Beispiel #1
def onQQMessage(bot, contact, member, content):
    if contact.ctype == 'group' and contact.nick == groupid:
        if content == 'wds' or content == '集资' or content == 'jz' or content == '打卡' or content == 'dk':
            jz = ''
            jz = jz + setting.wds_name() + '\n' + setting.wds_url()
            bot.SendTo(contact, str(jz))
        elif content == 'wds20' or content == 'jz20' or content == 'rank' or content == '聚聚榜' or content == 'jzb' or content == '集资榜':
            bot.SendTo(contact, modian.rank(1))
        elif content == 'dkb' or content == '打卡榜' or content == 'dk20' or content == 'dakabang':
            bot.SendTo(contact, modian.rank(2))
        elif content == "独占":
            duzhan = "独占请集资" + '\n' + setting.wds_name() + '\n' + setting.wds_url()
            bot.SendTo(contact, duzhan)
        # elif content == "想39":
        #     xiang39 = "补档请看" + '\n' + ""
        #     bot.SendTo(contact, xiang39)
        # elif content == "剁椒鱼头":
        #     duojiaoyutou = "我们都爱剁椒鱼头"
        #     bot.SendTo(contact, duojiaoyutou)
        elif content == "欢迎新人":
            welcome = setting.welcome()
            bot.SendTo(contact, welcome)
        elif content == "help":
            help = '''废物机器人口令帮助:\n“集资”或“打卡”:返回集资地址"\n“集资榜”或“jzb”:返回集资金额榜单\n“打卡榜”或“dkb”:返回打卡天数榜单\n'''
            bot.SendTo(contact, help)
Beispiel #2
def handle_msg(context):
    if context['group_id'] == setting.groupid(
    ) and context['user_id'] != context['self_id']:
        if setting.shutup():
            for word in setting.shutup():
                if word in context['message']:
                                      duration=30 * 60)
        if context['message'] == '集资' or context['message'] == 'jz' or context[
                'message'] == '打卡' or context['message'] == 'dk':
            jz = ''
            jz += setting.wds_name() + '\n' + setting.wds_url()
            bot.send(context, jz)
        elif context['message'] == 'wds20' or context[
                'message'] == 'jz20' or context['message'] == 'rank' or context[
                    'message'] == '聚聚榜' or context[
                        'message'] == 'jzb' or context['message'] == '集资榜':
            bot.send(context, modian.rank(1))
        elif context['message'] == 'dkb' or context[
                'message'] == '打卡榜' or context['message'] == 'dk20' or context[
                    'message'] == 'dakabang':
            bot.send(context, modian.rank(2))
        elif "独占" in context['message']:
            duzhan = "独占请集资" + '\n' + setting.wds_name(
            ) + '\n' + setting.wds_url()
            bot.send(context, duzhan)
        elif context['message'] == '欢迎新人':
            bot.send(context, setting.welcome())
        elif context['message'] == '项目进度' or context['message'] == '进度':
            jd = modian.result(setting.pro_id()) + '\n' + setting.wds_url()
            bot.send(context, jd)
Beispiel #3
def rank(type):
    msg = ''
    err = False
    err_msg = '返回rank错误\n'
    detail = getDetail(str(setting.pro_id()))
    # type=1:总额榜
    if type == 1:
        msg = msg + setting.wds_name() + '·聚聚榜TOP20\n' + '------------\n'
        dic = getRankings(setting.pro_id(), 1, 1)
        if int(dic['status']) == 0:
            for data in dic['data']:
                msg = msg + '【第' + str(
                    data['rank']) + '名】: ' + data['nickname'] + '支持了' + str(
                        data['backer_money']) + '元\n'
        elif int(dic['status']) == 2:
            err = True
            err_msg += dic['message']
