Beispiel #1
 def test_set_config_should_update_value_for_algorithm_to_backtracking(self):
     new_default = "Backtracking"
     settings_xml = Settings()
     settings_xml.set_config("Algorithm", new_default)
     result = settings_xml.get_name_for_current_setting("Algorithm")
     self.assertEqual(new_default, result)
Beispiel #2
 def test_set_config_should_update_value_for_level_easy_to_max_35(self):
     setting_node = "Level"
     setting_name = "Easy"
     attribute_name = "max"
     new_attribute_value = "35"
     settings_xml = Settings()
     settings_xml.set_config_attributes(setting_node, setting_name, attribute_name, new_attribute_value)
     result = settings_xml.get_attribute_value_for_setting(setting_node, setting_name, attribute_name)
     self.assertEqual(new_attribute_value, result)
Beispiel #3
 def test_sudoku_should_resolve_an_easy_sudoku_with_backtracking_from_TXT_to_result(self):
     sudoku_test = Sudoku()
     settings_test = Settings()
     expected_result= ["4 8 3 |9 2 1 |6 5 7 \n", \
                       "9 6 7 |3 4 5 |8 2 1 \n", \
                       "2 5 1 |8 7 6 |4 9 3 \n", \
                       "------+------+------\n", \
                       "5 4 8 |1 3 2 |9 7 6 \n", \
                       "7 2 9 |5 6 4 |1 3 8 \n", \
                       "1 3 6 |7 9 8 |2 4 5 \n", \
                       "------+------+------\n", \
                       "3 7 2 |6 8 9 |5 1 4 \n", \
                       "8 1 4 |2 5 3 |7 6 9 \n", \
                       "6 9 5 |4 1 7 |3 8 2 \n"]
     settings_test.set_config("Algorithm", "Backtracking")
     settings_test.set_config("Input", "TXT")
     file_result = open("../game_results/default.txt", 'r')
     result = file_result.readlines()
     self.assertEqual(expected_result, result)
Beispiel #4
class Menu:
    def __init__(self):

        self.settings = ["Algorithm", "Level", "Input", "Output"]

        self.go_main_menu_option = "m"
        self.exit_game_option = "x"
        self.list_of_char_options = [self.go_main_menu_option, self.exit_game_option]
        self.menu_options = {self.exit_game_option: [self.exit],
                             self.go_main_menu_option: [self.go_to_main_menu],
                             "1": [self.start_game],
                             "2": [self.display_settings],
                             "3": [self.display_modify_settings],
                             "3.1": [self.display_modify_setting_options, self.settings[0]],
                             "3.1.1": [self.display_modify_default_setting,
                             "3.2": [self.display_modify_setting_options, self.settings[1]],
                             "3.2.1": [self.display_modify_default_setting, self.settings[1]],
                             "3.2.2": [self.display_select_setting_name_to_modify_attributes,
                             "3.3": [self.display_modify_setting_options, self.settings[2]],
                             "3.3.1": [self.display_modify_default_setting, self.settings[2]],
                             "3.3.2": [self.display_select_setting_name_to_modify_attributes,
                             "3.4": [self.display_modify_setting_options, self.settings[3]],
                             "3.4.1": [self.display_modify_default_setting, self.settings[3]],
                             "3.4.2": [self.display_select_setting_name_to_modify_attributes,
                             #"4": [self.generate_sudoku()]}

        self.sudoku_settings = Settings()
        self.status = ""

    def display_main_menu(self):
        """Display main menu for sudoku game"""
        self.status = ""
        print ("\n\n" +
               "SUDOKU Menu\n" +
               "------------------------\n" +
               "1. Play\n" +
               "2. Display settings\n" +
               "3. Modify settings\n" +
               "4. Generate sudoku game\n" +
               "x. Exit\n")

    def start_game(self):
        """Start the game with default settings"""
        print "\n\nTrying to start game.....\n\n"
        self.status = self.go_main_menu_option

    def display_settings(self):
        """Display configurations values(read from XML config file) for sudoku game"""
        print "\n\nSettings for Sudoku game"
        print "========================"
        list_of_settings = self.settings
        for setting in list_of_settings:
            print "\t", setting, ":"
            elements = self.sudoku_settings.get_setting_list_to(setting)
            for element in elements:
                element_name = "\t\t-" + element.attrib["name"]
                if element.attrib["default"] == "True":
                    element_name += " (Default)"
                print element_name

                attributes = element.attrib.keys()
                for attribute in attributes:
                    if attribute != "name" and attribute != "default":
                        print "\t\t\t" + attribute + " = " + element.attrib[attribute]

        print "========================="
        self.status = self.go_main_menu_option

    def display_modify_settings(self):
        """Display menu of different settings from XML config file"""

        self.status = "3."

