def form_list(): """Returns all names of companies and their CIK numbers. From Returns: list of available companies and their CIK numbers """ urlroot = settings.get_urlroot() apikey = settings.get_apikey() url = urlroot + "cik_list?apikey=" + apikey response = urlopen(url) data ="utf-8") return safe_read_json(data)
def cusip_mapper(cusip): """Returns the company name for specified CUSIP number. From Input: cusip : CUSIP number for which you'd like the company name Returns: company name for specified CUSIP number """ urlroot = settings.get_urlroot() apikey = settings.get_apikey() url = urlroot + "cusip/" + cusip + "?apikey=" + apikey response = urlopen(url) data ="utf-8") return safe_read_json(data)
def form_ciktoname(cik): """Returns company name for specified CIK number. From Input: cik : CIK number for which you'd like the company name Returns: Company name for specified company """ urlroot = settings.get_urlroot() apikey = settings.get_apikey() url = urlroot + "cik/" + cik + "?apikey=" + apikey response = urlopen(url) data ="utf-8") return safe_read_json(data)
def form_nametocik(company): """Returns CIK number for specified company. Allows partial matching of names. From Input: company : Name of the company for which you'd like the CIK Returns: CIK number for specified company """ urlroot = settings.get_urlroot() apikey = settings.get_apikey() url = urlroot + "cik-search/" + company + "?apikey=" + apikey response = urlopen(url) data ="utf-8") return safe_read_json(data)
def form(cik, year): """Returns form 13F for specified CIK number. From Input: cik : CIK number for which you'd like the 13F form year = year for which you'd like the 13F form. Returns: Form 13F for specified company """ urlroot = settings.get_urlroot() apikey = settings.get_apikey() url = urlroot + "form-thirteen/" + cik + "?year=" + year + "&apikey=" + apikey response = urlopen(url) data ="utf-8") return safe_read_json(data)