Beispiel #1
 def __init__(self, game, played_by):
     crd.Money.__init__(self, game, played_by)
     self.title = "Fool's Gold"
     self.value = 1
     self.price = 2
     self.description = "The first time you play Fool's Gold this turn, {}"\
     "otherwise {}. Reaction: When another player buys a Province, you may trash Fool's Gold from your hand. "\
     "If you do, gain a Gold on top of your deck.".format(crd.format_money(1), crd.format_money(4, True))
     self.type = "Treasure|Reaction"
     self.spend_all = False
     self.trigger = "OpponentGain"
Beispiel #2
 def __init__(self, game, played_by):
     crd.Money.__init__(self, game, played_by)
     self.title = "Cache"
     self.value = 3
     self.price = 5
     self.description = "{}When you gain this, gain two Coppers".format(
Beispiel #3
 def __init__(self, game, played_by):
     crd.Card.__init__(self, game, played_by)
     self.title = "Nomad Camp"
     self.description = "{}{} When you gain this, put it on top of your deck".format(
         crd.format_buys(1), crd.format_money(2))
     self.price = 4
     self.type = "Action"
Beispiel #4
 def __init__(self, game, played_by):
     crd.Card.__init__(self, game, played_by)
     self.title = "Duchess"
     self.description = "{}Every player looks at the top card of their deck and can choose to discard it."\
      "\nStatic: When you gain a Duchy, you may gain a Duchess.".format(crd.format_money(2))
     self.price = 2
     self.type = "Action"
Beispiel #5
 def __init__(self, game, played_by):
     crd.Card.__init__(self, game, played_by)
     self.title = "Haggler"
     self.price = 5
     self.type = "Action"
     self.description = "{} While this is in play, when you buy a card, gain a card "\
     "costing less than the bought card that is not a victory card".format(crd.format_money(2))
Beispiel #6
 def __init__(self, game, played_by):
     crd.Card.__init__(self, game, played_by)
     self.title = "Baron"
     self.description = "{}You may discard an Estate card, if you do {} Otherwise, gain an Estate card.".format(
         crd.format_buys(1), crd.format_money(4))
     self.price = 4
     self.type = "Action"
Beispiel #7
	def __init__(self, game, played_by):
		crd.Card.__init__(self, game, played_by)
		self.title = "Salvager"
		self.price = 4
		self.description = "{} " \
		"Trash a card from your hand, {} equal to its cost.".format(crd.format_buys(1), crd.format_money('X'))
		self.type = "Action"
Beispiel #8
	def __init__(self, game, played_by):
		crd.Card.__init__(self, game, played_by)
		self.title = "Market"
		self.description = "{}{}{}{}".format(crd.format_draw(1), crd.format_actions(1), 
				crd.format_buys(1), crd.format_money(1))
		self.price = 5
		self.type = "Action"
Beispiel #9
	def __init__(self, game, played_by):
		crd.AttackCard.__init__(self, game, played_by)
		self.title = "Grand Market"
		self.description = "{}{}{}{}You can't buy this card if you have copper in play".format(crd.format_draw(1), 
			crd.format_actions(1), crd.format_buys(1), crd.format_money(2))
		self.price = 6
		self.type = "Action"
Beispiel #10
	def __init__(self, game, played_by):
		crd.AttackCard.__init__(self, game, played_by)
		self.title = "Swindler"
		self.description = "{}Each other player trashes the top card of their deck"\
			" and gains a card with the same cost that you choose.".format(crd.format_money(2))
		self.price = 3
		self.type = "Action|Attack"
Beispiel #11
	def __init__(self, game, played_by):
		crd.Card.__init__(self, game, played_by)
		self.title = "Conspirator"
		self.description = "{}If you’ve played 3 or more Actions this turn (counting this):"\
			" {} {}".format(crd.format_money(2), crd.format_draw(1, True), crd.format_actions(1, True))
		self.price = 4
		self.type = "Action"
Beispiel #12
	def __init__(self, game, played_by):
		crd.Card.__init__(self, game, played_by)
		self.title = "Bridge"
		self.description = "{}{}All cards (including ones in player's hands) cost $1 less this turn,"\
			"but not less than $0.".format(crd.format_buys(1), crd.format_money(1))
		self.price = 4
		self.type = "Action"
Beispiel #13
 def __init__(self, game, played_by):
     crd.Card.__init__(self, game, played_by)
     self.title = "Bridge"
     self.description = "{}{}All cards (including ones in player's hands) cost $1 less this turn,"\
      "but not less than $0.".format(crd.format_buys(1), crd.format_money(1))
     self.price = 4
     self.type = "Action"
Beispiel #14
 def __init__(self, game, played_by):
     crd.Card.__init__(self, game, played_by)
     self.title = "Conspirator"
     self.description = "{}If you’ve played 3 or more Actions this turn (counting this):"\
      " {} {}".format(crd.format_money(2), crd.format_draw(1, True), crd.format_actions(1, True))
     self.price = 4
     self.type = "Action"
Beispiel #15
 def __init__(self, game, played_by):
     crd.Card.__init__(self, game, played_by)
     self.title = 'Oasis'