        print "\n\nModifying Settings"
        print "=================="
        print "1. Algorithm"
        print "2. Level"
        print "3. Input games"
        print "4. Results"
        print "m. Back to main menu"
        print "x. Exit"

    def display_modify_setting_options(self, setting):
        """Display menu of different options to modify a setting"""

        self.menu_string = ""

        for index_setting in range(1, len(self.settings)+1):
            if self.settings[index_setting - 1] == setting:
                self.status = "3." + str(index_setting) + "."
                index_setting_number = index_setting

        self.menu_string = "\n\nModify " + setting + " options:\n" + \
                           "==========================\n" + \
                           "1. Modify " + setting + " by default\n"

        if index_setting_number != 0: #0 refers to Algorithm
            self.menu_string += "2. Modify " + setting + " attributes\n"

        self.menu_string = self.menu_string + \
                           "m. Go to main menu\n" + \
                           "x. Exit"
        print self.menu_string

    def display_modify_default_setting(self, setting_to_modify):
        """Display options for setting to be modifed as the method according to user_option value

        Keyword arguments:
        setting_to_modify -- setting used to get a list of different values
        setting = setting_to_modify
        print "\n\nSet default " + setting
        elements = self.sudoku_settings.get_setting_list_to(setting)
        list_of_settings = []
        good_input_values = ""
        counter_index = 1

        for element in elements:
            print str(counter_index)+". " + element.attrib["name"]
            good_input_values += "|"+str(counter_index)
            counter_index += 1

        print "m. Go to main menu"
        print "x. Exit"

        if self.is_a_valid_option_from_settings(good_input_values) is True:
            self.sudoku_settings.set_config(setting, list_of_settings[int(self.user_option) - 1])
        self.status = "m"

    def is_a_valid_option_from_settings(self, good_input_values):
        """Validate a user input value against values that have read from settings
        Keyword arguments:
        good_input_values -- list of different values have read from settings.
        print good_input_values
        patron_input_values = "^(" + self.exit_game_option + "|" + self.go_main_menu_option + \
                              good_input_values + "){1}$"
        print patron_input_values
        if re.match(good_input_values, self.user_option):
            print self.user_option
            if self.user_option == self.exit_game_option or \
               self.user_option == self.go_main_menu_option:
                return False
            return True
            return False

    def display_select_setting_name_to_modify_attributes(self, setting_to_modify):
        """Display names of setting to modify his attributes

        Keyword arguments:
        setting_to_modify -- setting used to get a list of different values
        setting = setting_to_modify
        print "\n\nSet attributes for " + setting + ":"
        elements = self.sudoku_settings.get_setting_list_to(setting)
        list_of_settings = []
        counter_index = 1

        for element in elements:
            print str(counter_index)+". " + element.attrib["name"]
            counter_index += 1
        print "m. Go to main menu"
        print "x. Exit"

        setting_value = str(raw_input("Please enter a value:"))

        if setting_value == "x":
            self.status = "exit"
        elif setting_value == "m":
        elif int(setting_value) >= 1 and int(setting_value) <= len(list_of_settings):
            self.__set_attributes_for_setting(setting, list_of_settings[int(setting_value) - 1])

    def __set_attributes_for_setting(self, setting, setting_name):
        """Display list of attributes to be modified

        Keyword arguments:
        setting -- name of current setting i.e. Algorithm
        setting_name -- name of setting value i.e. Peter Norvig
        print "\n\nAttributes for " + setting_name + ":"
        elements = self.sudoku_settings.get_setting_list_to(setting)

        for i in range(len(elements)):
            if elements[i].attrib["name"] == setting_name:
                element_index = i
        for attribute in elements[element_index].attrib.keys():
            if attribute != "name" and attribute != "default":
                new_value = str(raw_input("Please enter a new value for " + attribute + ":"))
                self.sudoku_settings.set_config_attributes(setting, setting_name, attribute,
        self.status = "m"
        print "Settings changed successfully.\nReturning to main menu..."

    def exit(self):
        Update status value in order to exit the game.
        self.status = self.exit_game_option

    def go_to_main_menu(self):
        Update status value in order to go to main menu
        self.status = self.go_main_menu_option