)['email'] password = request.get_json()['password'] result = "" response = auth.find_one({'email': email}) if response: if bcrypt.check_password_hash(response['password'], password): ret = { 'access_token': create_access_token( identity={ 'first_name': response['first_name'], 'last_name': response['last_name'], 'email': response['email'] }, expires_delta=datetime.timedelta(minutes=30)), 'refresh_token': create_refresh_token( identity={ 'first_name': response['first_name'], 'last_name': response['last_name'], 'email': response['email'] }) } result = nice_json(ret) with open("{}/tokens/token.json".format(root_dir()), "w") as f: json.dump(ret, f) else: result = nice_json({"error": "Invalid username and password"}) else: result = nice_json({"result": "No results found"}) return result, 200
from services import root_dir, nice_json from flask import Flask from werkzeug.exceptions import NotFound import json app = Flask(__name__) with open("../database/showtimes.json".format(root_dir()), "r") as f: showtimes = json.load(f) @app.route("/", methods=['GET']) def hello(): return nice_json({ "uri": "/", "subresource_uris": { "showtimes": "/showtimes", "showtime": "/showtimes/<date>" } }) @app.route("/showtimes", methods=['GET']) def showtimes_list(): return nice_json(showtimes) @app.route("/showtimes/<date>", methods=['GET']) def showtimes_record(date): if date not in showtimes: raise NotFound
from services import root_dir, nice_json from flask import Flask import json from werkzeug.exceptions import NotFound app = Flask(__name__) with open("{}/database/bookings.json".format(root_dir()), "r") as f: bookings = json.load(f) @app.route("/", methods=['GET']) def hello(): return nice_json({ "uri": "/", "subresource_uris": { "bookings": "/bookings", "booking": "/bookings/<username>" } }) @app.route("/bookings", methods=['GET']) def booking_list(): return nice_json(bookings) @app.route("/bookings/<username>", methods=['GET']) def booking_record(username): if username not in bookings: raise NotFound
from services import root_dir, nice_json from flask import Flask from werkzeug.exceptions import NotFound import json app = Flask(__name__) with open("../database/movies.json".format(root_dir()), "r") as f: movies = json.load(f) @app.route("/", methods=['GET']) def hello(): return nice_json({ "uri": "/", "subresource_uris": { "movies": "/movies", "movie": "/movies/<id>" } }) @app.route("/movies/<movieid>", methods=['GET']) def movie_info(movieid): if movieid not in movies: raise NotFound result = movies[movieid] result["uri"] = "/movies/{}".format(movieid) return nice_json(result)
from services import root_dir, nice_json from flask import Flask from werkzeug.exceptions import NotFound import json app = Flask(__name__) with open("{}/database/movies.json".format(root_dir()), "r") as f: movies = json.load(f) @app.route("/", methods=['GET']) def hello(): return nice_json({ "uri": "/", "subresource_uris": { "movies": "/movies", "movie": "/movies/<id>" } }) @app.route("/movies/<movieid>", methods=['GET']) def movie_info(movieid): if movieid not in movies: raise NotFound result = movies[movieid] result["uri"] = "/movies/{}".format(movieid) return nice_json(result)
def get_csv_file(): parent_root_dir = root_dir() csv_file = parent_root_dir + "/database/" + settings.CSVFILE return csv_file
from services import root_dir, nice_json from flask import Flask import json import requests app = Flask(__name__) with open("{}/dbs/passengers".format(root_dir()), 'r') as a: passengers = json.load(a) @app.route('/') def hello(): response_data = "Hi!\n" \ "What do you want to do here?\n" \ "* /passengers - all passengers info\n" \ "* /passengers/<passenger> - specific passenger info\n" \ "* /passengers/<passenger>/flight' - number of flight passenger is booked\n" \ "* /passengers/<passenger>/flight/info - passenger flight info" return response_data @app.route('/passengers', methods=['GET']) def get_all_passengers(): return nice_json(passengers) @app.route('/passengers/<passenger>') def get_passenger_info(passenger): return nice_json(passengers[passenger])
