Beispiel #1
 def verify(self, msg, sig, y):
     r, s = sig
     if not(0 < r and r < self.q): raise ValueError('r not between 0 and q (r={})'.format(r))
     if not(0 < s and s < self.q): raise ValueError('s not between 0 and q (s={})'.format(s))
     w = set5.modinv(s, self.q)
     u1 = (self.__get_hash__(msg) * w) % self.q
     u2 = (r * w) % self.q
     v = ((set5.modexp(self.g, u1, self.p) * set5.modexp(y, u2, self.p)) % self.p) % self.q
     return v == r
Beispiel #2
 def Step2c(self, M, s, pbar2):
     # For all (a, b) pairs:
     for (a, b) in M:
         # Compute `r`
         r = ceil(2 * (b*s - 2*self.B), self.N)
         t = True
         while t:
             # Compute `S_{min}`, `S_{max}`
             Smin, Smax = ceil(2*self.B + r*self.N, b), ceil(3*self.B + r*self.N, a) + 1
             # If `S_{min}` exceeds `S_{max}`, go to the next (a, b) pair
             if Smin >= Smax: t = False
             # For all integers in range `(S_{min}, S_{max})`:
             for s in range (Smin, Smax):
                 # Generate `ci`
                 ci = (self.c * set5.modexp(s, self.e, self.N)) % self.N
                 # See if `c(s)^e mod N` is PKCS conforming
                     pbar2.set_description(('Step 2C: Intermediate s found ({})'.format(s))[:os.get_terminal_size().columns - 33])
                     # Return found value `s`
                     return s
             # If no `s` was found, try next `r`
             r += 1
     # If all pairs in `M` are exhausted and yet no `s` was found, raise an exception
     raise Exception("No values found")
Beispiel #3
def challenge_46():
    # Get message, create RSA keypair, generate ciphertext
    message = base64.b64decode('VGhhdCdzIHdoeSBJIGZvdW5kIHlvdSBkb24ndCBwbGF5IGFyb3VuZCB3aXRoIHRoZSBGdW5reSBDb2xkIE1lZGluYQ==')
    pub, priv = set5.set_up_rsa(e=3, keysize=1024)
    ciphertext = set5.encrypt_rsa(set5.bytes_to_int(message), pub)
    # Set up our Oracle
    oracle = lambda x: rsa_oracle_plaintext_even(x, priv)
    # Verify the keypair works
    assert set5.int_to_bytes(set5.encrypt_rsa(ciphertext, priv)) == message
    # Set initial lower and upper bound, as well as intermediate ciphertext
    lower_bound, upper_bound = 0, pub[1]
    ciphertext_ = ciphertext

    # Perform the below until the lower and upper bound converge
    while upper_bound != lower_bound:
        # Multiply plaintext by multiplying ciphertext by 2**`e` mod `N`
        ciphertext_ = (ciphertext_ * set5.modexp(2, pub[0], pub[1])) % pub[1]
        # If the oracle says True, update the upper bound; if False, update the lower bound
        if oracle(ciphertext_):
            upper_bound = floor(upper_bound + lower_bound, 2)
            lower_bound = floor(upper_bound + lower_bound, 2)
        # Create 'Holywood style' output
        intermediate_result = str(set5.int_to_bytes(upper_bound))[:os.get_terminal_size().columns - 1]
        fill = " " * (os.get_terminal_size().columns - 1 - len(intermediate_result))
        print(colorama.Cursor.UP(1) + intermediate_result + fill)

    # Print final outputs
    print(colorama.Cursor.UP(1) + "Result:   {}".format(set5.int_to_bytes(upper_bound)))
    print("Original: {}".format(message))
Beispiel #4
 def sign(self, msg, x):
     k = random.randrange(2, self.q)
     r = set5.modexp(self.g, k, self.p) % self.q
     if k == 0: return self.sign(msg, x)
     s = (set5.modinv(k, self.q) * (self.__get_hash__(msg) + (x*r))) % self.q
     if s == 0: return self.sign(msg, x)
     return (r, s), k
Beispiel #5
 def Step2a(self):
     pbar = tqdm(desc='Step 2A')
     # Start at (N // 3B)
     s = ceil(self.N, 3*self.B)
     while True:
         # Generate `c_1`
         c1 = (self.c * set5.modexp(s, self.e, self.N)) % self.N
         # See if `c(s)^e mod N` is PKCS conforming
             pbar.set_description('Step 2A: Initial s found ({})'.format(s))
             # Return found value `s`
             return s % self.N
         s += 1
Beispiel #6
def challenge_41():
    # Initate a new RSA Oracle
    oracle = RsaOracle()
    # Generate a secret
    secret = random.randrange(2, oracle.public[1] // 2)
    # Generate a message to send to the RSA oracle
    msg = set5.encrypt_rsa(secret, oracle.public)

    # Query 1: try the generated encrypted secret
    r = oracle.query(msg)
    # Expected output: the original secret
    assert r == secret
    # Query 2: try the generated encrypted secret again
    r = oracle.query(msg)
    # Expected output: a None
    assert r is None

    e, n = oracle.public
    s = 2
    # Query 3: the attack - try our manipulated value
    msgp = (set5.modexp(s, e, n) * msg) % n
    # Expected output: the original secret
    r = (oracle.query(msgp) // s) % n
    assert_true(r == secret)
Beispiel #7
 def generate_keypair(self):
     x = random.randrange(0, self.q)
     p = set5.modexp(self.g, x, self.p)
     return (x, p)