def __init__(self, environment): self.environment = environment self.images = Images(FilePath("data").child("img2")) self.images.load() self.actions = deque() self.action = None = Vector2D((0, 0))
def __init__(self, environment): self.environment = environment self.images = Images(FilePath("data").child("img2")) self.images.load() self.actions = deque() self.action = None = Vector2D((0,0))
def __init__(self, environment): self.environment = environment _initSounds() self.environment.view = self self.images = Images(FilePath("data").child("img2")) self.images.load() = Vector2D((0,0)) self.playerAnimations = {} self.buildingAnimations = {}
class Window(object): def __init__(self, environment): self.environment = environment _initSounds() self.environment.view = self self.images = Images(FilePath("data").child("img2")) self.images.load() = Vector2D((0,0)) self.playerAnimations = {} self.buildingAnimations = {} def paint(self,tick): # Draw Background """ Call C{paint} on all views which have been directly added to this Window. """ bg = self.images.images["background"] bgWidth = bg.width bgHeight = bg.height x = -( * 20).x y = -( * 20).y while x > 0: x -= bgWidth; while y > 0: y -= bgHeight while x < self.screen.get_width():#800:#480: j = y while j < self.screen.get_height():#480:#800: self.screen.blit(bg._image, pygame.Rect(x, j, bgWidth, bgHeight)) j += bgHeight x += bgWidth self.drawEnvironment(tick) self.drawHUD() pygame.display.flip() def isVisible(self, entity): if not return True # See objects on your team if == return True # Object in range of my sentries for b in self.environment.buildings.itervalues(): if b.isSentry() and ( == and (entity.position - b.position).length < b.SENTRY_RANGE*5.0: return True # object in range of a scanning player for p in self.environment.players.itervalues(): if ( == if (entity.position - p.position).length < p.getScanRadius()*5 : return True return False def drawEnvironment(self,tick): '''Draw the state of the environment. This is called by view after drawing the background. This function draws the timer and calls the drawing functions of the players/buildings/resource pool''' if(self.environment.ResourcePool<>None): self.environment.ResourcePool.draw(self,self.screenCoord(Vector2D(0,0))) for b in self.environment.buildings.itervalues(): self.drawBuilding(b,self.screenCoord(b.position),self.isVisible(b),tick) for p in self.environment.players.itervalues(): self.drawPlayer(p,self.screenCoord(p.position),self.isVisible(p),tick) def updateBuildingAnimations(self,building,tick): if not str(building.building_id) in self.buildingAnimations: self.buildingAnimations[str(building.building_id)] = AnimatedActions(building) building_animatedActions =self.buildingAnimations[str(building.building_id)] for anim in building.animations: building_animatedActions.addAnimation(anim[0],anim[1],tick) building.animations = [] return building_animatedActions def updatePlayerAnimations(self,player,tick): if not str(player.player_id) in self.playerAnimations: self.playerAnimations[str(player.player_id)] = AnimatedActions(player) player_animatedActions =self.playerAnimations[str(player.player_id)] #player_animatedActions.animation while (len(player.animations)>0): anim=player.animations.pop() if (self.environment.IsServer and anim[3] ): player_animatedActions.addAnimation(anim[0],anim[1],tick) player.animations.insert(0, (anim[0],anim[1],tick,False)) elif self.environment.IsServer and not anim[3]: print 'EOL' break elif not self.environment.IsServer: player_animatedActions.addAnimation(anim[0],anim[1],tick) return player_animatedActions def drawPlayer(self,player,position,isVisible,tick): if isVisible: image = self.images.images["Player",, player.sides] image.draw(self.screen, position) for i in range(0,player.resources): self.images.images["Armor", player.sides, i+1].draw(self.screen, position) else: image = self.images.images["Enemy",] image.draw(self.screen, position) self.updatePlayerAnimations(player,tick).drawAnimation(self,position,tick,isVisible) def drawBuilding(self,building,position,IsVisible,tick): #building.animations.drawAnimation(self, position,tick) self.updateBuildingAnimations(building,tick).drawAnimation(self,position,tick,IsVisible) if not (building.sides and building.resources): return 0 if IsVisible: if building.sides: self.images.images["Building", building.sides,].draw(self.screen, position) if building.sides >= 3: self.images.images["Building Zone", building.sides,].draw(self.screen, position) self.images.images["BuildingHealth",, building.sides, building.resources].draw(self.screen, position) if building.isSentry(): self.images.images["SentryScan"].drawScaled(self.screen, position, building.SENTRY_RANGE) def drawHUD(self): ''' Draw the HUD . It includes scores, time, and other info''' #Draw time left minRemaining = self.environment.TimeLeft / 60 secRemaining = self.environment.TimeLeft % 60 secStr = str(secRemaining) if secRemaining <= 9: secStr = "0" + secStr minStr = str(minRemaining) if minRemaining <= 9: minStr = "0" + minStr if(self.environment.IsServer): font = pygame.font.Font("data/Deutsch.ttf", 70) text = font.render(minStr + ":" + secStr, True, (255, 255, 255)) textrect = text.get_rect(left = 15, top = 40) else: font = pygame.font.Font("data/Deutsch.ttf", 35) text = font.render(minStr + ":" + secStr, True, (255, 255, 255)) text = pygame.transform.rotate(text, 270) textrect = text.get_rect(left = 15, bottom = 410) self.screen.blit(text,textrect) #Draw the scores fontColors = [(255, 0, 0), (0,255,255)] if(self.environment.IsServer): font = pygame.font.Font("data/Deutsch.ttf", 35) text = font.render(str(self.environment.scores[0]), True, fontColors[0]) textrect = text.get_rect(right =735, top = 40) self.screen.blit(text,textrect) text = font.render(str(self.environment.scores[1]), True, fontColors[1]) textrect = text.get_rect(right =735, top = 80) else: font = pygame.font.Font("data/Deutsch.ttf", 35) text = font.render(str(self.environment.scores[0]), True, fontColors[0]) text = pygame.transform.rotate(text, 270) textrect = text.get_rect(right =735, bottom = 410) self.screen.blit(text,textrect) text = font.render(str(self.environment.scores[1]), True, fontColors[1]) text = pygame.transform.rotate(text, 270) textrect = text.get_rect(right = 775, bottom = 410) self.screen.blit(text,textrect) #GAMEOVER if self.environment.GameOver: endGameMessage = "" if self.environment.IsServer: scoreDifference = self.environment.scores[0] - self.environment.scores[1] if scoreDifference > 0: endGameMessage = "RED WINS!" elif scoreDifference < 0: endGameMessage = "BLUE WINS!" else: endGameMessage = "DRAW!" font = pygame.font.Font("data/Deutsch.ttf", 140) text = font.render(endGameMessage, True, (255,255,255)) textrect = text.get_rect(centery =240, centerx = 400) else: scoreDifference = self.environment.scores[] > self.environment.scores[self.environment.otherTeam-1] if scoreDifference > 0: endGameMessage = "YOU WIN!" elif scoreDifference < 0: endGameMessage = "YOU LOSE!" else: endGameMessage = "DRAW!" font = pygame.font.Font("data/Deutsch.ttf", 70) text = font.render(endGameMessage, True, (255,255,255)) text = pygame.transform.rotate(text, 270) textrect = text.get_rect(centery =240, centerx = 400) self.screen.blit(text,textrect) def setCenter(self, position): = position def worldCoord(self, p): width = self.screen.get_width() height = self.screen.get_height() (cx, cy) = self.screen.get_rect().center return Vector2D(((p.x - cx) * self.environment.width) / width, ((p.y - cy) * self.environment.height) / height) def screenCoord(self, p): width = self.screen.get_width() height = self.screen.get_height() (cx, cy) = self.screen.get_rect().center return Vector2D((((p.x -[0]) / (self.environment.width / 2)) * width) + cx, (((p.y -[1]) / (self.environment.height / 2)) * height) + cy) def start(self, title): self.screen = pygame.display.get_surface() pygame.display.set_caption(title) (cx, cy) = self.screen.get_rect().center def stop(self): self._renderCall.stop()