     self.description = '{}{}{} Discard a card'.format(
         crd.format_draw(1), crd.format_actions(1), crd.format_money(1))
     self.type = "Action"
     self.price = 3
Beispiel #16
 def __init__(self, game, played_by):
     crd.AttackCard.__init__(self, game, played_by)
     self.title = "Swindler"
     self.description = "{}Each other player trashes the top card of their deck"\
      " and gains a card with the same cost that you choose.".format(crd.format_money(2))
     self.price = 3
     self.type = "Action|Attack"
Beispiel #17
 def __init__(self, game, played_by):
     crd.Card.__init__(self, game, played_by)
     self.title = "Steward"
     self.description = "Choose one:\n{}, or {}, or trash exactly 2 cards from your hand.".format(
         crd.format_draw(2, True), crd.format_money(2, True))
     self.price = 3
     self.type = "Action"
Beispiel #18
	def __init__(self, game, played_by):
		crd.Card.__init__(self, game, played_by)
		self.title = "Trade Route"
		self.description = "{}{}Trash a card from your hand. \nX is the number of cards on the Trade Route Mat\n"\
							"static: a Victory card is added to the Trade Route Mat "\
							"when it is gained for the first time from supply".format(crd.format_buys(1), crd.format_money("X"))
		self.price = 3
		self.type = "Action"
Beispiel #19
	def __init__(self, game, played_by):
		crd.Money.__init__(self, game, played_by)
		self.title = "Royal Seal"
		self.description = "{}While this is in play, when you gain a card," \
		                   " you may put that card on top of your deck.".format(crd.format_money(2))
		self.price = 5
		self.value = 2
		self.spend_all = False
Beispiel #20
 def __init__(self, game, played_by):
     crd.Card.__init__(self, game, played_by)
     self.title = "Pawn"
     self.description = "Choose two:\n {}, {}, {}, {}".format(
         crd.format_draw(1, True), crd.format_actions(1, True),
         crd.format_buys(1, True), crd.format_money(1, True))
     self.price = 2
     self.type = "Action"
Beispiel #21
 def __init__(self, game, played_by):
     crd.VictoryCard.__init__(self, game, played_by)
     self.title = "Farmland"
     self.description = "{}" \
                        "When you buy this, trash a card from your hand. Gain a card costing exactly " \
                        "{} more than the trashed card.".format(crd.format_vp(2), crd.format_money(2))
     self.price = 6
     self.vp = 2
Beispiel #22
	def __init__(self, game, played_by):
		crd.Money.__init__(self, game, played_by)
		self.title = "Harem"
		self.description = "{}{}".format(crd.format_money(2), crd.format_vp(2))
		self.price = 6
		self.value = 2
		self.vp = 2
		self.type = "Treasure|Victory"
Beispiel #23
	def __init__(self, game, played_by):
		crd.Card.__init__(self, game, played_by)
		self.title = "City"
		self.description = "{}{} " \
		                   "If there are one or more empty Supply piles: {}"\
		                    "If there are two or more: {} {}".format(crd.format_draw(1), 
		                    	crd.format_actions(2), crd.format_draw(1), crd.format_money(1, True), crd.format_buys(1, True))
		self.price = 5
		self.type = "Action"
Beispiel #24
	def __init__(self, game, played_by):
		crd.Money.__init__(self, game, played_by)
		self.title = "Quarry"
		self.description = "{}While this is in play, Action cards cost $2 less" \
		                   " but not less than 0".format(crd.format_money(1))
		self.price = 4
		self.value = 1
		self.type = "Treasure"
		self.spend_all = False
Beispiel #25
	def __init__(self, game, played_by):
		crd.Money.__init__(self, game, played_by)
		self.title = "Talisman"
		self.description = "{}While this is in play, when you buy a card costing $4 or less" \
		                   " that is not a Victory card, gain a copy of it.".format(crd.format_money(1))
		self.price = 4
		self.value = 1
		self.type = "Treasure"
		self.spend_all = False
Beispiel #26
	def __init__(self, game, played_by):
		crd.Money.__init__(self, game, played_by)
		self.title = "Venture"
		self.description = "{}When you play this, reveal cards from your deck until you reveal a Treasure. " \
		                   "Discard the other cards. Play that Treasure.".format(crd.format_money(1))
		self.price = 5
		self.value = 1
		self.type = "Treasure"
		self.spend_all = False
Beispiel #27
	def __init__(self, game, played_by):
		crd.Card.__init__(self, game, played_by)
		self.title = "Baron"
		self.description = "{}You may discard an Estate card, if you do {} Otherwise, gain an Estate card.".format(crd.format_buys(1), crd.format_money(4))
		self.price = 4
		self.type = "Action"
Beispiel #28
	def __init__(self, game, played_by):
		crd.Card.__init__(self, game, played_by)
		self.title = "Pawn"
		self.description = "Choose two:\n {}, {}, {}, {}".format(crd.format_draw(1, True), crd.format_actions(1, True), crd.format_buys(1, True), crd.format_money(1, True))
		self.price = 2
		self.type = "Action"
