def GET(self, **kwargs):
		"""logs the user in
		Note that this GET request doesn't take json like the other requests
		row = kwargs

		if row.has_key('username') and row.has_key('password'):
			conn, cur = databeast.connect()

			#does user exist?
			cur.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM users WHERE username=%s", [row['username']])
			count = cur.fetchall()[0][0]
			if count == 1:
				sql = "SELECT password FROM users WHERE username = %s"
				cur.execute(sql, [row['username']])
				hashed_pw = cur.fetchall()[0][0]
				if bcrypt.hashpw(row['password'].encode('utf-8'), hashed_pw.encode('utf-8')) == hashed_pw:
					output = [True, "User %s logged in." % (row['username'])]
					#open a training session
					output = [False, "Invalid login credentials."]
				output = [False, "User %s does not exist." % row['username']]

			return output
			raise cherrypy.HTTPError(400)
    def test_open_session(self):
        """it should open a session"""
        result = session.openSession('unit_test_user_6')

        self.assertTrue(result[0] == True)

        #close the active session

        """it should increment the session # appropriately"""
        result = session.openSession('unit_test_user_6')
        r = requests.get(self.session_url, params = {'username':'******'})
        json_data = json.loads(r.text)
        #print json_data
    def test_task_delivery(self):
        """sessions should close after all tasks completed"""
        tasks = ["task1", "task2", "task3"]

        #override the task list for the purpose of this test
        conn, cur = databeast.connect()
        sql = "UPDATE sessions SET tasks_to_play = %s WHERE username = %s"
        cur.execute(sql, [tasks, 'unit_test_user_7'])

        #mark the first task as done
        payload = {'username': '******', 'task':'task1'}
        r = requests.put(self.session_url, json=payload)
        json_data = json.loads(r.text)
        self.assertTrue(json_data == ["task2", "task3"])

        #mark the second task as done
        payload = {'username': '******', 'task':'task2'}
        r = requests.put(self.session_url, json=payload)
        json_data = json.loads(r.text)
        self.assertTrue(json_data == ["task3"])

        #mark the third (and final) task as done
        payload = {'username': '******', 'task':'task3'}
        r = requests.put(self.session_url, json=payload)
        json_data = json.loads(r.text)
        self.assertTrue(json_data == [])

        #check that session is closed
        sql = "SELECT complete FROM sessions WHERE username = %s"
        cur.execute(sql, ['unit_test_user_7'])
        result = cur.fetchall()

        self.assertTrue(result[0][0] == True)