from flask import Flask from services import root_dir, nice_json from werkzeug.exceptions import NotFound, ServiceUnavailable import json import requests import os import json import logging from flask import make_response dic2 = {'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'b': '3'} a = 0 app = Flask(__name__) with open("{}/database/users.json".format(root_dir()), "r") as f: users = json.load(f) @app.route("/", methods=['GET']) def hello(): return nice_json({ "uri": "/", "subresource_uris": { "add": "/add", "users": "/users", "user": "******", "bookings": "/users/<username>/bookings", "suggested": "/users/<username>/suggested" } })
from services import root_dir, nice_json from flask import Flask from werkzeug.exceptions import NotFound, ServiceUnavailable import json import requests import os app = Flask(__name__) pwd = os.getcwd() print pwd with open(pwd+"/database/users.json".format(root_dir()), "r") as f: users = json.load(f) @app.route("/", methods=['GET']) def hello(): return nice_json({ "uri": "/", "subresource_uris": { "users": "/users", "user": "******", "bookings": "/users/<username>/bookings", "suggested": "/users/<username>/suggested" } }) @app.route("/users", methods=['GET']) def users_list(): return nice_json(users)
from services import root_dir, nice_json from flask import Flask from werkzeug.exceptions import NotFound import json app = Flask(__name__) with open("{}/database/showtimes.json".format(root_dir()), "r") as f: showtimes = json.load(f) @app.route("/") def hello(): return nice_json({ "uri": "/", "subresource_uris": { "showtimes": "/showtimes", "showtime": "/showtimes/<date>" } }) @app.route("/showtimes") def showtimes_list(): return nice_json(showtimes) @app.route("/showtimes/<date>") def showtimes_record(date): if date not in showtimes:
import pandas as pd from services import settings from services import root_dir root_dir = root_dir() file_name = "/database/" + settings.CSVFILE csv_file = root_dir + file_name json_file = root_dir + "/database/" + settings.JSONFILE print(csv_file, json_file) with open(csv_file, "r") as f: csvfile = pd.read_csv(f) csvfile.to_json(json_file) df = pd.read_json(json_file) print(df.head)
from services import root_dir, nice_json from flask import Flask, request from werkzeug.exceptions import NotFound import json app = Flask(__name__) ROOT_MOVIES = { "uri": "/", "subresource_uris": { "movies": "/movies", "movie": "/movies/<id>" } } MOVIES_JSON = "{}/database/movies.json".format(root_dir()) def get_movies(movie_id=None): with open(MOVIES_JSON, "r") as f: movies = json.load(f) if movie_id is None: return movies else: return movies[movie_id] get_movies() @app.route("/", methods=['GET'])
from flask import Flask import json from services import root_dir, nice_json app = Flask(__name__) with open('{}/dbs/flights'.format(root_dir()), 'r') as f: flights = json.load(f) @app.route('/') def hello(): response_data = "Hello!\n" \ "Things to do here:\n" \ "* /flights - all flights info\n" \ "* /flights/<flight> - specific flight info" return response_data @app.route('/flights', methods=['GET']) def get_all_flights(): return nice_json(flights) @app.route('/flights/<flight>', methods=['GET']) def get_flight_info(flight): return nice_json(flights[flight])
from services import root_dir, json_response from flask import Flask, request from datetime import date, datetime, timedelta import json import requests app = Flask(__name__) with open("{}/db/customers.json".format(root_dir()), "r") as f: customers = json.load(f) def howManyDays(start, end): return (date.fromisoformat(end) - date.fromisoformat(start)).days + 1 def getDates(startDate, endDate): dateArray = [] if endDate == None: endDate = ( if startDate == None: return [] else: currentDate = date.fromisoformat(startDate) while currentDate <= date.fromisoformat(endDate): dateArray.append(currentDate) currentDate = currentDate + timedelta(days=1) return dateArray def dropWeekends(rng): return [d for d in rng if not d.isoweekday() in [6,7]] def getFirstPaidDay(lastFreeDay):