Beispiel #29
	def __init__(self, game, played_by):
		crd.Duration.__init__(self, game, played_by)
		self.title = "Merchant Ship"
		self.price = 5
		self.description = "Now and at the start of your next turn {}".format(crd.format_money(2))
Beispiel #30
	def __init__(self, game, played_by):
		crd.Card.__init__(self, game, played_by)
		self.title = "Tribute"
		self.description = "The player to your left reveals then discards the top 2 cards of their deck.\n" \
		                   " For each differently named card revealed, if it is an… Action Card: {}" \
		                   " Treasure Card: {} Victory Card: {}".format(crd.format_actions(2), crd.format_money(2), crd.format_draw(2))
		self.price = 5
		self.type = "Action"
Beispiel #31
	def __init__(self, game, played_by):
		crd.Card.__init__(self, game, played_by)
		self.title = "Mining Village"
		self.description = "{}{}You may trash this card immediately to gain {}".format(crd.format_draw(1), crd.format_actions(2), crd.format_money(2, True))
		self.price = 4
		self.type = "Action"
Beispiel #32
	def __init__(self, game, played_by):
		crd.AttackCard.__init__(self, game, played_by)
		self.title = "Militia"
		self.description = "{}Each other player discards down to 3 cards in hand.".format(crd.format_money(2))
		self.price = 4
		self.type = "Action|Attack"
Beispiel #33
	def __init__(self, game, played_by):
		crd.Card.__init__(self, game, played_by)
		self.title = "Woodcutter"
		self.description = "{}{}".format(crd.format_money(2), crd.format_buys(1))
		self.price = 3
		self.type = "Action"
Beispiel #34
	def __init__(self, game, played_by):
		crd.Card.__init__(self, game, played_by)
		self.title = "Chancellor"
		self.description = "{}You may immediately put your deck into your discard pile".format(crd.format_money(2))
		self.price = 3
		self.type = "Action"
Beispiel #35
	def __init__(self, game, played_by):
		crd.Duration.__init__(self, game, played_by)
		self.title = "Lighthouse"
		self.description = "{} Now and at the start of your next turn {}" \
		"While this is in play, you are unaffected by attack cards".format(crd.format_actions(1), crd.format_money(1))
		self.price = 2
Beispiel #36
	def __init__(self, game, played_by):
		crd.Duration.__init__(self, game, played_by)
		self.title = "Fishing Village"
		self.description = "Now and at the start of your next turn, {}{}".format(crd.format_actions(2), crd.format_money(1),
		                                                                       crd.format_actions(1), crd.format_money(1))
		self.price = 3
Beispiel #37
	def __init__(self, game, played_by):
		crd.Card.__init__(self, game, played_by)
		self.title = "Treasury"
		self.description = "{} {} {}" \
		                   "When you discard this card from play, if you didn't buy a Victory card this turn, " \
		                   "you may put this on top of your deck".format(crd.format_draw(1), crd.format_money(1),
		self.price = 5
		self.type = "Action"
Beispiel #38
	def __init__(self, game, played_by):
		crd.Card.__init__(self, game, played_by)
		self.title = "Ironworks"
		self.description = "Gain a card costing up to $4. If it is an… \n"\
			"Action card: {} Treasure card: {} Victory card: {}".format(crd.format_actions(1), crd.format_money(1), crd.format_draw(1))
		self.price = 4
		self.type = "Action"
Beispiel #39
	def __init__(self, game, played_by):
		crd.Card.__init__(self, game, played_by)
		self.title = "Moneylender"
		self.description = "trash a copper from your hand, if you do {}".format(crd.format_money(3, True))
		self.price = 4
		self.type = "Action"
Beispiel #40
	def __init__(self, game, played_by):
		crd.AttackCard.__init__(self, game, played_by)
		self.title = "Minion"
		self.description = "{}Choose one: {} or discard your hand, draw 4 cards and each other player "\
			"with at least 5 cards in hand discards their hand and draws 4 cards.".format(crd.format_actions(1), crd.format_money(2, True))
		self.price = 5
		self.type = "Action|Attack"
Beispiel #41
	def __init__(self, game, played_by):
		crd.Card.__init__(self, game, played_by)
		self.title = "Steward"
		self.description = "Choose one:\n{}, or {}, or trash exactly 2 cards from your hand.".format(crd.format_draw(2, True), crd.format_money(2, True))
		self.price = 3
		self.type = "Action"
Beispiel #42
	def __init__(self, game, played_by):
		crd.AttackCard.__init__(self, game, played_by)
		self.title = "Cutpurse"
		self.description = "{}Each other player discards a copper or reveals their hand without Copper".format(crd.format_money(2))
		self.price = 4
		self.type = "Action|Attack"
Beispiel #43
	def __init__(self, game, played_by):
		crd.Card.__init__(self, game, played_by)
		self.title = "Peddler"
		self.description = "{}{}{}During your Buy phase, "\
			"this costs $2 less for each action card in play (not less than $0)".format(crd.format_draw(1), crd.format_actions(1), crd.format_money(1))
		self.price = 8
		self.type = "Action"