# Get any chopped video folders that already exist existingDir = [file for file in allFiles if 'cut' in file] # Start analyzing by video for vid in allVids: filename = vid.split('.') filename = filename[0] # If the video has a csv file associated with it and was not previously cut if (filename + '.csv' in csvFiles) and (filename + '_cut' not in existingDir): print(filename,end='\n') # Read in the csv file csv = setDLCFunc.readfile(filename+'.csv') vidNum=0 for times in csv: vidNum += 1 if vidNum < 10: indexVar = '0'+str(vidNum) else: indexVar = str(vidNum) # Get start and end times times = times.split(',')
@author: kkrista """ import cv2 import os import numpy as np import setDLCFunc locVidDir = '/media/kkrista/KRISTAEHD/DLCSR/leftPaw/' docVidDir = '/opt/usb/DLCSR/leftPaw/' cropParamDir = '/home/kkrista/Documents/leftPP_Left-Krista-2019-01-24/cropParam.txt' trainFcsv = '/home/kkrista/Documents/leftPP_Left-Krista-2019-01-24/trainFiles.csv' trainCropParam = '/home/kkrista/Documents/leftPP_Left-Krista-2019-01-24/trainCropParam.txt' f = setDLCFunc.readfile(cropParamDir) ff = setDLCFunc.readfile(trainFcsv) writeIt = open(cropParamDir, 'w') writeConfigCrop = open(trainCropParam, 'w') train = [] g = [] h = [] origVids = [] configCrop = [] a = [] compName = [] cc = 0 while cc < len(ff):
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Sun Feb 10 15:16:49 2019 @author: kkrista """ import deeplabcut import os os.chdir('/home/kkrista/Documents/Script/PythonScripts/') from setDLCFunc import readfile config_path='/home/kkrista/Documents/rightPP_Center-Krista-2019-02-09/config.yaml' crops=readfile('/home/kkrista/Documents/rightPP_Center-Krista-2019-02-09/cropParameters.txt') vids = os.listdir('/opt/usb/DLCSR/rightPaw/') allVids=['']*len(vids) for ii in range(len(vids)): allVids[ii]='/opt/usb/DLCSR/rightPaw/'+vids[ii] for ii in range(len(allVids)): if '710_20181126_01' in allVids[ii]: ind=crops.index(allVids[ii]) params=crops[ind+1].split(', ') cfg=deeplabcut.utils.auxiliaryfunctions.read_config(config_path) cfg['cropping']=true cfg['x1']=int(params[0]) cfg['x2']=int(params[1]) cfg['y1']=int(params[2])
#dirToAnalyze = '/media/kkrista/KRISTAEHD/DLCSR/20190712/' ## # First, obtain subject directories that need to be analyzed subjDirs = os.listdir(dirToAnalyze) subjs = [item.strip('et') for item in subjDirs] # Loop through subjects for subj in subjs: [pawPref, nonPrefPaw] = animalInfo.pawPref(subj) boxNum = animalInfo.boxID(subj) # Read the csv files needed for cropping directView_allCrops = setDLCFunc.readfile(cropParamsDir + 'CC' + boxNum + '_directCrops.csv') mirrorView_allCrops = setDLCFunc.readfile(cropParamsDir + 'CC' + boxNum + '_' + nonPrefPaw + 'Crops.csv') # Find the configuration files allDLCNets = os.listdir(DLCDir + pawPref + 'PP/') directNet = [item for item in allDLCNets if 'Center' in item] mirrorNet = [item for item in allDLCNets if nonPrefPaw[1:] in item.strip(pawPref + 'PP')] directConfig = DLCDir + pawPref + 'PP/' + directNet[0] + '/config.yaml' mirrorConfig = DLCDir + pawPref + 'PP/' + mirrorNet[0] + '/config.yaml' # Get all training days trainDayDirList = os.listdir(dirToAnalyze + 'et' + subj + '/Training/') trainDayDirList = [dirToAnalyze + 'et' + subj + '/Training/' + item for item in trainDayDirList if os.path.isdir(dirToAnalyze + 'et' + subj + '/Training/'+ item)] for day in trainDayDirList:
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Fri Jan 25 12:19:36 2019 @author: kkrista """ import setDLCFunc setDLCFunc.readfile(wrkDir + "/config.yaml")