    elif type == 2:
        msg = msg + setting.wds_name() + '·打卡榜TOP20\n' + '------------\n'
        dic = getRankings(setting.pro_id(), 2, 1)
        if int(dic['status']) == 0:
            for data in dic['data']:
                msg = msg + '【第' + str(
                    data['rank']) + '名】: ' + data['nickname'] + '已打卡' + str(
                        data['support_days']) + '天\n'
        elif int(dic['status']) == 2:
            err = True
            err_msg += dic['message']
    msg = msg + '【摩点】:' + setting.wds_url() + '\n目前集资进度:¥' +\
        str(detail['data'][0]['already_raised']) + '\n目标:¥' +\
    if err is True:
        return err_msg
    elif err is False:
        return msg
Beispiel #4
def rank(type):
    msg = ''
    err = False
    err_msg = '返回rank错误\n'
    detail = getDetail(str(setting.pro_id()))
    # type=1:总额榜
    if type == 1:
        msg = msg + setting.wds_name() + '·聚聚榜TOP20\n' + '------------\n'
        dic = getRankings(setting.pro_id(), 1, 1)
        if int(dic['status']) == 0:
            for data in dic['data']:
                msg = msg + '【第' + str(data['rank']) + '名】: ' +data['nickname'] + '支持了' + str(data['backer_money']) + '元\n'
        elif int(dic['status']) == 2:
            err = True
            err_msg += dic['message']
    elif type == 2:
        msg = msg + setting.wds_name() + '·打卡榜TOP20\n' + '------------\n'
        dic = getRankings(setting.pro_id(), 2, 1)
        if int(dic['status']) == 0:
            for data in dic['data']:
                msg = msg + '【第' + str(data['rank']) + '名】: ' +data['nickname'] + '已打卡' + str(data['support_days']) + '天\n'
        elif int(dic['status']) == 2:
            err = True
            err_msg += dic['message']
    msg = msg + '【摩点】:' + setting.wds_url() + '\n目前集资进度:¥' +\
        str(detail['data'][0]['already_raised']) + '\n目标:¥' +\
    if err is True:
        return err_msg
    elif err is False:
        return msg
Beispiel #5
def newOrder(stamp10, secondsDelay):
    newOrders = []
    orderDict = getOrders(setting.pro_id(), 1)
    if int(orderDict['status']) == 2:
        return orderDict['message']
    for data in orderDict['data']:
        pay_time = data['pay_time']
        data['pay_time'] = int(time.mktime(time.strptime(pay_time, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')))
        if data['pay_time'] >= stamp10 - secondsDelay and data['pay_time'] < stamp10:
    msgDict = {}
    if newOrders:
        detail = getDetail(setting.pro_id())
        if int(detail['status']) == 2:
            return detail['message']
        msgDict['msg'] = []
        msg = ''
        for newOrder in newOrders:
            msg = "感谢 " + newOrder['nickname'] +\
                " 聚聚在【" + setting.wds_name() + "】中支持了 ¥" +\
                str(newOrder['backer_money']) + '\n' 
        msgDict['end'] = '【摩点】:' + setting.wds_url() + '\n目前集资进度:¥' +\
            str(detail['data'][0]['already_raised']) + '\n目标:¥' +\
    return msgDict
Beispiel #6
def newOrder(stamp10, secondsDelay):
    newOrders = []
    # 获取一次订单信息,返回一个dictionary
    orderDict = getOrders(setting.pro_id(), 1)
    # 查询失败则返回错误信息
    if int(orderDict['status']) == 2:
        return orderDict['message']
    # 查询成功,遍历data
    for data in orderDict['data']:
        pay_time = data['pay_time']
        # 将字符串时间转换为unix时间戳
        data['pay_time'] = int(time.mktime(time.strptime(pay_time, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')))
        # 筛选订单时间在查询时间前的设定时间段之间的订单
        if data['pay_time'] >= stamp10 - secondsDelay and data['pay_time'] < stamp10:
