def ping_handler(self,addr, tags, stuff, source): # save address where ping came from pingSource = OSC.getUrlStr(source).split(':')[0] if settings.get('remoteControlAddress') != pingSource: settings.set('remoteControlAddress',pingSource) # read the port of the remote control programm from settings port = settings.get('remoteControlPort') # send pong message back client = OSC.OSCClient() msg = OSC.OSCMessage() msg.setAddress("/vega/pong") msg.append(1234) client.sendto(msg, (pingSource, port))
alotconfig = configfilename break # use only the first try: if not alotconfig: alotconfig = configfiles[0] settings.write_default_config(alotconfig) settings.read_config(alotconfig) settings.read_notmuch_config(notmuchconfig) except (ConfigError, OSError, IOError), e: sys.exit(e) # store options given by config swiches to the settingsManager: if args['colour-mode']: settings.set('colourmode', args['colour-mode']) # get ourselves a database manager dbman = DBManager(path=args['mailindex-path'], ro=args['read-only']) # determine what to do try: if args.subCommand == 'search': query = ' '.join(args.subOptions.args) cmdstring = 'search %s %s' % (args.subOptions.as_argparse_opts(), query) cmd = commands.commandfactory(cmdstring, 'global') elif args.subCommand == 'compose': cmdstring = 'compose %s' % args.subOptions.as_argparse_opts() cmd = commands.commandfactory(cmdstring, 'global') else:
def save(self): settings.set('new trace', 'EXECUTABLE', self.textExecutable.text()) settings.set('new trace', 'ARGUMENTS_TEXT', self.textArguments.text()) settings.set('new trace', 'ARGUMENTS_FILE', self.textArgumentsFile.text()) settings.set('new trace', 'ARGUMENTS_USE_FILE', str(self.checkBoxTakeArgumentsFromFile.isChecked())) settings.set('new trace', 'START_DIR', os.path.realpath(self.textStartDirectory.text())) settings.set('new trace', 'TCP_WRAPPER_PORT', str(self.spinBoxWrapperPort.value())) settings.set('new trace', 'USE_TCP_WRAPPER', str(self.checkBoxUseWrapper.isChecked())) self.parent().status("Saved")
def accept(self): settings.set('main', 'NEW_TERMINAL_COMMAND', self.textTerminalCmd.text()) settings.set('main', 'TCP_WRAPPER_COMMAND', self.textTCPWrapper.text()) super(ConfigureWindow, self).accept()
def update(self, **kwargs): if not Purple.paused: if self.check_grid((32, 32)): # checks grid if not self.position == self.previous_pos: # update move achievement achievements.achievements["total_dist"].main_value += 32 # aheradrim if ( self.position[0] == -96 and not Purple.aheradrim and "secret" in maingame.maingame.levels.current().description ): achievements.achievements["aheradrim"].main_value = 1 Purple.aheradrim = True self.image = Images.aheradrim_image # collision with Paint other = Paint.all.check_same_pos(self) if other: achievement = achievements.achievements["paint_collected"] achievement.main_value += 1 other.destroy() if len(Paint.all) == 0: Exit.all.get_sprite(0).enable() if not self.on_grid_update(): # if update was not handled by parent # handle it now # collision with Exit other = Exit.all.check_same_pos(self) if other: if other.check_enabled(): # LEVEL WON # first add to the list of won levels current_level_location = maingame.maingame.levels.current().source_tmx levels_won = settings.get("levels_won") if current_level_location not in levels_won: levels_won.append(current_level_location) # then increment unlocked if needed unlocked = settings.get("unlocked") if maingame.maingame.levels.current_index() == unlocked - 1: settings.set("unlocked", unlocked + 1) # and save if maingame.maingame.levels.jump_next(): # reached the end if maingame.maingame.levels.current_directory_index() == 0: maingame.maingame.controller = controllers.EndGameController() # end game screen else: maingame.maingame.controller = controllers.LevelSelectionController() return # collision with Tutorial other = Tutorial.all.check_same_pos(self) if other and not other.inactive: dialogs.Message("Tutorial", Tutorial.messages[Tutorial.current]) Tutorial.current = min(Tutorial.current + 1, len(Tutorial.messages) - 1) other.destroy() # handle keyboard if self.speed == (0, 0) or not Ice.all.check_same_pos(self): # if we are not sliding if self.collided <= 0: # if it is not moving then set speed according to key pressed self.speed = tsoliasgame.vector2.multiply(Purple.spd, Purple.direction) else: self.speed = (0, 0) # anyway check if target position is occupied if self.check_collision_ahead(Wall.all) and not Purple.aheradrim: # collision with wall self.speed = (0, 0) # set speed to 0 else: other = self.check_collision_ahead(WoodenBox.all) # collision with wooden box if other: if tsoliasgame.vector2.get_length(self.speed) <= Purple.spd: self.speed = (0, 0) else: other.destroy() else: # not on grid other = pygame.sprite.spritecollideany( self, Rock.all, tsoliasgame.Obj.collide_circle ) # check collision with rocks if other: other.speed = self.speed # if there is another rock or wall ahead of the collided rock if ( other.check_collision_ahead(Wall.all) or other.check_collision_ahead(Rock.all) or other.check_collision_ahead(WoodenBox.all) ): self.speed = (0, 0) # set the speed of everything to 0 and snap to grid self.snap_grid((32, 32)) other.speed = (0, 0) else: other.collided = True # the other.collided will prevent the rock from instantly setting its speed to 0 self.speed = tsoliasgame.vector2.multiply(-1, other.speed) # reverse self speed self.collided = int(maingame.maingame.get_fps() * 0.3) # and set self.collided so that we dont allow keypresses to work for ~500ms self.collided -= 1 # HANDLE ANIMATION self.on_update_end() if not self.paused and not Purple.aheradrim: # BLINK ANIMATION - ONLY IF NOT PAUSED if self.current_image == 0: if self.__blink <= 0: self.animation_enabled = True self.__blink = maingame.maingame.fps * 10 else: self.animation_enabled = False self.__blink -= 1 tsoliasgame.Obj.update( self, not Purple.paused or "secret" in maingame.maingame.levels.current().description and self.position[0] <= 256, )
def settings_handler(self,addr, tags, stuff, source): if stuff[0] == 'save': else: settings.set(stuff[0],stuff[1])