from services import root_dir, nice_json from flask import Flask import json from werkzeug.exceptions import NotFound app = Flask(__name__) with open("{}/database/bookings.json".format(root_dir()), "r") as f: bookings = json.load(f) @app.route("/", methods=['GET']) def hello(): return nice_json({ "uri": "/", "subresource_uris": { "bookings": "/bookings", "booking": "/bookings/<username>" } }) @app.route("/bookings", methods=['GET']) def booking_list(): return nice_json(bookings) @app.route("/bookings/<username>", methods=['GET']) def booking_record(username): if username not in bookings:
def get_json_file(): parent_root_dir = root_dir() json_file = parent_root_dir + "/database/" + settings.JSONFILE return json_file
from services import root_dir import user from werkzeug.utils import redirect from flask import Flask, request, render_template, url_for, flash, session import os, datetime import query app = Flask(__name__) app.secret_key = os.urandom(24) ROOT_MOVIES = { "uri": "/", "subresource_uris": { "movies": "/movies", "movie": "/movies/<id>" } } MOVIES_DB = "C:\\Users\HP\Desktop\db\database.db".format(root_dir()) @app.route('/') def home(): if not session.get('logged_in'): return redirect(url_for("do_login")) else: if session['name'] == "88" and session['id'] == "admin": return "Hello"+session.get("name") + "\n<a href='/logout'>Logout</a><br><br><a id='user' href='/getmovies'>Update_Delete_Add_list_of_movies</a>" \ "<br><br><a href='/redirect'>Update_Delete_Add_list of users</a>" else: query.apdatelastactive("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M"), session.get('name')) return "Hello\n" + session['id']+"<br><br><a href='/logout'>Logout</a><br><br><br><a href='/threemax'>three max movies</a> " \
def user_bookings_add(username, page): with open("{}/tokens/token.json".format(root_dir()), "r") as ff: try: token = json.load(ff) except: raise Unauthorized() headers = { "Content-Type": "application/json", "Authorization": "Bearer {}".format(token['access_token']) } auth_check = requests.get("", headers=headers) auth_check = auth_check.json() if auth_check['msg'] != 'OK': raise Unauthorized(auth_check['msg']) headers = { "Content-Type": "application/json", "Authorization": "Bearer {}".format(token['refresh_token']) } if auth_check['msg'] == 'Token has expired': auth_refresh ="", headers=headers) if username not in users: raise NotFound("User '{}' not found.".format(username)) if request.method == 'GET': result = {} try: showtimes = requests.get( "{}".format(page)) except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: raise ServiceUnavailable("The Showtimes service is unavailable.") showtimes = showtimes.json() for movieid in showtimes: result[movieid] = [] try: movies_resp = requests.get( "{}".format(movieid)) except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: raise ServiceUnavailable("The Movie service is unavailable.") try: movies_resp = movies_resp.json() except ValueError: raise ServiceUnavailable("Sorry! No movies in this day.") result[movieid].append({ "title": movies_resp["title"], "rating": movies_resp["rating"] }) return nice_json(result) if request.method == 'POST': raw = request.get_json() try: user_resp = requests.get( "{}".format(username)) except: raise ServiceUnavailable( "Sorry, service unavailable at the moment!") try: result = "{}/add".format(username), json={username: raw}) except: raise ServiceUnavailable( "Sorry, service unavailable at the moment!") result = result.json() user_resp = user_resp.json() content = { "id": user_resp["id"], "name": user_resp["name"], "last_active": 0 } content = {username: content} with open("{}/database/users.json".format(root_dir())) as ff: data = json.load(ff) data.update(content) with open("{}/database/users.json".format(root_dir()), "w+") as ff: json.dump(data, ff) users.update(content) return nice_json(result) raise NotImplementedError()