    msgDict = {}
    # 有新订单
    if newOrders:
        # 获取项目信息
        detail = getDetail(setting.pro_id())
        # 查询失败则返回错误信息
        if int(detail['status']) == 2:
            return detail['message']
        # 查询成功,初始化消息
        msgDict['msg'] = []
        msg = ''
        for newOrder in newOrders:
            msg = "感谢 " + newOrder['nickname'] +\
                " 聚聚在【" + setting.wds_name() + "】中支持了 ¥" +\
                str(newOrder['backer_money']) + '\n'
        msgDict['end'] = '【摩点】:' + setting.wds_url() + '\n目前集资进度:¥' +\
            str(detail['data'][0]['already_raised']) + '\n目标:¥' +\
    return msgDict
Beispiel #7
def onQQMessage(bot, contact, member, content):
    if contact.ctype == 'group' and contact.nick == groupid:
        if content == '打卡':
            jz = ''
            jz = jz + setting.wds_name() + '\n' + setting.wds_url()
            bot.SendTo(contact, str(jz))
        elif content == 'wds20' or content == 'rank':
            bot.SendTo(contact, modian.rank(1))
        elif content == 'dkb' or content == '打卡榜':
            bot.SendTo(contact, modian.rank(2))
        elif content == "独占":
            duzhan = "独占请集资" + '\n' + setting.wds_name(
            ) + '\n' + setting.wds_url()
            bot.SendTo(contact, duzhan)
        elif content == "help":
            help = '''Nemo操作手册:\n摩点相关\n1.“打卡”:返回集资地址"\n2.“rank”或“wds20”:返回集资金额榜单\n3.“打卡榜”或“dkb”:返回打卡天数榜单\n\n查询类\n1."集资查询+ID"返回某一ID的集资总额(数据每个月更新一次)\n2."我的2017+ID"返回2017年度账单\n3."微博故事+费沁源(或UID)"返回微博故事下载链接\n(注:所有查询类请求格式均为"命令+冒号+参数(ID))'''
            bot.SendTo(contact, help)
Beispiel #8
def diff(num):
    detail = getDetail(str(setting.pro_id()))
    msg = ''
    if num > 20:
        num = 20
    order = getOrders(setting.pro_id(), 1)
    if int(order['status']) == 2:
        return order['message']
    for i in range(0, num):
        msg += "ID: " + order['data'][i]['nickname'] +\
            " 的聚聚刚刚在【" + setting.wds_name() + "】中支持了 ¥" +\
            str(order['data'][i]['backer_money']) + '\n' + "感谢这位聚聚对" +\
            setting.idol_name() + "的支持" + '\n'
    msg += '【摩点】:' + setting.wds_url() + '\n目前集资进度:¥' +\
        str(detail['data'][0]['already_raised']) + '\n目标:¥' +\
    return msg
Beispiel #9
def newOrder(stamp10, secondsDelay):
    newOrders = []
    # 获取一次订单信息,返回一个dictionary
    orderDict = getOrders(setting.pro_id(), 1)
    # 查询失败则返回错误信息
    if int(orderDict['status']) == 2:
        return orderDict['message']
    # 查询成功,遍历data
    for data in orderDict['data']:
        pay_time = data['pay_time']
        # 将字符串时间转换为unix时间戳
        data['pay_time'] = int(time.mktime(time.strptime(pay_time, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')))
        # 筛选订单时间在查询时间前的设定时间段之间的订单
        if data['pay_time'] >= stamp10 - secondsDelay and data['pay_time'] < stamp10:
    msgDict = {}
    # 有新订单
    if newOrders:
        # 获取项目信息
        detail = getDetail(setting.pro_id())
        # 查询失败则返回错误信息
        if int(detail['status']) == 2:
            return detail['message']
        # 查询成功,初始化消息
        msgDict['msg'] = []
        msg = ''
        for newOrder in newOrders:
            msg = "ID: " + newOrder['nickname'] +\
                " 的聚聚刚刚在【" + setting.wds_name() + "】中支持了 ¥" +\
                str(newOrder['backer_money']) + '\n' + "感谢这位聚聚对" +\
                setting.idol_name() + "的支持" + '\n'
        msgDict['end'] = '【摩点】:' + setting.wds_url() + '\n目前集资进度:¥' +\
            str(detail['data'][0]['already_raised']) + '\n目标:¥' +\
    return msgDict