class Window(object): def __init__(self, environment): self.environment = environment self.images = Images(FilePath("data").child("img2")) self.images.load() self.actions = deque() self.action = None = Vector2D((0,0)) def addAction(self, action): # TODO We no longer have actions? pass def startAction(self): if self.action == None: try: self.action = self.actions.popleft() self.action.start(5).addCallback(self.stopAction) except: pass def stopAction(self, ign): self.action = None self.startAction() def paint(self): """ Call C{paint} on all views which have been directly added to this Window. """ bg = self.images.images["background"] bgWidth = bg.width bgHeight = bg.height x = -( * 20).x y = -( * 20).y while x > 0: x -= bgWidth; while y > 0: y -= bgHeight while x < 480: j = y while j < 800: self.screen.blit(bg._image, pygame.Rect(x, j, bgWidth, bgHeight)) j += bgHeight x += bgWidth self.environment.paint(self) if self.action: pass pygame.display.flip() def setCenter(self, position): = position def worldCoord(self, p): width = self.screen.get_width() height = self.screen.get_height() (cx, cy) = self.screen.get_rect().center return Vector2D(((p.x - cx) * self.environment.width) / width, ((p.y - cy) * self.environment.height) / height) def screenCoord(self, p): width = self.screen.get_width() height = self.screen.get_height() (cx, cy) = self.screen.get_rect().center return Vector2D((((p.x -[0]) / (self.environment.width / 2)) * width) + cx, (((p.y -[1]) / (self.environment.height / 2)) * height) + cy) def start(self, title): self.screen = pygame.display.get_surface() pygame.display.set_caption(title) self._renderCall = LoopingCall(self.paint) self._renderCall.start(0.03) def stop(self): self._renderCall.stop()
class Window(object): def __init__(self, environment): self.environment = environment self.images = Images(FilePath("data").child("img2")) self.images.load() self.actions = deque() self.action = None = Vector2D((0, 0)) def addAction(self, action): # TODO We no longer have actions? pass def startAction(self): if self.action == None: try: self.action = self.actions.popleft() self.action.start(5).addCallback(self.stopAction) except: pass def stopAction(self, ign): self.action = None self.startAction() def paint(self): """ Call C{paint} on all views which have been directly added to this Window. """ bg = self.images.images["background"] bgWidth = bg.width bgHeight = bg.height x = -( * 20).x y = -( * 20).y while x > 0: x -= bgWidth while y > 0: y -= bgHeight while x < self.screen.get_width(): #800:#480: j = y while j < self.screen.get_height(): #480:#800: self.screen.blit(bg._image, pygame.Rect(x, j, bgWidth, bgHeight)) j += bgHeight x += bgWidth self.environment.paint(self) if self.action: # self.action.draw(self.screen, Vector2D((240, 400))) pass pygame.display.flip() def setCenter(self, position): = position def worldCoord(self, p): width = self.screen.get_width() height = self.screen.get_height() (cx, cy) = self.screen.get_rect().center return Vector2D(((p.x - cx) * self.environment.width) / width, ((p.y - cy) * self.environment.height) / height) def screenCoord(self, p): width = self.screen.get_width() height = self.screen.get_height() (cx, cy) = self.screen.get_rect().center return Vector2D((((p.x -[0]) / (self.environment.width / 2)) * width) + cx, (((p.y -[1]) / (self.environment.height / 2)) * height) + cy) def start(self, title): self.screen = pygame.display.get_surface() pygame.display.set_caption(title) self._renderCall = LoopingCall(self.paint) self._renderCall.start(0.03) (cx, cy) = self.screen.get_rect().center # print "envirn: " + str(self.environment.width) + " x " + str(self.environment.height) # print "screen: " + str(self.screen.get_width()) + " x " + str(self.screen.get_height()) # print "scrctr: " + str(cx) + ", " + str(cy) def stop(self): self._renderCall.stop()